‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
The committee then took Paula Love on a tour of our school and grounds. The tour indoors allowed the committee to show the Eco notice board, pupils’ work on display and our pictorial Action Plan display. This allowed the committee the chance to discuss the plans for the future. The outside tour included the painted wall murals, bug hotel and school allotment. Paula Love also had the chance to meet with a Community representative, Mrs Clarke, who shares her expertise with the pupils and staff of the school. She also met with some pupils from each of the classes to talk about the Eco work undertaken with class teachers. Our Health & Wellbeing Committee impressed Paula Love with their actions to improve our school playtimes, including the training of Peer Mediators and volunteer Playtime Monitors to buddy any boys or girls who are looking for someone to play with.

Everyone is thrilled to have this recognition after all the work we put in and continue to put in. Well done team!

Soup Day

Pupils of St Andrew’s Primary decided to use up the last of the crops from their school allotment by having every class make a pot of soup. Every pupil got involved in a step of the process- picking the vegetables, washing them, peeling, chopping, stirring, blending. Primary 1/2 made carrot and corriander, Primary 2/3 made carrot and cauliflower, Primary 4/5 and 6/7 made lentil, while P 5/6 made vegetable broth. The soups went down a treat! Even some pupils who were not keen on soup gave it a taste. The pupils enjoyed learning new skills and getting to consume the end product.

Children in Need

St Andrew’s Pupil Council organised a fund-raising day for everyone to enjoy while raising money for Children in Need. For a donation of 50p, you could dress as your hero. We had a range of heroes from superheroes like Spiderman and Superman, to community heroes such as fire-fighters and police officers. We had a girl dressed as her Dad and a Primary 1 pupil who dressed as her teacher!

The usual tuck shop was exchanged for a home-baking stall run by some of our dedicated parents. The parents organised face-painting too! The Pupil Council selected and ordered Pudsey and Blush merchandise to sell- wristbands, headbands with Pudsey ears and keyrings. Our enterprising pupils organised and ran their own stalls including loom bands, nail-painting and bric-a-brac. Everyone seemed to get in the spirit and managed to raise ÂŁ236.47 for Children in Need.

St Andrew’s Day Celebration

Being St Andrew’s School, we just had to mark the Saint’s Day! St Andrew is not only the patron Saint of our school but also of Scotland (and some other places too). A week learning about the country we live in included learning to play golf, how to make pancakes, and learning about the Auld Scots language through poetry and song. A visit to the local Bute Fabrics factory allowed us to find out how tartan is made.

We even designed and made some of our own! We rounded up the week with a presentation of learning about Scotland and Saint Andrew.

Every class got involved. Primary 6/7 kicked off the presentation by telling us what they had learned about Saint Andrew. Performances of songs and poems were accompanied by guitar playing, drumming and highland dancing by our talented pupils. Parents, family and friends came along to share the experience and left delighted with the talents on display.

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