Tag Archives: Titanic

P5’s weekly reflection

We have had a busy week in P5b.  This week we have been continuing with Multiplication in Number talks and in our Numeracy lessons.  In Number talks we have used the strategy partial products this week and also used friendly numbers, doubling and halving and repeated addition. Mrs Heather came into class and worked with us on Thursday. In Numeracy we have worked on the formal written method of multiplication.

Marwa – there are different ways to do the written.

Mirin – this method is easier than a vertical sum for me.

We have practiced this week and are getting really good at it. In maths with Mrs Renshaw we have started to  looked at measure and started to estimate the length.

In Literacy we have completed spot the silly word in two different pieces of writing.

Sam – one was a job advert and the other was about Harry Potter.  Phoebe – you need to read the whole piece then look for words that don’t make sense.


Paula – we have continued with literacy circles and are improving with our group discussions and peer assessments.

In writing we wrote a diary entry about when the Titanic hit the iceberg.

Max – In a diary you must discuss your feelings.

Connor – you must use ‘I’ when writing a diary entry. It also has to be in the present tense.

In Health and Well being we looked at advertising and how companies advertise products to get people to buy them  We discuses different strategies like buy one get one free, half price, toys in boxes and tokens to collect.

Ellie –  We then created our own cereals and next week we will create an advert for our cereal.

Sam – we also discussed what makes a good friend and created a ‘wordle’ about friends. Some of the things we think they need to be are- kind, caring, honest and trustworthy.

In our Titanic topic we created adverts for Titanic. We talked about communication on board the Titanic and how important it was. We also looked at the technology on the Titanic. We also completed a cross section of what was inside the Titanic looked like and looked at where things were placed for first and third class passengers.

We also visited the library this week and had a look for Titanic books.

These are only some of the things we have covered this week.  What a busy week!





P5b’s week

We have had a busy week in class learning lots of new things.


Marwa – we have been learning about Fair trade as this is Fair trade overnight

Christy – if you put Fair trade banana skins on mosquito bites they go away.

Ellie – I learned that in the UK people eat over 5 billion bananas in a year.

Max – over 1.66 million farmers and workers produce Fair trade products.

Ciaran – there are over 100 billion different Fair trade bananas produced a year.

Paula – we learned about the grid method of multiplication

Mirin – we made a Titanic display.

Max – we drew pictures of first and third class passengers from the titanic

Kacper – we have been researching facts about the Titanic

Phoebe– we completed our well being check in.

Cerys –  for homework we researched a language

Charlie – we have been learning bout Michelangelo and his image of God.

We have been using our own devices to complete research and find out more about Fair trade and the Titanic.


P5b’s Titanic adventure

Natalia – I liked when we dressed up and played a character on the Titanic

Adam – I learned that workmen had to be at 6:00 am sharp or they would be sent home by the time keeper.

Maisie – I learned that when the Titanic left Southampton it almost crashed.

Lilya – I learned that the people that worked in the Titanic had 6 minutes to go to the toilet. Once one of them fell asleep and the time-keeper started banging on the door.

Adil – I learned that the smoke from the cooking went through the fourth funnel to make it look like it was working.

Archie – I enjoyed dressing up as a purser.

Marta – I learned that the carpenters who worked on the Titanic took spare pieces of wood home to show their families how nice the wood was.

P5 Titanic Workshop

The children in Primary 5 really enjoyed there day yesterday reenacting the launch and maiden voyage of the Titanic.

“I liked being dressed up and acting out the different parts. “- Lilli

“I loved being the fireman. “- Danielius

“I liked dressing up as a lady on board the Titanic.”- Sarah

“I enjoyed designing a 3rd class plate.”- Filip

” I enjoyed the acting”. – Charlotte

“I enjoyed designing the 2nd class plates.” – Dominik


Sink or Float!

Today primary 5/4 tried out their models of the Titanic in the waters of St Nicholas. Lots of the models were successful and stayed afloat however we did have a few disasters!

Molly – I first tried to fill my model with a swimming armband to help it float but it didn’t work. Next I filled a milk carton with lentils and this helped balance the weight of the model so it could float.

Finlay – I used reindeer dust to help my boat float but when I tried it out it tipped over. I tried it again with a rock at the side that needed extra weight and it worked.

Titanic – The unsinkable ship

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P5/4 and P5 learned lots of interesting facts about the Titanic, during this term.  Here are some of the activities we did:

– Created a large scale display of the ship in class.

– Wrote questions we wanted to find out about the Titanic.

– Visited the local library to find out more.

– Did observational drawings of the Titanic.

– Created a timeline of events from when the ice berg was first spotted by Frederick Fleet, to the investaigation following the disaster.

– Designed a new flag for the ship.

– Investgated the construction of the ship.

– Listened to survivors stories.

– Designed and built a Titanic ship or a first class cabin / third class cabin.

– Wrote a factfile.

– Read newspaper articles about the disaster.

– Used netbooks and library books to carry out personal research.

– Created a Titanic quiz.

– Wrote newspaper articales about the sinking of the ship.

– Created a class book about our learning of the Titanic.

– Created a bar chart displaying the number of survivors.

– Made psoters of the White Star Line.

– Watched Discovery DVDs about the ship and took notes about what we learned.

– Painted large scale first class and third class passengers along with facts about these groups of people.

– Looked at a variety of photgraphs, pictures and diagrams of the inside and outside of the ship.










The Unsinkable Ship

Yesterday Primary 5 and Primary 5/4 visited the library to find out more information about our new topic ‘The Unsinkable ship’. To our surprise when we arrived Diane had dressed up as a first class passenger! During our visit we learned lots of new information.

Caitlin learned that even third class passengers ate well on the ship, they ate porridge, toast and potatoes.

Grace learned that aboard the ship was 13 honeymooning couples.

Aaron learned that band members continued to play their instruments as the ship went down.

Kyle learned that there should have been 64 lifeboats but there were only 20 lifeboats on the ship.

Finlay found out that 55 people cancelled their ticket before the ship set sail.

Ali found out that there was a fireman who got off the ship when it arrived in France.

Aiden learned that the ship stopped at Ireland before making its journey across the Atlantic Ocean.

We really enjoyed our library visit and we are all looking forward to finding out much more information about “The Unsinkable Ship”.