Primary 4 30.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had a fun, busy week in Primary 4. In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of the 8 times table and we have introduced division by 8 facts. The children were able to notice the similarities between the times table facts and division facts. We will continue to consolidate this knowledge using a variety of strategies in class.

In writing, we have been continuing to write persuasive letters. This week the children wrote letters to their families at home (keep your eyes peeled for copies of these letters coming home in school bags!) The children’s job was to convince their families to allow them to watch their favourite movie at home. The children had great ideas on how to convince you!

In French Miss Carrigan and Mrs Muir have been teaching the children about weather. The children have revised different weather vocabulary. They have now begun to have a short conversation about the weather including information about the seasons. This was very tricky at first but the children worked very hard to pronounce the different vocabulary correctly. We will continue to work more on this in class.

Tomorrow we will be visiting Craigswood Sports Centre to take part in the local Cluster’s handball tournament. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and can stay in their kit for the rest of the day. We are looking forward to watching the children further develop the skills that they have learned with Mrs Ferguson in PE lessons.

Homework is due in tomorrow. Please see the class newsletter that will be coming home shortly for more information about homework. Remember only starred activities need to be completed. Each child should now have a reading book. Please encourage your child to bring their reading book to school each day as we use these during reading lessons. Children also have the opportunity to read their reading pages with a partner, an adult or by themselves each day in class.

Reminders – Indoor PE: Thursday
Outdoor PE: Tuesday

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 4.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had another busy week in Primary 4.

In PE with Mrs Ferguson we have begun to learn the rules of handball. Please ask us about these at home if you have a chance. Letters have been sent out regarding a Handball Festival that the children will take part in on Thursday 31st October. They will play handball against other Primary 4s from other schools. Please return £2.50 and the EE2 forms as soon as possible.

Letters have also been sent home regarding the Halloween Disco which is on Thursday 24th October from 7-8:30pm. The cost is £3 per child and children may bring up to £3 with them in order to buy tuck from the tuck shop. We are looking forward to seeing your costumes!

This week in numeracy we have been revising the strategies that we can use when working out the answers to multiplication questions. We then began working on the 8 x table for the first time. The children are working very hard to learn the stations of the 8 times table. Ask your child more about what they have learned at home 🙂

Next Wednesday and Thursday parent consultations will take place. We look forward to meeting with many of you then.

Today the last homework of this term was handed in. There will be no homework next week. This will resume after the October break.

PE days: Outdoor – Tuesday and Indoor – Thursday.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 22.9.19

Hello everyone

We hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

It has been another busy week in Primary 4. In RME we have been continuing to learn about Communities and Belonging. We understand that some people choose how to live their lives based on the religion that they follow. For the past 3 weeks we have been learning about how people who follow the Jewish religion only eat certain foods called “Kosher”. We have also learned that they never mix meat or milk together, they even have separate sinks, plate and cutlery for meat and milk dishes. This week the children shared their understandings by creating a meat menu and a milk menu (starter, main course and dessert) containing only Kosher foods. We will continue to explore different food laws, looking at different religions and what they believe.

Our Viking topic is well underway. The children have been comparing how a Viking’s life was different to our own lives. However we have found some similarities too. The children noted how Viking boys often led very different lives to those of Viking girls and how boys and girls now have much more similar lives. We will create our own realistic Viking characters and will write scripts telling of some of their adventures. We hope to share these with you at parents evenings in October.

We have been very impressed with the children’s developing knowledge of time in numeracy. We have now explored both analogue and digital clocks and have practised o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have also explored the differences between am and pm times and the children learned what activities in their lives that they do in a.m. times and in p.m. times. Next week we will explore time in 5 minute intervals using the digital clock. We will also look at longer periods of time such as weeks, months and years through using calendars. Please continue to support your child with telling the time at home.

Homework share it jotters are not due in until Thursday 3rd October. All starred activities must be completed, the rest are optional.
PE days are Tuesday (Outdoor, weather permitting) and Thursday for Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson.
Parents Consultations take place on Wednesday 9th October 5-7:30pm and Thursday 10th October 4-6:30pm. Information regarding appointments will be made available soon.

Thank you for your continued help and support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 13.9.19

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have been working very hard this week. We have been exploring the use of digital clocks and looking at how o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to are written on digital clocks. Next week we will be learning more about this and exploring am and pm. Please continue to ask your child about what they are learning at home.

Thank you for all the support that you have provided the children in completing their first piece of homework in Primary 4. Homework jotters were due in yesterday and the children will be sharing their homework with their peers and their teacher today in class. New homework will be handed out next Wednesday 18th and once again the children will have 2 weeks to complete the starred activities and any of the extra activities they wish to complete.

In writing this week the children were learning about writing in paragraphs. The children were able to identify where paragraphs should start and end and what the main idea of a paragraph is in a text. Next week the children will be writing about themselves using paragraphs. We can’t wait to see how they get on 🙂

Reminders –
Homework to be given out – Wednesday 18th
Homework due in – Thursday 3rd October
*Starred activities must be completed, the rest are optional*
Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Thursday with Mrs Ferguson
Please note that we are on holiday next Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th Sept. We look forward to welcoming the children back next Wednesday 18th.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.9.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy but fun filled week in Primary 4. We have been continuing to learn lots about the Vikings. This week we learned about the Viking homelands of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. We found them in an Atlas and marked them on our own maps. We then identified the Viking settlements in the UK. The boys and girls made excellent maps showing the routes across the North Sea that the Vikings may have taken to get to Scotland. We also learned about Viking long boats, what they were made of, how they were built and why they were so long and sleek. Next week we are hoping to make our own long boat models so watch this space!

In numeracy we have been continuing to learn about time. This week we focused on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock. Next week we will use digital clocks to help us to tell the time. Please continue to practise telling the time at home with your child whenever you can.

Your child still has one full week to complete their homework. We would like to see homework jotters next Thursday in class so that the children can spend some time on Friday sharing what they have done with their teacher and each other. We are looking forward to looking through their first homework task of P4 🙂

In reading, each class has begun to read and explore their new class novel. Mrs Muir’s class are reading “The Legend of Spud Murphy” while Miss Clark’s class are reading “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat”. These books will not come home with the children however we expect the children to still be reading at home even if its just a few pages each week. Please record what your child is reading each week in their homework jotter.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)
Homework due – Thursday 12th Sept (spelling, reading and maths activities should be completed. Other tasks are optional).

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir.

Primary 4 Update

Welcome to a new year in primary 4! Both classes have settled in really well and we’ve been very busy agreeing our class charter, our learning targets for the term and getting to know each other and the classrooms.

We have started our Vikings topic already and have been looking at the similarities and differences between our lives and the lives of Vikings.  We were all quite shocked that the Vikings sometimes took their farm animals to live with them in their houses!  We will be investigating lots more about the Vikings and incorporating other curricular areas including drama and art to help us with our learning.

In numeracy we will be consolidating the times tables we have already learned and starting to learn the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables. We will also be practising telling the time.  We will revise telling the time to quarter past and quarter to the hour and then focus on telling the time to minutes past and to the hour.  It would be great if you could practise telling the time with your child at home too.


Homework will be issued every two weeks starting next week.  There will be a variety of activities, some will be starred which means these should definitely be completed.  There will also be other activities which are optional.  House points will be given for any optional activities completed.  We’ll share our homework in class every two weeks on a Friday.

For the first term we will not issue a reading book as we will be working on a class novel and doing lots of reading in class. However we encourage all the children to read books at home.  If you would like to borrow a book from school for your child to read, please let us know.


Indoor PE with the PE specialist Mrs Ferguson is on a Thursday and outdoor PE is on a Tuesday. Please could you make sure your child has a PE kit. If it’s easier the PE kit can be taken in at the beginning of the week and left in class until the Friday. Mrs Muir’s class have PE first thing on Thursdays so please could your child come in wearing PE kit and with their school uniform in their bag to change into after PE.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

Thanks for all your support,

Miss Clark and Mrs Muir.


Primary 4 14.6.19

Hello everyone

It has been a hectic but enormously fun week in Primary 4! Yesterday we performed our show “Rock Bottom” to friends and family and the children did an absolutely fantastic job! Every single child worked so hard to make this show such a success and they shone yesterday during both performances. Miss Donaldson and I were extremely proud teachers and would like to thank the children for their dedication to this show. We would also like to thank all the parents and carers for supporting the children with learning lines, songs, dances and for providing costumes. We really appreciate all of your help.

In numeracy this week we began learning about time. We have been exploring analogue clocks and revising o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We also made our own analogue clocks which we will use to play games with a partner to test our knowledge. Next week we will link our knowledge of time to the digital clock and explore time in some five minute intervals. Please encourage your child to look at clocks to tell the time at home.

Also in numeracy the children finished their work on fractions by completing a “Pizza Party Challenge”. Each child worked with a partner to create their own pizza collage. The catch? The children had to interpret a series of fractions to work out how many slices should have each ingredient. The children were able to work out that 4/6 of the pizza meant 8 slices must have mushrooms and that 1/4 meant that 3 slices of the pizza should have pepperoni. The children then presented their finished pizza creations to the class. Watching the presentations made us all feel very hungry!

This week the children began to create their own booklets about their time in Primary 4. They will write and illustrate their achievements, favourite subjects, things they have learned and their hopes for Primary 5. You will be able to read your child’s completed booklet and explore the rest of their Primary 4 work during our Open Morning which will take place next Friday 21st June from 9:15-10:15. A letter will be sent home with more details about this shortly.

Calum from “Cool Creatures” will be visiting Primary 4 next Tuesday afternoon to round off our mini beast topic. He will be bringing a variety of mini beasts and other animals for the children to look at and possibly interact with if they would like. We would like to thank the PSA for funding this visit, it is much appreciated and we know the children are going to love it!

Reminders –
Sports day next Thursday (9:30 start on the field). Children will be competing in their houses and if they could wear their house colour that would be helpful. If this is not possible then coloured bibs will be provided.
Deer Park – blue
Raeburn – green
Sutherland – yellow
Waverley – red
No more homework to be handed out in Primary 4. Reading books are to be returned to school once they have been completed. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 7.6.19

Hello everyone

What an amazing week it has been in Primary 4. Yesterday Primary 4 and 5 performed the show “Rock Bottom” to the rest of the school and to say that they did an amazing job is an understatement! So many teachers and pupils have spoken to myself, Miss Donaldson and the P5 teachers about how phenomenal the performance was and we are very proud teachers. We can’t wait for families and friends to see the final performances on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. The children have now received letters home about how to purchase tickets for these events. Thank you for all your support throughout the term, the show wouldn’t be possible without you.

This week was also very exciting as 3 butterflies entered the world in our classrooms! The butterflies drank the juice of oranges and strawberries while they grew stronger and then on Tuesday we released them out of their net and into the wild! The children have loved watching the caterpillars grow and develop into beautiful butterflies and have learned so much about mini beasts through watching this transformation in action.

Our monthly homework challenge has now been completed and it was very successful. We loved seeing the different types of homework that the children wanted to share with us and the rest of the class and we feel that it has been a valuable experience for all. There will be no more homework handed out in Primary 4. However, if your child has not finished their reading book then this should be completed at home and the book returned to school upon completion before the end of term. Thank you, as always, for supporting your child with their homework.

The Carmondean Summer Fair is tomorrow from 11am-1pm and will take place in both school halls due to the weather forecast. Entrance to the school will be via the fire exit next to the large hall. Tickets can be purchased at the event. We are sure this will be a very fun event.

Thank you for all your help and support.
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 30.5.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4 so far. In P4C our learning of minibeasts continued with the story of “The Cautious Caterpillar”. This caterpillar was afraid to change into a butterfly because he loved being a caterpillar so much. However he was brave, made the transformation and was so pleased that he did. We discussed how we could apply that to our own lives and discussed times that we had been brave and tried something new and how this was important. All of the children are about to “transform” into Primary 5 children and some decided to write down information about themselves to share with their future P5 teacher. We will continue to discuss this and learn more about the life cycles of minibeasts through our topic.

We have been working extremely hard on the “Rock Bottom” Primary 4/5 show this week. Our dress rehearsal in front of the whole school and staff is next Thursday 6th June. You should have received costume letters home detailing what your child needs to bring in to wear during the performances. Almost all children should provide a plain but brightly coloured t-shirt and leggings/trousers that we are allowed to cut into zig zags at the bottom for a prehistoric feel! Please let us know if there are any problems with providing parts of your child’s costume and we will work hard to solve any problems. Thank you for your support with this. The final show performances to friends and families are on Thursday 13th June 2019 with a performance at 1:30pm and another at 6:30pm. All children are expected to attend both performances. If your child cannot attend for any reason then please let us know as soon as possible. Tickets will go on sale for this event soon.

This week Primary 4 were involved in the whole school spring clean litter pick. Our area was the perfect playground area and the left hand side and back fence on the field. We found lots of litter and we were happy that we could help Mrs Muir and her Eco Warriors along with the rest of the school to help make our playground beautiful. Well done Primary 4! Even the rain didn’t dampen our spirits! See some photos of us working hard below! 🙂

We were visited today by Mr Canning, the chanter/pipes tutor that visits the school weekly. All children were treated to him playing the chanter and the pipes for us! Today children will receive letters home to ask whether they would be interested in chanter/brass tuition beginning in Primary 5. Please fill in these forms and return them to school if your child is interested in taking part in a trial lesson next week.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework (reading, spelling activity and one other activity due on Fridays)

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 23.5.19

Hello everyone

It was lovely to welcome the children back after the long weekend. They had lots of lovely stories to share 🙂

In PE we are beginning some work on different aspects of Athletics. So far we have been discussing and working on the skills of short and long distance running. The children also used a baton during relay races which required lots of team work and communication. Hurdles have also introduced while running short distances and this has provided extra challenge! We look forward to seeing the children grow and improve in this area this term 🙂

Last week everyone wrote an imaginative piece of writing all about the adventures of Charlotte and Wilbur from our reading book – Charlotte’s Web. These stories were very detailed and full of interesting adventures! The children are now developing the skills of redrafting their work, with excellent spelling and handwriting being very important. Well done everyone for working hard on this!

Our caterpillars are in their chrysalis’! Over the long weekend some of the caterpillars attached themselves to the roof of their container and transformed into a chrysalis. Some did their transformations on the ground. Mr Shanks helped us to move them all from their small container to their much bigger netted container which will hold them when they are butterflies. We are loving watching them grow and develop! Stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 17.5.19

Hello everyone

This week has been an exciting one in Primary 4. We are really enjoying watching our caterpillars grow and grow. They are so much bigger than they were last week and we hope that by the time we are back to school on Tuesday that they will each be in their chrysalis! See the photo below to see how much they have grown.

In maths we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of fractions. We have been using whiteboards, pens and coloured counters to help us to find fractions of amounts (such as 1/4 of 24). The children have worked very hard with this and most are now also able to find 2/5 or 7/9 of a number too! Well done P4!

Show rehearsals are continuing and our dress rehearsal in front of the school is in 3 weeks time. If your child has a script at home and still has words to learn can you please encourage them to have their words fully learned by Tuesday. We really appreciate all the support you are providing your child with at home.

Our first homework share today was a huge success! Many children were able to share fantastic pieces of homework and tell us all about what they have been doing at home this week. This learning experience would not be possible without your help so thank you so much for working with the children on this at home. We look forward to homework share again next Friday!

PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework share – Friday
Reading pages – Read pages before Friday 24th

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to welcoming back the children on Tuesday 21st May.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 10.5.19

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. We enjoyed welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday and hearing their weekend news.

This week we welcomed some exciting additions to our classroom. Five caterpillars have been delivered and we will be watching them grow and develop over the coming days and weeks. They are in a small container just now with food at the bottom. When each caterpillar turns into a chrysalis they will be moved into a much bigger container, ready to turn into butterflies :). Once their transformation is complete we will then release them into the wild. The children are very excited to watch as the caterpillars are already much bigger now than they even were on Wednesday. We will continue to add pictures to the blog as they transform.

Show rehearsals are now in full swing. Please continue to practice any words your child has to learn with them at home. The show performances are on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. More details will be provided about tickets for this event soon.

Your child should have received a P4 newsletter home with them which gives further details about what your child will be learning this term. Today your child will receive a new homework sheet and reading book home too. The children have until next Friday to complete one spelling activity related to week 1 words, read the set pages in their book and complete 1 other activity of their choice. Please see the sheet and class newsletter for further details.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 2.5.19

Hello everyone

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 4. If you look in the “Residential news” section of this blog then you will see several updates about the visit to Auchengillan that some primary 4 children attended on Monday and Tuesday. A great time was had by all and there were a few sleepy faces in school yesterday morning – and that was just the teachers!

The children who did not go to Auchengillan had a fun time back in school learning more about caterpillars and butterflies before our real caterpillars arrive in class in a few weeks time! They also had the opportunity to explore the International Space Station and the solar system through using Google Expeditions on the iPads. Some children also created fabulous mini beasts out of clay. Sounds like a fabulous couple of days!

This week we have begun working on the 7 times table in class. The children have picked this up quickly and they are using concrete materials, number lines and known multiplication facts to help them develop their understandings of this tricky times table!

Today in class we had the opportunity to design and create our very own mini beasts using our knowledge of common insects characteristics and defenses. The children designed their insects in their topic jotters before using different shapes, sizes and colours of paper to create a collage of their mini beast in the style of the artist Matisse. These are looking fabulous so far and we look forward to putting the finished products up on the wall for all to see!

A quick reminder that there will be no school next Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May due to the May bank holiday. All children will resume on Wednesday 8th May.

Thank you for all support. Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark and Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 25.4.19

Hello everyone
It was lovely to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday and hear all of their holiday news. We hope you all had a fun and relaxing Easter break.

This week we have begun work on our new topic of Mini beasts. The children are very enthusiastic about this topic so far and have lots of ideas about how to make this topic very exciting! We started by working with a partner on writing down what we already know about mini beasts, what we want to learn and how we want to learn. Then we worked with a partner to research a particular mini beast in detail. The children wrote notes under the following 4 sub headings: habitat, defences, diet and characteristics. The children used fact files, the internet search engine and non-fiction books to research their mini beast. Next week we will begin writing a report about our mini beasts using the notes we have taken.

Next Monday some of the children will be heading on their adventure to Auchengillan. The children are all very excited! Please remember to hand in any medication your child will need during the overnight stay to the school before the end of the week if necessary. Arrival times on Tuesday will be communicated by GroupCall so please make sure the school has your up-to-date contact information. Thank you.

The children who will remain at school will have an exciting couple of days exploring our topic in more detail, completing art activities, going outside for PE and working on the school show. We look forward to being back together again on Wednesday to share all of our news.

In maths this week we have been learning the 9 times table. We have been using a song to help us learn all the stations of the 9 x table. Here is the link if the children would like to listen to it at home: 9 x table song The children in P4C have even created a dance to go with the song! Please ask your child to show you it 🙂

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 3.4.19

Hello everyone

Primary 4 are having a lovely last week of term so far. We have been learning about the Easter story this week in RME. We have been learning about which countries traditionally celebrate Easter and why. We have also been learning how every country has different Easter traditions. Today we are making Easter crafts and practising our cutting, sticking and colouring skills. We also used paper fasteners to bring our craft to life 🙂 In class we have been learning Easter songs to sing at the church on Friday morning.

In maths we have been consolidating our learning of different multiplication and division strategies that we have learned this term. The children designed posters that showed their knowledge of multiplication and division facts, shared strategies that help them to solve problems and created their own word problems! P4D shared their posters with the class and Mr Shanks made a surprise visit to P4C to see all their hard work. Well done to both classes!

Last week we had the pleasure of watching the dress rehearsal of the P6/7 show. It was spectacular and we all loved it – especially the amazing dance moves! We wish P6/7 good luck as they perform this show to their families tomorrow.

We have begun to learn the songs and now the dances for the P4/5 show “Rock Bottom”. The dances are very energetic and we look forward to getting to know them better. Some children have been given lines to learn over the Easter Holidays. Other children will be told more about their parts after the holidays.

This will be our last blog post before the Easter Holidays. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 23rd April and hope you all have a restful and enjoyable Easter break!

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 27.3.19

Hello everyone

Thank you to all the parents, carers and families that came to watch our Space Assembly last Friday. The children loved performing to you all and Miss Donaldson and I were so proud of all their hard work – well done P4!

Now our thoughts turn to the P4/5 school show which takes place in June. The production is called “Rock Bottom” and this week we started learning the songs – they’re very catchy! We’re sure we’ll all have them in our heads in no time!

Our space topic continues this week. The children were very keen to learn how to create PowerPoint presentations in ICT. We combined this with our space topic and the children have begun to create PowerPoints based on any aspect of space they wish to learn more about. The children have used the child friendly search engine to research more about different planets, stars, moons and even black holes! These are looking fantastic and the children are looking forward to presenting their work to the rest of the class on the classroom SmartBoard.

There is a meeting tonight at 6pm about the upcoming Auchengillan residential. This will take place in the P4 classroom and entrance to the school will be by the fire exit next to the large hall.

Reminders –
PE days – Monday and Wednesday
Spelling homework due on Friday.
There will be no homework given out next week.
We kindly ask that all reading books are returned to school next week.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 21.3.19

Hello everyone

We have been very busy practising and preparing for our Parent Assembly which will take place tomorrow morning at 9:10. Thank you to everyone who has already handed in clothes for the children to wear in the assembly. The children can’t wait to perform to you all! 🙂

Spelling homework was handed out again on Monday and is due in on Friday. Your child should complete look, cover, write, check twice and 1 activity. Next week will be our last week of homework before the Easter Holidays.

All children in Primary 4 will complete SNSA (Scottish National Standardised Assessments) next week during class time. All children have completed a practice test already and will complete 3 assessments throughout the course of the week (writing, reading and maths).

Yesterday all of the children designed and created straw rockets. We discussed how the force of the air in our lungs made the rocket fly! You will see pictures of the finished results in our class assembly tomorrow.

Reminders –
Indoor PE – Monday
Outdoor PE – Wednesday
Spelling homework due Friday
Black clothes for tomorrow’s assembly (a letter was sent home if this applies to your child).

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 15.3.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very exciting week in Primary 4 this week. We have been continuing to rehearse our space assembly which we will perform to parents, families, carers and the upper school on Friday 22nd March at 9:10am. Your child should have received a letter home about this now. Please fill in the tear off slip and return to the school as soon as possible if you can attend.

Next week we will begin to hand out spelling homework again after two weeks of charting the movements of the moon. Thank you for supporting your child with this at home. It has been really interesting to hear the children’s observations of what is happening in the night sky.

This week in writing we began to write a report about The International Space Station. We were fascinated to learn about how the ISS was created and how it makes one orbit around the earth every 90 minutes! This week we wrote our introductions to the report and we will continue to work on our reports for the next few weeks.

Today we were learning about how rockets take off. We learned that hydrogen and oxygen are mixed together to create a reaction. This thrust then allows the rocket to escape the earth’s gravity and take off. The children then made their own rockets that took off into the sky. We went out into the playground and used film canisters, alka seltzer, coca cola and water to send our rockets flying into the sky! This was very exciting! Look out for a video of these rockets at our assembly next week!

New PE days – Indoor PE: Monday, Outdoor PE: Wednesday
Spelling homework resumes on Monday. Due in on Friday.
Reading pages to be completed at home.
Assembly letters to be returned ASAP.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 6.3.19

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy but fun one in Primary 4 so far. The children worked well in groups to make excellent mind maps about each of the 8 planets in the solar system. Each group focused on one planet and finding out particular facts about it including how many moons it had, how far the planet is from the sun and who the planet was named after. They then taught the rest of the class about their planet by presenting their mind map to the class. The class then took notes on each planet and each child now has a solar system book that they have designed themselves using their notes. Well done everyone 🙂

Tomorrow we are visiting P2 for World Book Day. Primary 2 will be sharing their favourite book with us and some activities that they have been doing in class. Primary 4 will also be sharing their favourite books with Primary 2. We will also share books that we have created in class.

Today was our last day of PE with Mrs Ferguson in Primary 4. We’d like to thank Mrs Ferguson for all she has taught the children this year. Starting next week both sessions of PE will take place with your child’s class teacher. Indoor PE will now be on a Monday and Outdoor PE will now be on Wednesday. We will remind the children of this and it will be written in their homework diaries next week.

We have begun the process of planning our assembly which will take place on Friday 22nd March. We look forward to inviting you to join P4 in exploring their learning related to our topic of Space. The children chose to learn about this topic and they are very enthusiastic about it. We can’t wait to show you what we have learned. Please look out for speaking parts or information about costumes in your child’s homework diary.

Reminders –
Your child has a moon record in their spelling homework jotter. Please encourage your child to look up at the sky each night and record what they can see. Remember – if the moon isn’t visible encourage your child to look at stars or other objects in the sky and look for anything interesting. There will be no spelling homework for two weeks so that your child can focus on this task. We will continue to work on spelling/phonics revision in class.

Red Nose Day celebrations begin next Thursday with a bake sale in the afternoon. There will be a talent show assembly held on Friday and a dress down day on Friday to raise money too.

Thank you for all of your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 1.3.19

Hello everyone

Thank you to all the parents, family members and carers that came into the P4 classes on Monday for our shared start and yesterday for our shared finish. It was so lovely to see so many of you working with your children on their learning in class. We hope you enjoyed your introduction to Number Talks and we hope to see you all soon.

This week in writing we have been continuing our report on the Apollo 11 mission and the first men to walk on the moon. The children have been very interested in learning about how this mission took place. They have turned into excellent reporters making sure they write down accurate facts for their readers. Next week we will be redrafting these reports into newspaper articles. We are sure the finished articles will look fantastic!

We have been enjoying watching the resurfacing work happening in the playground right outside our classroom window! We are hopeful this work will be finished by next week 🙂

On Monday the children began choosing their own words from our class novels for our word boost activities later in the week. The children were excellent at identifying tricky words that they would like to explore in more detail. Please ask your child the words that they have been learning about during word boost lessons.

Next week we will begin organising our class assembly that will take place on Friday 22nd March. Parents/carers will be able to attend this assembly and letters about this will be sent out in due course. Our assembly will centre around our space topic and any lines your child will need to learn will be sent home in homework diaries in the next week or so. Please look out for these.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday
Spelling – Due Friday
Reading pages by Monday

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

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