Primary 3 4.10.21

Primary 3 really enjoyed participating in Maths Week Scotland last week. We tweeted our activities every day and Maths Week Scotland even liked some of our tweets!

We worked hard in writing- learning how to write a recount. We have been using our core and genre targets to help us succeed in this! The children have really started to improve and they are very happy with their progress.

The children have been learning how to share their thoughts and opinions about a book or piece of text. They are now able to explain why they like or dislike a story.

We have set homework for this week and the children will come home with a new reading book today. If you have any more pictures of your sunflowers we would love to see them posted on seesaw. We are also still collecting for Harvest so if you have anything going spare we would love to take it off your hands. Primary 3 did really well last week for Waste Free Wednesday so thank you for helping make this a success! We will continue with this on Wednesday.

We look forward to seeing and speaking to you all during parents evening!

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch. If you would like regular updates then please follow us on twitter: @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 3 27.9.21

We had another great week in Primary 3 last week, all be it just a short week! We learned how to round to the nearest 10 using the rule of 5 in numeracy and learned 3 new sounds in phonics – u_e, a_e and ea. We also had a lovely lesson making acrostic poems using the word ‘weather’.

This week is maths week so we will be doing lots of maths based activities. For example, making carroll diagrams using objects from nature and creating rangoli patterns using our knowledge of 2D shape.

We will be collecting in the current reading books today (Monday 27th) and giving out new books which the children should read at least three times at home. There is also a new homework grid on seesaw for this week. Well done to the children who completed some of the activities on last week’s homework grid, there was some fantastic work!

Last week we started a new piece of writing, still within the genre of recount, which we will finish this week with Mrs Smith. We are writing all about what we got up to during the long weekend.

Our topic focus for this week is extreme weathers, so we will be looking at the causes of these kinds of weathers with a focus on climate change and the effects that they can have.

Just another reminder that you can follow us both on twitter at @MissBonar_ and @MissRafferty for more regular updates and snapshots of what we have been doing throughout the week.

Miss Bonar and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 wb13/9/21

We had a great week last week learning about the water cycle and creating our very own weather forecasts. We hope you enjoyed watching their weather report on Seesaw. The children were all very nervous but they all did a fantastic job at creating their forecast and presenting it, using some key weather words. Well done Primary 3!

This week in maths, we are learning about place value and the importance of zero when breaking numbers down into Hundreds, Tens and Ones. We are also learning about the properties of pentagons, hexagons and octagons!

New reading books have been issued today and our focus in reading is summarising. We are learning how to summarise a story using pictures and sentences. We are working hard to share the main points of a story using key questions such as; who, what, why, where and when.

Mrs Smith will be writing with us again. We will write the second half of our recount about a typical school day. Children are working hard to use their core and genre targets to help give their writing a focus.

In topic we are going to be investigating about how seasons are influenced by the orbit of the Earth around the sun. We will also identify which months fall into each season and how night and day changes through the seasons.

A new homework grid has been uploaded to Seesaw! Thank you to all the children who managed to complete the activities on last week’s grid. We loved all your posts and videos. Also if you have a managed to successfully grow your sunflower over the summer please send your pictures on Seesaw- we can use these to help boost our Eco School!

Remember you can get regular updates on Twitter by following us on @MissRafferty and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

Primary 3 wb 6/9/21

Primary 3 have been very busy! We hope you all enjoyed our meet the teacher video which went live on Seesaw at the end of last week. It gave you an insight to what our classrooms look like, how they are run and what might be happening in the beginning of this academic year. Homework has also been posted on Seesaw today giving you and your children to complete tasks in Literacy, Numeracy, French and Interdisciplinary (Weather).

In Numeracy we have been practising skip counting forwards and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s. In Maths we have revising our 2D and 3D shape names and properties. The children have demonstrated a good understanding of their shapes!

In Literacy the children have been working on their reading aloud skills such as decoding and fluency. We have also been making predictions about what might happen in a book and why. Mrs Smith has been in supporting our writing. Our focus this term is recount which the children have been working very hard on. We have been using our core and genre targets to help!

In our topic of the weather the children have been identifying the different types of weather, what they look like and sound like. We have also been looking at the weather symbols and determining what they mean. We are looking forward to creating our very own weather forecasts this week.

Remember our P.E days are Monday and Thursday- kits must be worn to school.

You can keep updated on our class activities on Twitter @MissRafferty4 and @MissBonar_

Miss Rafferty and Miss Bonar

P3 update 14.05.21

Hello everyone,

This week in primary 3 we have been busy learning all about pollination. The children made some brilliant animations to demonstrate this process. On Friday, we continued to plant seeds both for the greenhouse and in the nursery garden. See seesaw for some pictures and everyone’s animations.

In maths this week, we had a look at chance and uncertainty. We spoke about the words that we can use to make predictions about whether something will be certain or uncertain. We used coins and dice to help demonstrate this. In numeracy, we have been looking at word problems, applying our strategies that we have been learning all year.

In writing, we wrote an explanation for how bees pollinate. We have been really impressed with the quality of writing produced. We have been continuing to look at the features of non-fiction texts.


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Homework is due this Friday 21.05.21.

Next Monday is a holiday.

As always, any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Donaldson.

Primary 3 Update 05.03.2021

Hello everyone,

We have had another fantastic week in Primary 3. Miss Smith and I can’t quite believe we are in March already!

This week we have been researching and learning all about some creatures that live in the ocean. We worked in groups to research the creatures and found out where in the ocean they live, what they like to eat and what they look like and found some other interesting facts. We then started creating leaflets where we plan to include all of this new information. See attached some pictures of our new class aquarium… Don’t you think it looks awesome? The children absolutely love the shark! Also, we have some new members of our class… Sea Monkeys! We are very excited to see how they will grow and live over the next three weeks.

Reading has very much focused on the reciprocal reading strategies. We looked at how to take notes for each of the strategies and summarised an information text about polar bears. Did you know that polar bear cubs leave their mothers at just two years old?

We have started our new genre of Writing. This is report writing and we are now familiar with our new targets. Over the next few weeks we will be writing reports about a range of different things.

In Numeracy, we have been continuing with our vertical multiplication. We are so impressed with the resilience that everyone is showing as this can be quite a tricky strategy to learn. In Maths, we have started looking at money. We know what most of the coins and notes are, and have started to add some together to make different amounts.

A very successful learning week indeed.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 3 Update 26.02.21

Hello everyone!

What a brilliant first week back in the classroom we have been having in P3!

Our oceans Topic is well under way. We began by looking at the Global Goals and linking some of them to the ocean. We made our own symbols for each of these. We then looked at the layers of the ocean and discovered some very interesting sea creatures the deeper we delved down. We are all very excited to be learning about this and what was our pyramid will soon be turning into a class aquarium. Look out for some pictures over the coming weeks!

In Maths, we have been revising our 3D shapes and created posters to show what we know. We then made our very own 3D shapes, focusing on faces, edges and vertices. Check Seesaw for a look at some of the creations.

In Reading, we have been looking at our reading strategies and learned all about the ‘Think Aloud’ strategy. The children we very good at writing down all of their thoughts on a poem about a giant lasagne!

Things to note-

  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Can we remind everyone that on these days, children are to come to school wearing their PE kit (with school jumper on)
  • Red Nose Day 2021- if you wish to purchase a red nose, the office are accepting payment through parent pay. Unfortunately we are not accepting cash at this time. There is (or will be) a letter going home to explain Red Nose Day. The noses are £1.50.
  • Homework- this will now be on Seesaw from Monday. We will be sending home a grid with all tasks on Monday as well, and you can choose whether to complete on Seesaw or write in the homework jotter. They will go live from 3pm on Monday. We will also be sending home new reading books next week too. Can we just ask for the return of any previous reading books sent home if you forgot to hand these back before Christmas.

We have been so impressed and proud by how mature all of the children have settled back into class. It is lovely to be back together again in the same environment. Well done to everyone for your hard work this week. The standard of work that has been produced has been incredible. Have a wonderful and restful weekend.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith.

P3 Update 18.12.20

Hello everyone, we hope this post sees you well.

What a spectacular week we have had in P3. We have been getting into the Christmas spirit with lots of Christmassy activities including a Reindeer comprehension, mystery maths to reveal a Christmas picture and creating a Christmas present from the net of a cube! We also watched the ‘Covid Christmas’ Nativity (which is available on the school blog) and we were so impressed with all of the hard work that everyone has put into it! Well done Carmondean!

On top of all of that, we managed to find some time to watch a virtual pantomime ‘Robin Hood and his Socially Distanced Men’, it was a very fun afternoon! We then played some party games.  We have attached some pictures from the week’s festivities.

This will be our final blog post until after the holidays. We would like to take this opportunity to thank every child in our classes for working so hard and showing so much resilience in these very different, recent times. The children just amaze us everyday and we are extremely proud of everything they have achieved since coming back to school in August. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all families for your continued support, too.

And, finally a massive thank you to everyone for their lovely gifts and cards. They are hugely appreciated. We hope you all have a wonderful, safe and relaxing Christmas break, and we shall see you all again in 2021!

Take care, everyone,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 3 Update 11.12.20

Hello everyone,

We hope this post sees you all well. This week in P3, we have been finishing our Egyptian topic. We looked at the Scarab Beetle and discovered why the Ancient Egyptians believed these were important symbols during this time. We created our own design of a Scarab Beetle, looking at the different designs and symmetrical patterns that were often found on these symbols. The children made their own boxes to store their Beetles in. They look very impressive!

We have both been so proud about how engaged and committed the children have been throughout our Egyptian topic and we are sure that our learning will stay in everyone’s memories for a very long time. Even though we are sad to be finishing such an exciting topic, we have an equally exciting new topic starting after Christmas. We can’t wait to get started!

In Maths this week, we have been learning about 3D shapes. The children impressed us with their knowledge of many 3D shapes, including a hexagonal prism! We will be continuing this next week. In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn more about division. This week we introduced remainders to the children and attached are some pictures of some children using counters and cubes to help them group amounts into equal groups to make it easier to find out how many were left over.

Our persuasive writing continues to amaze us and this week we wrote to the Elves to persuade them that we have been good this year! We reckon the Elves will be very impressed with the children’s’ writing. Well done everyone!


  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
  • Homework is due in this coming Friday (18.12.20) *please can you also make sure that your child’s reading book is returned on this date too*
  • There will be a Christmas dress down day on Friday where the children have been invited to come into school wearing a Christmas jumper or party clothes. We look forward to seeing all of the different designs!
  • Term finishes for the Christmas break on 18.12.20

Enjoy the weekend and take care. If you have any questions, as always, please get in touch via the school office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith    


Primary 3 Update

Hello everyone, we hope this post sees you well.

We have had yet another exciting and busy week in P3!

Our Egyptian topic continues to amaze us. This week we have been learning all about the process of mummification. We selected pictures and put them into the correct order. We then had a look at some canopic jars (these were to store some of the organs from the body). Each jar was different and held a different body part. We learned about the heads of 4 canopic jars (different gods) and matched these to the correct body part. Finally, we learned more about what preservation means and started an experiment to see the mummification/ preservation process of an apple! We put half an apple into a salt and baking soda solution, and the other half into a water solution to see if there will be any difference to the way it is persevered. We are very excited to see what the results of this will be in a few weeks time.

Attached is a picture of our finished masks that we made with Miss Donaldson in Art. Don’t they look brilliant?!

In Writing this week, we have been continuing to work on our persuasive techniques and we created a poster to persuade people how important it is to follow the Covid rules. We were very impressed with the standard of work produced! Well done, P3!

In Reading, we have been learning about the role of the summariser, and finding some words that help to identify the main idea of a text.

In Numeracy, we have been learning some new strategies to help us with division. We learned about sharing and repeated addition on a number line. We are continuing to learn more strategies over the next few weeks.

Some reminders and things to note down-

  • PE will now be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Mr Williamson and Miss Smith will teach this on a Tuesday and Mrs Ferguson will teach on a Thursday.
  • Homework is due in this Friday (04.12.20)
  • Your child will be sent home with their login details for Seesaw this week and we would really appreciate it if you could practise logging onto this with them. Just scan the QR code in and that should take you to your child’s class page. We have been practising this in class so the children should know how to do this. Once logged on there will be a short activity for the children to complete and then submit to their teacher. We are going to be using Seesaw more often as a means of communication. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

As always, thank you for the continued support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if need be.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith.

Primary 3 20.11.20

Hello Everyone,

We were excited this week to meet the ladies from the museum virtually. They were very impressed with our ‘museum’ we have set up in our classroom and we await in anticipation for their museum objects to be brought to us. We learned lots of new things, and even found out about the Ancient Egyptian shoes! They were weaved from palm leaves and did not look very comfortable.

We completed lots of projects concerned with our Ancient Egypt topic too. We painted our clay cartouches, finished and painted our Egyptian masks and created a collage of ourselves made into a pharaoh. We even learned about 4 of the most famous pharaohs and created posters to share what we have learned.

Primary three have been working so hard on their joined handwriting too. Lots of us are managing to do this in a speedier manner and much more confidently and I have been bowled over by the standard produced!

This coming week will be the last week we have PE on a Monday and a Thursday. As of week beginning 30th November, PE will occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will remind you of this next week and this will be written in the children’s homework diaries.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 3 30.10.20

What a spook-tacular day Primary 3 have had today. We have been blown away with the costumes and effort everyone went to, to make This year’s Halloween a success with all that is going on.

We had some Halloween themed potion making in Maths, learning about volume and measure using a variety on scales. We successfully created a variety of potions, following specific instructions.

This week, we investigated the process of building the pyramids. We wondered how they managed to lift and move the huge stones into place, and shared our thoughts. We then put some of their methods into practice to see for ourselves. We managed to lift a table with 4 ropes, and a heavy basket using rolling tubes. We needed 12 people to shift the table by pulling the ropes outwards.

We have started looking at the genre of persuasion in Writing. Our first look at this was in the form of a collaborative letter to Miss Millar, persuading her to allow us to have museum items in our classroom. Our 3D pyramid within the class is beginning to take shape.

Newsletters were handed out this week detailing our curricular focus in a variety of areas. We hope this was useful and we will continue to keep you updated on any changes via the blog.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend and enjoy all the fun that’s to be had with Halloween. Stay safe, and take care.

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 23.10.20

We hope you all had a lovely rest during the October holidays. It is great to see everyone back at school and raring to go this term. We have lots of exciting things planned.

Our Ancient Egypt topic has well and truly started this week. We came back to school with a letter from the museum explaining that because of current restrictions, they would not be able to visit us to show us Egyptian artifacts. Because of this, they are going to meet us virtually and then deliver the objects to us to be quarantined and then displayed in our class.

We accepted a challenge to turn part of our class into a museum to display the artifacts, so this week, the challenge began. We now have a part built pyramid and are excited to finish it.

We learned about the job of an archaeologist today and Miss Dig and Professor W came to lead us on an archaeological dig. There were traps, obstacles and rivers to cross. Armed with our brushes, we brushed away sand to reveal Egyptian artifacts. It was very exciting!

The children thoroughly enjoyed it. This is what they had to say, “I liked going outside to dig.” “I like finding the stuff because it was very interesting and tremendous to look at.” “I liked writing my story about the dig and I also like finding the treasures and displaying them.” “I liked finding the treasure and I liked writing the stories too.” “I like to put my imagination into everything, the dig and the story.”

This Monday, homework will be handed out again. From this date, there will always be two weeks to complete the homework tasks. Homework will be added to the blog for your reference.

There will be a newsletter to follow this week as well, so please keep an eye out for this to inform you of what we plan to do this term.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson


Primary 3 25.9.20

Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday!

For a short week, it has been a busy one. Primary 3 have been working so hard on our mini Health topic. We discussed all of our buddies jobs in our community and even mapped out our community and all of the ways it helps people. We then created models of our dream communities from craft materials and even learned how to fold paper to make it 3D. Our dream communities involved lots of ways of keeping active with arenas, kick boxing studios, horse riding, roller blading ramps, play parks and pools. We talked about and made our dream housing to ensure we are safe, healthy and nurtured.

We created imaginative collaborative stories about our buddies and their work in the community. We took turns to write one sentence each and the stories twisted and changed depending on what that person’s idea was at the time of writing. They turned out very well and are up on display!

We used our ICT skills to type them up and then used ‘Audacity’ to record our stories by reading our parts of the story aloud.

Next week, on Monday, homework folders will be sent home. Homework will take the same format as last year, minus the share-it jotters. The homework activities will be put on a sheet and into the children’s folder. There will be no share-it jotter, however should you wish to hand tasks in, they can be written on the back of the sheet. Primary 3 will be given a little more responsibility every Monday, in writing up our little homework diary to remind us of our tasks.

We would appreciate it if the folders can be in the children’s bags each day at school in order for them to access their reading books. We use these in our lessons and Primary 3 reading work will be based on their reading books that week. Usually the reading books are completed over 2 weeks with some exceptions. If your child is the exception, further instruction will be given in their yellow homework diaries.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 11.9.20

What a finale to our Fantastic Mr Fox novel,  with a viewing of the film adaptation. We filled our whiteboards with notes about the similarities and differences between this and the book, and were surprised with the ending of the film.

We are looking forward to one last challenge next week.

We have been so impressed with P3 and their improvement in skipping. We had a demonstration of our talents and skills this week and next door’s class was our audience. We are sad to be leaving it behind and beginning our new focus on football, but we’re certain we will have just as much fun!

We have been learning about Harvest and how different religions celebrate this time of year. We have had a look at church celebrations, community celebrations and Jewish celebrations. This week we built a Sukkah for the Jewish celebration of Sukkot. Ask the children to tell you a little about this.

As we prepare to restart homework, could you please check whether your child has any P2 reading books or resources that can be handed back into school at your earliest convenience.

Also, could we remind you to sign and return the class charter and achievement letters if you have not already done so? Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith



Primary 3 4.9.20

Primary 3 have been ‘wow-ing’ us with their skipping skills. They have been using French ropes, a long rope and ankle skipping equipment. We have all been so impressed with the improvement we have seen and experienced and look forward to next week where we can demonstrate our skills in front of the rest of the class. Here are a few pictures of us in action!

  • We have also been given our computer log in details and have been very excited to try out using 3D paint and typing on Word documents. We have been exploring the toolbars and how we can manipulate text. Next week we will attempt to include a picture in our document and then hopefully produce a piece of work done fully on the computers.

Our Health and Well-being topic of Fantastic Mr. Fox is getting very intriguing. We have learned of Mr. Fox’s plan to keep his family safe and well-fed and can’t wait to find out what happens next. Some of us have been reading it at home and know, but we are not giving away the ending!

We aim to watch the Fantastic Mr. Fox film next week, please let us know if you do not wish your child to participate in this lesson and alternative arrangements can be made.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith


Primary 3 28.8.20

We are now firmly set in our new routines within Primary 3, with today marking our second whole week back in school with the new rules.

There are lots of changes between Primary 3 and Primary 2 and so far, the children seem to be enjoying it. When they were asked what is the best part of P3 so far, they said they have been enjoying music, art and the P3 reading. They reported that the worst part of P3 is not being able to hug people.

Our topic is well under way, looking at the health and well-being indicators and curriculum through the study of Fantastic Mr. Fox. The children read a script with expression, and have been learning about real foxes and how they stay safe, healthy and nurture their young. We have been discussing adjectives, and had a go of using a thesaurus to up-level our words.

We created our own questions to gather information within the class using a frequency table. We then turned our information into our own bar graphs. We had fun doing this and our graphs look super.

The weather this week has been touch and go with the rain, however we did manage to get out for PE and the children’s skipping skills are improving every time! We are now trying some tricks and next week will be looking at French skipping and ankle skipping as well.

Thank you for supporting us with the new rules. The children have been coming to school prepared and ready for the day ahead. Thank you also for returning the rules agreement letter and the achievement letter. Can we take this opportunity to remind parents if you have not already, please return these at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for you continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 Last Day of Term!

Hello and welcome to your last day in Primary 3. We hope you’re all extremely excited to be getting into the summer holidays after today and you can all take a well-earned break! We also hope that you are all very excited about moving into Primary 4, getting to go to a new classroom, meeting new teachers, getting to use the fancy smart boards! We will miss you all immensely and we could not have asked for a better year group. You have filled us with joy, curiosity, laughs, excitement, pride and all of the smiles the whole year and we could not be more impressed or proud at you all for how well you have done this year. You have all been absolute superstars throughout your home learning and we are so delighted that you have coped with incredibly difficult times so very well. It has been a privilege to have been your Primary 3 teachers and we hope that you all have amazing summers, you’ve earned it!

Go to this Sway

We hope you have a lovely last day of term, and if you have planned to have a small celebration with all of your challenge work this week, enjoy it! Take pictures and share them with us!

We could not resist posting one last Summer activity for you to try. It looks like so much fun and would be a great addition to your celebration today. I think I will have a go too! It looks like too much fun to resist!

Here’s a little Summer co-ordinate activity if you feel like recapping on our co-ordinates knowledge in Maths!

Summer Co-ordinates

Lastly, we would like to say the biggest of thank yous to all of our parents. Without you all there is no way the last few months could have been successful. You have shown so much care and support and enthusiasm for the work and for keeping everything going so well. It has been such a pleasure getting to engage with you all and your  support has made everything so much easier. We know how difficult the last few months must have been for you all and we cannot thank you enough for everything you have all done. We hope you make the most of your summer, thank you so much!

See you in August!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

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