Outdoor Learning at Minard

Minard Outdoor 3The children at Minard Primary School have been using their grounds to enhance their learning. Recently they have been hard at work designing a trim trail round the playground using natural resources. The children do laps at least three times a week and then convert the metres into kms then into miles. Next, they mark their progress by plotting the joint distance travelled on a map of Scotland. They hope to reach John O’Groats by the summer holidays! (They’ve reached Cairndow so far.)

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One thought on “Outdoor Learning at Minard

  1. Good luck with your mission of getting to John o’Groats. Just think how fit you will be. The trim trail looks great. The pupils in Barcaldine have a route around the woodland to help them develop their skills of balance, control, stamina and speed, all in preparation for orienteering. Its great fun.

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