Category Archives: Class Learning

P7 Christmas Party

Last night Primary 7 had a blast at their last ever primary school Christmas party. We showed off our Scottish dancing skills and really wowed Mrs Duncan with how good we were. We played some party  games then strutted our stuff in the dancing competition. We even had a short break and ate some delicious party food. Mrs Burn and Miss Clendinning were thrilled with how well behaved and well mannered everyone was.

A big thank you to Mrs Duncan and Mrs Stitt for buying and preparing all of the yummy food.

We had a great evening!!

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Christmas and Winter Art Displays

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Primary 7 have created these snowmen using shading techniques and chalks.

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Primary 2/3 have a fantastic Christmas tree made out of cut out hands to welcome you into their classroom.  Linking literacy with art, the class also created their own picture of Owl Babies.

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Choir singers and creative snowmen from Primary 5

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Primary 4/5 created these fun Rudolph picture with Miss Agnew this week.


P1 Christmas Craft Sale

On Monday afternoon P1 invited family and friends to come along to their Christmas Craft Sale.  The previous week they had been very busy making various items using lots of glitter, tissue, snowflakes and pompoms!  It was very busy and everything was sold out!  We would like to thank all the parents, relatives and friends for coming along and supporting us!  We are pleased to announce we have raised £174.12 which will be going towards a class trip.

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Primary 7 and Primary 6/7 Outdoor Learning

Today, Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 took their learning about WW2 outside into the playground. They were learning about the number of casualties different countries suffered and were challenged to work in groups to create a human graph.

Team work was vital in this task as the children were asked to choose different ways to use their bodies to represent the different numbers e.g. someone standing upright may represent 100,000 casualties whilst someone sitting represents 100 casualties.

Every group worked together efficiently and came up with some excellent and creative ideas for their human graph.

Here are a few photos showing some of the team work taking place and the final graph.

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