All posts by Mrs Howie

Rag Bag Week

This week on Thursday is our Rag Bag Collection day. Please do send unwanted clothes in if you have any on Tuesday or Wednesday but definitely by 9am on Thursday.  Clothes can be in any type of bag. Your support in this is much appreciated as the weight collected determines a payment for school which goes into our ongoing eco work. This is just a small idea of how you have helped us in the past!


Big Help Out Event Map and Locations 21, 22, 23 and 24

This is an event for EVERYONE to take part in and support their local community at the same time by doing one good deed while participating in the map/quiz trail of decorated places. Scroll further below for more information.  Prizes are supported by The Coronation Committee and Spar. Thank you all for your support!

This is the place you will be directed to you by the QR code on our Big Help Out event entry forms on Monday 8th May. photos of locations 21, 22, 23 and  24* will appear here.

Please note that the entry forms area available in various place in the town- see below. However, below is an updated version of the map which shows an additional decorated place (number 24*)A photo of it will also appear here by 8th May. However, you can pass by the decorated place, in person if you so wish.  Please note: there will be no anagram letter to collect at place 24 as it is an addition since forms were printed.

reverse side Big Help Day map 4.5.23 update pdf version

reverse side Big Help Day map 4.5.23 update

This  photo below is for location Number 22:

The photos below are for location Number 23:

The photo below is for location Number 24:

What the event is about: Our pupil council is organising a ‘Decorate your House or Garden for the Coronation’ competition as part of the Big Help Out day on May 8th. While it is some of our pupils who will be decorating their houses or gardens, it is something for all families and the community to become involved in. The prize fund has been supported by local business and the town’s Coronation committee. The event is meant to be fun but also involve doing a good deed for the local community such as picking up litter, donating to the local food bank or donating to the Kippford RNLI (people could visit the shop in person while the crew is out on an exercise from approx 12pm onwards) or Dalbeattie First Responders. This is all explained on the map/forms which can be collected from: Dalbeattie Spar, Coop, Londis and at McCowans shops and at Dalbeattie Community Initiative from Wednesday 3rd May onwards. The forms are £1 each and the proceeds will be split between the Kippford RNLI or Dalbeattie First Responders. Both organisations rely on volunteers to help save lives in our local community. For those who want to donate a little more  than their £1 entry, to count as their good deed for their day,  money can also be sent into school with completed forms or extra money can be popped into the same  collection tins at the shops which have the entry forms. (Spar, Coop, Londis, McCowans, Dalbeattie Community Initiative)

On Monday 8th May, three out of town photos will be uploaded here on the school blog page. They are the for the locations 21,22,and 23 which are indicated on the map as being out of town.  While they cannot be visited for collecting a letter for the  anagram/ quiz part on the form, their decorations can be voted for.  Please check back here after 9am on Monday 8th May to see the three decorated places. T hank you for your support with this!

One Planet Picnic

Dalbeattie Primary has just held its One Planet Picnic, an initiative encouraged by Eco Schools Scotland to build awareness of locally sourced food items in order to help with working towards sustainability and reduction of our carbon footprint. For our ‘One Planet Picnic’ we not only created our own home baking using home grown produce but we encouraged the children to bring in their own morning snacks, which were locally sourced, to tell their classmates about at morning breaktime at ‘Snack  and Chat’ time. We are very grateful for everyone at home for supporting this event so well. We were amazed by the amount of snacks children brought which had been locally sourced in some way. There was everything from home grown apples and carrot sticks to items baked locally together with local cheese and pate. There were some wonderful ideas of things to bring in. Meanwhile, on the same day, the Eco Schools Group had been busy, along with Mrs Houston from the High School’s Hospitality Department, baking individuals carrot muffins using home grown vegetables. The cakes were delivered to the classrooms later on the same day for our pupils to enjoy,  following on perfectly from Mrs Duncan’s Harvest Assembly earlier in the day. Primary 6 also had a go at baking bread using some of their own home grown wheat.


Eco Schools News Round Up Term 1

Our Eco Schools work has been  a little different this term as we are keeping to working within our bubbles. As last year’s committees did not complete a year of work, we have continued with the previous committee members time being.  Recently the ‘upper school bubble’ has been working on a few projects. Over the term, we have harvested vegetables and set them out for parents and carers to make use of in return for donations. This was instead of making soup for the whole school, which would have been difficult due to current restrictions.  We raised £70 through this. The eco councillors have also been lifting last year’s Edina bulbs and re-planting them, re-filling the bird feeders and having a look through the outdoor curricular linked learning resources, paid for by a kind donation from Dalbeattie Rotary Club,  which have arrived so far.


School Grown Vegetables

Dear Parents and Carers
Please support our School Vegetable Growing!
This Thursday morning (and after school if any left) please come prepared with your bag together with some money to donate for some of our school grown vegetables. We have potatoes, carrots, onions and beetroot. Normally we use most of our vegetables into soup as part of our harvest celebrations. However due to restrictions around staying within our bubbles, it isn’t practical to make and serve soup to the whole primary school s we would normally do this also with High School help. On Thursday morning, the vegetables will be laid out on a table and trolley in the circular tar area and  (inside the pedestrian access from Haugh Road.) People can help themselves to however much they want and are asked to put their donations in the honesty box (tub.) First come, first served. The potatoes taste nice but are perhaps a little late for treating as ‘new’ but would be better mashed.

School Re-Opening Information

We are looking forward to welcoming back all our young people into school this week, on Wednesday.  (Primary 1 children will have been in for a short visit on Tuesday afternoon before they also start school on Wednesday- see separate email to parents/carers with invitation.)

Attached is the information for the safe re-opening of our school. In order to adhere to guidelines, we have made changes to many of our arrangements and this is all detailed in the attached letter. We realise school will not ‘feel normal’ for some time as we go through the ‘recovery phase’ but if we all work together as a team and support each other,  we hope we can return to everything being back to usual in terms of school arrangements and activities, in the near future.

Reopening Information for Parents 10.8.20 pdf