Category Archives: environment

The BarrowBand

Ardrishaig PS BarrowbandDid you know broccoli comes from Italy? Or that carrots came from Afghanistan? Primary 1-4 pupils in the Mid Argyll area learned these and many other interesting facts about fruit and vegetables thanks to The BarrowBand. The BarrowBand’s goal is to ‘inspire a new generation of people (especially children) to love, understand and demand fruit and vegetables as part of their diet and lives.

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Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light

DPS Glow in the Dark Science 2Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light The reallysmallscience group, from Strathclyde University, helped pupils at Dunoon Primary to celebrate the International Year of Light 2015.
Classes took part in ‘nanoglow’ fluorescent workshops to learn why light is so important and discover natural and everyday items that glow. Pupils then used invisible ink pens to write secret messages and produce their very own glowing artwork.
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Beach Science – Innellan and Toward Primary Schools take the learning outdoors

Innellan and Toward Beach 1Through active learning, developing their problem solving skills and using relevant contexts the pupils at Innellan and Toward Primaries have been involved in a range of open-ended experiences and investigations which have generated new knowledge and greater understanding of the world in which they live.

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St. Mun’s Explore The Rainforest…. In Cornwall

St Muns Eden 3After scooping the coveted Eden Award, at the Rolls Royce Science Awards, held at the Science Centre in London, last November, with their Biodiversity project entitled ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, the children of Primary 7, along with their teacher, set about planning the 1,100 mile round trip visit to The Eden Project, St. Austell in Cornwall.

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Primary 7s at St. Mun’s Show Off Their Inventions

St Muns STEM  1The pupils of St. Mun’s Primary have just completed their designs ahead of the deadline for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM 2014/15. The Awards challenged Primary and Secondary school pupils across Scotland to research and interview inspiring engineers, providing them with a fantastic opportunity to engage with real engineers who could convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives.

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A busy week at Southend Primary

Southend PS Busy Week 1Book Week
We held our very own Book Week. This involved writing book reviews, class talks about our favourite books and dressing up as our favourite book characters. We also had parents come in to read to us. John McCallum from the Campbeltown Courier came to our school to talk about his job. We asked lots of questions and found out lots of information about being a journalist.
By Caitlin, P6
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Outdoor Learning at Minard

Minard Outdoor 3The children at Minard Primary School have been using their grounds to enhance their learning. Recently they have been hard at work designing a trim trail round the playground using natural resources. The children do laps at least three times a week and then convert the metres into kms then into miles. Next, they mark their progress by plotting the joint distance travelled on a map of Scotland. They hope to reach John O’Groats by the summer holidays! (They’ve reached Cairndow so far.)

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Arctic Activities for Strone Primary School

strone PS  Polar DayThis term pupils at Strone Primary are studying Polar Regions as their Interdisciplinary Topic. As part of the experience they celebrated International Polar Bear Day! To help raise awareness of the effects of Global Warming and make a small difference to saving energy, the heating was turned down and children came to school dressed for a Polar Day, in fleeces and polar onesies.

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BEAVER 2 007 comOly Hemmings from the Knapdale Beaver Trial and The Scottish Wildlife Trust visited Primary 5 in January and February to help the children learn about beavers and other Scottish wildlife and their habitats. Favourite activities were looking at animal skulls and pelts, trying to make the best dam and creating an arch of dependant plants and creatures with beavers as the keystone species. Using giant building blocks, the children showed their understanding of the food chain. A vigorous game of musical chairs demonstrated what happens when the habitat of animals is changed. Continue reading BEAVERS AT DALINTOBER

St. Joseph’s Consult on the Local Hermitage Park Development

St Josephs PS Herm Park 1Representatives of the St Joseph’s Pupil Council and Eco Committee from P4, 5 & 6 went on a fact finding trip to the Victoria Halls last week.

Ambitious plans for the redevelopment of Hermitage Park were unveiled and the St Joseph’s pupils wanted to make sure that the interests of children just like them were heard.

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News from Strone Primary School

Strone PS Skills testStrone Primary enjoy the Marine Education Day
The P5-7 class attended the informative and creative Marine Education Day organised by the GRAB Trust in Dunoon. They enjoyed a variety of activities, having the opportunity to listen to sealife stories, find out about sharks and seabirds and even make their own jellyfish and marine mobiles.

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A Safari round Africa -in Taynuilt!

Taynuilt Africa night 109A cold night in January became quite a bit warmer when Taynuilt Primary School invited family and friends to go on Safari around Africa!

This was the culmination of two weeks’ work learning about the countries, culture and problems of the African continent. Each class chose an aspect of Africa that they would like to learn about and, every morning they worked in groups and with their class teacher to research answers to their questions.
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‘A Night at the Oscars’…continued!

JLB PS Oscar WW1 ScriptDear Diary,
Day One
I’m looking forward to our Oscars award ceremony. I’m excited about making a film and I can’t wait to write a script and make props and backdrops because I love the thought of making a film as it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I’m not really worried about anything. I think the thing that will challenge me most is writing WW1 style as I struggle to write about things that have already happened.
Continue reading ‘A Night at the Oscars’…continued!

Dalmally gets creative in the snow

Staff and pupils at Dalmally Primary School changed the recent bad weather into a learning opportunity. We challenged the children to create a “snow sculpture” (no snowmen allowed) using their ideas and imagination. They had to work well as a team, consulting and listening to each other whilst using snow and natural materials. In the end we had a snow angel, a castle, a volcano and an alien. The teachers took part too, although following a stewards inquiry were later disqualified, as you will note from the photo they did not entirely stick to the design brief!
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Beach Schools

Clachan and Skipness Primary School have recently taken part in a six week block of Beach Schools with the Grab Trust. They carried out a beach clean and had a treasure hunt. The children made mobiles using different types of shells which they learned to identify. They also listened to a brilliant story-teller and made pictures on the beach. They really enjoyed building shelters, making fires, having hot chocolate made in a kelly kettle and toasting marshmallows!

Hermitage Primary and Parklands School Taste of St Andrew’s Event

Primary Five pupils at Hermitage Primary School and Parklands’ pupils have been having a great time. They were fortunate enough to secure funding from the Scottish Government’s ‘Food For Thought’ programme.
This enabled them to plan, prepare and deliver a ‘Taste of St Andrew’ dinner for their parents on the evening of Thursday 27th November in the Victoria Hall, Helensburgh
The planning started even before school broke up in summer as they had to plant potatoes which would be ready to harvest later in the year.
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Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

S1/2 spent the day considering the topic of”Rich World, Poor World” in their latest RME conference. Over the morning they looked at some of the issues facing those in the world today. They started by dividing the world’s wealth between them (some had a lot more than others) and considered some of the factors which determine whether or not you have enough to eat. The group explored human rights and made a quilt to illustrate them . Paper chains were created to show what barriers there are for some and how these could be broken.
Continue reading Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
Continue reading ‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

Kirn Primary Presents Cheque to EnviroKirn

Pupils at Kirn Primary presented Mrs. Marion Morrison of EnviroKirn with a cheque for £60. This money was raised by pupils at Kirn on their recent “Green Day”.

Kirn’s Eco Committee is made up of pupils from P2 to P7, who meet regularly to think of ways to raise awareness of environmental and community projects which are ongoing in and around Kirn.

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North Bute Primary Beach Clean

All of the pupils of North Bute Primary School were out at their local beach to clean it up and make their local community a litter free place to be. Beachwatch Bute got us organised and with some parent help, the pupils made a huge difference to the sea shore. We spotted local biodiversity whilst we cleaned, and yes, we did whistle while we worked!