Primary 1 w.b. 18.12.17

Primary 1 did an excellent job in their performances of ‘The Wriggly Nativity’ yesterday. Thank you for all your support throughout the process, practising lines and going over dances.
This week we have been learning about the Christmas story and have enjoyed a more relaxed curriculum with lots of crafts and fun activities.
We hope that you have a fun and restful Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing all the children back in the New year.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris


Primary 7 14.12.17

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week in Primary 7 so far. We had the opportunity to watch both the Nursery/P1 nativity and the P2/3 nativity. We loved both performances and we thought that the children did really well.

This week we have been putting our ICT skills to the test! We will be using GLOW throughout Primary 7 to look at the blog and for transition activities with Deans Community High School. In order to use this platform we had to reset our passwords. We also went to P1 and P2 to help them to log into the computer and reset their GLOW passwords. All adults have been very impressed with how skilled the Primary 7s were at teaching the younger children in the school.

There will be no homework next week. Homework will resume again on the second week back (wb 15.1.18) after the Christmas Holidays.

The P7 Christmas Disco will take place next Thursday 21st December from 6-8pm. Please note that children must be picked up from inside the school at 8pm, we cannot allow children to walk home themselves.

This will be our last blog post before the Christmas so we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on the 9th January.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 1 Update 7.12.17

Hello Everyone

Primary 1 have been getting into the festive spirit this week with our Pupil Christmas Lunch and the fantastic Wizard of Oz Pantomime on Wednesday. It was also great so many of you made it along to our Christmas Fair and made the night a huge success!

This week we are beginning a block of PE with our PE Specialist Mrs Ferguson. Please can all children bring their indoor PE kit every Thursday.

In Writing this week, the boys and girls were excited to write letters to Santa. We are continuing to introduce new sounds and blending them together to read and write words.

In maths, we have been learning to write and sequence numbers above 10 and will be moving onto pattern.

Next week, we will be having our nativity dress rehearsal. If your children have been asked to bring in any clothes for their costume we would be extremely grateful if you could send them in before Tuesday 12th December.

Thank you for your continuing support,


Primary 1 Teachers



Primary 1 w.b. 27/11/17

Primary 1 are beginning to get into the Christmas spirit! We are practising our nativity regularly as the performances are only 3 weeks away! The children now know all the songs and are enjoying singing them with the actions. Some children have learnt short dances to some of the songs and the children with speaking parts are learning when to say their lines. Please continue to practise your child’s parts at home.
Today is our St Andrews Day assembly. The children have been busy learning a Scottish song ‘I sent aff for cheese’ and will perform it infront of the school this morning.
In maths we are moving on to reading, writing and counting numbers to 20. We will be thinking about how we can structure a number in different ways using lots of resources in class.
Gym times are changing as of next week. We will be seeing our PE specialist on a Thursday which will replace our Monday PE session. So please can you send your child to school with a PE kit on Thursdays.
With many children suffering from coughs and colds it is helpful if you can send your child to school with a named water bottle. Please only send water to school and not juice.
Reading books should come to school every day so that we can read throughout the week. Library books only need to come into school on a Friday.
Thank you for all your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 and Primary 2 have a Scottish song to learn for our St Andrew’s Day Assembly next week. The children have a copy of the words to take home and we will practise the song and actions in class. We would appreciate your support in helping the children practise the words.

We have been also working on our Nativity. Children have been practising the songs, dance moves and lines. This will continue up until our show in December.

Primary 2/3 have been investigating which buildings we have in our community and what role they play in keeping our community functioning. Children have drawn these buildings and constructed some of them using our construction materials. They look brilliant!

Primary 2/3 have also been looking into our personal hygiene. We are now regularly brushing our teeth and we understand the importance of washing our hands to prevent the spread of germs.

P.E is on a Monday (Outdoor, weather permitting) and Tuesday


P2- Reading, Time your climb, Common words,

P3- Reading, Spelling/sentences, Common words

Common words (could you please sign off common words once the children have practised them)



Primary 3 20.11.17

We have certainly been hustling and bustling with our nativity practice lately! Costumes have been fitted, lines being learned, dances being choreographed and positions being given and we can’t wait to show you what we have been working on! Thank you for going over children’s lines, the effort is really paying off.


Our Inclusion topic is well under way and we have been learning about the provisions in place to ensure people who have difficulties are included and provided for in and around our school and local area. We were interested to learn that some people’s difficulties cannot be seen, and rather, it is harder for them because of this.


St Andrew’s Day is not far away either and we have a new and interesting Scots song to learn. Here are the words, can you understand the story? Children have all been given a copy to learn over the next two weeks.

We look forward to seeing many of you at our Look, Write, Count event on Wednesday 22nd November from 6.30. Here, you will receive a wonderful free story bag with games and two picture books included, and have the opportunity to play some of the games with your child and perhaps hear a story!


Nativity words and songs

St Andrew’s Day song




Book Day on Wednesday 29th November. Start planning fancy dress where children dress up as their favourite book character.

Primary 2/3

We have been very busy learning about our community. We have been learning about who lives and works in our community. We identified everyone who works in our community and made a big display in our class. We have also discussed places we visit in our community and the activities we can do there. Livingston has so much to offer!

We have started our Nativity rehearsals- if your child has a speaking part, please practise their lines with them. Everyone can practise our song which were posted on the P3 blog last week.

Well done to all the boys and girls who have been bringing in their P.E kits- reminder that PE is on a Monday and Tuesday.

P5 are running our Children in Need day on Friday and we have been asked to take part by coming to school in our PJs for a small donation. That day will be very comfortable for us, we can’t wait.


P2 have common words, time your climb and reading

P3 have common words, spelling, sentences and reading

Maths homework will be handed out on Wednesday (3D Shape)


Primary 1 w.b.13.11.17

Primary 1 are now well into their toys topic. We have a toy shop up and running in the classroom and this week we will be learning about the different forces which make toys work. This term’s big homework task was given out last week. Your child is to create a model toy for our toy shop from recycled materials. This toy is due on Monday the 27th November.
We are also busy practising our nativity. We have now learnt all the songs and are busy practising the actions to accompany them. We have also started rehearsing lines and dancing with some of the children. If your child has words to learn please practise them at home. We are encouraging the children to speak loudly and slowly when they deliver their line.
There are some exciting dates for your diary coming up in the next few weeks…
This Friday is Children in Need. Your child can come to school dressed in their pyjamas. Badges, wrist bands and colouring sheets are on sale throughout this week. Please see the email sent out on Friday for details of prices or speak to us.
On Thursday 23rd November there is a ‘read, write, count’ evening from 6.30-7.30. Invitations were sent to all parents/ carers yesterday.
On Wednesday 29th November we will be having a day focused on reading books. Children are encouraged to come to school dressed as a character from a book.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

P2/1 3rd November 2017

We have had another busy week in P2/1 this week and have started our new topic ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’. We have made owls using paper plates and mounted them on a night time background. We have also been looking at dark being and exciting time with firework displays happening. We have talked about how to stay safe around fireworks and made some lovely firework pictures-look out for some of these being displayed on the windows of the P2/1 classroom!

In Maths this week we have all been looking at addition. The P2s have been adding groups that are screened or hidden and the P1s have been combining sets of objects.

In Phonics the P1s have been consolidating sounds that they have learned so far and focusing on blending the sounds to make CVC and CCVC words- we are doing really well with this! The P2s sound this week was -ue and the children have been enjoying thinking of new words to add to our lists and also finding -ue words in their reading books and around the classroom.

Next week we will begin rehearsals for our Nativity performances so be prepared for the children to come home singing some catchy songs!

Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Steel

Primary 1 30/10/17

Welcome back after the October holiday. We hope you all had a lovely break. This term our interdisciplinary topic will be ‘toys’. The children enjoyed bringing in their favourite toy last week and were all able to talk about it in front of the class and write about what they like to play with their toy in our writing lesson. This week we will be setting up our toy shop in the classroom role play area. So far we have made unicorns and this week we will make some teddy bears. This topic will teach the children about money, materials and forces.
In maths we are learning to add 2 sets of objects together. The children have made lots of progress recognising numbers and counting out sets which is aiding them as they move onto addition strategies.
We have also started learning the nativity songs in class this week. We will be practising these songs regularly in class and will give out speaking parts in the next week or so.
PE is on a Monday. Please ensure your child comes prepared with a PE kit.
Homework folders should be returned to school every day so that we can read with your child throughout the week and write in homework diaries when necessary.

Primary 3 News!

Morning all!

What a lot of fantastic superstars we have! The boys and girls did an amazing job with the Nativity and thank you for all of your support with line learning and costumes etc. We are really looking forward to our Christmas Party tomorrow afternoon. Children are allowed to bring in their party outfits to change into after lunch. We will also be watching a pantomime on Thursday morning to get us into the spirit of things.

Homework is still as normal for this week. Spelling is a mix of all patterns learnt so far and maths is a mix of addition and subtraction. Reading will also continue as normal but next week there will be no homework.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 w.b. 5/12/16

It was great to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair last Friday. Thank you for coming along to support the school.
This week Primary 7 children will be teaching their buddies traditional playground games as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The Primary 7s will be recording the games to send to our partner schools across Europe.
In maths this week we will be focusing on recognising and continuing patterns using 2D shapes, symbols and colours.
There will be no formal homework given out in the run up to Christmas, however, we will still be sending homework folders home. Please continue to practise key words and sounds with your child.
If your child has been asked to bring in any clothing to supplement their nativity costume please bring this in as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Muir

P1/2 Week beginnning 28.11.16

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.

The Nativity is well underway and children are making super progress in learning their parts.  Primary 2 are working particularly hard to learn their lines so thank you to all parents who have helped with this.  They have asked if they can be dressed in party clothes for the performance and letters will be sent out with information about this later in the week.

We have continued to work on our Houses and Homes topic this week.  We have completed our first challenge to make Gingerbread Houses and the results are fantastic.  We have also been painting our clay models.

This week we are completing our Enterprise for the Christmas Fair.  We are making Santa Soup which is hot chocolate, marshmallows and a candy cane.  These will be on sale at the Christmas Fair for £1 however if anyone wants to buy their own they can bring the money before Friday.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 28.11.16

This week in Primary 1 we will be continuing to practise for our upcoming nativity. Some children may be asked to bring in a small item of clothing as part of their costume. If possible please send this in by next Monday (5th December). Tickets for nativity are now on sale. You should have received a letter about these last week. Please return request form along with payment as soon as possible.
Also this week we are very excited about our school Christmas Fair. The children will be completing a small enterprise craft to sell. If you wish to buy your child’s item before the fair then please send in £1 and it will be sent home with your child.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 28.11.16

Primary 3 have been working so hard in their Nativity. The boys and girls have been practising singing, dancing and their lines for the show. Thank you to everyone who has brought in their costume for the Nativity. We have our first dress rehearsal this Wednesday.

We are continuing with homework this week. Children have their weekly spelling and maths to complete. Please encourage your children to read their reading book regularly. New pages are set every Tuesday and Thursday.

In Maths the children have been mentally subtracting large numbers with the help of a hundred square. They have also been trying hard to learn their x2 x10 and x5 times tables. Children need to practise these regularly to help them retain what they have learned in class.

Primary 3 have their Christmas lunch this Thursday and we hope you can all make it to the Christmas Fair on Friday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 21.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.  Last week we welcomed our Erasmus visitors.  They came to visit us in class and taught us some new words from different countries.  We also took part in a Scottish assembly.

In science we were learning about the moon.  We have learned about the phases of the moon and watched videos of last weeks super moon.  Over the next month we will be looking out for the moon and recording the phases we can see.

We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and enjoyed playing in the Gingerbread cottage.  We have also been working on puppet shows to retell the story and have made clay gingerbread cottages.  We look forward to painting these this week.

Rehearsals for our Nativity play are well underway.  Primary 1 are working hard learning their parts.  All Primary 1 children will be on the stage and will be provided with a costume.  Primary 2 children are also working hard to learn their parts.  Thank you to all parents for your support with this; it is greatly appreciated.  We will be using our hall time over the next few weeks for rehearsals and PE will be party games, therefore no PE kit will be required for the rest of the term.

Have a good week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b.21.11.16

We had a great week last week meeting and working with our ERASMUS+ visitors. The children performed 3 craws beautifully in our assembly and worked alongside some of the visiting teachers on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. We even learnt a Slovakian song about poppy seeds!
Nativity practice is now well underway. If your child has a speaking part, please continue to practise words. Every child will dress up in a costume for the show. We have a good selection of costumes in school, however we may ask the children to bring in something small e.g. tights, a t-shirt to supplement these. Please check your child’s homework diary in the upcoming weeks for this.
This week we are continuing with addition in maths and will revise all sounds learnt so far in phonics lessons. Please continue to practise key words at home as these will help with reading books.
Thank you for continuing support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 News! 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week!

In Maths we are really getting to grips with subtraction, taking away 9, 19, 29 and 11, 21, 31 and looking at strategies we can use. We also revisited the 2x tables so keep practising these at home!

In preparation for our Erasmus + visitors we made some Scottish gifts, a bookmark with a felt covered kilted man to show off our traditional dress. We also located on a map the six different countries and found out about their traditions, local food and monuments.

We are really getting into our Nativity rehearsals and parts will be given this week so we would really appreciate your support with line learning at home as the time is flying in! We will organise props and costumes this week and will let you know what your child needs to bring in from home. It is an all singing, all dancing show so all children will be involved whether they are speaking, dancing or singing.

This week’s homework:

Reading: As indicated in their diaries

Spelling: ‘ea’ focus

Maths: 10x table

Please ensure your child makes a really big effort with their sentences and include lots of description.

Our Erasmus + visitors arrive tomorrow so it’s a very exciting week for us all. Some teachers will be popping into our classrooms to say hello so do ask the boys and girls about it.

Massive thank you to those mums that assisted us in the woods today, although a little muddy at the entrance it was a great woodland walk and gave the children lots of descriptive ideas for their writing tomorrow!

PE will be on Wednesday for P3S and Thursday for P3R

Have a great week!

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Smith


Primary 1/2 Week beginning 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week.  We have started our nativity play which is called Christmas Counts.  We know lots of the songs already and will begin acting out our parts soon.  Everyone in Primary 1 will have an acting part and P2 will be given their narration parts to begin practising this week.  This will be quite tricky for them at first so any help with practising would be greatly appreciated.

We are working on our Houses and Homes topic and last week Primary 2 entertained us with their interesting class talks.  Well done Primary 2.  This week we look forward to listening to Primary 1.  We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and have made a beautiful wall frieze of the gingerbread house.

Last week in Maths Primary 1 were working on the concept of addition and feel very proud of our progress.  Primary 2 have been working on halving and doubling.

This week we are very excited to welcome teachers from all over Europe as part of the Erasmus project.  We will be showing them our classrooms and how we learn in Scotland.  We will also be taking part in a Scottish Assembly and learning some vocabulary form all over Europe.  We have made special thistle badges to give to the visitors.

On Friday we will be taking part in Children in Need.  We can wear something spotty and bring in a donation of 50p.  Wristbands and badge pins will be on sale this week.  Wristbands are 50p and £1, badge pins are £2.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 14/11/16

We have a busy week ahead in Primary 1. The children are very excited to welcome our European visitors as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The whole school will perform a Scottish welcome assembly on Tuesday. The children have been practising very hard to sing their song ‘3 craws’. The children will have the opportunity to meet the teachers during classroom visits on Tuesday and Thursday.
Rehearsals for the Primary 1 nativity are now in full swing. Speaking parts will be given to some children in homework diaries tonight. Please check whether your child has words to learn at home.
This Friday is Children in Need. Children can dress up in something spotty for a donation of 50p. Throughout the week there will be pins (2 for £2) and wrist bands (50p for last years and £1 for this years) on sale.
As we approach the busy Christmas period we will endeavour to continue some P.E. with the children, however at times this may not be possible due to hall availability/ other events.
Thank you for your continuing support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

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