Category Archives: Class Learning

Songwriting with Feis Ross Musicians

Dalbeattie Primary School has been thrilled to welcome Feis Ross Musicians Nicola and Andrew Black into school to work with our young people in Primary 4, Primary 4/5 and Primary 5. This year, the children have been experiencing the art of songwriting. Primary 4/5 wrote a song about dinosaurs, Primary 5 used the Dalbeattie Town Wood’s Totem Pole as their inspiration and Primary 4 composed a song about Tatty Bogel. However, another highlight is a song which all three classes have worked on, while thinking about their current school and looking forward to the new one. It’s called ‘We Live In Dalbeattie.’ Today, the classes, accompanied by Nicola and Andrew Black, gave a wonderful performance of all these songs to a packed school hall. The ‘We Live in Dalbeattie’ song was, particularly memorable. Well done to all and thank you! The words for the school song are given below:


We live in Dalbeattie, where the river flows,

We live in Dalbeattie, where the wind blows,

Moving to a new school, it’ll be so cool,

So many memories, in this primary,

Grannies and Papas and great nana’s cousins,

For a hundred and forty years, they all came here.


Friends forever, always together,

Even when it rains, we’ll still play together,

Even if we fall out, we’ll be friends whenever,

We meet each other again


We live in Dalbeattie, in the granite city,

We lo-ove Dalbeattie, very bold and pretty,

Nearer to nature, we can learn outside

To get to the playground, we’ll  go on the slide



We bide in Da’beattie, whaur  the burnie rows,

We bide in Da’beattie,  whaur the birkie grows,

Hard rock challenge and a granite quarry,

Gaun tae the forest wi ma family


CHORUS (repeat last line to finish)

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Primary 3 Woodland Visits

This term Primary 3 have been learning about Woodlands. They have made the most of the lovely Autumn weather and visited our Forest Classroom on three different occasions. During their trips to the Forest Classroom the children have been involved in a number of outdoor learning experiences. Thank you to parents who volunteered to join the class on some of these trips.

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Terrific Transformations in Primary 5

Our topics this term are ‘Meet our Team’ and the ‘Wonderful World of Roald Dahl’. We celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Roald Dahl’s birthday. Mrs Dyson was amazed at our Roald Dahl character transformations (remember to click on each photo to see the full size version). We are looking forward to sawing wood to make the photo frames for our Enterprise Project next.

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P6 and P2 Reading Together

On Wednesday morning P6 went to work with P2 in the infant building as we thought it would be a great idea for P6 to read some of P2’s favourite stories to them.  Both classes were very enthusiastic to meet up again and had a great time sharing books.  P6 were very impressed with P2’s reading and it was great to see everyone enjoying their stories.  P2 are looking forward to seeing their P6 friends in the upper playground next year!

Here are some thoughts from the children:-


“I thought my P2 was really good at listening”


” I thought my P2 had really good expression”

” I thought my P2 was great at changing tone when asking questions”


“My partner helped me to read my favourite dinosaur and monster  books”

“My P6 was really nice to me”

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P7 Leavers’ Evening

Here are just a few pictures from a terrific play ‘Goodbye Good Friend,’ which was one part of a super evening.  Well done P7,  Miss Clendinning and Mrs Burn. Also thanks to Dalbeattie High School’s Mrs Houston and Miss Telfer for help with a super buffet. More photos and full story to follow soon.

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Preparing the Buffet at Dalbeattie High School

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P6F Sharing their Learning with P2

On Friday P6 invited P2 to their classroom in order to entertain them!  They shared their learning regarding the Caribbean and compared this to Scottish Culture.  Two groups ‘performed’ T.V. shows they had produced while all P6 sang ‘The Banana Boat Song’ and then had a dance with P2.  P6 were super hosts to a very good audience and Mrs McLean even got a mocktail!!

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