Dechmont Infant School Blog

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday 26th May Learning Grid

Home Learning Dechmont P1 26.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 26.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 26.5.20


Apples Phonics Lesson sheet 26.5.20

Banana Phonics 26.5.20

Limes Phonics Revision 26.5.20


Apples Handwriting 26.5.20

Bananas Handwriting 26.5.20 2

Limes Handwriting 26.5.20


Numbers Measure 26.5.20 2

Numbers Measure 26.5.20 3

Numbers Measure 26.5.20


Numicons Measure 26.5.20 3

Numicons Measure 26.5.20


Digits Measure 26.5.20 2

Digits Measure 26.5.20 3

Digits Measure 26.5.20



Can-You-Find-Poster- (1)

Poster-Instructions (1)



May 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday 25th May Learning grid


Please find attached the Learning Grid for Monday and any relevant resources. Please remember to try and share some of your work and if you haven’t shared your countries project I would love to see that too.

Mrs Stenhouse

Home Learning Dechmont P1 25.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 25.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 25.5.20


Reading Resources

Stories for Reading this week

Book Review Template Bananas 2

Book Review Template Bananas 3

Book Review Template Bananas

P.E. Resources

Some ideas for Olympic Games

Topic Templates

Primary 2 Mind Map Template-Tokyo

Example of Tokyo fact file layout Primary 3

RME Resources

Examples of Eid Decoration

Mental Maths Monday

Mental Maths Numicons 25.5.20

Mental Maths Numicons 25.5.20 Challenge

Mental Maths Digits 25.5.20

Mental Maths Digits 25.5.20 Challenge

Mentals Maths Numbers 25.5.20

Mental Maths Numbers 25.5.20 b

I look forward to seeing some examples of your learning!

May 21, 2020
by User deactivated

Friday 22nd May – Mental Health Awareness Week

Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all had a  great week. I have had a lovely time on my days off spending time going for walks and exploring nature with my little girl. Yesterday we saved a bee we found lying in the middle of the path. We found a flower and lay it next to it so it could get some energy. After having it’s head stuck in the petals for a while it actually  flew off! This was our act of kindness to nature.

As you know this week is Mental Health Awareness week and the theme this year is kindness. So today we are looking at being kind. We are taking a break from writing instructions this week to do some kindness writing. Mrs Keenan has also sent you a kindness diary so you can log a week of kind things that you do for other people in your house or to help out and some mindfulness activities. You can also choose one or more of the random acts of kindness from HERE 

Grown-ups check out the website HERE for loads of ideas and support for dealing with things that might affect mental health during lockdown and the coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully you won’t need it but just in case there may be some helpful tips or advice. I will definitely be reading the ‘parenting during the coronavirus outbreak’ article.

Missing you all loads!

Love Mrs Short 😀

Dechmont Health and Wellbeing for Primary 1 to 3

Kindness writing


May 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Thursday 21st May 2020-Let’s relax and have some fun!


I hope you have all been out enjoying the lovely sunshine while it is here!

Thursday is Outdoor Classroom Day. I have attached a link to a pack of activities you may want to try. The website is also fantastic and has lots of ideas I will certainly be using! Feel free to have a wee look and remember to post anything you do so I can see your fabulous Outdoor Learning!

Outdoor Classroom day Around the World

Outdoor Classroom Day Tasks 2

Outdoor Classroom Day tasks

This week is also Mental Health Awareness Week and in these times it is important that we look after each other and take time for ourselves and just be proud of how well we are doing! I have attached a Mindfulness Grid for Thursday. It doesn’t have to all be completed in one day but maybe choose one or two things!

Thursday21st May Work Dechmont-Mindfulness Day

Finally linked with the Olympics here is a link to Get Active resources which has a variety of Physical activities to try to keep the children busy!


Today is all about relaxing, having fun and spending quality time with your families.

Missing you lots. See you all again on Monday!

Mrs Stenhouse

May 19, 2020
by User deactivated

Wednesday 20th May Learning Grid


Mrs Stenhouse here again! Thank you for those who shared some work yesterday, as always it puts a smile on our faces and lets us know you are still managing to learn at home as much as possible. If you haven’t been able to share yet, we would love to see a post. Even just to see your face again! We really do miss you!

Tuesday Learning Grid

Home Learning Dechmont P1 20.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 20.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 20.5.20

Literacy Resources

Limes Handwriting 20.5.20

Limes Phonics 20.5.20

Apple Handwriting 20.5.20

Apples Phonics 20.5.20

Bananas Handwriting 20.5.20

Bananas Phonics 20.5.20

Banana Phonics 20.5.20 instructions

Maths Resources

Digits Measure 20.5.20

Numbers Measure 20.5.20

Numicons Measure 20.5.20

Health and Wellbeing

Food-Diary (1)

I look forward to seeing some of your work uploaded, some more Countries projects and some new faces!

Mrs Stenhouse



May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Hope you all had a nice long weekend and are ready to go again this week! I will be with you for the next few days so your learning grids will be a little bit different this week, but same rules apply, do what you can and please share some work!

Countries projects are due in this week. The couple I have seen so far are fantastic and it is obvious a lot of work has been put into them. Please remember to share, it would be lovely if the children could share their work and learn from each other.

Home Learning Dechmont P1 19.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P2 19.5.20

Home Learning Dechmont P3 19.5..20

Missing you all so much :0(

Mrs Stenhouse



May 15, 2020
by User deactivated

Fantastic Friday – 15th May 2020

Good Morning!

See the source image

I hope you have had a great week. Thank you for posting your work on twitter. If you haven’t managed to do that this week it would be great to see some work today.

Just to let you know I will be off work next week as I have two days back to take off but Mrs Stenhouse will be covering those days and I’ll be back on Friday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Love Mrs Short 😀

Daily Overview

daily overview 20_05_15


Apples writing plan 20_05_15

Bananas writing plan 20_05_15

Limes writing plan 20_05_15


Do activity 2 on the powerpoint.

P1 HWB medicines-and-harmful-substances-powerpoint 1

P2 P3 HWB keeping-safe-around-medicine-powerpoint-1

May 14, 2020
by User deactivated

Thursday 14th May- Learning Activities

Hey Folks,

See the source image

Well what a beautiful sunny morning it is here in Edinburgh! I hope it’s sunny with you all too and I hope it’s a bit warmer than yesterday. it was freezing here yesterday. Isn’t it meant to be nearly Summer now?

Well today is Thursday so it’s reading today. I hope you are all finding everything ok on this blog and on active maths. Any problems just contact me through twitter and I’ll see if we can sort you out. I’m seeing some great work on twitter too. It looks like you are busy busy busy! Thanks for posting on twitter.


Love Mrs Short 😀

Daily Overview 

daily overview 20_05_14



CARLE Reading 20_05_14

CARLE King Pip wish ACTIVITY 20_05_14

CARLE King Pip wish GUIDED READING 20_05_14


KERR Reading 20_05_14

KERR King Pip dark woods ACTIVITY 20_05_14

KERR King Pip dark woods GUIDED READING 20_05_14


JEFFERS Reading 20_05_14

JEFFERS senses ACTIVITY 20_05_14



SEUSS Reading 20_05_14

SEUSS welcome to the circus ACTIVITY 20_05_14

SEUSS welcome to the circus GUIDED READING 20_05_14

SEUSS comprehension – The Isle of Coll


I have set you all up with a maths factor module. You will find these on your Active Learn Hub where you find your reading.


P1 – Senses Today you will be learning about smell.

P1 SCIENCE senses 20_05_14

P1 SCIENCE The Senses Song

P2/3 _ Organs Today you will be learning about the major organs inn your body.

P2 P3 SCIENCE my body organs 20_05_14

P2 P3 SCIENCE Organs word mat

P2 P3 SCIENCE Organs assessment sheet colouring

HWB – Today you will be learning about substance safety and learning about being safe with medicines.

P1 HWB medicines-and-harmful-substances-powerpoint 1

P2 P3 HWB keeping-safe-around-medicine-powerpoint-1


May 12, 2020
by User deactivated

Wednesday again! 13th May 2020

Hey Everyone,

See the source image

Well here we are again. It’s Wednesday! I don’t know about you but it feels like the weeks are going so fast.

Well this week is National Conversation week so I thought it would be a great chance to have some fun conversations. Use the questions on this page to get you going. I’m not expecting you to use all 100! Just choose a few that interest you and start a conversation. Dinner time is a good time to have a chat.

Have a great Wednesday

Love Mrs Short 😀

Daily Overview 

daily overview 20_05_13

Music from Mrs Keenan

Extra Music activities

Primary 1 songs Healthy eating

Primary 2 music lessons April 20

Primary 3 Music Lessons April

Literacy – sight words

Apples Bananas 20_05_13 sight words

Limes 20_05_13 sight words


I realised I had put a lot of activities on for numeracy last Thursday so today we are going to do any that you missed and then more practice on the games.

Digits 20_05_13

Numbers 20_05_13

Numicons 20_05_13


This is the final lesson in the Henri Matisse series. I can’t wait to see your examples on twitter.

Art Henri Matisse Lesson 3 1 20_05_13



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