All posts by Mrs J McLean

Water Filter Engineering Challenge

P6 have been learning about Environmental Engineering this term – how we collect, manage and filter water using gullies and drains. We had a Teams Meet with Elaine from BEAR Scotland who set us the challenge to design and build a water filter to remove pollutants from water.  The children used Engineering design process to design and plan what they were going to do, build and test their prototype and then think about how they could improve their water filter designs.  The children chose a variety of materials to create their water filter systems including stones, sand, cloth, filter paper, cotton balls and sieves. Great team work P6 – well done!

Primary 5/6 Europe Topic – Italy

Primary 5/6 have had a fun afternoon learning about Italy. They were split into groups and rotated around different stations.

Station 1: Tasting Italian food and comparing it to Scottish food – Bread Sticks, Ferrero Rocher, Italian Coconut Cookies and Chocolate Chip Biscotti.

Station 2: Looking at real Italian greetings cards and making their own using Italian language.

Station 3: Using maps to locate Italian cities and finding out how people travel around Italy.

Station 4: Researching Pompeii and finding out about the volcano by looking at photos and reading books.

Some comments the children made at the end of the lesson:

Lily – “I learnt that the people of Pompeii didn’t know what a volcano was”.

Nicole – “I learnt that Italians eat very strange food but they probably think our food is strange too”.

Archie – “My favourite fact was that people in Italy use different stamps at Christmas time than the rest of the year”.

Jake – “I enjoyed learning about and tasting new Italian foods”.

P5/6 Sword photos

Primary 5/6 are currently learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence. Nathan brought in a sword which is a replica of the type William Wallace would have used. The children were very excited to hold the sword and enjoyed measuring it against themselves to see if they were shorter or taller than it!

Thanks to Nathan and his dad for bringing the sword in!