Primary 4 6.5.21

Hello everyone

Although this week has been shorter we are still having a busy week in Primary 4. Our mini beasts topic is well underway and the children have been showing lots of enthusiasm about what they are learning during class discussions. This week we learned about “vertebrates” and “invertebrates”. Many children had fantastic prior knowledge about this topic that they brought to our class discussion. We also had great fun playing a dominoes game which meant we had to match up vertebrates and invertebrates. Poppy from Miss Clark’s class mentioned something about “exo-skeletons” this week. I wonder where this line of thought will take us?

Also in topic lessons we have been exploring the world of non-fiction books. We have been learning about how non-fiction books are structured and on Tuesday we used the index to help us to research different mini beasts in non-fiction books, some of which we had never even heard of before! Most children have now been given a non-fiction book home to read. Please ask them if they can identify the contents page, index and glossary and explain their purpose. We are soon going to be using non-fiction books in class to help us to research.

This week we have set homework on Teams. There is a video on the “Primary 4 Year Group” Teams page explaining how this homework should be completed. The due date is next Friday 14th May and only starred activities need to be completed, the rest are optional. Please let Mr Woodward or Miss Clark know if you have any further questions regarding home work.

In Numeracy we have begun work on Place Value. This week we explored 4 digit numbers and what each of the digits represented (Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones/Units). We also worked on ordering 4 digit numbers. Focusing on looking at the furthest left digit and moving inwards towards the hundreds and tens digits if the numbers were similar (e.g. 1456 and 1465). Next week we are going to be working on identifying the numbers “before”, “after”, “more than” and “less than” 4 digit numbers. Please ask your child what they have learned about 4 digit numbers.

In reading we are continuing with our novel study “Charlotte’s Web”. The children are enjoying the story so far and we have already met the main characters Wilbur and Fern. We are looking forward to meeting Charlotte herself next week! There is lots of excellent description in “Charlotte’s Web”. So much so that we were able to draw accurate pictures of Zuckerman’s Barn just by reading the description of it! This week we wrote our own descriptive paragraphs entitled “My Favourite Place”. The children wrote fantastic paragraphs that focused on what they could see, smell, hear and even touch and taste in their favourite places! They were so fantastic that Mr Shanks even wanted to see some! Keep up the good work Primary 4!

We hope the children are enjoying their day off and we look forward to seeing them again tomorrow! We hope you all have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2 3.5.21

Primary 2 have been learning lots about Inuit people and how they survive the Arctic weather. We have been learning about their diet, clothing and how they travel. We even learned that they do something called throat singing!

We have assigned a homework grid for this week and the children will come home with a reading book. We will collect the book in on Monday to give the children enough time to practise their reading.

We have been working hard on our division skills. We have learned how to divide by 2 and 10 and this week we will be learning how to divide by 5. The children have been using concrete materials, looking for patterns and using their times table knowledge to help them.

In health we have been talking lots about our emotions and feelings. The children share how they feel each day and are able to explain why they feel a particular way. We have been learning that our feelings can change depending on what might be happening that day or week. We are also using the Wellbeing Wednesday resources which the children are really enjoying. (We get to meet a new wellbeing monster every week!)

P.E days will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday (Outside) We are finishing our tennis lessons and moving onto more team and relay races. We hope we can put our skills to good use soon.


Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 7 30.4.21

Hello from Primary 7! We have had another great week!

In Numeracy, we are continuing to revise many concepts in preparation for High School whilst in Maths we have spent some time looking at coordinates.

In Reading, we are continuing to make good progress with both of our novels (P7W are reading Goodnight Mister Tom and P7M are reading I Am David). We are really enjoying these and they have resulted in great discussions!

In Writing, we created an explanation piece all about the water cycle. Primary 7 did very well at organising their writing and using the technical vocabulary accurately.

In Health, we have started looking at the Living and Growing resource to learn about relationships and changes through puberty. We have been so impressed by the level of maturity that Primary 7 have displayed so far and the questions they have asked.

You should have received our newsletter yesterday for our final term which included some dates for important upcoming events!

  • Camp Carmondean will take place one day week beginning the 31st of May
  • Carnival Carmondean will take place one day week beginning the 14th of June
  • Leavers Assembly will take place during our final week (week beginning the 21st June). Unfortunately, following covid guidelines, visitors will not be able to attend.

More details are included in the newsletter and we will send out further information nearer the time.

A homework grid has also been uploaded to Teams for the month of May. We would like Primary 7 to complete at least two of these activities every week.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris

Primary 5 30.04.21


We have had another busy week in Primary 5!

In PE, the children have been working on their running skills as part of an athletics block of lessons. We focussed on moving at different paces, quick stop and starts and transitioning between a slow and fast pace. We also looked at a good form and posture which makes running longer distances a lot easier. A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!

In Writing, the class wrote about the impacts of global warming on our planet. We discussed the impact humans were having on the natural world and animal kingdom before writing an explanation piece on how we can help the planet. It was fantastic to see the passion the children have for fighting climate change and hear the ideas how we can make a difference.

Both classes are really enjoying our topic the Scottish Wars of Independence. We have had some excellent discussions this week on the series of unfortunate events that led to the Succession Crisis that Scotland went through in the 13th century. We researched Margaret, the Maid of Norway, who unfortunately died of seasickness, and learned about the tricky decision of who was to be king or queen next!

In reading, we have continued with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic. This week we were focussing on life in a castle and learning about the different roles within the castle household. The lords and knights always had to be ready for battle and the ladies of the castle had a long list of chores to do every day! The girls in the class were annoyed the ladies missed out on the battles and wearing the fun armour!

In maths, the class were practising their maths strategies to calculate area and perimeter of 3D Shapes. The children have made lots of excellent progress with this, and it helps that they have a strong knowledge of their times tables! It is always good to keep practising though!

In Health, both classes were learning about differences between male and female and the idea that we can sometimes tell the difference between them by looking and sometimes not. The discussion generated a lot of questions and comments!

This week in French, the classes continued on ‘Le Corps’ and learning how to name and describe the different body parts! We are getting really confident with this and can now describe our facial features!


  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

30.4.21 Primary 6

Good morning from Primary 6.   This week we have started our new topic, Titanic.  We have researched the key facts about Titanic, written a report and painted a wall frieze.  We have also started researching the passengers who travelled on the maiden voyage. Over the next few weeks we are going to be making models of cabins in shoeboxes so we would be grateful for donations of any you may have at home.

In RME we are learning about The 5 Pillars of Islam.  We have been doing some research and preparing Powerpoint presentations.

Some of us have been working with Mr Shanks on programming robots called Tinkerbots.  We have really enjoyed this.

We have started a new class novel called Kaspar Prince of Cats by Michael Murpurgo and are looking forward to hearing more of his adventures with his owners, we have already predicted that he will have  a journey on Titanic at some point.

In Maths we have been working on decimals and measure.  We have a homework presentation due on Friday 7th May and are looking forward to finding out what everyone has learned so far.

Our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday again this term.  At present both sessions are outdoors and children can still come to school in outdoor PE kit on these days.


Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Ms Matheson, Mrs Smith

Primary 4 30.4.21

This week has flown by in Primary 4 with the pupils being as busy and enthusiastic as ever. We started our new topic of Mini-beasts this week and the energy for the topic is sky high! We have had so many stories of mini-beasts and the knowledge of different insects is huge. We started off with some amazing insect art with drawing, painting and building different insects. The creativity was stunning and the different styles on display were impressive. We have spent time designing bug hotels and with the stunning designs it’s safe to say there could be a lot of very well taken care of mini-beasts in the future!

In health we have looked at emergency situations and the pupils performed very effective dramas showing a situation and how it would be resolved. They were confident identifying which emergency service to use and how situations can be made better and they were all so encouraging of each other with fantastic positive feedback. We even had a superbly mimed stretcher on the go!

In maths we have been revising place value and reminding ourselves of how numbers are built. We have also been learning compass points and how we can find our way around using compasses, and how we can help each other move around too.


PE – Monday and Thursday.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, which has been very hard to predict at the minute!


We will be handing out homework starting next week so please look out for this. If your child requires a hard copy of them homework that can be provided.

Homework will be on a 2 week basis. On the grid there are starred activities which should be completed within the 2 weeks and other optional activities as well.

We hope you all have a fantastic long weekend,

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 27.4.21

Primary 1 are having another busy week!
In phonics we are learning the diagraph ‘ph’. This can be tricky because it sounds like the ‘f’ sound and so we are focusing on the children writing and reading some simple words with this sound pattern rather than trying to think of words by themselves. The children are becoming much more confident blending words and are being challenged to hear all the sounds in each word by themselves. In reading we are looking at non-fiction books. The children are learning to find specific facts using the contents page and know that the book doesn’t need to be read in order from start to finish. They are also learning to identify picture, captions, labels and titles. Non-fiction books often have more tricky vocabulary in them so please don’t worry if your child if struggling to read all the words.

In maths we are revising the numbers 1-30. The children are learning to find numbers on a 100 square (Here is a good interactive number square you might want to look at from home They are also learning to write the numbers neatly and correctly and to order them. Please keep practising all these skills at home.

In science we are learning about electricity. The children have learnt about how electricity is generated and have thought about items which use mains power and items which are powered by a battery. You might want to look around your house to see if you can find battery powered and mains powered appliances.

This week our SEESAW homework is to create a 1 minute class talk on a dinosaur of your choice. Full instructions can be found on your SEESAW assignment. We will be listening to these talks next week and are looking forward to learning new facts about the dinosaurs.

A reminder that next week the children are on holiday on Monday (3rd) and are also off on Thursday (6th). We hope that you all have a lovely few days off.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 2 Update

Hello Everyone

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed some Spring sunshine! The children have all settled back into school and seem happy to be back.

Last week in Maths, we continued to work on telling the time using digital clocks to read o’clock and half past times and will soon move on to quarter past and quarter to times. It would be helpful if children could practise this in real life situations at home e.g. using the clocks on cookers, laptops or looking at timetables to consolidate their learning.

Also in Numeracy, we have been learning to divide by 2 and encouraging children to remember that this is the same as halving a number.

This week we have introduced our new topic – Hot and Cold Countries. Beginning with the polar regions, the  children have been looking at a globe and learning to recognise where the Arctic and Antarctic circles are as well as the equator and the North and South Poles.

Our PE days continue to be Tuesday and Thursday and will still take place outdoors. Please send your child to school in appropriate clothing depending on the weather.

Also as the weather is beginning to warm up a little, please ensure your child always comes to school with a water bottle.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 News

What a fun week in Primary 1!

This week in maths we have been learning all about position and movement. We created grid maps for our Bee Bots and programmed them to move to different areas on the map. We had lots of fun using the Bee Bots, practising coding skills and using vocabulary such as ‘forwards, backwards, left and right’. In phonics we were learning the  sound ‘wh’ and we made whales using wax resist materials and practised writing questions using ‘where, why, when and who’. We were learning to comprehend our story in reading by splitting our text into a beginning and an end. We were also asked questions about our story to check our understanding.

This week, we were writing about the plesiosaurs and had the opportunity to explore how the dinosaurs became extinct. We have also been enjoying playing with dinosaurs and exploring the skills of a paleontologist in our role play play corner. In science we have been looking at the water cycle and explored what happens to water when it is cooled and heated. We used our prediction skills to guess what was going to happened and compared our predictions to our results.

Thank you for all of your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 3 update 23.04.21

Hi everyone,

What a lovely first week back we have been having since returning from the Easter break. It has been so nice to welcome the children back into class, with the sun shining almost every day this week!

In Numeracy this week, we have been revising our vertical strategies for addition and subtraction. In Maths, we have started our measurement unit, starting with volume. We know that volume is the amount of liquid. We learned that capacity is the space left over in the container. We know that we measure volume in millilitres and litres and that there are 1000 millilitres in 1 litre. We used some jugs and different sized containers to measure some water in litres and millilitres. Well done everyone.

In reading this week, we have learned about the features of a non-fiction text, focusing more on the contents and index pages and learning about what these are used for. We did some work on connectives and then we made some predictions about what might happen in our new reading books which we will be giving out for the children to take home on Monday.

In Writing this week, we began to look at our new genre which is explanation. We looked at some examples of explanation writing and then used our new targets to mark on what was good and what needed improvement.

Our new topic is all about the garden. We started this week by having a look at what plants need to grow and sorted some things into what they do need and what they do not need. We have also been busy creating our own flowers for our new garden centre which is going to replace the aquarium in the classroom. Look out for some pictures when it is ready!

Some reminders-

Homework will be given out on Monday and will go live on Seesaw after school.

PE days are still a Tuesday (Class teachers) and Thursday (Mrs Ferguson)


We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and as always, any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the school office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Donaldson.

Primary 7 23.4.21

Hello! We have had a great first week back in P7.

For our World War 2 topic, we have been busy learning about the Battle of Britain. Did you know it was the first battle fought only in the sky? Primary 7 have made models of the famous Spitfires and Hurricanes and also had a go at drawing them too. Then in writing, we created an imaginative story about a day in the life of an RAF pilot during this time. First, we looked at how stories are structured with a beginning, build up, dilemma, resolution and ending and then had a go ourselves. Primary 7 produced some fantastic pieces and were absolutely brilliant at foreshadowing!

In maths, Primary 7 were introduced to Distance, Speed and Time. We have been learning how these are all linked and the formula we can use when answering questions.

In P.E. with Mrs Ferguson, we have started to come up with some activities for Sports Day. This involved a lot of collaboration and careful consideration for how they could adapt their activity for the younger children.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend in the sunshine!

Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris

Primary 4 23.4.21

Happy Friday everyone, it’s been so great to have everyone back after the Easter break! We hope you all enjoyed a super holiday and are loving the amazing weather we’ve been having. We have loved being back in class with everyone and we are very excited for the term ahead.

This week we’ve been finishing off our Viking topic with some Viking based art. We used clay to create some stunning Viking brooches and then painted them. There was a lot of originality and creativity and although it was tough and some of the clay was difficult to work with everyone persevered and the end results are fantastic. Our new topic this term will be Mini-beasts and we’re hoping to get the opportunity for some real life creepy crawly experiences!

We’ve started our class novel this term which is Charlotte’s Web which the pupils have been very excited by and the enthusiasm people are showing, even those who have seen it or read it already, is great. There have been some lively readings and discussions and the predictions of what will happen in the story were so varied and interesting!


PE: Mondays and Thursdays

With the weather improving it is advised that on especially sunny and warm days pupils can bring a sun hat to stay safe in the sun as throughout the term we will be looking for opportunities to take our learning outside when possible.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 5 23.04.21


It has been busy first week back after the holidays! We have enjoyed the lovely sunshine and made good use of the outdoors when we can!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!

In Writing, the class created a story board of the main events of their Easter holidays. The children shared all the different adventures they had over the break, from climbing the Pentland hills, cycle trips to the Kelpies and barbeques in the sunshine with their friends. The class then organised the main events of their days into four, six and eight sections using drawing and recount writing to share their experiences.

This week we have started our new topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence. We travelled back in time to 1290s to understand what life in Scotland was like; no running water, electricity or iPhones! The class learned of the mysterious death of Alexander III of Scotland and important this was for Scotland, and studied the timeline following his death that led to the Wars of Independence.

Our reading lessons this term will link in with this history topic as we are concentrating on the features of non-fiction texts. The children working towards are going to create their own non-fiction book using the information gathered in these reading lessons.

In Health and Wellbeing, the class played games connected with sharing their emotions and feelings. The children had an opportunity to share a time when they felt a particular emotion and ways they can cope with changing feelings.

The class were learning about body parts in French this week. We had lots of fun playing Simon Says and Guess Who, and we all got the French version of ‘Head, Shoulder’s, Knees and Toes’ stuck in our heads for the rest of the day!

Homework will be given this term. This will be a mixture of jotter work and assignments on Teams. Spelling and Numeracy will be given next week. For spelling the children will do Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences in their jotter. Numeracy will concentrate on times tables and number bonds.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 – 01.04.2021


Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket with them. At the moment the children are practicing their skipping skills and playground games.

In writing, the children created newspaper reports on the events of the shocking robbery at the Livingston Easter Egg Factory! The culprit turned out to be the rogue Easter Bunny who was storing his loot on Dechmont Hill. We had lots of fun creating eye-catching titles and interesting sub-headings. The children were also able to include eye-witness accounts of the robbery to help the police the catch the villain!

In Science, the class had lots of fun completing experiments connected to saturation. We made scientific predictions and conclusions as we test how much salt or sugar it takes to create a saturated solution.

In our interdisciplinary topic, Rock Band, the class had to organise a music festival with an eco-friendly focus. There was lots of discussions around how to reduce, reuse and recycle items that are used and discarded. The children were able to create eye-catching and informative posters.

In maths, we had a revision week where the children worked on previously covered topics, such as negative numbers, surveys and graphs, equations and equivalent fractions. The children were able to use knowledge from these different concepts to complete some Easter themed activities accurately.

We had lots of fun on April Fools’ Day. In P5G, the children were heading home at 4pm as they had to complete ‘lockdown catch-up’ work. There were lots of panic over arriving home late until the children worked out what date it was. In P5M, the children entered a word search competition where none of the given words could be found in the grid! All persevered on until Ms Munro gave away the game with her laughter.



  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

Have a lovely holiday and we will see you all back in two weeks time,

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 3 update 01.04.21

Hello everyone,

We really can’t believe that we have reached the end of term three already! What a term we have had. Being back in the classroom for the last two months has been wonderful, and we have been enjoying our oceans topic lots.

This week, we have been finishing off our topic. We have created super acrostic poems about pollution. We finished off our leaflets about our sea creature. We have been very impressed with how dedicated and interested the children have been during this topic.

We have been continuing our report writing this week, and we are very impressed with how much progress everyone is making here.

In Numeracy, we have been using our vertical subtraction strategy to answer some questions.

We had an Easter themed orienteering lesson in PE on Tuesday which was enjoyed by everyone in P3.

Today we have been having some fun and playing some jokes on each other for April Fools day. Someone in the class managed to convince me that there was a mouse in the corner…

As I am writing this, I am reflecting back on what superstars all of the children have been over the course of what proved to be quite a challenging but extremely rewarding term. It has been brilliant to have everyone back in the classroom and everyone learning together again. This term has shown just how resilient all of the children are and as class teachers, we could not be more proud. We hope you all have a wonderful, restful holiday. Take care, and we will see you all in two weeks, when we return on Monday 19th April 2021.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith.

Primary 1 31.3.21

Primary 1 have been having a great week. We have enjoyed learning all about the Easter story and about how people celebrate Easter. We have made Easter cards, sequenced the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and are looking forward to an Easter Egg drawing competition tomorrow.
In phonics we have been practising the sounds sh, th, ch and ng. The children are working hard sorting words with these sounds and writing some short words on magnetic boards. In reading we are working on asking questions about our books. If you are reading books at home why don’t you try asking a few questions about the story after you have finished reading?
In maths we are learning the days of the week and months of the year. Please practise naming the days and months at home to build familiarity with the order. We have also discussed distinctive things that happen on each day (for example we have a half day on Fridays), and what happens each month.
We are all looking forward to the Easter holidays now. We hope that you get an opportunity to rest after what has been a bit of a tricky term. Our last day of school is tomorrow and we come back on Monday the 19th April.
Have a great holiday and we can’t wait to see you all when we come back.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 4 30.3.21

Hello everyone!

We are having a great week of learning in Primary 4! Last week we learned about the story of Easter and why Christians celebrated Easter in RME. Our big question (asked by Lucy G in P4C) was “What’s a bunny got to do with Easter?” We explored how Easter was a spring time celebration and often represented new life. We also spoke about the symbolic meaning of eggs in relation to spring and Easter. The children then made their own Easter baskets by folding paper and we filled them with some Easter treats!

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week we have been comparing fractions by putting them on a number line from smallest to largest. We discovered that the bigger the “denominator” was, the smaller the size of the fraction.

In school this week the children are completing SNSAs (Scottish National Standardised Assessments) in the areas of Reading, Numeracy and Mathematics and Writing. The children are working very hard and we are very proud of their achievements 🙂

Our dramas about the Viking creation story are really coming together. The children will be performing/filming tomorrow and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s hard work come to life 🙂

Last week in writing the children wrote fantastic fact files about one of the Viking gods (Thor, Freya, Odin or Loki). These pieces of writing were absolutely filled with interesting and surprising facts! The children are also working extremely hard to achieve their writing targets each week – we are very impressed P4!

Our last day of school is Thursday this week. We hope you have a fantastic Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 19th April.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 3 Environmental Investigators

Primary 3 learners have been investigating the impact of plastics on our oceans. Have a look through the flipbook.


P2/1 29th March 2021

P2/1 had a great week last week.  In maths we have been learning how to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks. We were impressed with how well the children have done with this, both in class and when doing their home learning activities.

In reading we are continuing to work on our comprehension skills. We are asking and answering questions about the stories we are reading, discussing the characters and using the texts to help us answer questions.  Thank you for all your support with reading at home.

We started to learn about the Easter story last week and will continue this week to learn about Easter and how it is celebrated. We are going to have lots of fun making Easter crafts!

PE continues to be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday so please send your child dressed in PE kit on these days. Don’t forget that we are not in school this Friday. We hope you have a lovely Easter break when it comes!

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

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