Primary Five 4th March 2016

This week we have finished our topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence.   We have completed our end of topic tests and are looking forward to finding out how much we know now compared to the start of term.

In Writing we learned about the legend of Robert the Bruce and the spider and made comic strips to show the story.  We will be displaying these in the corridor at the office so if you are in be sure to have a look.

In Health we have started our bullying topic.  This week we talked about peer pressure, what this means and what we should do if we feel people are trying to force us to do things.

Next week we will be starting our Science topic of Solids, Liquids and Gases.  This will be a good chance for us to take part in some experiments.

Next week children will need indoor gym kit on Tuesday only for FUTSAL.

On Friday 18th March P6 are organising Sports Relief.  Wrists bands will be on sale for £1, there will be a sporty dress down day for 50p and children will get the chance to beat the teacher at a sporting activity at break time which will cost 50p.  On 17th March P6 will also be holding a cake sale.

We hope you all have a good week.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Sport Relief 2016

Primary 6 have been putting their heads together this week to come up with some fundraising ideas for Sport Relief. A letter with information about this has been emailed to you all but details are also attached below:


This year we are really excited to be raising money for Sport Relief 2016! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives.

Sport Relief 2016 will be kicking off in schools and nurseries on Friday 18th March.

Carmondean Primary School has decided to get involved and help raise money for this incredible cause.

To do our bit and raise money we will be:

  • Selling Wristbands for £1 from Monday 7th March
  • Holding a Bake Sale on Thursday 17th March, donations for this are most welcome! Please see letter overleaf with information on donations of homebaking)
  • Holding a Sporty Dress Down Day on Friday 18th March costing 50p and each class will take part in an obstacle course that morning.
  • In addition, if children want to take their chances ‘Beating the Teacher’ in a skip off or something similar, this will be taking place at break time and will cost 50p to take part.

And, the best bit is, the money raised by the public is spent by Comic Relief to help people living incredibly tough lives, both at home in the UK and across the world’s poorest countries. To learn more about how Comic Relief spends the money raised for Sport Relief please look at the pamphlet below or visit

We will also be using Sport Relief as a teaching opportunity so that our pupils can learn about the issues children across the world face, and how the money we raise can help them.

We really appreciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping our school raise lots of money for Sport Relief!

If you do have time please visit the web site indicated above as it is a real eye opener into how this charity supports people in both the UK and around the world. We will be kicking things off on Monday with the sale of Sport Relief Wristbands costing £1.

If you are able to donate any bought or baked items for Thursday 17th March then this would be appreciated too.

Every little bit helps!

Primary 6


Primary 2 4. 3.16

This week in P2 we have been learning about electricity in science. We learned about the different ways electricity can be made and how it can affect the environment.  The children hunted out electrical dangers and explained how we should keep ourselves safe around electrical items.  Ms Matheson’s class made circuits with batteries , bulbs and electrical wire. Miss Clark’s class will be moving on to this next week.

There has been a big focus on the Inuit people in P2 this week. We leaned about what they eat, how they dress, how they travel and where they live. Miss Clark’s class even built igloos out of sugar cubes. Ms Matheson’s class did some great factual writing about the Inuit people.

The children took part in World Book Day.  They had a great time talking about and drawing the characters from their favorite book. All the staff were very impressed with the effort put in  to make this an exciting and motivating experience for the children.

P4/3 Update 4.3.16

We all had lots of fun yesterday dressing up for World Book Day. We also enjoyed sharing our favourite books we brought in from home.
Doesn’t everybody look great?



This week was our last week with Mrs Ferguson for PE. As of next week our PE times will be different, we will now have indoor PE on a Monday afternoon and outdoor PE on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has appropriate kit on those days.

Can I please remind parents that your child’s name should be written on all items of clothing they wear/bring to school. A lot of items end up in lost property because they are not labelled and the children do not recognise them. Thanks.

Have a great week.
Mrs Wallace.

Dalguise update

Last night’s wacky races were great fun.  In one of the races we had to take off our shoes, mix them up and the first one to find their shoes was the winner.  The chicken race was where we had to lay an egg and carry it to the end of the race.

Today the activities we took part in were the giant swing, zipline, trapeze, Jacob’s ladder, vertical challenge and team games.   The giant swing was really funny because we went so high it felt we were really flying.  We had to pull the string to release the swing and it made the swing go so fast it took us by surprise!

At the Jacob’s ladder and vertical challenge activities we were timed to see how far we could climb.  It was so hard to climb up because Jacob’s ladder had huge spaces between the steps and on the vertical challenge the cups and tyres kept spinning when we were standing on them.   They were really hard but about half of each group managed to get to the top and we all tried our best.

We have to go now because we are getting ready for the disco tonight.

Bye for now from Luisa, Cameron and Stuart on behalf of all of P6 at Dalguise.

Primary 4, 4.3.16

What an exciting day we had for World Book Day and some excellent costumes and characters from our favourite books! We took part in a class quiz to see how much we knew about famous books just for a bit of fun in celebrating World Book Day and customised bookmarks to make them our own.


This week we also had fun in health, ordering drinks depending on the amount of sugar we thought they had in them. We were extremely surprised when we seen the results. We have been learning about the effects of sugar on our teeth and are awaiting a visit from the Dental Nurses who have kindly agreed to come in to visit us and give us a talk. This will be followed up nicely next term with healthy eating.


Sport Relief bands will be on sale next week for £1.

Homework diaries to be signed.

Outdoor PE kit on Tuesday.

No indoor PE on Wednesday.



Due Friday: Spelling as normal (all on new sheets)

Reading: apologies to the blue group, I forgot to hand out the book review sheets on Monday and therefore, they sat on my desk all week.

This week Reading homework for everyone will be a book review. Apologies again.

Class talk due to be handed in, the following week we will work our way through hearing them.

Hello from Dalguise!

We are still having a great time here at Dalguise.  We played Ambush last night and it was AMAZING.  It is like a big game of hide and seek but much cooler.  We were in the dark and one team had to hide and then shout ‘AMBUSH’ when the other team passed them.  If the other team saw them first they would shout ‘AMBUSH’.

Today our groups did lots of different activities like trapeze, fencing, tree climbing and quad biking.  We also did lots of problem solving activities that needed a lot of teamwork and communication.   We loved the trapeze.  It is when you climb a 25 foot wooden pillar and jump off to try to hit a ball that is in the air.  We thought it was amazing and a lot of us conquered our fears.  We also went quad biking which was really fun.  We got to drive around a race track and drive through cones.

We have to go now as we’re off to play wacky races.   We will tell you what we get up to tomorrow.

Chanel, Niamh L. and Kieran on behalf of all of P6 at Dalguise.

Views on Parking Sought

The Parent Council is trying to find out people’s views on parking around the school and the difficulties it causes. If you have a comment about parking, please go to the Parent Council Tab on the Blog home page, scroll to the bottom, where you’ll find the ‘Reply’ box. Type your comment there and it will be added to the conversation. Please make your views known, as this is a thorny issue.

Dalguise News!

We have just received our daily update from our P6 children:

We are having fun at Dalguise.   Our first activity on Monday night was a game of Cluedo throughout the grounds of Dalguise in the dark.  We had to solve the murder and saw the ’wet section’ where our instructor Louise got soaked with ice cold water.

A lot of us have overcome our fears by taking part in activities such as climbing a tower and a 75 foot tree.  We have also been learning fencing, quad biking, mountain biking and taking part in team challenges such as a sensory trail and the challenge course.

We are looking forward to participating in a game called ambush tonight.  It is basically hide and seek in the woods in the dark.  We will tell you all about this tomorrow.

Rebecca, Helena and Ben on behalf of all of P6 at Dalguise.

Primary 7 – 26.2.16

Happy Friday everyone!

This week in Primary 7 we started work on an ICT challenge. Children in groups of 4 had to create their own PowerPoint showing different fashions/uniforms during WW2. The children then had to write a script and record their own voices on the computer program “Audacity” to give their audience more information about fashion in 1940s Britain. Next week we will work on rehearsing the timings of our voice recordings and PowerPoint slides to ensure they are in sync. Then we will present our finished product to the rest of the class.

Children are continuing to work hard on “Hosanna!” (this years P6/7 show). All lines should be memorised by Monday, please support your child with this at home if necessary. Please note that the date of the show is Wednesday 16th March and all children are expected to attend both the afternoon show and the evening show. If your child cannot attend the evening show please send a letter into school as soon as possible to let the school know.

In science this week we have been learning about coal mining. The children explored the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land through conducting an experiment. We used a tool (toothpick) to “mine” for coal (chocolate chips) in our land (a cookie!) We discussed the importance of the force we used when “mining” and the impact that this had on our “land” (or cookie!) Some cookies were relatively unaffected by the mining whilst others were completely destroyed! The children now understand the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land. Next week we will move onto learning about oil and the impact that fossil fuels are having on our environment.

Primary 3 have organised a World Book Day event for the whole school on Thursday 3rd March. Children can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. There is no charge for this event. As part of our World Book Day celebrations Primary 7 will also be visiting their P1 buddies in the afternoon in order to read with them and complete some activities on their favourite books. We’re all looking forward to this 🙂

Please bring both outdoor and indoor PE kit next Monday and Tuesday. Also please note that our homework schedule is:

Spelling – due Friday each week
Maths – due Thursday each week
Reading – will be given out on Wednesday 2nd March and due in the following Wednesday (09.03)

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Miss Farren & Miss Walker

25/02/16 P2 Update

This week in P2:

Mrs Clark’s class have really got their teeth into our new hot and cold countries topic, preparing for a journey to a cold country, making passports and packing for the cold weather. We met and helped an Inuit woman in drama and make some absolutely fantastic Northern Lights silhouettes. Next week we will be moving onto people and animals of the Arctic.

Primary 2M have been learning about the Arctic landscape. We learned that it is very cold and snowy and that there are icebergs as big as houses that can float in the sea. We also learned about Arctic animals and spoke about their thick fur. We then made some fantastic Arctic foxes from paper.

On Thursday we are celebrating world book day by dressing up and bringing in our favorite book to share with the class.  We are looking forward to all of the amazing costumes and books we will get to read.

Have a great week.

Miss Clark and Ms Matheson

Primary 6: Things to remember!


The Dalguise leaflet that was issued to children contained all the relevant information you required along with information on what to bring, but here are a few reminders:


  • Towels (2)
  • Toiletries-stick deodorant only
  • Nightwear & underwear
  • Lots of old, warm clothes (no jeans) (5 of each if poss)
  • Hat and gloves
  • Warm, waterproof jacket & trousers if you have them
  • Old training shoes (at least 2 pairs)
  • Practical/sturdy shoes or boots
  • Lots of socks (thick & long for some activities)
  • Disco clothes
  • Black bag for dirty clothes
  • Small rucksack for day use & plastic bottle for drinks
  • Lipsalve is advisable

ALL CLOTHING & BELONGINGS SHOULD BE NAMED. Your child has to carry their own bag so please ensure they are able to do so and that they can pack their own bag.

IMPORTANT – If your child requires medication (in particular travel sickness tablets) whilst we are away could you please ensure that you have completed a Medical Consent form if you haven’t done so already. Any medication can be brought to school on the morning of departure.

We will depart from Carmondean Primary at approx. 1.15pm.  Children should come into school at the usual time in the morning and bring their cases with them. There is no requirement to wear school uniform. We will return to school on Friday 4th March at approximately 3.00pm.    Please ensure there is an adult to meet your child from the bus. Please also park outwith the school car park to enable the bus to reverse in safely. Your help would be appreciated in this matter. You will be group called if this time changes so please ensure the office has your most up to date mobile number.

Please do not send any extra money with them as £10 spending money was included in the total cost of the trip.  It is Council policy that children do not carry mobile phones on residentials so please assist us in this matter.

PE Kit:

All those children not taking part in the Dalguise trip, please ensure you bring both indoor and outdoor kit everyday as there will be many opportunities to go to the hall or outside to participate in various games.

World Book Day:

On Thursday 3rd March we will be celebrating World Book Day, please come to school dressed up as a favourite character and bring a book they might like to share with the class. There might also be an opportunity to read to the younger ones so perhaps children could bring in a book that they liked to read when they were little.

Sports Relief:

The remaining P6 children will also be very busy planning their own Sports Relief fund raising ideas and activities. More information will be given to you all next week about this.

Titanic Shoe Box Challenge:

Don’t forget to bring in a shoe box and other materials that could be used to recreate a cabin from that time.


There will be no homework next week.

Enjoy your weekend and looking forward to a very busy week next week!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Muir

Primary Five 26th February

This week we have been learning about Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn.  We have watched a short film about his life and made notes while we watched.  We used these to write a report about Robert the Bruce.  Next week we will be finishing off the Topic and recapping what we have learned.

In Maths one group have started work on data handling.  They have made bar graphs and this work will be continuing next week.  The other group have been working on area and are now moving on to time.

Next Thursday (3rd March) Primary 3 are organising World World Day.  Children can come dressed up as a character from their favourite book.  We look forward to seeing what you all come up with.

Please remember indoor gym kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

P4/3 Update 26.2.16

P4/3 and P4 have been working really hard all week on their assembly and are very excited about performing it for their audience today. We hope you enjoy it if you’re coming along to watch.

Next Thursday (3rd March) Primary 3 are organising World Book Day within the school and those who wish to take part can dress up as a character from their favourite book for the day and can also bring in a favourite book from home for some reading in class time.
There is no charge for this.

10th March – P.S.A event: Spring Disco. If you wish tickets, please return the yellow form with money for ticket. £3.00 for one child, £2.50 per child for a family with two or more children attending.

Have a great week
Mrs Wallace

Primary 1 update 25.2.16

Primary One are having a busy week and our Dinosaur topic is coming to an end. This week we have been learning about the Stegosaurus and we have completed another page for our Dinosaur Fact Files. We have also continued to be Palaeontologists by making our own fossils with clay and pretending to dig bones by extracting chocolate chips from cookies! Tricky and delicious at the same time!
Next week we will be starting our new topic – The Enchanted Forest! We can’t wait to tell you more!

In Maths, we have been completing addition up to 10 and next week we will be moving on to Weight. We will be focusing on comparing objects and the language heavy/light, heavier/lighter and the same.
Reminders for next week –
• Indoor gym is every Thursday so please remember gym kit!
• Thursday is World Book Day. Children may dress up as a character from a book if they choose.
• Could every child please bring their favourite book to school on Thursday. They will be completing a task with their P7 buddy.
Thank you for your continued support.
P1 Teachers

Primary 4 25.2.16

This week we have been busy practising our assembly for the rest of the school and our parents. We hope if you came to watch it, you enjoyed it and learned a lot. We have loved showing off all of our work and are very proud of how much we have learned so far!

Our science electricity challenge has finally been completed this afternoon with only a few more groups to report back. We have self and peer assessed our ability to make working circuits which include wires, buzzers, lights, batteries and motors. Our challenge stated we had to create a house with upstairs and downstairs which included working circuit components. It was up to us what we used the components for. We had a motorised revolving chair, a washing machine, a revolving ballerina for a jewellery box. Our creativity in this challenge really was super! Here are a few pictures.100_8191100_8183100_8190

Please remember next Thursday we have a dress down day where we have been asked by Primary 3 to come in dressed as a character from a book. Everyone has their thinking caps on with this one! Even the teachers!

Primary 4 have to organise the Day for Change very soon. If anyone has any ideas, please add a comment below. In the past we have had a change of disguise, change of hair do, wear our clothes backwards for a change, change of time (come into school in our PJs) so any other ideas are welcome!


Please sign homework diaries

Tuesday: outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday: Indoor PE Kit

Thursday: Dress as a character from a book (no donation is required)

10th March – P.S.A event: Spring Disco. If you wish tickets, please return the yellow form with money for ticket. £3.00 for one child, £2.50 per child for a family with two or more children attending.



Due: Friday – Reading:

Red – P.154 – end

Blue – Write a book review following the worksheet provided.

Green – P.109 – end

Spelling as normal

Friday 11th March – Class Talks

Primary 3 W.b. 22.2.16

We hope that you had a restful 2 days off last week.
In maths primary 3 have learnt to divide by 2,5 and 10. This week they will be dividing by 3. The children are learning to link their dividing sums to the times tables they already know. Please continue to practise counting up in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s to support your child in this work.
In topic, primary 3 created symmetrical flags for a make believe castle. This week the children will be given parts for the primary 3 assembly. Please practise any lines given out at home. We are really looking forward to our trip to Edinburgh Castle next Monday. Please remember to hand in the pink form and £4 as soon as possible for this.
Thank you
Miss Christy and Miss Rafferty

Update 22 February

We hope you had a relaxing long weekend. The children returned  to school on Wednesday ready to learn more about our ‘Hot and Cold Countries’ topic.

Primary 2C visited Dynamic Earth on Thursday. They learned a lot about life in cold countries, as they took part in an interactive story telling session about a polar bear and his friends. On Friday the class wrote fantastic stories about their trip.

Last week Primary 2M learned more about animals that live in cold countries and made brilliant walruses from paper. A role-play igloo has been set up at the back of their class. The children are enjoying playing in it but it was agreed that they prefer to live in a house made from bricks as it is much more roomy!

Indoor gym is on Wednesday for both classes. Outdoor gym is on Thursday, weather permitting. Quite a few children have been forgetting gym kit. Please could you remind your child to bring  gym kit on the appropriate day.

Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Miss Clark


Primary 6 Update

Despite it being a short week we still managed to achieve a lot in Primary 6!  We continued work on our Human Body challenge in which we are working in groups to create a life-size body complete with all main organs and bones.

We also worked on our Titanic group challenges which involve us researching the lives of 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers.

The class also have a Titanic challenge to complete at home – creating a Titanic fact file.   Everyone should have a challenge sheet with all the information.  Please note it can be done on either A5 or A4 size and should be completed by Thursday 24 March.

For the next few weeks, please bring both outdoor and indoor PE kit on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as our PE slots may change slightly and we hope to get outdoor as much as possible if the weather allows it.

The Dalguise trip is almost here!  Pupils who are going to Dalguise should have received a letter with a packing list.  Please can you return any EE2 forms to the office as soon as possible  if you haven’t already.

Thanks for all your support,


Mrs Muir, Mrs Smith and Mrs Kelly



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