All posts by Mrs J McLean

Primary 4/5 Posters

Primary 4/5 worked hard to make posters all about themselves as their first homework task.  They included information about their families, hobbies and achievements. There were lots of cute baby pictures too! Each child shared their poster with the rest of the class and we enjoyed learning a bit more about everyone. Thank you to parents for helping with this task.

Miss Agnew

Primary 4/5 Titanic

Primary 4/5 started their new Titanic topic this week and have created a gigantic Titanic on their class wall! They worked together in small groups on different aspects of the ship and then brought it all together – a masterpiece!

The class then evaluated their display and their team work skills.  They were able to give reasons as to why they had been effective contributors.

The class will add more to their display as their topic progresses.

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