Primary 1 23.4.20

Good morning Primary 1,
If you had time to do the Enormous Turnip drama yesterday we hope you enjoyed it! It is a great way to demonstrate and practise your drama skills.
What signs of spring have you been noticing? It is amazing to see the changes around us as we move from winter to spring. Do you have a favourite season and if so why is it your favourite? My favourite season is spring because the weather turns warmer and beautiful flowers bloom.
Today, we thought you might like to try some art. Steve Harpster does great how to draw videos for children.
The following link will take you to a video where he teaches us how to draw a dragon using a heart:
Even though Valentine’s Day has passed we thought it would be a lovely thing to draw since our topic is fairyland and we want to share lots of love during this time. Once you are finished, we would love to see your drawings on your learning journals. Good luck!
Stay safe and have super-duper Thursday!
Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 2 22.4.20

Good morning everyone,

We hope you are all well today and looking forward to a new day of learning from home. I wonder how many of you are doing Joe Wicks – have you been able to spot the differences or answer the quiz questions he has been asking? If you would like a shorter wake up activity you could maybe try some of these favourites we use in class to get us moving! These are also useful to get you moving in between activities when you get a bit fed up of sitting still!

Today, you can continue choosing a Literacy, Numeracy and Across the Curriculum activity. Here is a a Powerpoint to help you with your research on arctic animals:

arctic animals

If you would like to try out an additional Science and Technology activity, we are sure you will find this video from the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday really interesting. It is all about the European Space Agency’s Rover that is due to be sent to Mars in 2022. Use your new knowledge of what makes a good rover to build your own and send us photo if you can!

​Each week we are going to make a Rights Respecting Schools Article focus for you think about. This week, we would like you to focus on Article 24 -Health Care – ensures that every child has the right to the best possible health. Can you think of 8 important things you need to stay healthy? Maybe you would like to try out one of these activities to explore this article:
-Draw or list people who can help us stay healthy and safe. Explain their job. -Make a list with words or pictures of as many kinds of exercise you can think of.
-Set up an obstacle course and challenge someone in your house to have a go.
-Read Coronavirus: A Book for Children talk about what you are doing as a family to keep healthy during this time.
We are continuing to work towards our Right Respecting Schools Gold Award so if you complete any of these activities please send us photos on your Learning Journal.

We look forward to hearing about your learning and seeing any photos. If you have any questions please just ask on the blog or Learners Journal and we will get back to you quickly.


Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 22.4.20

Good morning Primary 1s. It’s another lovely sunny day today and I hope you are managing to get outside to make the most of this sunshine. I am noticing lots of signs on spring during my daily exercise. I have seen blossom forming on trees, baby lambs bouncing in the fields and some warmer weather showing us that summer is on its way.

What have you seen as you go out and about?
We hope that you managed to read or listen to the story of the Enormous Turnip yesterday. Has anyone managed to make the vegetable soup from the learning grid? I love in the story that everyone worked together to help pull the turnip out. What examples of people working together have you seen in the past week? Maybe you and your family worked as a team to complete a jigsaw puzzle, or have you been out in the garden working together to grow some flowers or food?
Today, if you have time, we would like you to take part in a drama activity. Click on the link and follow the instructions as you pretend to be different characters in the story.

As a school we are currently working towards re-accreditation of our Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award. UNICEF have created some activities that can be completed at home to continue the work we would have been doing in class. These activities give the children an opportunity to learn about their rights and think through how they access them.
This week we are looking at Article 24, the right to health care. Can you complete any of these activities over the coming days and post your work in the Learning Journals? You can also post your work with the hashtag #RRSA on Twitter, or share it on the RRSA Facebook page.

The link for the coronavirus book is here (Coronavirus book). It is a super book, explaining the current situation in a way that is appropriate for children.

We hope that you all have a wonderful day.
As always, if we can be of any assistance please get in contact.
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1’s fabulous work

Good afternoon Primary 1s!
We hope that you are all keeping well and are able to get out into this lovely sunshine. I can’t wait for my afternoon walk later on.
We are so impressed by the work posted on the Learning Journals so far. It is clear that you are all working really hard at home, it makes us very proud teachers! Here is a small selection of the photos uploaded so far this week.


Primary 1 Home Learning 21.04.20

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope that you’ve all been enjoying this lovely sunshine and are still managing to find some time to exercise and play outside! It was lovely to see some of you enjoying spending time outdoors with your family during the Easter holidays on the Learning Journals. Thank you for continuing to share your home learning experiences with us.

We would like to suggest that you choose one or two activities from the home learning grids to complete today if you are able. You can access the links to the literacy, numeracy and interdisciplinary learning grids and resources on the school blog and in the messages section on your Learning Journals. Please make sure that you still make time for playing, exercising and helping out around the house too!

This week we are focusing on the fairy tale ‘The Enormous Turnip’. You can access the link to the audio clip on BBC School Radio here: The Enormous Turnip is a great fairy tale at this time as it symbolises the importance of team work and people coming together. Ask your child to close their eyes and listen to the story. Imagine what happens in the story at the beginning, middle and end of the story and think about how they all manage to pull the enormous turnip out of the ground. After listening to the story, retell the events in your own words to an adult. During your story you could try acting out some of the events, role playing some of the characters or you could even use some props. If you have time, you could ask an adult to film you retelling the story and share it with us on the Learning Journals. We would love to see how you get on with this at home!

You could even learn and include this fun song about Farmer Ben ploughing his field (try singing it to the theme of The Grand Old Duke of York):

‘Oh, I have a field to plough!’
Said busy Farmer Ben,
So he drove his tractor up the field,
And he drove it down again.
And when he was up, he was up,
And when he was down, he was down,
And when he was only half way up,
He was neither up nor down.
‘Oh, I have some seeds to sow!’

We look forward to seeing all of your hard work on the Learning Journals. We will continue to look for examples of some of the best work across Primary 1 to share and celebrate on our school blog!

Thank you again for all of your support at this time. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on the school blog or on the messages section of the learning journals. We are happy to support you in any way we can.

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3, Monday 20.4.20

Good Morning Primary 3. Welcome back and we hope you have been having a restful couple of weeks on your Easter break. I’m wondering how many of you still have any of your chocolate eggs left!?

As much as we would love to be welcoming you back in person, we will continue to use our online classroom (the Blog and Teams) until we are told we can return to school, so it is going to be an interesting term with the topic you have chosen, “Technology in; sports, space, transport, programming and robotics.”


Primary 3, the majority of your work for the next 6 weeks or so will be in the form of another grid which we have attached at the end of this post. Please work through this at your own pace and preference. We may highlight and refer to some parts of this week to week that we think would be good for you to complete. Again, we will not be expecting all of your completed work to be sent to us, however if you wish to share what you have done with the rest of the class and ourselves, we are more than happy to receive copies or photos or even just a little blurb about how you are getting on. We will continue to add daily activities too, such as Maths, Reading, Spelling, Number Talks and Word Boost.

We will continue to dabble with ‘Teams’, so if you have access or have been using this before the holidays, keep your eyes peeled for new assignments, quizzes and resources on there. The main work and resources needed, however, will be duplicated on the Blog for those who do not have access to Teams.

Your first task for today to ease us back in nicely is a quick check-in. Update us on how you are feeling, ask the class a question to get a discussion started or simply share with us what you have been up to over the holidays. Do this via the posts on Teams, or even in the comments section of this Blog Post. Either way, we would love to hear from you!

Here is the link to the bulk of the activities for the next few weeks.

Learning Grid T4

(Screenshots below – Please let us know if you have problems with access to these.)





We are going to be looking at ICT and music through the use of Bandlab this term. It gives you the opportunity to create songs in a similar way to garageband which some of you may be familiar with.

Reading Books:

Group 6 (Mr Woodward’s class) – The Frog Prince

Group 7 (Miss Smith’s Blue Group) – Attack of the Buzzles

Group 8 (Mr Woodward’s class) – Attack of the Centipede

Group 10 (Miss Smith’s Red Group) – Eric’s Talking Ears

Group 11 (Mr Woodward’s Class and Miss Smiths Yellow Group)– Clever Monkey

Before you read your books – look at the front cover of your books and write at least 5 sentences predicting what will happen in your books. There should be a beginning, a problem, how the problem is fixed, and an ending. Think about characters and setting for your beginning and use the cover and the title to try and figure out what the problem in the story might be?

Band Lab

Username/ email:

Password: p32020carmondean

Go to

Click on log in and enter the email address and password.

Once logged in click on the red button in the top right corner that says +create.

It will give you a few options, click on the option that says ‘browse loops’.

Then choose a type of music and it will give you a variety of loop tracks to add to your song.

Click and drag the tracks into your song. When you want to add new tracks add them underneath tracks you already have.

Have a play around with different tracks/ genres and instruments.

Change the name of the track by clicking on ‘new project’ at the top of the page and give your song a name so you can remember it.

When you are done, click save and it will save your work.

Next time you log in click on the profile button (it looks like the shadow of a head in the top right corner) and you can find your project to keep working.

Remember that this profile is for everyone to use so please make sure you only create 1 song at a time and only save songs you are happy with.

Here are your Number Talks for today

Remember the different multiplication strategies for multiplication we have looked at: repeated addition e.g. 4×25=25+25+25+25.  Or by removing the zeroes and adding them back in e.g. 30x20 = 3 x 2 = 600. Or splitting the numbers up e.g. 36×20=30×20 + 6×20.

2 x 25                           6 x 20


4 x 25                           30 x 20


6 x 25                           36 x 20


8 x 25                           36 x 19

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith


Primary 3 3/4/20

Bonjour et bon vendredi! We hope you have all had a fantastic week and are looking forward to having two weeks off for your Easter Break.

Today we would have been going to the church and learning all about the Easter story and how important Easter is to Christianity. P3W would like to entertain you by giving you our takes on the Easter story. Each story was retold and created by the pupils in their groups and their mission was to get the story told in under one minute. This proved to be very difficult as there was a lot to fit in. So here are different versions of the Easter story in under 2 minutes!

You could also try some of these Easter crafts if you have time over the holidays:

Easter Chick hand puppets

An Easter Bunny face mask

Or find a stone and decorate

Some easier art ideas from Art Angel that you can do as long as you have a paper and pencil/pen:

‘Creating something from nothing. Start by staining your paper, you can use ink or coffee/tea. Once it’s dry start to use any medium to draw into the stains on the paper. Get ideas from the shapes and colours in front of you.’

Try writing a story either on a computer or in your jotters/ on a piece of paper. As an idea for your story: You wake up on Easter to discover that you have become the Easter bunny. What would your day be like as an Easter bunny? Describe your experience and what you do. Try to include a beginning paragraph describing the characters and setting, middle paragraphs describing your problem and some action that happens, and an ending describing how you overcome your problem.

And here is some non-Easter maths problem solving for you to have a go at:

We would like thank you for all your hard work, dedication, support and enthusiasm for continuing your children’s learning, it is immensely appreciated,

Have a great Easter break,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 3.4.20

Good morning Primary 1s
I can’t believe that we have now been learning from home for 2 weeks! We hope that you are all keeping well and are behaving nicely for your families! Thank you so much for all the hard work you have been posting on the Learning Journals, we are loving keeping in touch with you this way. How are you getting on with retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? I am so impressed by the stories I have seen so far!
If you have any learning activities left on your Learning grids then please feel free to finish them off either today or over the break. Here is a good website with a variety of Easter tasks you might want to look at over the holidays
We hope that you and your families have a fantastic Easter holiday. Please stay safe and have a lot of fun in and around your house. We will be back in contact on Monday 20th April and cannot wait to hear and see all you got up to!
Thank you for all your continued support.
Happy Easter!!!

The Primary 1 teachers

Home Learning in Primary 1

Here are some examples of the learning Primary 1 have been doing at home this week. Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful learning experiences on the Learning Journals. It’s lovely to see all of the children engaging with the activities we are providing on the home learning grids/school blog. We have all been very impressed!



Primary 3 2/4/20

Good Morning Primary 3, hope you have all been having a fun and productive week! We hope that you spend some time relaxing and having some fun on April Fool’s Day yesterday. We have been getting some great updates on what you’ve been up to, from the work you’ve been doing to the food you’ve been making. And the food looks amazing! Here are some of the examples of some great food that has been made over the last week, it’s making us very hungry!

If you have been able to make some delicious food, could you write up a short set of instructions complete with ingredients and we could put together a P3 cookbook?

In keeping with the food theme, why not try to develop your cooking skills with Theo Michaels, a former Masterchef winner who is hosting live cooking classes on his Youtube channel. Although some ingredients might be harder to find just now I am sure that as well as the live classes the back log of cooking videos he has will give you plenty of kitchen inspiration!

Today’s arts and crafts idea comes from a Dundee based mental health charity called Art Angel. They have been doing regular projects on their social media channels. If you have the items needed please have a go.  If you don’t have all the items see if you can maybe improvise with what items you do have at home?

‘Today’s home project is mono printing. All you need is a piece of plastic (old shopping bag) and some heavy bodied paint such as acrylic. Tape the plastic down to a hard surface, we used an old cardboard box. Paint on the plastic with a brush, either one colour of a mixture of colours. Gently place a blank piece of paper down onto the painted surface, then draw onto the paper using a pen or pencil. Once the drawing is finished peel back the paper and see what you’ve created. It may take a few goes to get the textures you would like, but just experiment and have fun.’

If you get the chance to get outside over the coming weeks, there are live football coaching sessions as well as some challenges that you might be able to take part in. Ask your parents to sign up for you and you will get access to these sessions:

Your reading tasks for today are writing tasks based on the books you have read:

Group 5/6 – Special Days 

Written Task

Using the ‘Christmas Eve’ Poem on pages 12 and 13, can you write 3 descriptive sentences to explain what is happening in the picture. Remember your core writing targets, punctuation and handwriting. It is a very busy picture so your sentence should allow the reader to easily picture the scene with your choice of adjectives

Blue – Minibeast Poems

Written Task

Using the ‘Spider in the Bath’ Poem on pages 8 and 9, can you write 3 descriptive sentences to explain what is happening in the picture. Remember your core writing targets, punctuation and handwriting. It is a very busy picture so your sentence should allow the reader to easily picture the scene with your choice of adjectives.

Red – Castle Poems

Written Task

Using the ‘My Castle’ Poem, can you write 5 descriptive sentences to explain what is happening in the picture. Remember your core writing targets, punctuation and handwriting. It is a busy picture so your sentence should allow the reader to easily picture the scene with your choice of adjectives.

Yellow – Pirate Poems 

Written Task

Using the ‘Pirate Chief’ Poem, can you write 5 descriptive sentences to explain what is happening in the picture. Remember your core writing targets, punctuation and handwriting. It is a very busy picture so your sentence should allow the reader to easily picture the scene with your choice of adjectives.

Here are your Number Talks for today:

For your maths for today we have dividing board games for you to have a go at. These are posted as images and not downloadable files so you will have to save the images if you would like to print them out.

Dividing by 2:

Dividing by 2 and 3:

Dividing by 2, 3, 4, and 5 with remainders.We have not taught remainders in class yet so this could be used as an extra challenge:

Thank you all so much for your continued dedication, support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 02.04.20

Bonjour Primary 1! Happy Jeudi!

We hope you have been enjoying learning at home this week and are still finding lots of time to have fun, play and spend time with your family.

I’m sure some of you noticed that a new trend emerged online where people were putting up pictures of rainbows in their windows. The rainbows symbolise hope, positivity and encourage people to stay safe at home. We challenge you today to create your own rainbow using materials of your choice. You could use paint, lego, colouring pens/pencils, crepe paper, coloured card or any other material you have at home. Get creative! You could also write a simple message of encouragement on your rainbow such as ‘stay home’, ‘stay safe’ or ‘stay positive’.

We would love you to share your rainbows with us on the Learning Journals and we will choose a few of the best examples to share on the blog.

Here are some other fun websites if you fancy getting creative:

We hope that you are all staying safe and well.

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 1.4.20

Bonjour Primary 3, aujourd’hui c’est premier Avril! Or as it is also known, April Fool’s Day! I’m sure that you are all able to think of some great jokes for April Fools that you can leave in the comments on this post, we would love for you to make us laugh!

This morning why not add to your reading by listening to stories read by a whole host of celebrities: just click on the play button the story should start! If you find any new favourites let us know.

If you are interested or have some extra computer time on your hands, there is a great website that specialises in conservation of lots of wildlife, mapping of stars and other things too! Why not have a go at being a digital conservationist and try helping with efforts to count penguins on Penguin Watch (of course Mr Woodward would pick Penguin Watch!)

In the Hobby Craft sessions today they are focussing on all things space themed, making rockets, making planets, creating astronaut costumes and possibly more. I’m sure it promises to be out of this world!—week-2

Please ensure you are also logging onto Education City as well as there are a lot of learning activities on there in a variety of topics. Your log in was attached to the pack pupils received before the closure. If you need your log in details again please contact the school office and they will be able to help.

Here are your Number Talks for today:

Have a go at your problem solving question for today. It is to do with time. Please keep your eyes peeled and we will add the answer later for you to check your work.

Thank you to Amira for a top learning resource! She got in touch to say she was watching a video on Maddie Moate’s channel on Youtube about jousting. I have just watched and it is great! Check it out if you fancy it. It is 18 minutes long.

Jousting Maddie Moate

Today also try learning the names of some pets in French. Watch the video, try the matching activity and then try to say all the pets that you have at home. If you don’t have any or many pets, try to say all the pets that you would like to have.The  mathcing activity is only an image and not a downloadable file. You should be able to copy and paste the image or write out the matched pairs in your jotters.

Then, imagine you own a safari park. Draw it out in your jotters or on some paper and draw all the animals you’d want in your safari park then label them in French.

Thank you for all your continued dedication, hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 1.4.20

Good morning everyone!

It is the first of April today! Hope you are paying close attention to any possible tricks. Oh but also remember they stop after midday.

Are you excited for Easter?

We thought as a nice activity you could create an Easter card. Have a think about all the things that remind you of Easter: eggs, chicks, chocolate, rabbits, baskets or flowers. If you have access to the internet maybe an adult could help you search for some ideas.

Afterwards, you can choose your favourite idea and then use this to decorate a card! This is a great chance to get creative. We would love to see pictures of your cards on your learning journals.

Thanks again for all the work everyone is putting in. We love seeing your posts on the learning journals.

On a side note, look what I saw on the news this morning…

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 3 31 3 20

Good morning Primary 3, we hope you are well and have been able to access and complete some more of the work. Yesterday was a beautiful day and hopefully some of you were able to get out for some fresh air while taking breaks in learning activities. We have looked forward to seeing the work and activities you have been up to and it has been brightening our days to see how enthusiastic you all are about making the most of your learning at home.


If you have access to a computer and have ever played, or ever wanted to play Minecraft, they are allowing access to their Education Edition for free currently. To access follow this link

And enter your school email address. Once logged in you may need to download to your computer the app. From there you can access a range of lessons across the curriculum, from maths to reading to coding and beyond. Some lessons are aimed at older pupils but there are lessons on there for all ages.

If you can get it to work and it proves useful please let us know!

On the Hobbycraft Kids Club today they are working on colouring with a variety of downloadable colouring activities to try at home:—week-2

Here are your Number Talks for today:

If you fancy seeing how well you have read your reading book, here are some true and false questions about each of your books. If you find that one is false, tell us what it should say!

Yellow – Pirate Poems

Comprehension: T/F – Read the following statements as well as the poems in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

Pirate Chief

  1. They are setting sail from the Port of Brussels.
  2. All the pirates will have daggers sharp and bright.
  3. Frank had been completely forgotten about.

The Smugglers

  1. 3 small boats glided on the evening tide.
  2. The barrels were stacked on the beach.
  3. A man flashed a light to warn people on shore.

Red – Castle Poems

Comprehension: T/F Read the following statements as well as the poems in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

The Castle on the Hill

  1. Through the door there is a portcullis.
  2. Across the courtyard there is a door.
  3. Across the door, iron bolts are drawn.

My Castle

  1. He is going to build a castle with a tower in each corner.
  2. He will build walls to keep the arrows out.
  3. The dungeon will have lots of windows.

Blue – Minibeast Poems

Comprehension: T/F Read the following statements as well as the poems in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

The Wuzzy Wasps of Waspington Pages 2 and 3

  1. The wasps are buzzing around the oranges.
  2. The Wuzzy Wasps are licking the pears.
  3. The Wuzzy wasps think the orchard is theirs.

Spider in the bath Pages 7, 8 and 9

  1. He has fed the owls and swans.
  2. He has pushed pigs in pens.
  3. He was stung by bees on both his knees.

Group 5/6 – Special Days

Comprehension: T/F Read the following sentences as and compare them to the poems in your book. Mark them either True, or False.

My Birthday pages 2 and 3

  1. My birthday’s on Wednesday.
  2. The letters on the cake are silver.
  3. His friends will all eat it, and the teacher will too.

Christmas Eve pages 12 and 13

  1. There was a creaking door.
  2. It was dark.
  3. Heart thumps softly.

Maths today is based on timetables. Why don’t you try to fill out a timetable of your week. This can be a plan for this week, or you can fill it out for what you did last week. Remember to put the digital times against each activity for practice. Here are 2 blank timetables you can use if you have a printer, or maybe you can create and decorate your own?










We thank you for your continued support and hard work.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – 31.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope everyone is well today? A big thank you to those who posted photos on their online learning journals yesterday. It was so lovely to see what you have all been up to and the fabulous learning you have been doing. We reset all P2 parent passwords so please check your inbox. If you did not receive one just comment on this post and we will do our best to rectify that. Scroll down in this post to see some of the lovely photos!

As today is usually our reading day we have made up some comprehension activities for you to do at home. Please select your group below and post photos of your completed work on your journal. You can complete the questions in your jotter. Remember your title and date!

Buzz and Simba

Rex and Mufasa

Woody and Pumba

Newsround have a daily episode each day to keep you up to date with what is going on in the world. Go on to to watch the current episode and let us know what you think. You could even practise your note writing and take some notes.

Miss Rafferty noticed lots of bears in windows when she was out her morning jog. Can you put a teddy bear in your window? If possible, go out a ‘bear hunt’ and count how many you can see around your neighbourhood!

Have a lovely day everyone and we look forward to seeing your photos on your online journals.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 31.3.20

Good morning Primary 1s
Today is the last day in March… can you remember the month that come next? Maybe this song will help you to remember?

We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. It has been great seeing all the hard work you have been up to over the past week. Thank you to everyone who has posted in their learning journal to show us the fantastic activities you have been doing at home. Later today we will hopefully post some more photos showing a selection of this work.
Today we would like you to complete 3 activities from the learning grids posted yesterday, preferably one literacy, one maths and one from the other curricular areas. Our focus fairy tale this week is ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’. If you have the book of this story in your house then why not read it? If you don’t, here is a link to an audio version:
Ask your child to close their eyes as they listen and imagine the story playing like a movie. After listening to the story, and only if you have spare time!, ask your child to retell the story. We would love to see some of this work on the Learning Journals and so, if you are able, why not film your child retelling the story. Your child could draw pictures or make playdoh/ craft models showing a few of the different scenes in the story as a prompt. Take your time with this task. It could be a project to be completed for the rest of the week, or over the Easter holidays?
Thank you for all your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 – Monday 30 3 20

Good morning everyone, we hope you had a fantastic weekend and were making use of your time off to relax and enjoy some of the things you like to do. We’d love to hear stories from your weekend and what you’ve been up to to keep yourselves entertained and your spirits high.

It’s been so nice to get a lot of photos of the work and activities you’ve all been doing, here is a selection of different things that have been going on in Primary 3!

Remember at 9 Joe Wicks has been doing daily PE lessons. If you have been taking part have you noticed a difference since you started doing them?

Carol Vorderman has been giving free maths lessons on her website  so for any of you that want a bit of extra help, or a bit of extra knowledge, this is a great place to learn new maths ideas!

Remember your reading books can be found on:

To log in please follow the instructions below.

Reading this week will be based on the same books as last week. For today, Read your favourite poem from your book with someone at home, parents / carers or even siblings for practice. Access the books online at

Oxford Owl

Login details:

Username: Mr Woodward       Password: Carmondean1

Username Miss Smith123         Password: Carmondean1

Yellow Group / Group 11 Pirate Poems

Red group / Group 10 Castle Poems

Blue Group / Group 7 Minibeast Poems

Group 5/6 Special Days

We have now added this weeks Word Boost story to the files section of Teams.

We will of course keep the blog updated throughout the day so please keep checking back and any questions you can ask either in the comments or through Teams if you have been able to get onto Teams.

Here are your Number Talks for today:

An idea for Numeracy today working on our vertical sums. Again, if there are any problems completing these, please let us know, as this was a new concept before we left school.

Please note, this is only an image and is not linked to any document. It can be used like a text book and answers can be written in your share- it jotter or alternative:


Spelling words this week – these links will take you to the PDF document and see below for the images.

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 30th March

Blue Group Spelling ey could Mon 30th March

Yellow Group spelling i-e Mon 30th March










We hope you are all keeping safe and well,

Thank you for your support and your hard work over this difficult time,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 30.03.20

Good morning everybody!

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and managed to spend some time outside, even just in the garden! We hope that you are all keeping healthy, helping out around the house and still finding time to play. The Primary 1 teachers are missing you all very much and we hope that you are still enjoying learning from home. We have been so impressed with all of your hard work, thank you again to all the parents that continue to post on the Learning Journals. It is lovely for us to see you all engaging with the activities we are providing.

Each Monday we will post three home learning grids on the blog and through the Learning Journals. There will be a grid for literacy, numeracy and learning across the curriculum. The grids will provide you with some suggested learning activities to complete throughout the week. We will also be posting some additional challenges on the blog for you and we will share some of the best examples on the school blog! Please don’t worry about completing all of the activities, remember these are just helpful suggestions to support you at home. You may still want to choose activities from the home learning pack at this stage and that is still encouraged! We are aiming to make the tasks set as flexible as possible so that you can fit them in around the other commitments you have.

Please find this week’s home learning grids and all the resources you will need below.  If you are unable to print these resources at home then perhaps your child could draw the pictures into their jotter instead. The Easter egg activity (in the maths section) might be a little tricky to draw so maybe you could help them get started by drawing a pattern in half of the egg.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us through the messages section of the Learning Journals or through the school blog. Please continue to share your child’s learning on the Learning Journals, it is great to see how they are getting on at home!

Thank you for all of your support so far.

Primary 1 teachers


Literacy home learning Grid/ Resources:

Literacy Grid (1)

ph worksheet (1)

Maths home learning Grid/ Resources:

maths week 2 (1)

Half of an Easter Egg (1)

Learning across the curriculum grid:



Primary 2 – 27.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here today. We hope you all had a nice day yesterday despite the weather being a little miserable. Did any of you manage to take part in the round of applause for our fabulous NHS staff at 8pm last night? We both did and it was lovely to hear everyone coming together to celebrate our hard working NHS staff.

You should have a few activities left on your week 1 sheets to choose from. Thanks to those who have let us know what they have been doing. We love to hear from you all so please continue to comment regularly.

Fridays usually include a handwriting lesson so please ensure any writing you do today is neat, with letters formed correctly.

Blair Drummond Safari Park are doing a live session on their Facebook page at 12pm each day where one of the keepers will tell you all about an animal. You can post questions for them to answer too. We watched it yesterday and it was fabulous! Let us know if you manage to tune in.

David Walliams is also reading 30 minutes from one of his books at 11am each day. You can find this on

We have both been trying Joe Wickes each day – it is hard work but we both feel great afterwards. Miss Rafferty has also been out running each day. It is so important to try and keep our fitness levels up – what are you doing to keep yourself fit?

Remember today is a half day – we are sure you wont forget!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing about what activities you choose from your week 2 sheet next week.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

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