Category Archives: confident individuals

Sports Champions and House Shield

This is our second post from our P4-7 Sports, this afternoon when the Championships were announced as well as the House team who won the most points to be awarded the shield.

Well done Fallon McGimpsey for becoming the Girls’ Champion and Cameron Hitchell For being the Boys’ Champion. Runners up were Chelsea O’Neill,  Alfie Hughes and Rory McCormick

The winner of the 300m Girls’ Cup was Chelsea O’Neill and the runner up was Fallon McGimpsey. The winner of the 300m Boys’ Cup was Rory McCormick  and the runner up was Cameron Hitchell.

The Sports House Shield was won by Dalmun.

Well done all!

Thank you all for coming along and cheering. Well done sports captains and vice captains on encouraging your teams. Thanks also to John and Ross from Active Schools and our High School sports leaders.



Citizenship and Celebrating Wider Achievement

It’s wonderful to see so many of you sharing your wider achievements in school with us. Please remember, to send in your child’s PASS booklet for assessment and to be considered for an award and/ or prize.  They are a great way to have wider achievement recognised. Children with grey or yellow booklets will have partially completed booklets and will be considered for interim prizes. (Yellow and Grey booklets take 3 years to complete.) Please send the booklets into school no later than Monday 24th June. They will be returned to your young person afterwards to continue filling them in until complete. For anyone who has lost their booklet and is keen to fill it in, do let us know as we have a few spares. Current P2s and P3s were given grey booklets during their P2 year. Current P5s and P6s were given yellow booklets during their P5 year.  Children in nursery were given brown ones and may now have completed them. Some children will still not have  booklets as the newly launched booklets have been phased in following reintroduction after Covid. By next year, all children will have  a booklet in process. Thank you

Assembly and HT Awards

Well, technology was on our side today and we managed to have a run through of our songs for the end of term assembly. The children have been learning these in class with their teachers and were all in good voice.

HT awards were given out today for a wide variety of reasons. There has been some successful recount writing in P1 this week,listening carefully and producing quality work, achieving success criteria in writing and taking on feedback, being kind and helping out different groups in class, being a super friend and working incredibly hard throughout this year were some of the reasons for awards today

Well done to all our award winners today.

We also shared the success of both our football teams at assembly today. The teams were presented with their certificates for participating in the tournament. As a school we also nominated and voted for a player of the tournament in each team.  The winners of these awards were Cameron and Chelsea.

New Primary 1 Transition

This week, we had our second carousel activity where the new Primary 1s for August, joined in with the current P1s to take part in three different activities, meeting staff and getting used to the classrooms and open areas. The P6 buddies did a great job helping with the board game activity and were super at encouraging the young people to talk about themselves.  After the carousel we had our first ‘try out lunch’ experience. Well done all!


UNCRC – Article 28 Access to Education

UNCRC – Article 29 Aims of Education


Speak Out, Stay Safe Assemblies and Head Teacher’s Awards

Today we held two assemblies. The focus for each assembly was the NSPCC and Childline message Speak out, Stay Safe.


UNCRC – Article 19 – Protection from violence,abuse and neglect

UNCRC – Article 27 – Adequate standard of living.

Awards were also given out this week at both assemblies. There were awards for demonstrating commitment to learning, showing kindness and always including others, showing commitment to art, being recognised by classmates for achievements  and hard work.

Well done to all our award winners this week.

UNCRC – Article 28 Access to Education

Future Museum Collaborative Writing

Today, the whole school from P1 to P7 took part in a collaborative writing activity.  For the last hour of the day, the pupils moved around to be in mixed age groups. Each group was then assigned a piece of plastic, found on a  recent beach clean at Rockcliffe. The groups worked as teams to describe what the object looked like before moving on to the more imaginative part of the task – the children were asked to pretend they were  archaeologists living in the future, 200 years from now; they were to pretend they lived in times when plastic no longer is in use and also that they did not know what the object actually was.  This was a challenging task but there were some great ideas. For example, one group, who were given a purple bottle lid, decided that it could be a tiny bowl for a very small pet which had chewed its rim!  Another group described a polythene bag, with a ringed opening, as a moveable toilet for a pet on dog walks! A large traffic cone was imagined as a hat for special occasions, worn by a Giant called Big Foot. And, the pink felt lining from a training shoe was imagined as the tongue from a teddy bear….There were lots more ideas like this and folks will be able to see them all in our Future Museum event, to be held towards the end of term.  Watch this space for more information about this soon.

Not only was today’s activity a great opportunity for the children to work with new people of different ages, collaboratively, but it also gave our learners a new context in which to apply their prior learning and skills.  One teacher commented how impressed she was with how the pupils demonstrated such confidence with using the descriptive bubbles, as  taught through the Stephen Graham approach to writing. Well done all! And, of course, this activity built awareness about how much plastic ends up in our oceans and how long it can stay there, posing a real danger to wildlife.  An important environmental message was delivered to the whole school today, thanks to this partnership venture by Rotakids and the School Eco Group.