Category Archives: School News

Primary 5’s Week.

Another busy week for Primary 5  learning at home. We continue to be very impressed with the commitment and motivation shown by lots of the children, a very well done to you all !

What have P5 been up to ?

In Literacy more words were issued and trhe children learnt how to spell these in a variety of ways.  Similes and metaphors were revisited and the children used these this week in their recounts.

In Numeracy, the children worked on finding amounts of fractions, used their problem solving skills and chance and probability to work out solutions .  They also continued honing their number talks skills.

The children learnt about another significant figure from the past,  Florence Nighingale. We thought that this was apt considering the great work currently being done by the NHS.

In Health and Wellbeing the children were issued daily challenges from Mr Muldoon, our P.E teahcer.  We also encouraged the children to get lots of fresh air and take breaks away from the screen. We are so lucky to live nearby green spaces!

We have to say though, (judging by the children’s reactions) that Thursday was the best day of the week as the boys and girls spent their time doing Titanic themed activities including : making models of Titanic, producing a menu fit for a first class passenger, drawing Titanic step by step, calculating how mant life boats Titanic should have had, taking a virtual tour of Titanic Belfast, making ice lollies and flaoured ice cubes and sourcing and calcuating a cruise for 2. We planned the day like this as we should have all been going to Belfast to visit the Titanic Museum, but the Corona virus put paid to this.  However, the P5s didn’t  allow this virus to dampen their  spirits and a fun day was had by all with lots of fantastic work produced.

A very well done P5 !

Mrs Mac and Mrs Kilpatrick.

Learning in Primary 6

A shorter week but a super busy week in Primary 6. We won’t be getting lost after lockdown after learning about directions and grid references on maps.  We are also learning about the process of pollination in our new science topic.  We also created a pic collage of the five things we do each day to keep us happy:

Be more active

Help others

Take notice

Develop relationships

Learn something new

However our most important task this week was to begin to prepare our buddy information for the new Primary 1 pupils. This year we have to be very creative using our digital skills to share information about us and our school so that the wee ones have a smooth transition into starting school.

Primary 1 Weekly Update

Primary 1, we have been so impressed with you all this week. You have been working really hard and we have loved receiving all your lovely pictures.

This week Primary 1 have been working on the following:

  • We practised spelling the common words by completing different spelling activities.
  • We have been revising addition and learning about doubles and near doubles by playing games, listening to songs and completing tasks.
  • We practised our reading and comprehension skills by reading stories on Oxford Owl.
  • We wrote about what we are looking forward to doing when lockdown ends.
  • We researched dinosaur habitats and created our own.
  • We built a flotation device for one of our toys.
  • We have been revising growth mindset. We discussed facing challenges, how certain situations make us feel and what we can do to overcome these challenges.
  • We also practised our handwriting.

Take a look at our lovely pictures!

P1 Home Learning Grid (W.C 18.05.20)

Hello Everyone,

I have attached the learning grid for this week (W.C. 18.5.20). Please send pictures of your child’s work and emails letting us know what they are enjoying to the school inbox. Thank you to those of you who have sent pictures so far, it’s great for us to hear how they are getting on and lets us plan for future learning.

Each week we have been putting challenges on Sumdog, the challenges run from Monday-Friday before expiring. This is so we don’t have too many up at the same time because it can be quite confusing for children.

Any questions just email, we are happy to help!
Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner smiley


Home Learning Week 7

Primary 6 – Week 6 Home Learning

Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning.

Numeracy – Angles.  The pupils have been learning about Angles and how to recognise a Right, Obtuse and an Acute angle.  They have also looked at estimating angles and calculating angles on a straight line.  To add some real life context, they had a task to look at jobs that use angles, such as, architects, engineers, doctors and athletes and write about a day in the working life of that person using angles in their work.  Well done P6!

Literacy – Recount Writing.  The children really do enjoy writing and this week they learned about Recount writing – retelling or recounting an event or experience in a factual or imaginative way.  We watched a video of author Michael Rosen talking about this style of writing then the children were asked to do their own using a famous Battle from their Scottish Wars of Independence topic and writing about the final day of that war in the eyes of a soldier.  Some excellent writing with lots of historical fact and chronological order.  Well done, Primary 6!!

Scottish Wars of Independence Topic – Primary 6 researched uniform and weapons of a soldier in the 1300s and compared this to a solider of today.  They also learned about the Battle of Bannockburn and the Declaration of Arbroath.

Music – Flower of Scotland.  The children were learning about the meaning of our national song and how this is linked to both the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and our national flower, the thistle.  The pupils were asked to read about this with support through website links.  They were also asked to learn the song and some talented P6s provided videos of this at the end of their learning.  Well done!

Health & Wellbeing – Challenge Your Mindset.  The children were learning about fixed and growth mindsets and we used the storybook, The Dot, to think about the character’s journey from a fixed to a growth mindset.  The pupils also had the task of looking at photos of themselves as babies and thinking about how much they have achieved since then.  Some created some lovely narratives about this journey.

Well done Primary 6! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.


Primary 1 Weekly Update – W.C 11.5.20

Primary 1 have had another busy week working hard from home. Here is what we have been up to:

In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of subtraction and learning how a number line can help us with this. We completed 2 Sumdog challenges and made posters to show our learning.

In writing we have been learning to write a recount of a story we have heard. We know that it is important to listen carefully and check our writing to make sure the events are in the right order.

In reading we have been learning to read non-fiction passages for information. We used the information to answer questions about what we had read. Lot’s of us also managed to complete our phonics challenge on Sumdog where we were learning about the sound ‘ing’.

This week we also started a brand new exciting topic all about dinosaurs! We learned when they lived, what they ate and the names (which are tricky for us to spell) of lots of different kinds of dinosaur!

Well done Primary one, another super week!

Miss McKeown & Mrs Gardiner

Primary 5’s Week

Hello Everyone!

P5 have had another good week working hard at home and posting work for  us to see. Mrs Kilpatrick and I continue to be very proud at how well you are all doing , thank you for working hard!

In literacy the children have worked hard on their new set of spelling words, writing them in all different ways including, bubble writing, rainbow writing and  used them to make a pairs game and also a wordsearch.  They have continued to practise their listening skills using David Walliam’s daily stories and learnt how the meanings of words can be changed by adding a prefix.

Lots of super stories were written this week using  the story starters that we provided.  What great imaginations P5 have ! It was nice to see that lots of the children used exciting vocabulary and some similes, very well done !

In numeracy P5 consolidated their skills on a few different concepts, including: time, money, rounding and fractions. More ‘Number Talks’ were tackled and lots of calculations solved using a number of different strategies including: chunking, friendly numbers, compensation and partitioning.

In R.E the children were encouraged to pray especially hard to Mary.  They were also asked to choose their favourite Saint and make a Powerpoint or Sway presentation. Saints Andrew and Patrick are very popular!

P5 learnt about more famous people including: Joseph Lister.  Following on from learning all about him they conducted our own science experiment using water, soap and pepper.  This experiment was useful as it reminded the children of the importance of handwashing to keep those germs away. The children also conducted a food science experiment by making soda bread.  Having looked at the pictures we can see that there are a few chefs in the making as they looked delicious!

P5 have also used skills learnt in STEM to make their own musical instrument.  Lots of cool and noisy instruments were made and some boys and girls even attached a sound file to their work so that we could listen to them, fantastic!

All in all it has been a productive week!

Here is what some of  the lovely P5’s  have said about their learning this week:

‘I have enjoyed the Brainteasers’.

‘I have enjoyed my chanter lesson and listening to David Waliams’.

‘I have enjoyed doing activities like making an instrument and doing art, it’s my favourite thing to do’.

‘I like doing the maths because it was sometimes hard and sometimes easy and it gave me a challenge’.

Here are some examples of their work.

P1 Weekly Update

P1 have had a short but busy week. We have really enjoyed seeing the pictures of your work  and we are so proud of you all. Here is what P1 have been up to…

  • In numeracy this week, we have been revising weight and volume this week. We used items around our house to help with this and completed a weight and volume challenge on Sumdog.
  • In literacy this week, we have been revising the common words and some sounds that we already know. We have revised these through games and written work.
  • We listened to the story “The Huge Bag of Worries” and then drew pictures/wrote about our own worries and discussed these with an adult.
  • As May is the month of Mary, we discussed who Mary is and why she is important. We then drew a picture of Mary and wrote a short description.
  • We took time to reflect on why we are proud of ourselves and recorded at least 2 of these reasons.

Here is a collage of pictures that we have received this week. Well done to these superstars!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

P3’s Short but Busy Week

After a few days off to enjoy the nice weather  we went back to home learning on Wednesday.  We know it is not easy but we are so proud of you all and love seeing photographs of all your fantastic work. Thank you for sending pictures to us.

Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

  • Learning to tell the time on a digital and analogue clock.  We even made our own clocks at home.
  • We have been writing questions that we would like to ask the author of our favourite books.
  • As May is the month of Mary we made prayers to Mary.
  • We have started to learn about the Egyptians and found Egypt on a map.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good sentence and trying to up-level our sentences and make them even better.
  • We looked at Kandinsky’s circles in Art and tried to create our own circle art work.
  • We listened to the story of ‘Owl Babies’ then made our own wanted posters or wrote a letter to the owlets to tell them about our own fears and worries.

Here are some examples of the fabulous work taking place at home.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

Primary 1 Weekly Update!

Primary 1 have had another busy week working their way through home learning packs! Here is what we have been up to..

  • We have been writing personal stories about our favourite foods using our senses to help us. We all have our own writing targets in our jotters and have been working really hard to achieve these, even though writing is really tricky for lots of us!
  • In maths we have been learning about position, movement and direction. We have watched videos, played games and have been selecting and working through some of the activities in our position and movement grid.
  • We have been exercising to keep us healthy!
  • We have learned about the importance of prayer and were introduced to the Hail Mary as we are entering the month of our lady.

We know that learning from home is not easy and is a big adjustment for everyone but we are really proud of all our children. If they’d like us to see some of their work you can still send us this via the school email. Most importantly keep safe, enjoy some family time and have a lovely relaxing long weekend.

Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner



P1 Home Learning

Here is what we have been up to this week…

We wrote stories all about our favourite hobbies. We all have personal writing targets at the front of our jotters to help us to know what to focus on in our writing. Well done if you managed to achieve your target!

We have been learning new sounds and practising some we already knew. These will help us to read and write.

We have been consolidating number bonds to 10 by listening to songs, playing games and making fact files.

We followed “Art for Kids Hub” to create some lovely pictures.

We used items and surfaces around our house to create our own rhythms and play along with our favourite songs.

We have been exercising to help keep us fit and healthy.

We have been practising counting to 10 in Spanish.

We have discussed the importance of prayer and learned “Our Father”.

We have practised our handwriting. It is really important that we know how to form the letters correctly as this will help us when we begin cursive writing.

We know that it is very different to how we usually learn P1 but you are all working really hard and we are proud of you. Keep up the good work and most importantly, keep safe and enjoy spending time with your families.

We have really enjoyed seeing these lovely pictures this week. Please send us more next week and we will include them in next week’s post.


Primary 5’s week !

We might be at home but that doesn’t mean that we have not been working hard as we adapt home schooling.  We are very proud of the boys and girls and how well they are engaging in the online tasks.  A big thank you to your mums and dads too for supporting you with this.

What have we been up to ?

Well, lots of us start our mornings with Joe Wicks.  His exercises certainly keep us on our toes.  We also waken our brains up with a daily brainteaser.  Who can solve this one ?

What travels around the world but always stays in one spot?

In Literacy we are reading our class novels and logging in to hear David Walliams read a daily story.  We are continuing to leant new spelling words, this week we have learnt how to spell ier words.  We are also honing our writing skills by keeping diairies and writing letters to family members who we can’t see at the moment.

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued to practise our times tables using Sum Dog and Top Marks and revised telling the time in one minute intervals, recapping rounding numbers and recapping permiter and area.

We have made rainbows to hang up in our windows as a thank you to all of the keyworker who are working hard for us and logged on to Art hub and drawn Spring animals. We also watched a clip on how to create lots of animals by drawing round our handprints, this was particularly fun!

On Wednesday we had a science lesson on light and dark and drew pictures with light and shadow.  We learnt that light travels in a straight line until it hits an object, fascinating !

In R.E we have  celebrated Jesus rising from the dead and have practised the art of being thankful. We made a handprint care and wrote down 5 things that we are grateful for.  Times may be strange just now but we are still lucky for the lovely families that we have, the food in our bellies and the roofs over our heads.

Here are some examples of our work!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

All of us in P5.

P3 Home learning

This is our third week of learning at home.  Here are some of the things we have been learning about.

We have been `researching a Mediterranean climate zone and then creating a poster or video about why we should visit this area.

We have been using money this week to practice paying for items and calculating the change.  We have tried to make our own shops at home and also used topmarks games to help us.

We have been practicing common words this week and also writing  a diary about what we have been doing during this time.

We have been practicing making tens in number talks.

We have use the art hub to complete a drawing tutorial this week.

We have also been learning about things that dissolve and completing an experiment with things we have at home to discover what dissolves and what does not.

We have also tried to use dance mat typing to help us improve our typing skills.

We have also tried some additional challenges like building a den at home, doing P.E with Joe Wicks, watching the animals at Monterey Bay Aquarium and playing sumdog.  Here are some examples of fantastic home learning in P3.

P3 Weekly Update

This week in P3 we have been busy learning lots of new things:

In Maths, we have been learning about halve. We can have shapes, numbers, we can put objects into equal groups and we can count and plot halves on a number line.

In Literacy this week we have been learning all about how to write a story. We know all stories have a beginning,middle and an ending. We have also been learning about settings and characters. We also visited the library on World Book Day- we all enjoyed it! We also watched Author’s Live this week. We learned about poetry and comic book art.

We had a visit from Father Isaac, he talked to us about preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We spoke about the 10 Commandments and how we can use these rules to live by God’s example.  We also learned all about the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus.

In PE, we were playing a game called Kingball. It was quite a tricky game- we had to practise our throwing and catching skills.

In Spanish, we have been learning our colours. We know how to say what our favourite and least favourite  colours are.

In Music, we were learning about different sounds and how they are made. We drew pictures of things that you would hear making noises in a busy street. We were learning about making music from street noises and continuing to learn about body percussion.

We also did the Daily Mile this week and played some team games as part of our Outdoor Learning.

We also said goodbye to Mrs Renshaw who began her maternity leave this week. We are all going to really miss her and look forward to meeting Baby Renshaw soon!



P1 Weekly Update

We have been learning about half past and o’clock

If the big hand is up the top the time is o’clock

When the big hand is at the bottom the time is half past

There are 60 minutes in an hour

There are 24 hours in a day

We looked at digital clocks, you can see them on your phone

We looked at analogue clocks, some people have them on their watches

We made a P1 Forum

The P1 Forum make decisions

We decided we didn’t have enough crayons in P1

We decided to have a pyjama day to raise some money to buy crayons

We made posters to send home

We have been learning about the 70s this week

Their televisions looked very different

They didn’t have very many channels

We watched a bit of the Wombles

We learned about the music in the 70s

Lots of the men had long hair in the music videos

We all learned the YMCA dance

We learned the oa sound

We learned the y sound


P3’s week

This week in P3 we have been:

  • We have been learning to take notes.   We know you don’t need to write full sentences with capital letters and full stops. We use bullet points.
  • We have been learning the 3 times table. The pattern in the answers is odd/even. We know that you add 3 each time.
  • We have been learning about patterns.
  • In handwriting we have been joining words like quickly, skipping and jump.
  • We had Mass on Wednesday for Ash Wednesday.  We know that we get ashes on our foreheads and it is the start of Lent. Lent is when we prepare for Easter and we try to give up something, or do more of something.
  • It was pancake day on Tuesday.
  • We learned about the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses. We know the 2 most important  rules are: love God and love your neighbour.
  • In Music, we learned about on the street music. we were learning about body percussion – clicking and clapping.
  • In Spanish, we learned about colours we love and don’t like.  We know how to say this in Spanish.
  • In P.E we were learning how to do knots and crosses. We were also playing ‘King ball’ which was a Kings and Queens game.
  • Yesterday we listened to a talk from a Robotics engineer. He has designed lots of different robots.
  • We also completed our engineering competition designs.
  • For writing we were learning how to write an opening.  we had to think of different openers and remember them.
  • We were learning about poems.  We listened to the poem and then drew pictures to go with the poem.

What a busy week! We can’t wait to see what we will learn next week.

Primary 5’s Wonderful Week

This week was have been working hard in lots of areas of the curriculum.

In literacy we have been learning about metaphors as these will help us with our writing.  ‘Life is a rollercoaster’ is one of our favourite metaphors.  It turns out we know lots of metaphors but just didn’t realise. We have also been learning how to spell irregular words.  Our spelling has improved because we practise and the words are much harder now.

In numeracy we have been learning lots about measure.  We have learnt how to calculate perimeter  which will be useful in later life if we ever need to measure the garden for a fence.  We also been pracitising the mutiplication facts as always.

We went to the Ash Wednesday service and were given ashes.  We spoke about Lent and are going to try to give up something, pray more and give to charities.  We have a SCIAF box on our altar which we are hoping to fill. Each £1 that is raised will be doubled by the government.

Our entries for the engineering competition were completed this week and sent away.  Fingers crossed for us !We finished our gymnastics routines in P.E and we have enjoyed  gymnastics because it has been great for our bones.

We have also been learning about  a group of artist s known as the ‘Glasgow Boys’.  The Glasgow Boys’ were a group of around 20 artists who liked to paint outdoors and paint real people.  Their artworks were very popular.  In the next few weeks we will recreate one of their works.

P3’s busy week

This week in Art we have been making pictures and using pattern and colour to make our art work beautiful.

In numeracy we have been learning our 5 times table.  we know that it is counting in 5s and each time you add another 5 on. The pattern is that the numbers end in a zero or five.  we know that 5×10=50 and that is the same as 10×5=50.  it has an even and odd pattern.

In handwriting we have been joining m, n and s. In P3a, we were writing the word grandmother without lifting our pencil from the page. Some of us were very shocked that we could write such a  long word.

We have been looking at Broxburn for our topic. We have been learning about the features of the area. We made a map to show where things are.

We were learning to take notes in Literacy. We know that you don’t need to write proper sentences with full stops and capital letters. We use bullet points to write our notes.

We had visitors from Stantec to talk to us about engineering this week.  Sam and Gil are engineers – one is a water engineer and the other is a civil engineer. We learned that they design bridges, houses and design ways to stop flooding.  They talked to us about how long projects can take. They told us about different materials that can be used. We are now going to enter an engineering competition and we need to design something to make the world a better place.

In RERC we have been learning  about the parable of the ‘Lost sheep’. The sheep are each of us and the shepherd is God. We know that God always loves us and forgives us and wants us to be happy.


Primary 5’s Week

Image result for children clipart


It has been a short week in primary 5. However we have still worked hard.

We have been working on a five hundred words competition and have had lots of fun typing and making stories as we love using our technology.Here are the rules of the competition,if you do more than five hundred words the machine will not except your story,you don’t have to have excactly five hundred words you can have under five hundred words.

We have also been making routines in our P.E sessions and it is good fun working with your friends and using your gymnastics  skills to entertain your class.

We have been recapping our spelling words from last week s since it has been a short week and our spelling words are ture words..


In maths we have been practicing our 8 and 9 times tables counting forwards and backwards.

We have also been making some anti-littering posters to try and get some people to stop dropping litter in our school,Broxburn and Uphall.

It has been an amazing week for primary 5.

A Busy Start to 2020 in P3!

We came back to school after a lovely Christmas break this week. This is what we have learned:

  • In RERC this week we learned all about how God created us in His image. This means that every person has the ability to show qualities that God shows to us (Leylan, Daniel and Logan).
  • In Art, we drew an outline of ourselves and filled it with things that tell the story of us and what makes us unique e.g. pets, favourite colours, families and favourite foods (Julia).
  • In Maths, we have been learning about Position and Movement. We learned how to find items on a map. We know that to read co-ordinates you need to go along the corridor and up the stairs. We can write co-ordinates and we can also design our own grids with objects. We had to find a partner to read each others’ maps. (Zuzanna, Joseph, Jay, Joshua).
  • In Writing this week we wrote an imaginative story all about the day our teacher disappeared, our teachers had a giggle at reading them! (Logan).
  • In Reading, we looked at a passage from ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ but there were some words missing! With our partner we had to work out what missing word would fit in the sentence. Then we had to draw a picture of what was happening in the passage, this is called Visualisation (Weronika).
  • We had our first visit of the year to the library, some of us were very excited because we missed going while we were on holiday. We have taken books out and are reading them in the classroom (Daniel).
  • In Music,  we have been learning some Scottish songs. So far, we have learned ‘Three Craws’ and  ‘Ally Bally Bee’ (Sophie).

In this week Primary 2 have learned about….

We have been learning how to write the School`s Senses Poems. I can see a lovely classroom, I can feel a door, I can smell Mrs Koziel`s perfume, I can hear the playground`s noises,  I can taste my lovely lunch- Zofia

We have been practicing really hard for the Nativity Show- Steffi

At maths we have been making the Numicon robots- Freya

We have been making decorations for the Christmas Fair- Naill

In Spanish, we have been learning about the colours- Jack

In music, we have been singing Christmas Songs- Jannat

In literacy, we have been learning about question marks. – Alyssa

We have been learning about St Andrews Day- Olivia L.

We are celebrating St Andrews Day on 30.11 every year-Joseph



Number Talks Parents’ Session

Thanks to all parents who attended our Number Talks session on Friday.  They had a brief overview of the rationale behind ‘number talks’ before heading to the classes to watch their children take part in a number talks lesson with their teacher.  All parents commented on how helpful it had been.

A huge thanks to all staff and children for leading this for parents on Friday.



Primary 5’s Week.

                 We have  had another busy week with our learning. What have we done ?

We have been practising our skills in writing letters.  This is a skill which will help us even after we leave school as we will need to write letter alongside our job applications.  We will continue to hone our skills and improve in what we already know and what we can do.

We are reading lots too as we know that by practising our skills we will learn new vocabulary and increase our knowledge.  We hope to visit the library next week to choose a book!

In numeracy we have been working with money and are continuing to do calculations which help us to work out change. This is another skillk which will help us long after we leave school.

We have also been very busy practising for our assembly.  We are looking forward to seeing our families on the 15th of November as we share our learning about looking after the planet.

P3 Weekly Update 4.11.19-8.11.19

This week we have enjoyed learning about:

  • In our handwriting this week we have learned to form the letters r and s in cursive script. We thought s was tricky because we have to make loops. (Kacey & Weronika).
  • We have been learning all about money- we have made posters to show what we have learned. We have been learning to make totals up to £10 using different combinations of coins and notes.We used our problem solving skills in a money maze task(Sara, Jessica-Lily & Jack)
  • In Number Talks we have been learning about addition, we can use our doubles and near doubles, making friendly numbers and empty number lines (Weronika)
  • We have learned how to use question marks in a sentence this week, most of us found this quite easy to do! (Lena P.)
  • We have been using our Bloom’s questions to help us to learn more about our reading books, these questions help us to be creative thinkers (Olivia).
  • We have made posters in trios about the Ten Ways to Cope With the Rivers of Life from our work on resilience, we know that resilience means you keep on trying, no matter how difficult something is.(Sophie & Chloe)
  • In RERC, we are learning about Remembrance, we know that in November we remember people who have passed away. We had a think about our earliest memories to help us. (Rebecca)
  • We had a hymn practice on Tuesday, we have started to learn some Christmas carols.(Lucia)
  • We have been completing different exercise circuits in PE- they were lots of fun. Some of our favourite exercises were lunges, frog jumps and hula hoops. (Owen & Neave).
  • In Music, we were making sound pictures using music from The Nutcracker (Andrew).
  • In Spanish, we were learning about greetings (Leylan).

P3’s spooktacular week!

Primary 3 have had a very busy week this week!

Emma – We learned how to make  pumpkin face using black paper and crepe paper. It was fun!

Sadie – We went to the library to borrow some books.  I picked a book about brains!

Owen – we had a hymn practise to learn hymns for Mass today for All saints Day. We learned the hymns Amazing Grace and Lord I Put Your Name on High.

Chloe – in handwriting we were learning to write the cursive letters p and q.  I think q is quite tricky.

Lena – in Music we learned the Hallowe’en song – the Witch fell in a ditch!

Andrew – we were thinking about resilience. We made resilience capes with ideas of how to make us feel better when we are having a down day. We know we can talk to others, read a book, go outside, play with toys and make a cake to feel better.

Jacob – we went to Mass on Monday. We had to sign hymns and say Mass responses and prayers.

Aroush – we have been learning about money in maths.  We have been learning to use different coins to make an amount. We can find more than one combination of coins to make a total.

Jessica Lily – in number talks we have been learning to make a friendly number to help us when adding 3 digits together.

Oliver – in Writing we were writing instructions about how to play a game of tig.    We know we have to include how to play, what you need and a title that tells us about what the instruction are for.  We also need to write them in order and use time openers like first, next, then and after that.

Chloe – in grammar we were looking at punctuation and making sure we use capital letters and full stops in all sentences!

Jessica-Lily- we also complete some Hallowe’en addition.







P3 Weekly Round Up

This week in P3 we have been very busy after our October holidays. Keep reading to find out more…

  • We have been learning about missing numbers in addition. We found it a little bit tricky because we thought we had to add the numbers together but now we know we have to find the difference! (Weronika & Ethan)
  • We have been learning all about Padre Pio and the prayer to our Guardian Angels. We can pray to them to look after us. (Jessica-Lily)
  • We have been thinking about what we already know and would like to know about our new topic ‘Sun, Moon & Stars’. We also thought about some activities we could do to help us with our learning. (Sadie & Lena P.)
  • In handwriting, we have been learning how to write the letters m,n and o. We found o the trickiest because we had to double back on ourselves when we were writing.
  • For reading, we had different passages to read and we had to answer comprehension questions in sentences. (Rayan & Chloe)
  • In art, we used oil pastels to draw a picture of our favourite animals to create a McZoo. These were inspired by Steven Brown’s McCoo’s. (Emma)
  • In digital learning, we have been learning all about how to find the keys and type. We used Dance Mat Typing to help us.

P5’s Weekly Update

In the last two weeks in gym we have been learning how to play proper basketball matches (very competitive!). We had eight teams playing against each other, this really helped us understand the rules of the game a lot better.

In maths we have been working with money and calculating the change we should get from different types of money tasks. We have also been making Number Talk posters showing all of the addition strategies that we can use.

We have been getting prepared for our assembly too but we can’t tell you too much about it at the moment, all we can say is we’re practising a lot! We are very excited for the big day! Have a lovely weekend everyone.

(written by Niamh and Kyle)

Lots of team work and problem solving going on!!

Another busy day in the nursery.  Today we had great fun outdoors getting the garden ready for the winter months. The planters were tidied up and to our surprise our potato planter still had lots of potatoes hidden in the soil.  The children were estimating how many potatoes there might be. The amount we harvest were phenomenal. Lots of counting, sorting, measuring and weighing went on.  One child asked ‘what are we going to use these potatoes for’. This sparked off discussions about different types of potatoes and ideas of what we could do.  It was decided we are going to roast them with butter and use the herbs we are growing in the garden.  We also had great fun measuring our sunflowers growing in the garden.  ‘This is bigger’, ‘I can’t reach’. Mathematical language and problem solving skills are developing. Quality group discussions went on among the children. The children all worked collaboratively. What a great day we had.

Busy and fun week in P3!

We have had a very busy week in P3. We have been learning lots of new things.

Logan – we have created posters about the SHANARRI indicators as part of our health and well being topic.


Chloe – we have been practicing the letters k and l in cursive script.  The letter was quite tricky.

Emma – in Music we have been learning to make our rhythms.  we were using the notes ta, te-te and ta rest.

Sadie, Wiktoria, Lena S and Logan- we went to the woods.  we had to find 5 natural objects that we liked.  Then in our groups we had to chose a way to sort them.  we could try size, colour and age. Then we made pictures with our objects.  It was fun! We learned to sort objects.

Weronika – we created cards for the residents of Holmesview Care Home.  We had to write about what we do and where we go to school.  Then we had to draw a picture.

Andrew – in P.E we had to throw the hoops to each other.  We also had to jump into the hoops.

Mara and Emma- in RERC we were listening to the story of Joseph and his amazing coat. We learned that his brothers were not mice to him but he was also not nice to them as he told tales on them.  WE learned not to be mean to each other.  We also learned that God looks after us all even if we are not perfect.

Elias – In Science we were thinking about sounds we liked and didn’t like.  We liked the sounds of water and wind as they are relaxing.  we didn’t like the sounds of dogs barking because it is really loud.  Most of us like relaxing sounds and don’t like loud noises.

Chloe – In Spanish we were learning about animals. We were learning a song in the wrong order to see how well we know the song.  The song was about a man and mouse and a button.

Sophie and Andrew – In Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about function machines.  We know different strategies for adding on. We can use counters, cubes, number lines, 100 squares, empty number lines and our number bonds to help us.  We have also looked at missing number sums and tried to find the answer using different strategies.

We are looking forward to our well deserved week off!


P3’s Busy Week 30.9.19-4.10.19

P3 have been very busy this week, read more to see more about what we have enjoyed.

  • We have enjoyed doing our cursive handwriting this week, we have learned to write the letters, h,i, j. (Sadie)
  • We have enjoyed practising our spelling words on the laptops. (David)
  • We have enjoyed learning how to add bigger numbers in maths this week, we have used our  number bonds to help us with this. We have also been playing a game called Num Tanga to help us to subitise bigger numbers. (Tinashe & Owen)
  • We enjoyed going to the library this week, we got to choose a couple of books to read while we were there. (Lena P)
  • We enjoyed doing some outdoor learning this week, we had to build a den that a teddy bear could fit in. We all worked together very well in our teams. We used sticks, stones, leaves and grass to build them. (Nina)
  • We have enjoyed our Number Talks this week, we used the doubles and near doubles strategy when finding a total on tens frames. (Oliver & Elias)
  • In RERC, we talked about Mary and how we could be more like her. We learned a little bit about the Rosary and the Joyful Mysteries and we looked at the story of Anna and Simeon. We know that we have to be patient for things that we really really want. (Emma, John & Rebecca)
  • We enjoyed doing a science experiment this week to help us to learn more about sound. We used beaters, buckets and rice to be able to see, feel and hear vibrations. (Leylan)
  • We had a hymn practice this week, some of the hymns we sung were Amazing Grace, Lord I Lift Your Name on High and Lord I Enter Your Gates with Pride. (Mara)
  • We have been enjoying learning more about ball skills this week, we played Hula Hut to practise these skills. (Ethan)
  • We  we were creating our own rhythmic patterns in music this week, we had lots of fun. (Kyle)
  • For writing this week, we wrote a letter to our Reading Bears (Charlie Bear & Mr Cuddles) who wanted us to teach them all about friendship. (Weronika)

P1 Update

P1 have chosen to update everyone on the on the progress of their cress!

We have been taking care of our cress, making sure it has enough water and sunlight and we are very excited to see that it has grown :). This has generated a lot of discussions around the different parts of plants and why some may have grown more than others.

We will be sampling the cress next week.

Primary 7’s Fantastic Week

Primary 7’s Week

Our sport education teams have written their own statements to tell you about their week.

The Top Servers’ Say…
This week Top Servers decide who goes to the tournament and that is Megan and Maisie, Ethan and Archie. the player of the week is…NIA! This week has been has been busy practising for the tournament. We have also been really busy learning subtraction strategies in Number talks. We have also been learning about the squared numbers in the times tables.


The Slazengers’ say…
We have been getting on great.
Our Player of the week is: Alicja 😎
We have been playing tennis matches to decide who goes to the tournament,
Our 4 players going are.. Liam, Callum, Julia & Millie. The teams are Liam and Millie & Julia and Callum.

The Sport 19’s say…
We had a great week. We wrote a poem about are childhood.
We watched a movie with our buddies which was Inside Out for our health and well being.
Our pupil of the week is Freya.


The Net’s say…
This week we have been writing poems about our childhood,
We watched Inside Out as a treat and to learn more about emotions with our buddies.
Our player of the week is Melanie.

P3’s busy week

We have had a buy week in P3.

Chloe – We have been learning to do the cursive letter f.  It is very tricky.

Rebecca – We have learning how to solve conflicts.  We could share the thing we both want.

Lena – We have been learning about friendship.  We made a recipe for a good friend.  A good friend needs to be treated the way you want to be treated.

Sara – We have been doing a QR hunt to find famous friends and enemies.

Elias – We have also been practicing the letter g in handwriting.

Lena – We have made poster about how to be good friends.

Sophie – We made a friendship potion.  You need to be playful and helpful to be a good friend.

Emma – We have been learning how to count 1, 10 and 100 more than and less than a number. We have used 100 squares, deans materials and number lines.

Jacob – We have been learning how to log onto Glow.

Sadie – This week we watch the film Inside Out because we have learning about keeping our body and mind healthy.

Jessica-Lily – We have worked with our reflective reading partner s to find the silly word in a passage. We then came up with a word that would make more sense.

Lena – We have created a picture using the key information from a passage about Fantastic Mr Fox.  Some of us tried to use a green screen to create our picture!

We have had a very busy but fun week.

Re-drafting our writing in P6

We learned how to improve on our volleyball club leaflets. Our teacher gave us some tips and showed us what a good one looks like. Here are some tips we found useful:

  1. Choose three complimentary colours to make the leaflet eye catching.
  2. Use graphics and bubbles to make the important information stand out.
  3. Bullet points help to organise information. We used them to list the benefits of the club.

We could all see an improvement in our second draft and will use these tips again.


P3 Weekly Update w.b. 16.9.19

Primary Three have had a very busy short week, keep reading to find out more:

  • We enjoyed painting Autumn trees this week, we used paint brushes for our tree trunks and cotton buds for our autumn leaves. (Zuzanna and Orla)
  • We have enjoyed Spanish this week, we were playing games and sing songs. (Weronika & Andrew)
  • We have been enjoying using the Rekenrek for our Number Talks this week. We found that the most efficient strategy was the counting on strategy, we have also been making friendly numbers (Tinashe & Lena S.)
  • As part of our Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds topic, Lena S’ mum came to speak to us about Diabetes, we enjoyed learning lots more about this (Aaliyah).
  • We enjoyed going to assembly this week because we got to hear updates from the Eco, Health & Sport, Justice & Peace and the Pupil Council committees (Sadie).
  • In Music, we enjoyed learning about rhythm, we had to read the notes on the board and drum along while saying the names of the notes as well, (Sara & Daniel)
  • We have been enjoying learning about ball skills this week, we learned to bounce a ball on a bat to help us play tennis. (Sophia & Jack)
  • We enjoyed going to the library, we all chose a book to keep in our classroom until our next visit. (Sophie)
  • We enjoyed doing our Picture It activity for Reflective Reading, we had to read a text and pick out key words to help us create a picture of the main character, Blart. (Joshua)
  • We are still enjoying learning our cursive script, we are trying really hard to keep our letters the right size. (Weronika)

P1 Weekly Update

Despite having a short week, P1 have been very busy! Here are some of the things we have been learning about this week:

Cameron- We were learning about an artist.

Nela- The artist used some fruits and vegetables to make a face.

Ava P- His name was Giuseppe (Arcimboldo).

Lena- We planted some cress.

Logan- We put cotton wool in the bottom of a cup.

Travis- We put some water in the cup.

Maya G- We put the cups on the window after we plated them.

Artur- They need the sun.

Kyle- We were putting numbers in the right order.

Amy- We have to start at the smallest number and then go to the biggest.

Zack B- We have been learning the sound “n”.


We have also been learning about our school values this week. Here are some of our values:

Ava B- We need to share to be fair.

Ollie- We have to be kind.

Zara- Be a good friend.

Zak K- Be honest.

Ava P- Trust is one of them.





P3 Weekly Update 13.9.19

We have been super busy this week in P3, keep reading to find out more about what we have been learning!

  • We were rainbow writing our sounds this week. Word Wizards were learning the ‘ea’ as in break sound, Master Minds were learning the i_e sound and the Spelling Stars were learning the ‘sh’ sound. (Aroush)
  • We wrote Autumn Acrostic poems this week. (Orla & Lena S.)
  • We have been doing some reading this week with our groups and we have also started doing guided reading.  (Andrew)
  • In Maths, we have been learning all about Place Value. We have been looking at 1 before and after as well as 10 before and 10 after. (Samuel)
  • We have been learning about what makes us special, we completed a Pieces of Me task made up of jigsaw pieces that make us who we are. (Maisie)
  • We all had a football taster this week, we learned to dribble forwards and backwards, stop the ball, scoring a goal, toe taps and keepy uppies. (Daniel & Ethan)
  • In Art we learned all about hot and cold colours. We made pop art style pictures to practise this skill. (Julia)
  • In Science we discussed how different sounds are made. We investigated different musical instruments and sorted them into categories depending on how these sounds are made.

Off to the Canal… or so we thought!

Mrs Thomson, Miss Mannion and some children set off to explore and discover the wildlife and habitats around the Canal surrounding. On their way the rain started to pour down so we made the decision to visit the cosy library instead!

The children had lots of fun listening to a story about ‘A Scaredy Bear’ the children decided on this story by voting for it out of a choice of 3 other stories.

The library even gave us some books for free to bring back to the nursery. Hopefully we will go to the canal another day.

Mindfulness In The Nursery

Today in the nursery we had our first mindfulness session . After lunch, the children relaxed in our mindfulness space which has soft lighting and relaxing music. Ensuring all children were comfortable, we began our session focussing on our breathing .Using their own imagination, the children imagined they were smelling a flower and then blowing a leaf away. Continuing the breathing theme the children demonstrated Bubble breathing, Bumblebee breathing and Rainbow breathing with gentle guidance.

A message from Active Schools

Would you like to help your school? Do you have an hour a month or an hour a week? Do you enjoy sport?  If so please contact Ross in  Active Schools for information on helping at your child’s school.  As little or as much as you like. If you would like to come and watch a sports club and have a chat about how you could help or just fancy  some more info please just get in touch with me on 07990 565 846 or .  visit us at

Checking in at the Cactus Hotel

Primary 6 have been working on a book study this week. We have been learning all about the giant Saguaro cactus which is found in Arizona.

“These cacti can grow up to 50 feet tall and live for over 200 years. They can weigh the same as 5 cars. Lots of animals use the cactus as a home. We have been researching the Gila Woodpecker, Jack Rabbit and coyotes that are animals found in this desert.” – Zachary

“I really enjoyed doing the art about the cactus. I had to draw the details on the cactus and the holes where the animals would live.” – Mirin

“I had to find the meaning of new words that were in the book and some of them were quite challenging. I then had to find these words in a wordsearch. The next task was to find out about the animals who use the cactus as a home.” – Marwa

“Basically I never knew that so many animals lived in a cactus and even when it dies and falls over different animals move in to live in the cactus. Another amazing fact is that people can eat cacti.” – Charlie

Primary 5’s update

This week we have been learning about fractions.  We have looked at fractions of a shape and how to find them on a number line.  We have also been comparing and ordering fractions.  It is a bit tricky.

We have also been looking at data handling.  We have been using tally marks and creating bar graphs.  We collected data about our favourite colour, eye colour, hair colour and favourite country.


We have been writing a recount about our favourite holiday or day. We know you have to write a recount  in the past tense, include details about who, what, where and why and how you are feeling.  We also know you need to remember punctuation!


We have also learned about Ascension Thursday and know this is the day when Jesus ascended into heaven.  We celebrated Mass on Thursday.


In Guided reading we have completed our novels and are starting new ones.  We can’t wait!


With Mrs Baty, we have started to make our own games for our gaming topic.  We didn’t realise how many steps are involved in making a game.


In Number Talks with Mrs Heather, we were looking at a sequence of numbers and trying to work out which number was the odd one out.  We discovered it could be more than one number.


We have created presentations about food and the calories and energy found in food.  We then presented the presentations to the class.  Some of use made a PowerPoint, while others used sway or made a video or poster.


In P.E we have been learning about playing different types of rounders.  It was fun!











P5b’s digital week

This has been a busy week in P5b. We have really enjoyed digital week and learned lots of new things.

Some of the activities we took part in are coding, debugging, a silent disco, QR hunt and a VR experience.

Chloe – My favourite part was the silent disco.

Charlie – My favourite part of the week was QR hunt as we had to go around the school to find all the different parts of the story.

Ellie – My favourite was the silent disco because it had lots of different music to listen to.

Daniel – My favourite part of the week was making a presentation about solids, liquids and gases. I worked well with my group.

Szymon – My favourite part of the week was when we did the hour of code because it was fun.

Alex – I learned about solids, liquids and gases and made a presentation using powerpoint.

Erin – I learned how to use clips this week.

Kacper – I learned how to debug this week.

Cameron – I learned how to use scratch this week.

We also had a day on Friday where we only used digital technology. What a busy week! We have learned so much. Thank you to our digital leaders for helping us.


P5’s week

This week we have been very busy even though we have only been at school for 3 days!

Ellie- we designed and then made a stop and go sign.  We were only allowed to use one kitchen roll tube, 4 pieces of paper or card, 1 pair of scissors and sellotape per group. After we made the sign we had to write about how we made it.

Sam – we had visitor this week to see us complete a number talks lesson.

Connor – in Numeracy we have dividing and using the chunking method and expanded method to solve sums. I like the chunking method when dividing.

Paula – we had an author visit from David McPhail. He told us about Vikings. We had the chance to buy one of his books.

Leo – we looked at Mary and coloured in some stained glass windows and thought about we think of when we think of Mary.

Ciaran – in P.E we have been doing athletics and running races.  We have been sprinting and doping sprint starts.

Marwa – this week we did some reading routes and looked at punctuation.  we looked at why it was important and rated the authors use of punctuation.

Mirin – with Mrs Baty we started to make scratch projects and made the characters communicate with each other.


P2 love to read!

This week in P2, we were really excited to send home our reading teddies Charlie and Paddington. Lena and Joshua took them home this week and have been reading them lots of stories. Soon, the bears will be going home with someone new!

We also visited the library and Diane, the librarian, was very impressed with how sensible we are and what super readers we are.

Aroush- I like reading ‘The Big Bunny Surprise!’

Lena P- I like reading my school books.

Owen- I read the Titanic on my Kindle.

Elias- I read this as well on my Kindle too!

Danyal- My daddy reads a newspaper!

Daniel- I’ve got a new book and I’m excited to read it. It is called ‘The Train To Impossible Places!’

David- I like reading ‘The Bug In The Rug’.

Weronika- I like reading Biff, Chip and Kipper books using the netbooks.

Ethan- My favourite thing to read is my football comics! Sometimes I look at the football scores in the newspaper.

Chloe- My favourite books to read are books that teach you all about the world. My favourite one is about China. These are non-fiction.

Image result for animal reading a book gif

Image result for reading gif

P2 busy back at school!

Primary 2 have had a very busy first week back!

Jacob- We were looking at the sound ‘qu’ and going over all of the sounds we already know.

Jessica-Lily- We wrote a ‘Recount’ of the Easter story. Jesus has now risen from the dead!

Ethan- A recount is when you are retelling a story you already know.

Wiktoria- In literacy, we were text explorers and we did a new activity called ‘Blankety Blank!’

Sophie- We have been giving people directions in maths this week! You tell them which places to go by using lots of different words.

Rory- Like forwards, backwards, left, right, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Joshua- We did the ‘cha cha slide!’ because it gives you lots of different directions and movements to go in!

Lena- We also learned about symmetry. Asymmetric means the shape is different on both sides and symmetrical means its the same on both sides. We used mirrors on our symmetry hunt.

Leylan- We learned how to wash our hands properly for health and wellbeing. You always have to use soap and water and you don’t rush, you take your  time!

Maisie- Mrs Alexander sprayed us with a water bottle to show us how far germs travel when we don’t cover our mouths. Everyone thought it was really funny because we got soaked!

Logan M- Rory had talcum powder on his hands and we pretended that it was germs. He spread the ‘germs’ to other people and around the classroom and the talc went everywhere!

Jack- This shows us how far germs can go if you don’t wash your hands and cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.

Image result for washing your hands cartoon gif

P3’s Busy Week

We’ve been so busy since we got back after the Easter holidays and we have crammed lots into this week’s three days already. In numeracy we have been learning to round our two digit numbers to the nearest ten – we know that if a number is greater than 5, we round UP to the nearest ten and if the ones are less than 5, we round DOWN to the nearest ten.

In literacy we have been working hard to develop our reflective reading skills: reading passages and then drawing it out, so that we build a picture of the scene in our heads; filling out missing words to ensure the passages make sense; and a spotting the silly word game where we put in appropriate words to finish the sentences.  We went to the library to take out new books that we will read at home for pleasure.   Our reading BEARS (Being Excited About Reading) Mr Cuddles and Charlie will be coming home with us from next week onwards.  We are hoping that parents will send in pictures of us with our bears reading bedtime stories together – nobody is too old for a bedtime story!

In art we learnt a new technique – quilling – to complete a spring picture.  This technique involved rolling paper through our fingers and thumbs – it was a little tricky but we got the hang of it eventually.  We are all looking forward to a full week, next week.

P5b’s busy fortnight

We have been very busy the last few weeks in Primary 5.  We have covered lots of different things.


In literacy we have been learning about different phonemes that make the ‘s’ sound. We have looked at s, ss, ce, se, and c.

Poppy – We have been learning about the story of ‘Invasion’ in Literacy. We have been looking at the character Rollo and predicting what we think might happen.

Leo – we worked with a partner and discussing the story and our predictions and what we know and want to know about the characters.

Kacper – we have been researching women in engineering  and writing about why they are important and what they invented.  I researched Victoria Drummond.  She was the first woman Marine Engineer.


Numeracy and Mathematics

We have been learning about compass directions and angels.  We learned some rhymes to help us remember the directions –

  • never eat smelly wellies
  • never eat shredded wheat.

We have been learning about different turns and even went outside to direct each other around the playground.

Max – we have been learning to multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers. It is quite tricky but with practice I can do it!


Christy – We had visitors from Stirling council to see us doing a number talks lessons about multiplication.  We can break factors into smaller factors to help us in number talks.

Leo – We have been measuring the length of different things in and around the school.  We estimated then measured the objects.



Other areas:

Ciaran – we have been creating titanic quizzes and fact files as we are finishing the topic.


We had a theater production about Simon, Martin and Sharon.  It was all performed by one man. It was called Pondlife.  It was very good and entertaining.  We were amazed that the man could perform more than one character.

In Religious education we looked at the seven sacraments and when people receive them.

Max – we have been practicing the hymns for the Stations of the Cross and took our class picture for the Stations of the Cross service next Wednesday. We used the green screen.

Leo – we went to the Church and Father Frances led us through the Stations of the Cross.

Sam – in P.E we have been skipping – we have been learning jumping skipping,  running skipping and hopping skipping.  Some people tried cross over skipping.

Today was ‘Feel Good Friday’ and we designed our own happiness t-shirts.




P2 have been busy!

Sadie- We had a craft afternoon yesterday and we made something special which we are keeping a secret until Sunday.

Chloe- We had visitors from a school in Stirling who came to see our Rekenrek lesson. We did really well and the visitors were impressed!

Tinashe- We were using prediction in literacy. The book was called ‘The Storm’ and we had to predict what happened in the story.

Lena P- Our topic is called Forces and this week we did the ‘Car and Ramp’ experiment.

Joshua- We found out that building a big structure for a ramp, making it higher, made the car go faster and further.

Jacob- Friction stopped our car on the big ramp because it bumped into the carpet.

Orla- We have been working on subtraction and addition together.

Daniel- 18+2=20, 2+18=20         Sara 20-2=18, 20-18=2

Ethan- We have been learning all about the Stations of the Cross. There are 14.


Image result for scientist gifImage result for cartoon car gif


Families Connect (Week 7) – Number Names

Car Registration plates, bus timetables, road signs, clocks, phones, house numbers, post boxes, shop windows, remote controls, cereal boxes, food packaging, microwaves, televisions.…These are just a small illustration of the places that our children can see numbers every day. And by taking the opportunity to point out these numbers and name them, we can really help our children when they are learning to count.

But even more than this, we can help our children learn the names for numbers. Again, this is something that we as adults probably all take for granted. But how many times have you heard children count and refuse to include, 11, 12 or 15! This is because not only is counting complex, but our names for numbers are quite confusing too. Sadly, as you will come to see, there are no shortcuts when it comes to learning number names and not much logic either, so it is just something that our children have to learn. The more they hear and see numbers, the easier it is for them to learn them.

So, what’s so difficult about our number names? Consider the following oddities:

* How does “eleven” and “twelve” relate to “one” and “two” – and compare this to “four” and “fourteen” which is far more logical?

* Why are 13 and 15 not “threeteen” and “fiveteen”? And why are 30 and 50 are not “threety” and “fivety”?

* Why are teen numbers spoken with the unit number first but numbers in the 20s, 30s etc are spoken with the tens number (which comes first!) first – i.e. 14 (1 ten then 4 units) is “fourteen” but 43 (4 tens then 3 units) is “forty-three”?

* Why do we say “one hundred and eleven” for 111, but “Twenty-one” (not twenty and one) for 21?

As we found in Families Connect, the more you think about the English way of naming numbers, the more complicated it gets! And this is what our children are trying to tackle, at the same time as learning the order of numbers and also that they represent a value for something. It is no wonder they find this all a bit confusing! So, any games you can play, any chance you can take to spot and name numbers, to count things when you are out and about really are the least, we can do for imposing such a crazy system on our poor children!

Families Connect (Week 6) – The Importance of Counting

Do you remember learning how to count? Do you have to even think about what 5 take away 2 is? The answer is probably no to both these questions. Most of us can’t remember a time when we didn’t know our numbers up to twenty; when we didn’t somehow automatically know that 5 take away 2 was 3. And this is why we might find it hard to understand that learning to count for our children, is really quite complex.
In Week 6 of Families Connect we tried to bring this home to our parents by playing a little game where we no longer had numbers, just the alphabet. So 1,2,3… became A, B, C and there was no cheating and trying to translate back to numbers! In the game, we started off easy counting from A to Z, from G to M. Then we tried counting backwards from Z to A or even K to C…and it got a bit tricky. By the time we came to counting in B’s and E’s (akin to counting in 2’s and 5’s) we were really toiling and the final straw was doing sums: F plus M equals…., B plus G equals….?? Give up was the response from most parents!
When our children begin to count this is exactly how tricky it can be for them. And this response of ‘give up’ can be a common one. So, it is important for us to remember this, to be patient and support them as much as we can to just keep on trying. And critically, don’t think that your children are ‘just not good at maths’ as all they need is a bit more practice.
The best way to do this is simply by counting together as much as possible, and to make it fun. There are loads of opportunities in everyday life to include some counting and for you to help reinforce your children’s learning. In the group, we discussed counting toys, counting steps, counting plates at dinnertime and even counting socks, because apparently some children are already trained to put away the washing! We also played a counting game where we counted different objects in and out of a gift box, trying to win all the objects from the other player. Simple games like this are a great way to give your children a good maths start. The only downside….you might need to refresh yourself on the messages from Week 1 of Families Connect when we looked at managing feelings, because it seems like most children do NOT like losing games!

Families Connect (Week 5) – ‘Beyond the Page’

Finding time to read together just for fun (over and above homework!), isn’t easy. But research shows us that reading together, little and often, can have a big impact. There are several things we can do to support reading at home, like trying to share books at different times of the day, telling stories together and using technology. All of these things will have just as good an impact on your children’s vocabulary, imagination and reading skills, as dare we say, homework!

In Week 5 of Families Connect we chatted about fun ways of sharing stories. One idea was to try to fit in sharing a book at different times of the day. Reading at bedtime is probably the norm and can help establish a bedtime routine. But by this time, parents are normally flagging and either falling asleep or negotiating down the number of books! Alternative suggestions were to read during bath-time and maybe even pick a fish or pirate themed book. Or to read together during mealtimes, with the added bonus of helping to keep the children at the table. For one family, trying books during dinner went down a treat and gave them a welcome break from the long-running game of eye-spy!

Telling stories when you are on the move, is another great idea to broaden literacy skills and really stirs up children’s imagination. Our Families Connect families thought that making up stories together helped to keep their children interested when out on a (boring!) walk, or on a long bus journey. But making up stories can be quite daunting for us adults. So, we looked at things we could use to help our story-telling, like cutting out pictures from a magazine or using old photos to use as prompts when at home, or using what we see around us like road signs, animals, people etc when we are out and about. We also got the chance to use the photo cards pictured below to have a practice, as well as looking at the CBeebies Storytime app as an example of how we can use technology to widen our reading experiences. Parents can have mixed views about using technology but as long as we are joining in with our children, apps and audio books etc can just be different ways of sharing stories.

So, if you are one of those parents falling asleep during bedtime stories, why not try sharing the ‘extra’ stories promised at a different time of day or making up a story together when you are going about your everyday activities. This will be great for your little one’s reading skills, can make things more fun for you too and can even help manage situations where tricky behaviour might be expected – like mealtimes, bath times and plain old boring times!

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been really artistic!  We have made some surprise creations for our mum’s for Mother’s Day and we were also inspired by Pablo Picasso and we made our very own interpretations of his work.


In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about time as we have been finding it a bit tricky, especially quarter to on a digital clock.  We are going to keep practising this at home too so that we are more confident in telling the time!


In PE we have been learning how to skip forwards, backwards and in groups.  We need go co-ordination to do this.


In Literacy some of us wrote about our mum’s and how they are superheroes and some of us created a fact file about some Egyptian pharaohs.


Some of us visited the church twice this week.  Once was to practise and prepare for The Sacrament of Reconciliation and secondly we went to Stations of the Cross with Fr. Francis.


In Digital Learning this week we were making animated cartoons using Scratch on the netbooks and then we got to show our creations to our classmates.  It was cool!


Lastly, we have been singing lots this week in preparation for the Stations of the Cross service which will be in school next week.

P4a’s Week

Our Friday music sessions with NYCoS are coming to an end next week. We have been enjoying learning about beat, rhythm and musical notation over the past few months. Today we worked in groups to create and perform our own music!

Tavia – ‘We’ve been learning to write our own music.’

Leon – ‘We were in groups to do this and my group used the shakers.’

Zofia – ‘We were playing altogether like a band.’

Baillie – ‘We had to sing the musical notes so, mi and la.’

Michael – ‘We had 4 beat spots and we had the choice to use ta, te-te and rests.’

Santiago – ‘We finished with the song ‘There’s Someone Living on a High, High Hill’ which is one of our favourites!’


In topic this week we have been learning about the mystery of Lord Darnley’s murder. Some people believe his wife, Mary Queen of Scots, was guilty but to this day we still don’t know for sure. It really is a mystery!

In class, we looked at the evidence, re-enacted the trial and put forward our own opinions of who we believe was guilty. We took a vote:

Mary, Queen of Scots – 1 vote

Queen Elizabeth I – 3 votes

James, Earl of Bothwell – 17 votes

James, 1st Earl of Moray (her half-brother) – 1 vote

Someone else – 4 votes

We are really looking forward to our trip next week to Duncarron Medieval Village where we will learn more about what life was like in these times!

Families Connect (Week 4) – Book Talk

Be honest, have you ever found yourself groaning at the sight of reading homework? Reading together doesn’t only have to be about ‘decoding’ the sounds and letters. Whilst this is an important part of your child learning to read, and requires a fair bit of patience, books don’t need to feel like hard work!

The most important thing that you can do for your children is make them feel positive about books. The more fun they have, the more they want to read. The more they read, the more their vocabulary expands, their imagination runs riot and their comprehension gets better.

There are lots of different things you can do together to make books fun. Why not try some of these:

* Let your child join in with key words or repeated phrases – ‘There’s no such thing as a grufallo’’

* Let them finish the sentences by guessing the rhyming word at the end – ‘His eyes are orange, his tongue is black, he has purple prickles all over his ????’

* Ask them to guess what happens next – making sure they know that there are no right or wrong answers, just to use their imagination

* Do some arts and crafts related to your book – you can do this after the story or to use whilst you read the story together e.g. make a mouse puppet for reading the Gruffalo

* Don’t be shy – make up actions, sound effects, strange character voices and even act the story out!

All of these things make reading together more fun for everyone, and many parents will just do them automatically. Another thing that often comes naturally, we call ‘Book Talk’ in Families Connect. This is when you chat about a book as you are reading it together and ask some questions to help your child understand and relate to the story. So, asking open questions like ‘What do you think the mouse is feeling here”, “Have you ever felt scared like that” and “What plan might you come up with faced with the Gruffalo?”. Again, this shouldn’t feel like a quiz as there are no wrong answers and you shouldn’t feel pressured to come up with a question for every page either!

We tried all of these techniques in Week 4 of Families Connect and really had lots of fun reading together. We found that a really important thing is to let your child pick a book based on their interests – any reading is good reading! To our surprise we even had one little boy who didn’t really like reading and at the end of our exercise asked if he could have another story. Well done to all our parents, that’s what success looks like!

Parent Council St Patrick’s Night

A huge thanks to our committed and hardworking Parent Council who organised a wonderful event for the St Nicholas PS. community on Friday night. We had a ceilidh (run by our PE teacher, Mrs Smith), Irish dancers, raffle, Irish Bingo, a disco and delicious hot food by the Canon Hoban staff.  A huge thank you to the following partners who helped make this happen by donating to our raffle: Potter Around in Kirknewton; Houston House Hotel, Uphall; Kirsty Loves Hair, Broxburn; Final Touch Beauty, Broxburn; Florist in Argyle Court, Broxburn (10% off Mother’s Day Flowers plus free delivery if you mention St Nicholas); Lawson’s Butchers; Tesco, Bathgate; Morrison’s Livingston; Scotmid, Broxburn, Lindt Chocolate, Livingston; Dance Store; Broxburn.

We are very lucky to have our Parent Council who work tirelessly alongside us to improve outcomes for our children.  Children, parents and staff all had a ball! Looking forward to the next community event.

P5’s weekly reflection

We have had a busy week in P5b.  This week we have been continuing with Multiplication in Number talks and in our Numeracy lessons.  In Number talks we have used the strategy partial products this week and also used friendly numbers, doubling and halving and repeated addition. Mrs Heather came into class and worked with us on Thursday. In Numeracy we have worked on the formal written method of multiplication.

Marwa – there are different ways to do the written.

Mirin – this method is easier than a vertical sum for me.

We have practiced this week and are getting really good at it. In maths with Mrs Renshaw we have started to  looked at measure and started to estimate the length.

In Literacy we have completed spot the silly word in two different pieces of writing.

Sam – one was a job advert and the other was about Harry Potter.  Phoebe – you need to read the whole piece then look for words that don’t make sense.


Paula – we have continued with literacy circles and are improving with our group discussions and peer assessments.

In writing we wrote a diary entry about when the Titanic hit the iceberg.

Max – In a diary you must discuss your feelings.

Connor – you must use ‘I’ when writing a diary entry. It also has to be in the present tense.

In Health and Well being we looked at advertising and how companies advertise products to get people to buy them  We discuses different strategies like buy one get one free, half price, toys in boxes and tokens to collect.

Ellie –  We then created our own cereals and next week we will create an advert for our cereal.

Sam – we also discussed what makes a good friend and created a ‘wordle’ about friends. Some of the things we think they need to be are- kind, caring, honest and trustworthy.

In our Titanic topic we created adverts for Titanic. We talked about communication on board the Titanic and how important it was. We also looked at the technology on the Titanic. We also completed a cross section of what was inside the Titanic looked like and looked at where things were placed for first and third class passengers.

We also visited the library this week and had a look for Titanic books.

These are only some of the things we have covered this week.  What a busy week!





Fun filled week in P2!

‘I liked making our own ‘runaway pancake’ with Beth at the library.’ -Sadie

‘I enjoyed Ash Wednesday mass when we were all singing the hymns.’- Aroush

‘I liked the Annie McCleod ride at New Lanark because it told us all about working in the Mills.’ – Weronika

‘I liked making my lenten promise.’- Jack

‘I really enjoyed making animations in digital learning this week.’- Daniel

I really liked making a new book cover for our mystery book in literacy this week.’ Jay

I enjoyed going into the old classroom and seeing the crocodile at New Lanark.’- Lena P

‘I liked getting dressed up in the old uniform.’- Jacob

‘I enjoyed writing on the slates.’- Rory




Families Connect – The Importance of Listening (Week 3)

`It is difficult as busy parents to always find time to listen to our children, especially if they are little chatterboxes! However, listening to them makes them feel valued and helps their development in so many ways. It also helps us to understand how they see the world, what they might be finding hard and what they might be feeling.
Crucially, it has also been shown that if children trust us to listen to the little things, they will share the big stuff with us as well. But there are so many things that can easily get in the way of us listening to our children, no matter how well-intentioned we are. I wonder what the biggest barriers are for you?
We did an exercise in Week 3 of Families Connect where some parents deliberately (and secretly) tried to be ‘bad listeners’, as others parents excitedly talked about something important to them. Despite brainstorming all the nasty things we might do to be bad listeners, the thought of being rude and hurtful made it really hard to pull off! Because we all know what it feels like when we aren’t being listened to, and we all know what to look for in a ‘good listener’.
Our children are no exception. Yet we realised during the exercise, that we can sometimes ignore them more easily than we would an adult, even a stranger! So, what can help us to be a good listener for our children:
• Finding the right time – try to listen when we can but if we cannot give our attention (e.g. when we are reverse parallel parking!) it’s fine to say we want to listen, explain why we cannot at that time and when we will listen, and live up to that promise
• Show we are interested – words of encouragement are good but tone of voice and body language make a far greater impact
• Be encouraging – eye contact, focused attention, affirmative words etc all help to encourage our children to share with us
• Don’t be dismissive – even if things seem trivial to us, they are important enough for our children to want to talk about them
• Ask open questions – these have longer answers and encourage more talk
All of these pretty simple tips can help us to listen carefully to our children, a small investment that really can make a huge impact on how valued they feel.

Families Connect – The Importance of Praise (Week 2)

Did you know that for every one positive comment our children hear, on average, most will hear 8 negative comments? Now, we can’t really feel bad when we have to shout ‘don’t run onto the road’ or ‘don’t put that pea up your nose’! But it does sound a bit imbalanced doesn’t it.
The problem is that it is positive comments, from people that matter, that can have a brilliant impact on children’s self-esteem, their sense of value. This feeling of self-worth helps their confidence, their ability to learn and their belief that they can do anything. So, whilst we are busy keeping them safe, we might also remember that it is catching them being good that is more valuable, than catching them being naughty.
Research also shows that some types of praise are more ‘helpful’ than others for children in valuing themselves and growing in confidence. In the second week of Families Connect the parents had a shot of practising this ‘helpful praise’ with each other, before being let loose on the children! We practised ‘good praise’ and ‘bad praise’ and were left in no doubt about which felt best and was more helpful.
With the children, we made superstar awards. These were taken home as a reminder to parents to look for the positives and to praise everyday little things, using the stars in whatever way worked for their family. For the children, the awards were simply to make them feel valued and to understand what they were doing well. For one family it definitely worked, with one little girl feeling SO valued she sported her award for an entire weekend in all weathers!
So, what is this ‘helpful praise’ I hear you ask? It’s simple really, when praising your children think about making it:
• Specific – this is so that children know what to do next time…’I love your story and you have done a great job of remembering capital letters and full stops. Well done.’
• Genuine – children can spot when the words don’t match the facial expression and body language!
• Focused on effort – rather than the outcome (‘you won!’). By focusing on the effort and approach taken, children know that trying is important, that they don’t have to be stuck at being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at something, they can practice and get better. It also means they will be happier to try something new.
• Without a sting in the tail – ‘what a great drawing, next time you might want to give the person facial features!’. When children hear praise mixed with criticism, they only remember the criticism.
Use these tips to try switching the 8:1 ratio and encourage our children to do more of the stuff that gets them praised. Some of this might not come naturally at first, but practice makes perfect!

Seasons for Growth

St Nicholas are offering the P6 and P7 pupils the opportunity to participate in our Seasons for Growth programme this term. Seasons for Growth is a programme devised to help children to cope with changes in their family through loss or bereavement. The programme was developed in Australia over 20 years ago and is used across the globe to support the emotional wellbeing of young people. We hope to offer the programme to other age groups in the coming months.

Career Chats in Primary 6

Primary 6 have been so lucky to hear about a variety of jobs from parents who have been visiting our classes over the past three weeks. Today we heard from Mrs Spence who explained how her job will influence the future and  lifestyle of prospective jobs for our pupils and showed how life may be in  2037 – it was fascinating and certainly food for thought. Many pupils have been inspired by these presentations and have started to think about their future employment. We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents who took time to pay us a visit.

P5b’s week

We have had a busy week in class learning lots of new things.


Marwa – we have been learning about Fair trade as this is Fair trade overnight

Christy – if you put Fair trade banana skins on mosquito bites they go away.

Ellie – I learned that in the UK people eat over 5 billion bananas in a year.

Max – over 1.66 million farmers and workers produce Fair trade products.

Ciaran – there are over 100 billion different Fair trade bananas produced a year.

Paula – we learned about the grid method of multiplication

Mirin – we made a Titanic display.

Max – we drew pictures of first and third class passengers from the titanic

Kacper – we have been researching facts about the Titanic

Phoebe– we completed our well being check in.

Cerys –  for homework we researched a language

Charlie – we have been learning bout Michelangelo and his image of God.

We have been using our own devices to complete research and find out more about Fair trade and the Titanic.


Magnificent Mandalas

Look at are amazing mandalas from P6b .Also we were making a recount of a poem . The poem was called The Highwayman. We were pretending to be Bess or the highwayman and telling the story from their point of view. We also finished our scratch animations about the battle of Bannockburn. We have been learning about Islam and two Muslim people came to our class to talk about their religion.In maths we have been learning negative numbers . We did blether stations about a good friendship. 😀😀



P3 Weekly Update

In Numeracy this week we have been learning about fractions and have been calculating halves, thirds, quarters and fifths of shapes and numbers.  We know that if we are confident counting in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s this will help us to calculate fractions of numbers.


Our teachers did some training on something called ‘Reflective Reading’ and they taught us some of the skills that they learned and the skills that we need to make us better readers.  We did things like ‘Blankety Blank’ where we had to work in groups to think of words to make a sentence make sense.  We also did a ‘Picture It’ and had to read a gruesome description of The Bloodbottler from our new novel ‘The BFG’ and we had to draw a picture of him.  Lastly we did a ‘Spot the Silly Word’ where we had to replace a silly word with a sensible word.  We did this through our topic The Ancient Egyptians.  We realised that we already know lots of interesting facts about The River Nile and the pyramids.

Last week we finished our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ and this week we have been enjoying watching snippets of the original movie each day and have been comparing and contrasting the book to the film.  We realised that there are quite a few differences between the two.

We visited the library this afternoon and enjoyed choosing a new book to read.


In our Digital Learning we were using an app called Stickbot Studio and we were creating our very own animation projects.  We realised that we had to move our objects little by little in order for it to look like it was actually moving.  It was great fun doing this and working as a team.

We had a visit from Fr Jeremy and a visiting priest from Nigeria called Fr Francis.  He told us all about Nigeria and he will be helping us when we make our First Reconciliation.

What a busy week!

Families Connect – Focus on Feelings (Week 1)

Have you ever tried to tackle a tricky job whilst feeling angry? Ever tried to engage in a meeting at work when something at home is really worrying you? It’s hard to concentrate when emotions are running high. That is what it’s like for our children. For them to concentrate on their learning, this requires managing a whole range of, often uncomfortable, feelings; it requires them being in a ‘good headspace’. We all know the horrors of tackling homework when they are too tired, too frustrated or even too excited about something else!

But it’s even harder than that for our children. We know the words to use to describe feelings. We know how they might impact our bodies, faces, our thoughts, even our actions and behaviours. Our children are still getting good at this. They need help to associate with, recognise and name all the feelings that they might experience. They need practice in talking about their feelings. When they become more confident naming and understanding feelings, then they are better able to manage them and focus on their learning. That’s got to be easier all round!
We cheated! We had some tools to help us talk about feelings with our children – a magnifying glass to hold over parts of our body that might give us clues to our emotions. Held over a ‘washing machine’ tummy, as one mum brilliantly put it, for example when we are anxious. In time children learn that this feeling doesn’t mean they are unwell, but scared about something and that is the first step to dealing with those feelings.

We also had the help of a feelings fan, a set of cards showing drawings of children with the 6 universally recognisable feelings – happy, angry, scared, surprised, sad and disgust. As you know there are many more feelings! But these are a good place to start when talking to your children. You can see our fans in the picture below….you might like to make your own feelings fan at home and use it as a prompt when chatting about your children’s feelings or even your own!

P5b’s week

Primary 5 have had a busy week.  Here are some of the things we have been doing and learning.

Mirin – this week we made an emotions timeline thinking about how we felt at different points in our lives.

Marwa – we started to learn about the Titanic.

Ciaran – we learned that the Titanic was on her the first trip from Southampton to Nee York.

Daniel – we thought about we what know and what we want to learn during the topic.

Lucas – we have continued to practice our cursive script.

Max – we started to look at the timeline of events that led to the sinking of the Titanic.

Mirin – we typed our learners statements and shared them on Teams for our parents to see.

Sam – we reviewed our guided reading books.

Phoebe – we went to the library and read to the nursery children.

Marwa – we completed our entries for the engineering competition. Good luck everyone!

Paula – we went to Broxburn Academy to play Handball.

Leo – we were learning how to use the halving and doubling strategy in number talks.



P2 Weekly Round up!

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 2. Here are our highlights:

Rebecca- I liked learning about tally marks! We made a tally chart of P2’s favourite pets.

We also started to use tally marks to record our group points. We are enjoying our ‘information handling’ maths focus.

Daniel- We learnt a new skill in literacy. It’s called note taking! A note is writing something short, we used bullet points. You don’t write a big long sentence.

Jacob- We were learning the sound ‘ph‘. Like elephants, dolphin, phone, phonics and alphabet. This is a quiet, lip sound.

Sophie- We starting singing songs to get ready for our assembly.

Our assembly is on the 1st of March at 11.15am. All P2 parents are very welcome! 

Sadie- Mrs Thompson, our dinner lady, came in to talk to us about what children ate for school dinners before we were born. She has been cooking school dinners for 27 years!

Sara- My dad came in. He spoke to us about when he was little and what it was like in school for him!

Joshua- He liked the team Hearts when he was a boy.

Lena- In Mr Sanderson’s school, f you were very healthy and always took the green tray, you got to win a prize! Like going bowling.



P1 Estimation

P1 were very excited to find that some dinosaurs had visited our playground and left some footprints. We have been learning about estimation and we decided to estimate how big the dinosaur footprints were. We estimated how many P1s we could fit inside some of the footprints, how many cubes long the footprints were and how many steps it would take to get from one side of the footprint to the other. We then checked to see how close our estimations were.


P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been incredibly busy preparing for our class assembly which is all about friendship and forgiveness.  Our assembly will be tomorrow (Friday 15th February) at 11.15am and families are welcome to come and see it.


As it is Valentine’s Day we learned a little bit about the history behind it.

I learned that it was named after a priest called Valentine who helped soldiers to get married in secret. – James F and Alfie

I learned that Valentine got caught by the Roman Emperor, Claudius and he was put in jail. – Thomas, Toby & Isla

I know that Valentine’s Day is all about love. – James H

I know that some people give cards on Valentine’s Day but it’s not always the same tradition in every country. – Isabella A


In Spelling we have been focusing on the pattern ‘ou’ and we can read it and use it in our writing.

In Literacy we have been continuing to learn about poetry and we worked in groups to write our own rhyming verse to continue the poem ‘Going through the old photos’.  We used some of our own names but we discovered that not all of our names have words that rhyme with them.

In ICT we used Forms on the ipad and netbooks to make our own quizzes on something we knew lots about.

In PE we are continuing with gymnastics and we have been doing different stretches and counter-balancing.  This means that we had to put trust in our partner and work as a team.

We look forward to seeing you at our assembly!


Arctic Return Presentation

Mr Smith came into school to tell us all about an Arctic adventure that he is going on in March. He showed us all the equipment he will be using and even let us taste some of the dehydrated food that he will be eating on his expedition.

He explained that he has been training for the expedition by pulling tyres to build up his strength. He will be taking the same route as a historic Arctic explorer called John Rae, who was also Scottish. He allowed us to try out his clothing and equipment for the trip. His clothing will prevent him from getting frostbite as the temperatures will be minus 30 to minus 50 degrees ! There is also a risk from hungry Polar Bears so Mr Smith will use an electric fence to keep his tent safe at night. We learned LOTS of interesting facts and look forward to seeing his route progress online and he will try to contact us via satellite whilst on his expedition. Primary 6 will design a St Nicholas flag that he will leave in the Arctic Circle.

Good luck Mr Smith!

P1 Dino Fun

Primary 1 have been very busy over the past couple of weeks.

We received a very exciting letter from Pat who is a Paleontologist. He asked us for his help as he had heard that we had been asking lots of questions about dinosaurs. He informed us that there were 14 fossils hidden in St Nicholas and asked if we would be able to find them!

We were unsure of what a fossil or a paleontologist were so we brainstormed some ideas and made a mind map on the board. We decided to go to the library to get some non-fiction books to help us find out. At the library we looked through books and learned how an index can help us to find information on a certain subject. We also found out how to use kiddle and found out some great information from both the books and the internet.

After we knew exactly what fossils were, we headed off outside to find the fossils and we managed to find all 14! We watched a video which explained what tools were needed to examine a fossil. Some of us noticed that the paleontologists were using brushes and decided to use paint brushes to dust our fossils.

Pat then sent us another letter asking for our help as he to know about habitats. We researched what a habitat was and then looked at the differences between our habitats and the dinosaur’s habitats. We then drew pictures of our habitats and created paintings of the dinosaur’s habitats. Some of us thought it would be a nice idea to make a nice habitat for the dinosaurs in the area so we headed outside to collect lots of leaves, sticks and grass for their habitats. We then built them a lovely habitat which we are sure they love!

We are loving our new topic and can’t wait to see what happens next.


P5’s busy week

We have had a busy week in Primary 5.  Here are some of the things we have been learning  this week.

Leo – We have been learning about storytelling as this is NAtional Storytelling Week and we watched David Walliams talking about his novels.

Ellie – We have been learning about the 7 times table and practicing our other times tables.

Cerys – We have drawing entries for the art competition and also designing inventions to make life easier for the engineering competition.

Paula – We have been learning about the brain.  Your brain connects to your nerves and tells you what to do.

Ciaran – We have been practicing our tables and looking at different strategies for learning the facts we find tricky.

Mirin – We have photographed our latest and best pieces of Numeracy and Literary and tried to use teams to post them.

Poppy and Leo- We have been talking about our reflexes and we were holding each others’ shoulder to see how quick our hand reacted and squeezed the other person’s shoulder.  We also tried this with hands so see if it was quicker than our shoulders.  Shoulder reflexes were quicker as the shoulder is closer to our brain.

Erin – We worked on our estimation skills with Mrs Heather.  We learned that our guesses have to be reasonable.

Alexander – We have been thinking about our learning and completed our learners statements.

Leo – We were having learners conversations and talking about what we are good at and what we need to work on.

Ciaran – we have been completing our health and well-being check in and today is feel good Friday.

Phoebe – Mr Menzies came into school to read us a story for storytelling week.

P3’s Weekly Update

Another busy week in P3!  This week we have started to prepare for our class assembly which will be about Friendship and Forgiveness.  This ties in with our Reconciliation preparation.  We have been working hard learning our lines, a song, a prayer and even a rap!  We can’t wait to perform for you all on Friday 15th February.

In Literacy this week, we wrote acrostic poems all about friendship.  These poems didn’t need to rhyme but we had to make sure that each sentence told us something about friendship.

Also, as this week is National Storytelling Week, we had a visit from Mr Menzies who came in to share tales and stories with us.  He was really expressive and funny!

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to learn the 5 and 10 times tables and some of us are getting quicker at recalling these facts without using our fingers.  We are all going to keep practising.

In PE, we are continuing to develop our gymnastic skills and have been practising doing different types of rolls.

In Digital Learning we were learning how to edit a photo and upload it to our class Teams page.  We have also been using a search engine to find the meaning of different scientific words to finish off our topic of freezing and melting.

We look forward to our visit to the library this afternoon and the busy week that lies ahead!

P4a’s Week

We have had another busy week in P4a. In Maths  we have been doing fractions – halves, quarters and tenths. We learned more about what ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’ mean.

In Literacy we were doing presentations about famous Scottish people. Miss Doolan says she is very impressed by all of our presenting skills! Our topic work in class this week included learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We then drew our own ‘Mackintosh Roses’.


In gym we were doing volleyball and gymnastics with Mr Muldoon. In gymnastics we were doing jumps from benches eg. pencil jumps, tuck jumps and star jumps.

Our music lesson was fun. We were learning more about beat and rhythms.

Finally for Robert Burns Day we recited our Scottish poems then we got Irn Bru, short bread and cake (because it was also Raqab’s birthday!)

P5 Burns’ celebration

Primary 5B enjoyed a Burns’ celebration today.  We had shortbread and oatcakes.  Kai’s dad very kindly gave us the oatcakes. Thank you! They were delicious!



This week we have researched Robert Burns using our own devices and school i-pads and laptops.  We created a profile of Robert Burns.  We also learned some Scots words. For homework we also learned a few verses of a Burns’ poem or song and recited them to the class. Well done everyone!

Some facts we have learned about Robert Burns.

Ellie -He was very famous for his poetry and songs.

Mirin – He died because of a heart condition.

Paula – He wrote so many poems and songs for example ‘To a mouse’

Szymon – He was born in a farm in Alloway, in Ayrshire.

Christy – He was also called Rabbie Burns.

Max – He originally spelled his name BURNES.

Sam and Leo – He had a wife called Jean Armour.

Marwa – He had 9 children.

Tomasz – He was born on 25th January 1759.

Charlie – His last resting place is in Dumfries.

Max – He died 21st July 1796.

Sam – He was 37 years old when he died.




P3 Weekly Update

Wow! What a busy week we’ve had so far.  Let us begin by telling you what we’ve been learning about in Literacy.  As it is Burns Day on Friday we have been looking at Scots language.  We listened to and sang the song ‘Donald where’s yer troosers’, we also sang ‘Heids, shooders, shanks and taes’.  Mrs Dymock read us two different poems called ‘The sair finger’ and ‘Lament to the lost dinner ticket’.  It took us a little while to figure out exactly what they were about.  Some Scottish words we learned were mooth = mouth, taes = toes, lugs = ears, bairn = child and mair = more.  Keeping along our Scottish theme we decided to create our own tartan kilts using 4 colours and different widths of lines.  Here is a photo of some of our creations:

In Numeracy, we have been learning the 5 and 10 times tables.  We have been playing Fizz Buzz, Table Trainer and have been drawing pictures to show what each fact looks like.  We’re trying to get faster at recalling these facts so we’re going to keep on practising.  Here are some photos of us busy learning:


In PE we have been practising gymnastics and have been having competitions where one group is demonstrating different types of jumps and the other group is judging the quality of the jumps.  The judges are looking for well stretched bodies and a good balance.


In Science, we tested different materials to see if they were soluble or insoluble.  We discovered that gravy granules, coffee and salt were all soluble materials whereas paperclips, paper and blu tac are insoluble.


We bet you’re all tired from reading about our busy week and we’ll check in again next week to share more of our learning.


A Message from Active Schools

After the fantastic achievement of gaining the Gold School Sport Award last year the school have continued to go from strength to strength. Instead of sitting back and relaxing the pupils have hit a record number of attendances at after school clubs. Compared to last year when 29% of pupils attended an after school club in term one this year 49% of pupils attended an after school club.

Active Schools have worked closely with Miss Miller to put on a range of after school clubs for all the primary stages. Clubs have included football, dance, hockey and tennis.

This term we have spoken to the Health Committee who requested a number of different sports. From these we have a volleyball club starting soon.

All after school clubs will be starting the week beginning 4 February, keep an eye on school bags for letters coming out.

Follow Broxburn Cluster Active Schools on Twitter, @ActiveS_Bburn.

Active Schools Coordinators, Ross Logan and Libby Harris

P4a’s Wonderful Week

This week we have been busy.

In maths we learnt how to do number patterns/sequences and practised division with remainders and without.

Our topic is Famous Scots. We learned that Scottish clans often have their own tartans so we made our own!

In gym we are doing gymnastics so we were doing jumps over a bench this week.

For spelling we were revising the qu sound and we remembered that q to have a u beside it. Our tasks included unscrambling qu words and making a wordsearch for someone else to do.

On Friday we have music with NYCoS. We did singing games and practiced keeping a steady beat along with rhymes.



P2 have a new topic!

P2 are very excited to share their new topic with you. We are going to learn about ‘Schools Past and Present’. We worked on our plan together. We are going to learn about what it was like being a pupil in the past compared to being a pupil today. This includes subjects taught, games played, transport to school, school lunches, tools used in school and pupil voice.

We need help from our mums, dads, grans and grandads! Could you please send in a photograph of when you were in primary school? (Whether or not you were a St. Nicholas pupil!)

We are also looking for any parents who would like to come into school and talk to us about what it was like! The children will have lots of questions for you. If you can, please let us know.

We had lots of fun this week looking at old photographs of our school and of previous teachers and pupils.


P3’s Weekly Update

This week so far we have been busy bees!

In Literacy, we have started to learn about poetry and we know that not all poems need to rhyme and that they can be split into verses.  They also have patterns and can be read to a rhythm.  We made up actions for a poem and performed to our class.


In Numeracy, we have been looking at number patterns and counting in 5s and 10s from lots of different numbers.  We noticed that when you count up in 10s that the ones column number doesn’t change and that when you are using a 100 hundred square you just need to jump down.  When you count in 5s there is a pattern for example, 1,6,11,16,21 etc.


In Science we have started to learn about Freezing and Melting.  We found out that water freezes when the temperature is 0 degrees or below.  We also learned that water can be solid, liquid and gas.


In RE, we have started to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We have been learning about Baptism and talking about our Godparents and where we were Baptised.


In PE we have started to do some gymnastics and have been practising different types of jumps like star jumps, stretch jumps and tuck jumps.


Can you believe that we have done all of that work so far and it is only Wednesday?!

Prizewinners’ lunch with Mrs Brown

The winners of the St Nicholas Reading and Writing competitions had a lovely lunch with our Head Teacher, Mrs Brown, today.   They went on a bus to the other end of Broxburn, had a delicious lunch, and were treated to a book of their choice.  Thank you very much to our local partners, Glow Worm Books, for looking after our prizewinners so well and for sponsoring these competitions for us.

And well done again to our fabulous readers and writers.

Eco Vertical Learning Group – Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The Eco Group did the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch today, noting the different types of birds that are in the Broxburn area, before we uploaded our results to find the Top 10 birds around St Nicholas.  We then worked to create bird snappers – older pupils working alongside younger pupils.  Thanks to our P7, P6 and P5s who took such good care of our younger St Nicholas children, working with such care, skill and patience.  The snappers were very fiddly to put together but we got there with them. Well done everyone!



Busy first week back in P5

Primary 5 have had a busy first week back at school.

In Literacy,  we have been learning about poetry and metaphors and similes. We have worked very hard to create our own metaphors and similes and added them to a poem about dogs.

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to work on money.   We have been working on subtraction number talk strategies and also using our number bonds knowledge to add and subtract multiples of 10.

We have been learning about the 10 Commandments and came up with our own commandments that we felt were important.

This week we have continued with our science topic about our body systems.  We have looked at our respiratory system and also our circulatory system.  We have been working together to research body organs and locate them in our bodies.

We have also been making new year resolutions and looking at making targets for ourselves this term.

What a busy first week back!




Busy week back at school!

Primary 2 would like to share some of the things they have been doing and learning since Monday.

Olivia- We have been using our Rekenreks to switch numbers! A switch is when you change the order of the numbers in your sum.

Nina- We have made shadow pictures for art.

Daniel- We have been writing Winter Senses poems.

Rory- We read a book and wrote about the main thing that happened. Wilf and dad went to the ice rink.

Elias- We read ‘No Tricks Gran!’ and the main thing that happened was Gran made a ghost outside to scare the children.

We are really looking forward to telling you all about our new topic very soon.