Primary 1 20.4.20

Welcome back to our new term Primary 1s! We hope everyone is well and you have all had a fantastic Easter.

Please find this week’s home learning grids and resources attached. There is a grid for maths, literacy and interdisciplinary. Remember these are suggested activities so that you can fit them around your week.

Sending all our best wishes.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun



Resource 1 for Maths: addition and subtraction

Resource 2 for Maths: symmetry


Resource 1 for Literacy: The Enormous Turnip Vegetable Soup Recipe

Resource 2 for Literacy: Blank vegetable soup recipe sheet

Resource 3 for Literacy: ee worksheet


Primary 1 3.4.20

Good morning Primary 1s
I can’t believe that we have now been learning from home for 2 weeks! We hope that you are all keeping well and are behaving nicely for your families! Thank you so much for all the hard work you have been posting on the Learning Journals, we are loving keeping in touch with you this way. How are you getting on with retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? I am so impressed by the stories I have seen so far!
If you have any learning activities left on your Learning grids then please feel free to finish them off either today or over the break. Here is a good website with a variety of Easter tasks you might want to look at over the holidays
We hope that you and your families have a fantastic Easter holiday. Please stay safe and have a lot of fun in and around your house. We will be back in contact on Monday 20th April and cannot wait to hear and see all you got up to!
Thank you for all your continued support.
Happy Easter!!!

The Primary 1 teachers

Home Learning in Primary 1

Here are some examples of the learning Primary 1 have been doing at home this week. Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful learning experiences on the Learning Journals. It’s lovely to see all of the children engaging with the activities we are providing on the home learning grids/school blog. We have all been very impressed!



Primary 1 1.4.20

Good morning everyone!

It is the first of April today! Hope you are paying close attention to any possible tricks. Oh but also remember they stop after midday.

Are you excited for Easter?

We thought as a nice activity you could create an Easter card. Have a think about all the things that remind you of Easter: eggs, chicks, chocolate, rabbits, baskets or flowers. If you have access to the internet maybe an adult could help you search for some ideas.

Afterwards, you can choose your favourite idea and then use this to decorate a card! This is a great chance to get creative. We would love to see pictures of your cards on your learning journals.

Thanks again for all the work everyone is putting in. We love seeing your posts on the learning journals.

On a side note, look what I saw on the news this morning…

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 31.3.20

Good morning Primary 1s
Today is the last day in March… can you remember the month that come next? Maybe this song will help you to remember?

We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. It has been great seeing all the hard work you have been up to over the past week. Thank you to everyone who has posted in their learning journal to show us the fantastic activities you have been doing at home. Later today we will hopefully post some more photos showing a selection of this work.
Today we would like you to complete 3 activities from the learning grids posted yesterday, preferably one literacy, one maths and one from the other curricular areas. Our focus fairy tale this week is ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’. If you have the book of this story in your house then why not read it? If you don’t, here is a link to an audio version:
Ask your child to close their eyes as they listen and imagine the story playing like a movie. After listening to the story, and only if you have spare time!, ask your child to retell the story. We would love to see some of this work on the Learning Journals and so, if you are able, why not film your child retelling the story. Your child could draw pictures or make playdoh/ craft models showing a few of the different scenes in the story as a prompt. Take your time with this task. It could be a project to be completed for the rest of the week, or over the Easter holidays?
Thank you for all your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 27.3.20

Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you’ve had a great first week learning from home. Remember please only do what you can, we know it’s a stressful time for everyone just now.

Today you could do a piece of writing! Here is a suggested activity to do in your castle book:

If I was trapped in a giant’s castle and I had to trick the giant, I would…

Copy out this sentence and then continue the story. You can get creative! This sentence is inspired by the fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. What would you do to trick the giant, remember you don’t want him to catch you? You are much smaller than him so maybe you could tickle his ear, so he starts laughing. This would give you a chance to escape! I am sure you can come up with lots of ways to trick the giant.

Things to remember when writing:
• Full stops
• Capital letters
• Finger spaces
• Sound out the words on your own
• As a challenge: use a connective, for example, and

Please don’t worry if your child doesn’t spell each word correctly, they should write down the sounds they hear. You can say the word slowly to help them hear the sounds.

Once you are finished, we would love to see a picture of your writing posted on your online learning journal.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend when it comes, and we will talk to you again on Monday.

Thank you for all your support and for sharing your learning so far with us.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 26.3.20

Good morning Primary 1s.

We are missing you loads and hope that you and your family are keeping safe. We have loved seeing some of the work you have done at home on the Learning Journals. If you have not yet posted then please do over the next few days. It is a great way for you to share your hard work and for us to stay in contact with each child. If you have forgotten your password or haven’t used this platform before, please email the school office and one of us will sort you out! Alternatively, you can post a comment on the blog and we can help you with any queries you have there.
You should still have your ‘Home Learning’ pack given out last week and we encourage you to keep working through the activities there. Our plan is to issue a new set of learning grids (similar to the Homework sheet) each week on Monday, but please don’t feel any pressure to have completed all of last week’s work by then. We are trying to be as flexible as possible because we appreciate that every household will have different conditions to work within.

Today’s suggested learning activities are:
Reading – We are keen to continue developing the children’s reading skills whilst they work from home. There are a few online resources which provide access to e-books and we will be sharing these with you over the next few weeks. Today have a look at starfall (link below). The book we would like the children to read is ‘Mox’s shop’. Most children should be able to read the words in this book and so we encourage you to sound out the words and only play the audio if there is a word that you get stuck on. After reading the book draw a picture in your yellow jotter showing your favourite part of the story and try to write a sentence describing what is happening. My favourite part was when Mox dropped the eggs all over the floor! Remember a sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Parents please don’t worry if spelling isn’t correct, at the moment our main objective is to build the children’s confidence having a go and hearing some sounds in words. If you are supporting please encourage the children to write their letters correctly. You might also like to play the ‘ot’ and ‘og’ games next to the story?

Maths– In maths this week we have been learning to split a number of objects or a shape into halves and quarters. If there is a particular activity your child enjoyed doing throughout the week why not try it again. Think about when we use halves and quarters in real life. For example, when making lunch you might cut your sandwiches in half, or if there are 4 people in your house you might give each person a quarter of an amount of sweeties after tea? Get creative and post your everyday examples on the learning journals. We might post some of your best ideas on the blog next week?! Make sure that you child understands that each part of the half or quarter must be the same (equal). Sometimes in class I do examples where I don’t share the objects equally and ask the children to say why it’s not fair! If you want to continue this learning, there are a few good games on Education City. Log on to the website and search under ‘subjects’ for numeracy. Then click on Early***. The games appropriate for the learning this week are called:
Half your cake and eat it
Half and Half
Half baked
At the moment Education City is struggling with the number of people accessing it. When I was planning this lesson I found that pressing ‘reload’ when the error message appeared allowed me to get on the page. If that doesn’t work then maybe try again another time. The games require children to be able to visualise splitting a group/ shape in half and this will be difficult for most Primary 1s at this stage in their learning. To support your child I would suggest using objects found around your house. For example, if it says select half of the cakes and there are 10 cakes I would get out 10 objects (coins, pencils, rubbers, bead etc) and 2 plates. I would ask the children to split the 10 objects between the 2 plates equally and then select their answer on the game.

Fairytales– Continue with your challenge to create Jack’s beanstalk. We have really enjoyed seeing the progress in these creations on the Learning Journals and are looking into ways of sharing your pictures with everyone. Once your beanstalk is made, why don’t you act out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk using toy figures in your house. You could always make puppets of the main characters by drawing them on paper, cutting them out and sticking them on sticks from your garden? If you need a reminder of the story the BBC has broken it up into 14 sections

Thank you for your continued support.
Please continue to post on the Learning Journals and comment under the blog to let us know how you are getting on.

Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1

Good morning everybody!

We hope that you are all keeping well and are enjoying learning from home. It has been lovely to see all the creative activities you have been sharing with us on the Learning Journals. It is clear to see how hard you are all working!

From your learning pack, choose a literacy, numeracy and interdisciplinary activity to explore today. Make sure you help out at home and still have time to relax and play. It’s a great idea to get outside in the garden if possible so that you are still getting some fresh air. We will continue to post on the blog every morning with some further activities you can get involved with at home. We will also post a new online learning grid each week which you can access on the blog and on the Learning Journals. The activities have been designed to continue the learning we would be doing in the classroom. We thank you for all of the support with this!

Further activities

We are learning about fractions in maths (halves and quarters). Ask your child to draw a picture of a circle and a square. Can you fold these shapes in half? Can you fold them into quarters? Split a group of objects (this could be blocks/lego/stones from outside) into quarters using 4 plates. Do they divide equally? Or you could play the online symmetry game: and select ‘pictures’. Discuss how the shapes are equal on both sides and how each side shows half of the shape.

For literacy we are currently thinking about ‘wh’ words. Split the yellow jotter into quarters and write a ‘wh’ word into each box/ draw a picture. For example you could write the words ‘whip, whisk, whiskers and when’.

If you are interested in exploring a little bit of science, ask an adult to boil the kettle. What do you see coming out of the spout? Discuss that the water is changing from a liquid into a gas.

We would like to thank you again for all of your help in supporting your child’s learning at home. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in the messaging section of your online Learning Journals or by posting a comment on the blog. We are happy to answer any questions you might have and support you in any way we can.

Have a great day!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1

Good morning, today is Mardi!

Hope everyone is well and that you had a great day yesterday. We are still missing you all very much. Here are some suggested activities that you can do:

For reading today you could look at the common words: ‘old’, ‘do’ and ‘going’. Why might these words be a bit more tricky? Do they sound out? With an adult, you could play corners. Put a word in each corner of a room and when the adult shouts out a word you should run to the corner that has that word in it.

For maths, have a look at halves and discuss what equal means. We haven’t covered any fractions yet so this might take some time to understand. You can split objects into equal parts between two plates. For example, can you split 8 lego pieces equally between two plates?

For topic, you can design and build your own beanstalk, like the one from the fairytale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Try be creative as you can! You could use lego or recycled materials.

Remember you can keep us updated with your learning through your online learning journals. We have seen that some of you posted on it yesterday, the work you are doing is fantastic!

Hope you all have a great day!

Thank you for your continued support.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 23.3.20

Good morning Primary 1s! We hope that you had a lovely weekend and managed to get out in the sunshine a little. Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham are missing you all and hope that you are keeping safe and well.
Today we would like you to think about setting up a routine for your time at home. We have created a suggested timetable and will attach it to this blog. We hope it helps.

Home learning routine

Why don’t you try 1 or 2 activities from your ‘home learning’ pack today? We would love it if you could show us how you are getting on by posting in your online learning journals. If you are struggling to get on please email the school office ( and we will try to assist.
Look out for our daily blog post with more ideas of how to continue your child’s learning at home. We aim to post every morning before 10am.

Thank you for all your support
The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 11.3.20

We have had a very exciting week in Primary 1 already and have more to look forward to. The museum trip was a huge success, we all had a great time and learned lots. The children behaved very well and showed great interest and insight into dinosaurs. We attended a workshop with the museum staff, explored the T-Rex exhibition and explored the gallery. I am sure your child told you all about it! Maybe they could share their favourite part with you and something that they learned.

We are very excited about our open afternoon on Thursday (tomorrow) for parents and carers to come and see what we have been learning about dinosaurs. The children have lots of work and pictures they would love to show you! This open afternoon is from 2:45-3:15pm.

In phonics we have been learning the sound ‘ng’. The children were great at coming up with ‘ng’ words, for example, stronger. They are doing very well with their new sounds. In maths we have been practising our numbers up to 30. We looked at a hundred square to see if we could identify what numbers come before, what numbers come after and any patterns. Next week we are going to start with counting in 2s.

Just a quick reminder that our PE is on Thursdays and outdoor learning is on Wednesdays.

Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 4.3.20

Primary 1 are in the middle of another busy week. This week we are learning the sound ‘ch’. We have thought of lots of words containing the sound blend and are making progress writing these with accuracy. In maths we are learning about position and movement. The children have enjoyed programming movement paths using beebot robots and watching them move. We have also been working on the positional language of up, down, forwards, backwards, left, right and between. The children enjoyed following instructions wearing blindfolds and listening for instructions in drawing exercises.

Our dinosaurs topic is coming to an end next week. This week we learnt about volcanoes and the impact of an eruption on the dinosaurs. We really enjoyed making our own volcano with baking soda, vinegar and soap and watching it erupt in the playground. Next week we are taking a trip to the National museum in Edinburgh. We are going to take part in a few seminars and will go to the T-Rex exhibition. Here is a link to the website for you to look through with your child:

Next week we also have planned an open afternoon for parents and carers to come into school to see what the children have been learning about dinosaurs. The classrooms will be open from 2.45-3.15 and the children will have a few examples of work they have done to show. We will be making invitations for this event on Friday so look out for them for more information.

Tomorrow is World Book Day. Each child is to bring in a book from home to read in class. Try to pick a book your child knows well so that they can talk about it to their peers.

A reminder that tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning are our shared start and finish. These sessions are opportunities for you to come to our classrooms to see an online resource we use in class- education city. Each session will be exactly the same so it is only suggested that you come once. Tomorrow you are invited to come between 2.50 and 3.20 and on Friday between 9 and 9.30.

A reminder PE is on a Thursday so please come prepared with a named PE kit.

Outdoor learning is on Wednesday afternoons. Thank you to everyone who comes prepared with wellies and warm coats. The children love this session!

Thank you for all your continued support

The P1 teachers

Primary 1

Hello everyone!

Primary 1 are back and ready to learn after their February break. This week in maths we are consolidating our learning on addition and subtraction. We are looking at mixed sums, both addition and subtraction together. This means we need to be extra careful when we are looking at the signs so that we know what operation to do.

In reading we have looked at the common words, ‘with’, ‘us’ and ‘so’. We discussed the spelling of these words and used them in sentences. This week for comprehension we drew a picture and wrote a sentence for what we think will happen next in our book. Can your child tell you what they predict will happen after their book is finished?

We are almost at the end of our dinosaur topic which the teachers and children have loved! We have learned lots about dinosaurs. We have our last dinosaur to write about in our fact file tomorrow and we are excited to see what dinosaur it will be!

Primary 1 enjoyed learning more French last week for Modern Languages Week. We looked at colours and commands.

It was lovely to meet so many parents on Tuesday and Wednesday evening at the parent consultations. Thanks for your continued support.

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 11.2.20

This has been another busy week in Primary 1. In phonics we are moving on from learning single sounds to blends. This week we have been learning the sound ‘sh’. The children enjoyed making sea shells and thinking of lots of words with ‘sh’ at the start and end. The common words we have been learning are ‘she’, ‘come’ and ”from’. Please try to write these at home and use them in short sentences.
In maths we are revising our knowledge of subtraction using a variety of resources to help us count. The children are really impressing us with their ability to take away from up to 20, well done!
Today is ‘Safer Internet Day’. We spoke to the children about the devices they have at home and who they should tell if something goes wrong or doesn’t seem right. Please continue these discussions at home and read through the leaflet in your child’s homework folder.
Tomorrow we will be going to the nursery garden for outdoor learning. The garden may be wet and muddy so please make sure that your child has appropriate shoes and clothes that can get a little muddy. We will do our best to avoid children getting too muddy and wet.
A reminder that this weekend is our February break. The children are off school on Friday, Monday and Tuesday and return to school on Wednesday 19th February. We hope you all have a fantastic break!
Thanks for your continued support.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 News

This week the children had the opportunity to do a class talk on their favourite dinosaur. Many children brought in excellent posters and powerpoints to show to the class! Well done to everyone in Primary 1 for having the courage to stand up in front of an audience. We were all very impressed at how hard you worked on these at home!

week in phonics we have been revising some of the sounds we have learned. The children consolidated their learning of h, w, j, v and revisited y,z,q,x. They took part in sound sorts and were encouraged to blend words with these letters in them. Some children have started non-fiction reading books in class and all children are focusing hard on their comprehension strategies. (prediction, cloze reading and responding to questions).

In maths this week the children have been using their own strategies to help them solve addition problems. They were using number lines and doing bunny hops forwards to help them with adding. They have also moved on to subtraction this week and have been using cube towers to assist them with this.

In other areas of the curriculum, the children have been continuing to work hard on their fitness and co-ordination in P.E. Thank you to all of the parent helpers that have assisted with this. We focused on the concept that ‘Nobody is Perfect’ through our Bounceback programme in health and wellbeing. We also used listening skills to take part in a whole class drama about Mary Anning, one of the greatest fossil hunters that ever lived! It has been an exciting week in Primary 1!

Friendly Reminders

P.E. days are on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child has a labelled P.E. kit on these days. Primary 1 do outdoor learning on a Wednesday afternoon so we ask that you send your child to school with some wellies.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening next week! Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 28.1.20

Primary 1 had an exciting afternoon yesterday. We made dragon masks to celebrate Chinese New Year! We learned about the story of how the years were named after animals and then we watched a dragon dance. We coloured in our masks using bright colours and cut them out. It was so much fun!

In maths we are continuing with adding small amounts in our head. The children are being encouraged to discuss what strategies they are using. This helps them to practise and share ideas. They have been using their fingers, cubes, 10s frames, rekenreks and number lines.

In phonics we are learning q and x this week. These are the last two sounds of the alphabet that we need to learn. The children are doing really well with practising their sounds and letter formations.

Please continue to read regularly with your children at home and complete the homework. One of the homework tasks this week is to prepare a 1-2 minute talk on a dinosaur of their choosing. Each child will present their talk to their class next week (Monday or Tuesday). They can make a poster or bring in photos to go along with it. We can’t wait to hear each other’s talks!

Just a quick reminder that PE is on Thursdays and outdoor learning is on Wednesdays.

Hope you all have a great week!

Thank you for all your support

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 22.1.20

This has been another busy week in Primary 1. We have been continuing our learning about dinosaurs. Yesterday another letter arrived from Professor Rex asking us to investigate the job of a paleontologist. Lots of the children would like to be a paleontologist when they are older so it was a great opportunity to talk about the skills they need to develop in school now to help prepare. In order to practise being gentle around delicate fossils the children picked chocolate chips out of cookies. It was great fun and the children especially loved eating the cookie when they were finished! Tomorrow we will be researching the diplodocus and writing a factfile on it. If you have time at home tonight why don’t you look up the diplodocus online and see what facts you can find?

In maths we have returned to a focus on addition. We are moving away from a reliance on cubes to count amounts and are encouraging the children to add small amounts in their head. We are continuing to revise numbers to 20 at the same time and any help you can give at home is much appreciated.
In phonics we are learning y and z this week. We only have 2 more sounds (q and x) left to learn and the children are very excited to know all the letters in the alphabet. We are continuing to work on blending these sounds together to make 3 and 4 letter words. The children are making great progress in this!
Today each child will be reciting the poem ‘Roguey Poguey’ in front of the class. We will then chose 2 winners to represent the class in front of the whole school in Friday’s Burn’s Day Assembly. Good luck to all the children.
A few reminders:
PE is on a Thursday. Please send your child to school prepared for this with a named PE kit. PE is in the morning so it is helpful if your child comes to school with their PE clothes under their school uniform.
Outdoor Learning is on a Wednesday afternoon. We will try to get out every week and in all weathers so please send your child with suitable footwear and clothes.
Many of the children are asking for water throughout the day. Please send your child to school with a named water bottle each day. The children are allowed to take a drink at story time and during the day when they are not with the teacher.
Thank you for all your support
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1

It has been another exciting week in primary 1. Primary 1 had the opportunity to learn more about dinosaurs this week and have begun their own dinosaur fact files. They wrote facts about the Tyrannosaurus Rex this week and discussed whether this dinosaur was a carnivore or herbivore. They have learned about the role of a palaeontologist and have explored this through play in the classroom.

In phonics this week, the children learned the sounds j and v through our Jolly Phonics programme. They have been encouraged to blend words using these sounds and continue to work on forming their letters correctly.

In numeracy we have been learning about the numbers 16-20 and how they can be split into 10 and 6, 10 and 7 etc. They children have been using 10 frames and rekenreks to show how these numbers can be constructed.

We have started our Bounceback programme in health and wellbeing to develop resilience and positive thinking. They have explored this through stories and circle time games. The children have been learning how to say the days of the week and numbers 1-5 in French through fun songs! They are continuing to practise their Scottish Poem in the classroom, however please keep practising this at home as all children will be required to recite this on Wednesday 22nd. We now have P.E. on a Wednesday and Thursday so please make sure your child is coming to school with a labelled P.E. kit on those days.

Thank you all for your continued support. Have a great weekend!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 10.1.20

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year!

Primary 1 have an exciting term ahead. Our new topic is dinosaurs and the children are loving it so far! They are all very engaged as they enjoy sharing what they already know about dinosaurs and what they want to find out about them. We received a letter from the well renowned palaeontologist, Professor Rex. He asked us to look after his dinosaur egg.

In numeracy we have been exploring numbers from 11 to 15 and we will move on to looking at the numbers 16 to 20 next week. In literacy Primary 1 wrote letters to Professor Rex asking him questions about dinosaurs and the egg that we are looking after. We can’t wait to see if he replies!

The children have been given a Scottish poem to learn and recite as part of Burns Day. Two pupils from each class will be chosen to take part in the competition on Friday 24th January.

Our PE days are on Thursday and we will be starting up our outdoor learning again on Wednesdays (letters will be issued shortly). Homework was handed out on Tuesday and is due back on Tuesday 21st January.

Hope you have a great weekend.

The primary 1 teachers.

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