P3 update 28.05.21

Hello everyone,

This week in P3 we have been busy finishing off our ‘In the Garden’ topic. We carefully planned and then created our own garden models using materials that we could find in the classroom. We have been very impressed with the creativity of the children. Our plants in the greenhouse are continuing to grow and we are looking after them by giving them water and care daily. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we are hoping to see our sunflowers bloom by the end of term!

In Numeracy this week, we have been rounding up our knowledge of word problems. In Maths we have been looking at measuring the length of different objects.

Our new writing genre is recount, so on Tuesday, the children looked at the new targets for this genre and identified these on some example pieces of writing.

We have lots to look forward to in P3 with the talent show and sports day coming up.


PE days are Tuesday (with class teachers) and Thursday (with Mrs Ferguson)

Sports day for the P3 bubble will be on Thursday 3rd June. Can we ask that children come into school wearing house colours on that day. Some children were worried that they did not have clothes in their colours so if this is the case, just come to school wearing PE kit as normal.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the weather stays warm! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Donaldson.

Primary 4 28.5.21

We have some new friends in Primary 4 this week to go along with our mini-beasts topic. Our happy little caterpillars have finally arrived and have been wiggling around and have settled in well to Primary 4. They are hungry wee caterpillars and we’re hopeful that in no time at all we’ll see them grow and grow on the way to becoming beautiful butterflies. 

Staying with topic we have been developing our art skills this week using pencil sketching to draw some amazing and detailed mini beast artwork. The pupils had the choice of ladybug, spider or worm and the pupils really showed their enthusiasm and their eye for detail.

We have been continuing our recount writing topic and used A Bug’s Life to retell a very dramatic scene with the bugs trying to escape a hungry bird. The pupils were able to retell the scene using great description and story-telling ability. In reading we’ve been making great progress through Charlotte’s Web and the pupils seem to be very enthusiastic about the story. We’ve had some great ideas about how the story will end and some good discussions about the lovely relationship between Wilbur and Charlotte.

Pupils have been strutting their stuff this week in PE with the flash-mob rehearsals in full swing. The smiles on faces and enthusiasm in doing the moves has been amazing to see and we hope they’ll have been cha-cha-cha-ing around the house all week!


PE – Monday and Thursday.

This Thursday (3rd June) will see Primary 4 take part in their Sports Day events. If possible, can pupils please come dressed in PE kit with an item of clothing to match the colour of their house.

This Thursday will also be our Talent Show auditions and all pupils are welcome to sign up to show off their skills!

Thank you for your hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 5- 28.05.2021


It has been a short but lovely week in Primary 5!

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we were investigating William Wallace and how he was a part of defeating King Edward I at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. We also found out what happened to him in 1305 which was a bit grisly! Ask your child to tell you all about it! The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic with some super detail and illustrations.

This week in writing the children completed a diary entry about the Battle of Stirling Bridge from either the perspective of a Scottish or English solider. They were focussing on having the facts in the correct order, including feelings and using lots of descriptive language. After reading some of the finished pieces it was just like we were there. Well done everyone for bringing this battle to life!

During Health discussions we were looking at what humans can do at different stages of their life- baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and pensioner. There were some interesting answers! For homework the children were also asked to find out about details of their birth. We have seen some lovely photos so far. Next week the children will be sharing the information they have found out.

In numeracy P5G have been working on division with remainders. There was some accurate work completed and we have all become much better at remembering our times tables. Next week the children will be starting to investigate decimals and their link with fractions. P5M were getting ready to learn about decimals this week and recapped on their fractions knowledge through lots of games and activities.

In PE we have been practicing the dance for the flash mob. This has been great fun and the children are already better than the teachers! Many of the children became teachers and were able to direct their peers on how to do the dance moves. Next week filming will take place. We then did some relay racing to help practice some of our athletics skills.

Out topic lessons this week focussed on the strategies the Scottish and English armies used when fighting battles, particularly the use of schiltrons and longbowmen. It was fascinating to find out how these strategies helped both sides to victory at different battles. The children also created their own shields. This involved researching what was on shields, choosing their own designs then painting their shield. The results were quite impressive! Check out some of the shields at the bottom of this post!

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Homework next week- Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely sunny weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 2 25.5.21

We hope you all had a lovely long weekend! It’s now the last 5 weeks of Primary 2. We can’t believe how quickly time is passing!

We are now going to move onto learning about Hot Countries for our topic lessons. Like the cold countries, we will be learning about the weather, landscapes, plants and animals, that live in the hotter parts of the world.

We have also been trying to practise more French. There are a few videos for the children to watch about French number, colours and weather phrases. In class we have also been trying to follow simple commands in French too!

Talents: please remember to practise your talent as we will be auditioning these soon. The winning person from the class will then go into the main competition. We look forward to seeing everyone’s talent!


P.E is on a Tuesday and Thursday (wear your kit to school)

Homework is being posted weekly on Seesaw (post activities on seesaw)

Practise your talent and the flash mob dance!

Thanks, Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle

Primary 5 21.5.21


It has been another busy week in Primary 5!

This week in writing the children were thinking about their Best Day. This generated a lot of lovely memories and we had great discussions about feelings connected to this. The children were using the success criteria for genre writing so were thinking about chronology, using time connecting words and phrases, writing in the past tense and including how things made them feel. A lot to think about! We were very impressed with the finished pieces of writing.

In health as a follow on to writing P5B discussed good and bad days we have had. There was lots of interesting discussion about this. P5A were ordering the life cycles of different animals and insects and discussing any similarities or differences between them. Next week we will be looking at key facts connected to our own birth. Eg weight, time etc.

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we continued to focus on the key events that led to the struggle for independence, and the classes were able to pull on all their knowledge they have learned from their topic lessons. The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic as they build up chapters each week.

In maths, both classes have continued to work incredibly hard on division strategies. Many of the children are now able to divide 3 digit numbers with ease. It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising! Both classes continued to learn about volume this week in maths. P5A had lots of fun making potions to practice measuring volume. Unicorn tears and toad snot were some of the ingredients! P5B were estimating the volume of real life objects.

In topic we have been learning all about William Wallace and how the battle of Stirling Bridge came about. The children have been ordering the events which took place and cheering a Scottish victory! Lots of discussion has taken place around tactics used and how this helped the Scottish win.

In PE we have been practicing the dance for the flash mob. This has been great fun and the children are already better than the teachers! Many of the children became teachers and were able to direct their peers on how to do the dance moves. We then did some relay racing to help practice some of our athletics skills.

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Homework next week- Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Health-create a birth fact file. This will be assigned on Teams.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


P2/1 update Friday 21st May

We’ve had a fun week in P2/1!  This week we have been learning all about rhyme – recognising rhyming words and making up our own. We have loved hearing lots of rhyming stories and guessing the rhymes.  In maths we have been learning all about money – recognising the coins and using them to buy things and get change.  If you have coins at home, why not ask your child to find coins that make certain amounts?

Our PE days continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday. We are really enjoying working on our balance in our gymnastics lessons with Mrs Ferguson.

Thank you everyone for helping prepare the seaside talks – they were fantastic! We loved seeing all the photos of fun on the beach. It’s hard to imagine with today’s weather that we’ll get back to the beach any time soon!

Don’t forget that next Monday is a holiday but we’ll be back on Tuesday as normal.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 4 21.5.21

Primary 4 has been a hotbed of hard work and creativity this week. We’ve been revising and learning new French words all to do with the weather. With the unpredictability of the weather this week, although maybe typical for Scotland, we have certainly seen a huge range to talk about in French.

We’ve been developing our knowledge of mini-beasts and using videos to take notes and create something new. There was no squeamishness when they were shown videos of insects crawling around and they created some great detailed notes in pairs. They also looked at colour wheels and creating Sways which will be used later on in the term to create creepy crawly based presentations and art work.

Doing greater than/ less than in maths we have been introduced to the Number Croc! Pupils quickly got to grips with knowing which way the jaws of our Croc faced, always open jaws to the biggest number. We’ve also continued to develop our knowledge of place value using 4 digit and 5 digit numbers.  Pupils are becoming more and more confident as they continue to learn and the effort they are showing is super.

We had a nostalgic time in writing this week thinking about our last birthdays. Pupils reminisced about what they got up to, who they were with and the food they had and it was a joy to listen to their enthusiastic recounts. We have continued to read Charlotte’s Web and in predicting how Charlotte saves Wilbur we had some wild, wonderful and very imaginative stories!


As Monday is a holiday we will be doing PE Tuesday and Thursday this week.

If there is any help required with the homework please post on Teams in the Ask the Teacher section or ask us when you’re in class and we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for all your hard work and support, enjoy your long weekend!

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 20.5.21

Primary 1 are having a lovely week!
In literacy we are learning the ‘oo’ sound. The children are learning to read and write lots of ‘oo’ words and have written their own books. We are so impressed by the progress we are seeing in phonics just now, the children are working so hard!
In maths we are learning to recognise British coins. Throughout the week we have introduced the children to a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coin. Today we are learning to order these coins from the smallest to largest value and next week we will learn how to add coins and find change.
Here is a fun game you might want to try to practise these skills
In our farming topic we are enjoying watching our wheat plants grow. Small shoots are poking out from the soil and the children are taking turns to water them to help them grow.

Today we are learning about the foods which come from farms and will be creating healthy plates with food from all the main food types.
A reminder that there are 3 new seesaw activities to try this week for homework. Well done for all the work handed in so far.
Thank you for all your support.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

P3 update 14.05.21

Hello everyone,

This week in primary 3 we have been busy learning all about pollination. The children made some brilliant animations to demonstrate this process. On Friday, we continued to plant seeds both for the greenhouse and in the nursery garden. See seesaw for some pictures and everyone’s animations.

In maths this week, we had a look at chance and uncertainty. We spoke about the words that we can use to make predictions about whether something will be certain or uncertain. We used coins and dice to help demonstrate this. In numeracy, we have been looking at word problems, applying our strategies that we have been learning all year.

In writing, we wrote an explanation for how bees pollinate. We have been really impressed with the quality of writing produced. We have been continuing to look at the features of non-fiction texts.


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Homework is due this Friday 21.05.21.

Next Monday is a holiday.

As always, any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Donaldson.

Primary 7 14.5.21

Hello from P7! It has been another busy week here!

In Topic, P7W have been learning about the Holocaust this week whilst P7M have been looking at how propaganda was used throughout WW2 to influence how people thought and felt during that time. They then had a go at creating their own propaganda posters, some of which are very impressive!

In Numeracy this week P7 have spent some time learning about percentages and fractions as well as revising other concepts. They have all continued to work extremely hard with this!

In reading, both classes are continuing to work their way through their class novels. This led to an interesting discussion in P7M about if we think there is more good or bad in the world – a lot of thought provoking and mature responses were made.

In P.E. this week, we had a trial run of Sports Day with Mrs Ferguson to test out the different stations. P7 then gave feedback on what went well and what we could change before we share it with the rest of the school. We also had another fun game of rounders. P7M won their first game this week whilst P7W have two wins to their name! Game on!

We hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Wylie, Miss Morris, Grace and Anya who have both helped to write this week’s blog!

Primary 1 News

What a fun week we’ve had in primary 1!

We are starting our new farming topic in school and the children were asked what they would like to learn and what new farming play areas they would like in the classroom. We are going to be learning all about Scottish arable and pastoral farming, farm yard animals and the food that is grown on a farm. The children asked for a farm shop which we have started implementing in our classrooms. In science we were learning all about how a plant grows and what it needs for survival. We planted our own wheat seeds from RHET and we watered the seeds to help them grow. We were writing about each step in the plant growing process and how they seeds germinate and grow a stem, roots and finally bloom into a flower. In maths this week we have been learning about data handling. We went outside to the field to collect data about how many cars passed by the school. We used tally marks to record each colour of each and then presented this information on a bar chart. We were also learning about venn diagrams and were asked to find items in the classroom to put into the correct hoop. In literacy we were learning about the ‘ee’ sound and created a bee craft.

We’ve really enjoyed all of the fun learning activities this week!

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 4 14.5.21

Hello everyone

It has been a fun and interesting week in Primary 4.

This week we have continued learning about our topic of mini beasts. Miss Clark’s class learned a new ICT skill this week – making a Sway. We did this through Glow and told others all about ourselves. The children will use this skill in the future to create a Sway about mini beasts. Mr Woodward’s class developed their knowledge of primary and secondary colours through creating a colour wheel. They used primary colours to mix the secondary colours for their colour wheel. They will use this knowledge to help them to create some mini beast art in the coming weeks. Next week the classes will swap activities.

Thank you to everyone who has handed in their homework this week. New homework will be issued on Monday as well as new reading books. Please remind your child to hand in their homework/hand back their reading book as soon as possible. Thank you.

In PE this week we finished our work on circuit training. We discussed what the word stamina meant and how our stamina has improved over the past few weeks. We also discussed how our bodies felt before and after exercise. Next week we will begin a block of work on Athletics. In PE with Mrs Ferguson the children are now taking part in Orienteering activities outside in the playground.

This week in writing we wrote an explanation piece all about how to look after Planet Earth. The children had great knowledge in this area and wrote excellent explanation pieces which hit all of the genre targets and core targets that we have been working on for the past few weeks. Well done P4! We are now going to be working on recounting events from our own lives in writing for the next few weeks.


– PE kit should only be worn to school on Mondays and Thursdays when the children have outdoor PE. Uniform should be worn at all other times.
– Please ensure that your child has indoor shoes to wear when they are in the classroom. Outdoor shoes should not be worn in the classrooms.
– Please bring full water bottles to school each day. These can be refilled throughout the day if required.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 5 14.05.21


It has been an exciting week in Primary 5!

In Writing, the class have continued to work on the explanation genre. This week the children were re-drafting their ‘How to keep healthy’ explanation pieces from last week. They used the editing skills and strategies we have been learning to improve their piece of writing. The finished pieces were excellent and we are now all going to act on the advice given to have a healthy mind and body.

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we were focussing on the key events that led to the struggle for independence, and the classes were able to pull on all their knowledge they have learned from their topic lessons. The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic as they build up chapters each week.

In maths, both classes have been working incredibly hard on new division strategies. These are new skills to most learners but the children have made some excellent progress! It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising! Both classes were also learning about volume this week. They had lots of fun measuring out liquids and converting units of measure between millilitre and litre.

We have had lots of fun in topic this week making model Scottish and English soldiers from the 13th century. We had some great discussions around the difference between the two armies and how ill-equipped the Scots were in comparison to the wealthy English army, who had full protection from chainmail armour. The children chose whether to make a Scot or an Englishman and dressed their model in the appropriate clothing, armour and weaponry! There was some very inventive use of resources and we know have a fierce selection of soldiers in our classroom.

In PE, P5A were working on their throwing skills using the javelins. We had lots of fun learning the ‘rainbow’ technique for javelin throws which ensures we have the correct form and posture. The children were excellent at this and had lots of fun in pairs seeing who could throw the furthest distance. P5B were practicing using their whole body to run faster and change pace and direction quickly. The children made great progress with this so watch out for speedy runners at home.

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!


  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in spelling jotters. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class. There will also be a third homework task which will be connected to other areas of the curriculum this can usually be completed on Teams or on paper.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 6 News 13.5.21

We have had an exciting week of learning in P6 which is ending with our yearly Euro Quiz tomorrow for some of our selected pupils. We wish them all the best and the quiz will take place in school through Teams and we will update you on their achievements later in the day tomorrow.

In Science we have been looking at our body systems and this week we focused on the circulatory system and how the heart and lungs pump blood around the body.

In Topic we have been planning and making our Titanic cabins. The boys and girls are designing a cabin relating to their character so this will cover first, second and third class and we will post photos once these are completed.

In Maths we have looked at the perimeter of shape including decimal numbers and in Numeracy we have been looking at percentages and their relationship between decimal numbers and fractions.

Some of our children have also been getting involved in the rehearsals of our annual flash mob, an exciting treat for you all to watch at the end of the year.

We have also started to learn some Mandarin in P6B, an opportunity throughout West Lothian where one class will get a taster of the language and some simple words and phrases.

Have a lovely weekend when it comes!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Jamieson and Ms Matheson

NHS Study Looking for Volunteers Under 7 Years of Age

Recently, we published evidence that cells use the chloride from salt to fight viral infections. Also, nasal irrigation with salt water helped reduce the cold in adults. Hence, we are now testing if salt water nose drops helps children fight the cold.

If you have a child under 7 years of age, you may be able to join the fight.

The Children’s Hospital in Edinburgh are doing a study of salt water nose drops to see if it helps get rid of the cold faster.

Your child does not need to have a cold right now to take part!

You can join right now by calling/texting 07973657457 for an appointment to sign up and to be taught what to do the next time your child has a cold.

Your child does not need to attend.

Families completing the study will receive travel expenses and a £30 voucher to compensate for any inconvenience.

Further information is in the attached flyer or at www.elviskids.co.uk ; Twitter: @elviskids;  Facebook: Elvis Kids.

Primary 2 – 10 May 2021

Good morning everyone,

Despite the fact we had a short week last week we were still very busy! We consolidated our number knowledge of division by 5. This can be a tricky concept so lots of practise at home would help.

We have made excellent progress with telling the time and it would be beneficial to refer to the time throughout the day at home. We have learnt o’clock, quarter past and half past on analogue and digital clocks. This week we will be looking at ‘quarter to’ on digital clocks.

Your homework sheet for the week is now live on Seesaw. We are focussing on the Arctic Fox this week and will be learning about them, writing about them and doing a fun art activity!

We are so impressed with how many people are using Seesaw and uploading their homework regularly. Please continue to do this!

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

P3 update 07.05.21

Hello everyone,

What a busy few weeks we have been having across Primary 3!

Our garden topic is well and truly underway. We now have a garden centre in the classroom (look out for some pictures.) The children have been learning about what living things (plants and babies) need to grow. They have each planted their own seeds (one in a bag on the window and one which will be kept in out new greenhouse.) Both classes will be taking responsibility for caring for their plants and looking after the greenhouse and garden area.

In Maths, we have been continuing to look at measure. This week we were looking at mass and using scales to weigh different objects. We made estimates for how many grams or kilograms each object would weigh before placing them on the scales to find out the exact measurement.  In Numeracy, we have been revising our vertical multiplication strategy. We are continuing to look at this next week.

In Reading, we have been looking at features of non-fiction texts. This week, the children answered some questions made up from others in the class about their reading books.

This week, we have been looking at the features of a church for RME. The children were tasked to create their own church, making sure to include some of the features that we learned about. We will send some pictures of the churches when the children are finished creating them.


  • Homework will be sent out again on Monday 10th May 2021. Please can we remind everyone to return all reading books, if they have not already done so, by Monday.
  • PE is continuing to run on a Tuesday and Wednesday

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

As always, please to not hesitate to get in touch with us via the school office if you have any questions,

Mr Williamson and Miss Donaldson.

Primary 5 07.05.2021


It has been a short but busy week in Primary 5!

In Writing, the class have continued to work on the explanation genre. This week the children were explaining how to keep your body and mind healthy! The learners discussed all the different ways we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and spoke of the consequences if we do not look after our bodies.  They then organised all their ideas under different subheadings for the completed writing piece. The class were very enthusiastic to share all their healthy living ideas and wrote several pages! It has been wonderful to see the progression in the children’s writing since the start of Primary 5!

In reading, we have continued with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we were focussing on how people lived in the 13th century and were looking at the differences between living in the countryside or a town (burgh). We looked at how food was gathered, how clothes were made and what houses looked like 700 years ago! The class were shocked that people shared their homes with their cattle and chickens, and no one was very keen to switch lives with a 13th century Scot!

In maths, both classes have been working incredibly hard on new division strategies. These are new skills to most learners but the children have made some excellent progress! It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising!

In Health, both classes were learning about differences between male and female and the idea that we can sometimes tell the difference between them by looking and sometimes not. The discussion generated a lot of questions and comments.

In PE, the class have continue to work their running skills as part of an athletics block of lessons. We focussed on moving at different paces, quick stop and starts and transitioning between a slow and fast pace. We also looked at a good form and posture which makes running longer distances a lot easier. A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 1 6.5.21

We hope that you all had a lovely long weekend and that you are enjoying your extra day off today.
This week we have had a writing focus where the children have been learning the skills of story writing. We began on Tuesday by reading the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. After reading the story the children worked together to identify the start, middle and end. On Tuesday, the children wrote about what happened at the beginning of the well known Fairy Tale. They drew excellent pictures of Jack selling his cow Daisy to the man for 5 magic beans before writing a few sentences to explain what happened. Yesterday, they wrote the middle section where Jack climbed the beanstalk and saw an enormous castle belonging to a giant, his harp and hen. Tomorrow we will finish the story by writing about how Jack escapes from the giant. So far we have been incredibly impressed by the children’s work. They have remembered the story brilliantly and are working hard to sound out their words in the writing. If your child wants to remind themselves of the story before the final writing piece, here is a video of the story.

In maths, we have moved onto learning about data handling. We created a pictogram showing the variety of favourite colours in the class and have been learning to interpret pictograms to find the most and least popular answers and and answer simple questions. Next week we will be learning to write and count tally marks, create and read bar graphs and to interpret simple Venn diagrams.

We have enjoyed listening to the children’s class talks about their favourite dinosaur. Thank you for all the hard work you put in preparing your child. They did a brilliant job!

A reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday and that children should come to school prepared for this.

Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

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