Primary 7 20.4.18

Hello everyone!

In P7 this week we have been very busy organising our last term in Primary School.
Our Leavers hoodies have arrived and they look great! We also have started planning our Leavers Assembly and we have been allocated parts. We can’t wait to perform it.

In indoor PE we are learning how to play badminton, it is really fun! Mrs Ferguson teaches us on a Wednesday every week.

In writing we are focused on mystery and suspense paragraphs. This week we wrote a paragraph about a haunted house and now they are on the wall with a matching picture.

In Science we have a DCHS transition passport and we have activities to complete to get us ready for high school science.

We have self, peer and the teacher has assessed our WWII projects and they are fantastic! Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay are really happy with our work! 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone!

By Luci, Daisy, Imane and Ellie

P7M – Swimming on Monday
P7C – PE on Monday

Both classes – Indoor PE on Wednesday

Primary 7 8.2.18

Hello everyone

Last Friday 30 P7s went to the sports hall event we competed in running, standing long jump, speed bounce, javelin and time laps. On Monday we found out the results we came first by an outstanding amount. We were all so happy!

On Tuesday we had PE and we have been doing dancing in our groups. We have to make our own dance routine.

On Wednesday we had parents’ night and we will have another tonight. We hope that everyone showed parents their amazing work they have been doing in school.
Today (Thursday) we had our photos taken for the Primary 7 class pictures on the wall next to Mr Shanks’s office. (We hope they look great!)

We also have been carrying on with our WW2 booklet and our My Life So Far.
Reminders: We are off on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday transition club need their PE kit as normal.

Letters about our My Life so Far projects were sent home today too. They tell us the date that the first draft and final copy are due.

Have a lovely February break!

By Anna, Katie, Cameron, Zayan and Nathan

Primary 7 – 31.03.17

A fantastic show was performed on Wednesday! The children worked very hard learning lines, songs and stage directions and their performance was outstanding! Thank you for all of your support in helping the children achieve this level of excellence. Thank you for an amazing turn out, the audience really helped the children perform to their best. The next show for P7 will be our Leavers Assembly!

Miss Thomson made her final visit to P7G working on algebra. This was a scary thought at first but by the end everyone was solving algebraic equations. Well done!

The children watched the film version of the book they had been reading in Literacy Circles – Goodnight Mr Tom, The Diary of Anne Frank and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The children discusses the differences and similarities between their books and the films.

The children have been working on memories about Eveline our dinner lady. There will be a special assembly today to wish her good luck in the next chapter of her life. Many of the children will miss her.

The children will be sharing what they have been working on up till now on their My Life So far. They will have an opportunity to work on this in school next term but most of it will need to be completed at home. The finished product should be handed in by Friday 2nd June. We look forward to reading the finished results.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy and holiday.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 24.03.17


It has been another busy week for Primary 7. On Wednesday the children performed their show for the rest of the school and the nursery. It was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed watching Alice the Musical. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to provide costumes for the show. There are still a few children who still have not brought in their costumes – could they please do so for Monday. Tickets are selling fast for the evening performance so if you would still like to buy tickets please send your form in as soon as possible.

The children have been delivering their WW2 class talks. It is obvious that many children have spent a long time researching and preparing their class talks. Well done to these children!

The children have been writing imaginative stories, trying to include all the information that they have learned about WW2. The most written so far is 6 pages – what a lot of reading we will have to do!

Yesterday we took part in Earth Hour by designing hearts to show what we love about nature and the environment. Look out for these on the Earth Hour trees that will be appearing in the corridors very soon.

We are taking part in Red Nose Day today. The children will be dressing down and buying cakes at the bake sale. If your child has forgotten to bring their donation for dressing down then please send it in on Monday.



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Last week of Literacy circles – please ensure all homework booklets are up to date and books handed in on Monday

School show 1.30 and 6.30 on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 7 – 17.03.17

Primary 7 have had a very busy week. The children have been practising for the school show – Alice the Musical. The children have been working really hard learning their lines and song words. Please ensure you child brings their costume in as we have our school dress rehearsal on Wednesday. If you wish to purchase tickets for the school show please complete the tear off slip on the letter that was given out this week and return to school.

The children have been working hard on their WW2 personal projects during the past few weeks at home and in class. These are looking brilliant and are due in today. If your child has not been able to hand it in today, please ensure it is handed in on Monday.

As part of their personal project, the children have been asked to prepare a class talk where they will be able to present information about their chosen research area. These will be taking place next week. A lot of hard work has gone into these projects and we cannot wait to find out what the children have found out!



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Class talks

Continue to learn show scripts/songs

PE on Thursday with Miss Inglis

Friday 24th March – Red Nose Day – details to follow


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 7 – 10.03.17


This morning we are off to DCHS to take part in the Hurricane challenge. We will give you more details of how we got on next week.

We are continuing to practise for our school show, Alice the Musical. The children have been working very hard learning their lines and the songs. Please continue helping them with these and I’m sure we will have a fabulous show! Please can you send in all costumes as soon as possible. Thank you.

The children had their last dance rehearsal in PE and they will be performing their dance to P1s and the rest of primary 7 on Tuesday.

PSA Spring disco was a great success. The children had a great time dancing their socks off!




Spelling homework

Maths homework

Practise songs

WW2 Project due Friday 17th March


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 7 – 24.02.17

It it the end of a very busy week with our visitors.

Throughout the week the children in Primary 7 spoke to our visitors on all aspects of school life. The visitors were very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and knowledge of their learning.

On Monday and Tuesday the children participated in a World War Two day organised by the Military Museum Scotland. The children took part in quizzes, they got to dress up in military uniform, try on gas masks and look at a variety of memorabilia from WW1 and WW2. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and increased their knowledge and understanding of aspects of WW2. Well done to all the children who made the effort to dress up in a range of outfits from the 1940s. They looked fantastic!

Well done to the Sportshall Athletics group – they have been training hard the last few weeks and finally participated in the competition. Carmondean were the winning school from West Lothian and they came 9th overall. A commendable effort by all.

Miss Thomson from DCHS came to work with Mrs Gilmour’s maths set on Wednesday. They investigated fractions, decimals and percentages, and worked through a range of tasks. Miss Thomson will be visiting Miss Wilson’s maths set next Wednesday.

The children are continuing to work on programming using KODU. They have made a racing game and they will get to evaluate a class mate’s game next week.


Next week is the last week for after school clubs

Spelling homework

WW2 Personal project

My Life So Far


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 7 – 20.01.17


It has been yet another busy week in Primary 7!

On Monday the children enjoyed using Google expeditions to explore the events of WW2. The children looked at some of the places that were affected in WW2, we visited the Tuskadee airmen and went on the USS Missouri . The children learned so much from this experience.

As part of our ERASMUS plus project we researched different aspects of Scotland. This included traditional food, clothing, music, dance, stories as well as the geography and tourist attractions. The children made slides which will be combined into one PowerPoint to tell our partner countries all about Scotland.

In writing the children created a leaflet to share their learning from the Risk Factory trip. The children chose how to create their leaflet – either writing it by hand or using Publisher. The leaflets were very informative and included information about how to stay safe in the home and outside.

Indoor PE this term is dance. The children have chosen their groups and decided on their music. They will now begin to create a routine which they will perform to an invited audience. The children will also have to think about appropriate costumes and advertising for this event.

On Wednesday the children began to work in their Literacy Circles groups. Each group chose a novel to focus on (Anne Frank, Blitz Cat, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Goodnight Mr Tom). The children will be working in their groups each Wednesday and will need to ensure they complete their homework tasks on a weekly basis.

As part of our class topic on WW2 the children have been given a personal project to undertake. Their challenge is to present information about an aspect of WW2 both as a booklet and as a class talk. In class the children were given time to research different aspects and choose a focus. There will be time in class on a Monday to work on this project as well as working on it at home.

Today we held our annual Burns Poetry competition. Two children from each class recited their poems to the whole school. Everyone did a fantastic job!



Spelling homework

Literacy Circles – Wednesday

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words


Primary 7 -13.01.17

Hello to Everyone,

It has been another busy week in P7.

The children have been working hard learning their Burns poems. Nearly everyone has learned the words and they are now adding in expression and actions where appropriate. It would be appreciated if you could also help your child with this. The children will be reciting their poem in class on Wednesday or Thursday next week and the 2 children who get the most votes will represent their class at the school Burns Competition. Good Luck to everyone!

We have started our World War 2 topic and the children have lots of questions. If you have any memorabilia that we could show the children this would help bring the topic to life. Even better if you know anyone who would be willing to speak to the children about their experiences please let us know.

We had a very successful visit to the Risk Factory on Tuesday. The children learned strategies to keep them safe in a variety of scenarios. The children will be creating safety leaflets about this in writing next week.

Auditions have been taking place for our show ‘Alice The Musical’. All children will find out what part they have been allocated next Wednesday. To make the show a success we need all children to attend both the afternoon and evening performances. If they are unable to attend in the evening please give us plenty of notice about this so we can adjust their part accordingly as it is unfair to expect other children to stand in at the last minute.

My Life So Far is not being worked on in school this term so the children will need to work on it at home. First draft of the project to be handed in Friday 31st March 2017.


  • After school clubs have started
  • Spelling homework due each day and all by Friday
  • Swimming on a Friday for P7G

Thank you for your continued support with all aspects of school life.

Mrs Gilmour and Miss Wilson

Primary 7 17.3.16

Hello everyone

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Primary 6 and 7 production of “Hosanna!” on Wednesday. We were so proud of all the children in P7 whose talent and commitment shone throughout both performances. We hope you all enjoyed the show 🙂

This week we have been rounding off our WW2 topic with another challenge! The children have been working in groups of 4 or 5 to create a large poster showing their knowledge of World War 2. All posters must include information on: How the war started; the political parties involved and each party’s views; the effects that the war had on people in Britain and how the war eventually ended. The children have half an hour left to complete their posters, create a presentation of their work and they then will present it to the rest of the class. We look forward to seeing the final products 🙂

As part of our WW2 topic we have also begun watching “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”. Two of the reading groups in each class have been doing a novel study on the book this term. The children who are in these groups have been taking notes on the similarities and differences between the film and book throughout the viewing of the film. Next week the children will write up a comparison piece based on the film and the book. Next week we will also be watching “Goodnight Mr Tom” in class which the other reading group in each class has been reading this term in order to also complete a comparison piece of writing. We are looking forward to reading the children’s interesting comparisons 🙂

Some reminders –
Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday (please note the new PE day)


STOP PRESS – The event described below has had to be re-scheduled and will now take place on 11th and 12 th April.

Next Monday/Tuesday (21st/22nd March) – “Home Front Histories” are coming into school to deliver an interactive workshop to the children. This cost of this will be ÂŁ2 per child. Please bring this money into school for Monday. P7F may dress in period outfit/costumes/uniform for this event on Monday, whilst P7C can dress up on Tuesday.

Reading homework – No written reading homework this week. Children have instead been asked to read to the end of their reading book before next Wednesday 23rd.

Other homework – All other homework is suspended until after the Easter Holidays.

Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely Easter break when it arrives!

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Primary 7 11.03.16

Hello everyone!

Primary 7 have had a very busy week. On Wednesday the Primary 6 and 7 children performed “Hosanna!” in front of the whole school and staff. The children performed excellently with fantastic singing, beautiful dancing and superb acting! Miss Farren and I were so proud of all of the children. Please remember that you can come to watch “Hosanna!” next Wednesday 16th March at 1:30pm or 6:30pm at the Pentecostal Church in Fells Rigg. Tickets are available from the office.

Change of timetable

As of next week our timetable will change somewhat. Outdoor PE will still be on a Tuesday afternoon for both classes. However, indoor PE times are changing to a Wednesday afternoon until the end of the summer term. Next week is an exception as due to our show performances Indoor PE will be on a Thursday (17.3) for one week only. We will remind the children of this in class. The children will also no longer have art with Ms Fox but will continue working with Mr Platt in music on a Wednesday.

Our WW2 topic is nearing its end. The children have worked very hard throughout this topic and have been enthusiastic about their learning. In order to celebrate what we have learned we have invited “Home Front Histories” into school on the last week of term for a full day interactive workshop. Miss Farren’s class will attend the workshop in school on Monday 21st March and Miss Clark’s class will go on Tuesday 22nd March. On these days children are encouraged to come into school dressed as a child in the 1940s. We are sure it will be a fun and informative day for all! 🙂

Thank you. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

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