Primary 4 29.11.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4. We have been working hard on learning our Scottish song for today’s St Andrew’s Day assembly. We were working hard to learn “Bananas are the best” and the children performed very well today. Well done everyone.

Our thoughts now turn towards Christmas. Tonight is the Christmas Fair and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there. The Fair runs from 6 until 8pm and you can buy tickets at the door. In class we have been learning about the Christian story of Christmas. The children learned about the important role that King Herod played in this story and made story boards to showcase their learning.

In school next week we are very excited to watch a Panto in the big hall. We are also looking forward to our delicious Christmas lunch on Tuesday. Remember – if your child has not ordered a Christmas lunch then they should bring a packed lunch to school with them on Tuesday.

Homework is due in on Monday and we will hand out new reading books to some groups and new homework on Wednesday. The next set of homework will be due on Monday 16th December and this will be the last piece of homework before the Christmas holidays. Please remember that only the starred activities must be completed. Thank you.

We would also like to say thank you to all the boys and girls who have already presented their class talks. We can really tell that the children have worked so hard on preparing them. Thank you as well for all of your support in working with the children on these at home. It is very much appreciated. Anyone who has not already presented their class talk will do so next week.


PE days have now changed. PE with Mrs Ferguson will now take place on a WEDNESDAY instead of a Thursday as before. The other session of PE with Miss Clark and Mrs Muir will still take place on a Tuesday.

The children will also begin to work with Ms Fox on a Wednesday in Art.

Thank you for all of your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 27/11/17

Primary 1 are beginning to get into the Christmas spirit! We are practising our nativity regularly as the performances are only 3 weeks away! The children now know all the songs and are enjoying singing them with the actions. Some children have learnt short dances to some of the songs and the children with speaking parts are learning when to say their lines. Please continue to practise your child’s parts at home.
Today is our St Andrews Day assembly. The children have been busy learning a Scottish song ‘I sent aff for cheese’ and will perform it infront of the school this morning.
In maths we are moving on to reading, writing and counting numbers to 20. We will be thinking about how we can structure a number in different ways using lots of resources in class.
Gym times are changing as of next week. We will be seeing our PE specialist on a Thursday which will replace our Monday PE session. So please can you send your child to school with a PE kit on Thursdays.
With many children suffering from coughs and colds it is helpful if you can send your child to school with a named water bottle. Please only send water to school and not juice.
Reading books should come to school every day so that we can read throughout the week. Library books only need to come into school on a Friday.
Thank you for all your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 6 24.11.17

The entire school has been preparing for our St. Andrews Day assembly next week. Primary Six are performing the Burns song, “Your Welcome Wullie Stewart”. The song is about welcoming a dear friend. We have added guitars, drums and other percussion instruments to our ensemble and it is sounding superb.

We had an interactive science session this week, where we made part of the human digestive system! The pupils questioning skills have certainly added to our learning and we have now created a new science section within the classrooms where pupils can write down their ‘Big Science Questions’. Selected pupils then research the answers to the questions and present back to the class. It’s proving to be extremely interesting!

Many pupils have been choosing to do extra work on their European country books during their own time and it is wonderful to see such enthusiasm from them. The children are working hard in class and we have been impressed with the standard of work being produced. Well done Primary Six.

It’s hard to believe that we will be entering the month of December next week, may we remind you that the Primary Six Christmas party is on the afternoon of Monday 4th of December. The children can bring their party clothes to school and change at lunch time.

The school is having a reading day next Wednesday and we would like the children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be lots of exciting activities happening in the classroom and the children are getting to design their own library area.

Our Christmas Fair is next Friday and tickets are selling fast. The choir will be singing, Santa will be in attendance and there will be a variety of stalls selling exciting goods. Please come along if you can.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie, Mr. Woodward and Mr Shanks

Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 and Primary 2 have a Scottish song to learn for our St Andrew’s Day Assembly next week. The children have a copy of the words to take home and we will practise the song and actions in class. We would appreciate your support in helping the children practise the words.

We have been also working on our Nativity. Children have been practising the songs, dance moves and lines. This will continue up until our show in December.

Primary 2/3 have been investigating which buildings we have in our community and what role they play in keeping our community functioning. Children have drawn these buildings and constructed some of them using our construction materials. They look brilliant!

Primary 2/3 have also been looking into our personal hygiene. We are now regularly brushing our teeth and we understand the importance of washing our hands to prevent the spread of germs.

P.E is on a Monday (Outdoor, weather permitting) and Tuesday


P2- Reading, Time your climb, Common words,

P3- Reading, Spelling/sentences, Common words

Common words (could you please sign off common words once the children have practised them)



Primary 3 20.11.17

We have certainly been hustling and bustling with our nativity practice lately! Costumes have been fitted, lines being learned, dances being choreographed and positions being given and we can’t wait to show you what we have been working on! Thank you for going over children’s lines, the effort is really paying off.


Our Inclusion topic is well under way and we have been learning about the provisions in place to ensure people who have difficulties are included and provided for in and around our school and local area. We were interested to learn that some people’s difficulties cannot be seen, and rather, it is harder for them because of this.


St Andrew’s Day is not far away either and we have a new and interesting Scots song to learn. Here are the words, can you understand the story? Children have all been given a copy to learn over the next two weeks.

We look forward to seeing many of you at our Look, Write, Count event on Wednesday 22nd November from 6.30. Here, you will receive a wonderful free story bag with games and two picture books included, and have the opportunity to play some of the games with your child and perhaps hear a story!


Nativity words and songs

St Andrew’s Day song




Book Day on Wednesday 29th November. Start planning fancy dress where children dress up as their favourite book character.

Primary 5. 04.11.2016

This week we have started preparing for our assembly by learning the words to four different songs, one for each of the countries in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We have also begun to learn about the patron saints of these countries.

We have also finished writing our latest stories, “I was left behind”. Some of our stories are so good that we have chosen to put them in our learning journals.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to start selling wrist bands to support children in need. To raise publicity for this we are creating posters which we can stick up around the school.

Primary 5B have had a a student from Deans Community High School helping us out this week.

Reminders for next week

  • Spelling homework
  • Maths homework
  • Reading Homework
  • PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday

Can you make sure that you sign your child’s homework diary so that we know you are checking them?


Mrs. Steel and Mr. Greig

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