Primary 3 20.2.17

Primary 3 have been very busy at home completing the Big Homework piece. We are both so pleased with everyone’s efforts, use of resources and imagination when building and constructing their castles. We had castles in all shapes and sizes. We had castles made from cardboard, plastic, play dough, lego and even chocolate! All children were able to present their castles to the class and they are now on display in our classrooms. Well done Primary 3!

In maths we are beginning to investigate fractions. We have been learning about a half and a quarter of a shape but this week we are going to be learning about a half and quarter of a number. We will be using lots of concrete materials to help support the children’s learning.

In writing we are making our very own fact files about knights and castles. The children have been learning note taking skills and have been putting these to the test by taking notes from topic books, websites and videos. Children are then going to use these notes to create a mini fact file with headings, pictures and sentences. We will display them once they are complete.

Futsal this week will be taking place outside. So could all children bring an OUTDOOR P.E kit on Tuesday.

Reading will continue as normal this week and the children will have spelling and maths homework to complete for Friday.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 31.01.17

Primary 3 have been given a big piece of homework to completed by Thursday 16th February. Children are allowed to use a variety of materials but must clearly show the key features of a castle. (more detail on homework sheet)

This Friday we have been invited to a Sports festival! The children will be taking part in a number of sporting activities and it has been advised that they wear warm clothing (jogging bottoms, jumper and a coat) Children should come to school dressed in their kit as we will be out all morning.

In Maths this week we are introducing the 4x table. Could you please encourage your child to practise thier times tables at home as they will be required to know their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table to help them solve fractions and  solve division questions.

We have recently set up a shop at the back of our class to help the children put their money skills that they have been learning to the test. We have also set up a role play corner based on knights and castles. We have recently purchased a castle tent and dressing up costumes. These were funded by the PSA. Primary 3 would like to say a big thank you!!

P.E is as normal

Spelling and Maths homework is due Friday

Big Homework is due 16th February

Thank you, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 23.1.17

Primary 3 are learning about Scotland this week. We will be investigating Scottish Cities, Scottish food, Scottish song and dance, Scottish flag and Scottish landmarks. We are learning about Scotland as part of our Erasmus project. We will be taking lots of photos of our activities and completing short activities.

We start our Futsal workshop tomorrow which we are very excited about. Children will be learning Futsal skills, controlling the ball with their feet and working as part of a team.

We are handing out a BIG piece of homework. We are asking the children to build a medieval castle. The homework task sheet can be found in their spelling jotters. We are asking for the castles to be completed by Thursday 16th February.

Spelling and Maths homework as normal.

P.E kits:

P3S- Monday and Tuesday

P3R- Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 9.1.17

Primary 3 have a very busy term and we are looking forward to starting our new topic- Knights and Castles. Children will be learning about the history of castles, their purpose and who used to live and work in castles. We will also be taking a class trip in March to Edinburgh Castle which we are all very excited about.

Children have been sent home with a Scottish Poem to learn for our Burns Competition. Could you please encourage your child to practise this so they can recite it to the class at the end of the month.

Primary 3 are very lucky to be getting Futsal! We have a Futsal coach coming into school to teach the skills used in Futsal and this will commence on Tuesday 24th January for a number of weeks. Could you please ensure that your child has an indoor P.E kit for this.

In Maths we are continuing with learning our times tables. We will be practising our 2, 5 and 10 but also introducing our 3 and 4 times tables. The more practice at home and school will increase the children’s confidence in their times tables. We are also going to be tackling Money, learning the values of all coins and using our adding and subtracting skills to find totals and give change.

Reading will continue as normal up until the February break. We will be doing guided reading in class and writing down pages to be read at home in their homework diaries.

We are sending home our Termly newsletter today along with spelling and maths homework. The newsletter will explain which days the children will need P.E kits and which specialists they will be receiving this term.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3

Happy New Year!

Next week we will be providing you with a more detailed blog about the learning in P3 but we wanted to remind you about this term’s PE days and when children will need to bring in their kit:

P3S: Monday & Tuesday

P3R: Tuesday & Wednesday

We will be having our PE sessions in the hall this term so please ensure children bring in appropriate kit and footwear. The black indoor rubber shoes are great to use for PE so please make sure your children have a pair.

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 News!

Morning all!

What a lot of fantastic superstars we have! The boys and girls did an amazing job with the Nativity and thank you for all of your support with line learning and costumes etc. We are really looking forward to our Christmas Party tomorrow afternoon. Children are allowed to bring in their party outfits to change into after lunch. We will also be watching a pantomime on Thursday morning to get us into the spirit of things.

Homework is still as normal for this week. Spelling is a mix of all patterns learnt so far and maths is a mix of addition and subtraction. Reading will also continue as normal but next week there will be no homework.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 28.11.16

Primary 3 have been working so hard in their Nativity. The boys and girls have been practising singing, dancing and their lines for the show. Thank you to everyone who has brought in their costume for the Nativity. We have our first dress rehearsal this Wednesday.

We are continuing with homework this week. Children have their weekly spelling and maths to complete. Please encourage your children to read their reading book regularly. New pages are set every Tuesday and Thursday.

In Maths the children have been mentally subtracting large numbers with the help of a hundred square. They have also been trying hard to learn their x2 x10 and x5 times tables. Children need to practise these regularly to help them retain what they have learned in class.

Primary 3 have their Christmas lunch this Thursday and we hope you can all make it to the Christmas Fair on Friday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 7.11.16

Primary 3 had a fantastic time creating Quaichs from clay last week. All the children were able to follow some simple steps and managed to mold the clay into a small bowl with handles. We can’t wait to see them once they have been fired and returned back to us!



Primary 3 have been introduced to the 2x table. The children have been using concrete materials, chanting and writing to help remember our 2x table. Please encourage your children to practise this at home too.

We have began practising your Nativity songs! The music is very “funky” and the children are having lots of fun learning the words and dance moves. We are beginning to look at handing out parts and children will be informed soon. If your child does come home with a part and words to learn please encourage them to practise them aloud at home.

The children wrote fantastic acrostic poems about fireworks and bonfire night. They tried hard to use lots of adjectives to describe the sights and sounds. We also created firework pictures using chalks. The children used bright colours and smudging techniques to create explosions in the sky! They look brilliant!!

Homework: Reading, Spelling and Maths

P.E:  Wednesday for P3S

Thursday for P3R

Newsletters will be handed out today.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 31.10.16

Primary 3 have been learning 4 verses from the Katie Bairdie song. They will be performing this song to our Erasmus visitors when they arrive next week. Could you please encourage your child to practise the song.

Primary 3 are having a Quaich workshop today. The children will be using materials such as clay, to create their very own Quaichs. We are looking forward to seeing the final products.

In maths, we are moving onto subtraction. We plan on using similar strategies we used in addition to help solve subtraction questions and problems. We will also be introducing multiplication, starting with the two times table.

Our new topic this term is Inclusion. The children will be learning about our senses, disabilities and how people can be helped or supported. Nativity will also play a big part in our timetable, especially in the run up to Christmas.

Afterschool clubs have now started and we hope the children that signed up for the clubs, enjoyed their first week.



Spelling, Maths and regular reading

P.E: P3R on a Tuesday and Thursday

P.E P3S on a Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 4 10.10.16

Primary 3 are performing their Harvest Assembly today! We want to wish them the best of luck. They have been working very hard to remember lines, words to the songs and timings of when to come in. Primary 1 and Primary 2 are excited to watch or assembly!

Last week we all wrote Harvest acrostic poems. The children worked had to think of good words that linked to Harvest and matched with the letters of Harvest. We are going to share a few of them at our assembly.

The children have been learning how to add two digit numbers using the 100 square. We have been partitioning numbers and bridging. The children have also been using tens frames and tens and ones to help add large numbers.

Children are looking forward to sharing their work with you on Parents Evening.

Homework: Reading, Maths and Spelling

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 3.10.16

Primary 3 had a fantastic time at Dynamic Earth last Thursday. We went on a tour around Dynamic Earth, enjoyed our lunch and completed a Weather workshop. The children learned about extreme weather, water cycle and why water is so important to us and animals. We watched videos, completed interactive activities and conducted mini experiments.

We have started practising for our Harvest Assembly. A number of children have been given words, which they need to practise. We also have a song that needs to be practised at home too please.

Please click on the link above.

A huge thank you and a big well done to all the boys and girls who handed in the weather mobiles. They were all fantastic! All the children were able to showcase their weather mobiles to the class. A number of them are now being displayed in our classrooms.


Harvest Assembly words, Reading, Maths and Spelling

P.E for P3R- Tuesday and Thursday

P.E for P3S- Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 26.9.16

Primary 3 are looking forward to their first trip this week. We are off to Dynamic Earth on Thursday to learn more about the Weather and explore different types of weather around the world. Can we please remind everyone to have their forms and money handed in asap.

In maths we have been doing lots of addition using the 100 square. We have been using different strategies to add numbers, such as 10, 9 & 11 and 19&21. We would recommend the children to continue using this skill at home, with a 100 square. We have also been doing lots of work on Data Handling and are hoping to use these skills to create graphs to explain data gathered from rain fall and temperature.

BIG HW is due tomorrow and we are looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the children’s weather mobiles. We are sure they will make an attractive addition to our class displays.

Guided reading will continue as normal this week. The children are becoming more familiar with the guided reading set up and beginning to work a little more independently on written tasks.

Primary 3 have their Harvest Assembly coming up in a couple of weeks, so we will be asking a number of children to learn some lines and songs for the assembly. These will be handed out shortly.





BIG HW– due Tuesday 27th September

P.E– P3R Tuesday

P3S Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 12.9.16

Primary 3 have started their Weather Topic. We have been learning about the seasons, different types of weather and how the movement of the earth around the sun affects the seasons. The children have had lots of questions and we can’t wait to dive deeper into our topic.

In Maths we have been doing lots of mental addition, adding on multiples of 10 and finding different strategies to help us, using the 100 square. We have worked round maths stations, completed worksheets and even managed a textbook page!

Guided reading has started and the children are beginning to settle into the routine. We encourage reading every night and we will write new reading pages in the diaries on a Tuesday and Thursday.

We are handing out our first piece of big homework and it is due on Tuesday 27th September. Children are being asked to make a weather mobile that can be presented and then displayed in the class. Children need to display their knowledge of the 4 seasons and the different types of weather that might occur in that season. (HW sheet in HW folders)

Spelling to be completed every evening along with a sentence.

Maths to be handed in on Friday.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 29.8.16

Welcome back!
It was fantastic meeting all the new Primary 3 boys and girls last week! Everyone looked very smart in their uniforms and were very excited to come back to school.
We have been very busy getting to know each other, getting used to our new classroom and seats. Primary 3 have been working hard, showing us quality lines and fantastic manners.
Primary 3 have been focusing on what it means to be active by taking part in active activities, describing what happens to our bodies when we are active and how it can help us develop into healthy adults. We walked down to the local forest to explore, challenged ourselves on the trim track and practised our fine motor skills in class.
This week we are going to continue with activities and lessons about being active which will help us with our wonderful wall display in the hall.
We are looking forward to meeting everyone at Meet the Teacher on Tuesday! We will also be handing out our newsletter with some information about what will be happening in Primary 3 this term.

Homework will be issued next weekend.

P.E for Miss Rafferty:
-Outdoor P.E on a Tuesday
-Indoor P.E on a Thursday

P.E for Mrs Smith:
-Outdoor P.E on a Tuesday
-Indoor P.E on a Wednesday

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 25.4.16

Primary 3 have front row seats for the construction of the new gym hall. We have been seeing lots of activity outside our classroom windows! We are lucky enough today to have one of the contractors coming in to speak to our boys and girls about the construction, the equipment and machinery that is used. We also might meet their mascot! We will let you know how we get on.

Very exciting week in Primary 3- its nearly time for our residential to Lowport. Everyone is looking forward to some outdoor activities and we hope the sun keeps shining for us. Any questions about Lowport, please feel free to contact us.

Last week in Primary 3 we wrote letters to our local gardener. The children had to share their learning and think of at least 3 questions to ask. The children carefully structured their letters and decorated them with drawings of flowers.

No homework spelling

Maths homework- Money game

Sweet shop



Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy


Primary 3 18.3.16

Primary 3’s new topic for this term is Our Outstanding Outdoors. We will be learning about plants, wildlife and investigating outdoor play parks. We are looking forward to getting outside and getting our hands dirty.

Primary 3 are also attending Futsal lessons on a Tuesday morning, The children will be learning skills like controlling the ball with their feet, passing and teamwork. Please bring an indoor P.E kit every Tuesday morning (This will replace our outdoor P.E).

Last week we started to learning a little more about money and how to give change. We will be continuing this, so please encourage your children to be more familiar with all the coins and their value.

A number of children are beginning to get excited about our trip to Lowport- we have asked the children to think of a talent/performance for the Thursday evening. If they could get back to us with that talent and any resources/music they require so we can be prepared. Miss Christy also has lots of exciting plans for the boys and girls who are not going to Lowport.


Homework- Spelling, Maths


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 3 21.3.16

Primary 3 had lots of fun at the Sports Festival on Friday at Deans Community High School. The children were working in teams playing games, practising football skills, playing dodgeball and throwing javelins. All the children showed great sportsmanship and gave 100% effort!

Tomorrow we have our Easter Egg Hunt which we are looking forward to. Children will be on the hunt for a golden egg!

We are wanting to decorate eggs and roll them down the hill on Wednesday afternoon, so could you please bring in a hard boiled egg? Thank you!


There will be no homework this week. We are attending Church on Thursday for our Easter Service.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 3 7.3.16

Primary 3 had a very exciting week last week. All of the children loved their visit to Edinburgh Castle. We were greeted by Hannah who took us on a quick tour to see Mons Meg and the Great Hall. She ran a workshop with the children which was fantastic. The children got to make their own crowns, learn about the people who lived and worked in the castle and dress up in some of their clothing. We then went to the Great Hall in our costumes to get a photograph. We will showcase these at our banquet on Friday. After the workshop we were able to tour the castle- we visited the Crown Jewels and watched the One Clock Gun! It was so loud!

On Thursday the children celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as some of our favourite characters, read books, designed new front covers, wrote our very own stories and watched a classic movie from a popular novel. Thank you for helping us celebrate World Book Day.

We have our Class Assembly today about Knights and Castles, we hope you enjoy listening to the children telling you all about what they have learned so far.

We want to welcome you to our Medieval Banquet on Friday to experience some medieval food, dance and games. Invitations will be coming home soon. We hope you can all make it!


Homework: Maths, Spelling and Reading.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christie

Primary 3 20.1.16

Primary 3 have been working hard to learn their Scottish Poem. We are looking forward to hearing everyone recite their poem to the class this morning. Good luck boys and girls!


We have been learning about Castles. The children have been learning the different parts of a castle and their purpose. All the children were very excited to hear about the murder holes in the castles……they do not sound pleasant!

We have also been looking inside the castle and investigating the different rooms. The children were then making comparisons with their own homes and rooms. What a difference!

In Maths we have been learning our times tables. We have already tackled the 2x, 5x and 10x!! Today we are going to look at the 3x table. We have some finger tricks to learn to help us remember. Keep practising your times tables at home.

In health we have been creating our very own “eatwell” plates. The children now know what is a healthy and balanced diet is and understand that a balance diet will keep them healthy. Tomorrow we will be creating a healthy meal using the “eatwell” plate.


Homework- Poems, Katie Bairdie, Spelling

Maths will be handed out next week.


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

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