Family Active Games Ideas

As we head into the summer holidays I wanted to share a document with you that has some ideas for games you can play at home with your family and friends that require very little equipment but are lots and lots of fun. Click on “Family Games” below to access the  document.

Family Games

Have a fantastic summer,  keep active,  stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in August.

Mrs Ferguson

Guinness World Record weekly challenge

Have you heard of Guinness World Records?   Every year this organisation  publish a reference book , listing world records both of human achievements and the extremes of the natural world.

They have a fantastic website with details of some of these world records and also lots of activity ideas for you to try at home.  Every week they set a challenge and this week’s challenge is ” Most foot taps by a team of 2 in 30 seconds.”

I would like you to give this challenge a try.  Let me know how you get on. Will we have a Carmondean PS world record holder?

They also have a fantastic kids sections on the website with more world record ideas to try at home.  Check out the following link and give some of them a go.

I’d love to know how you get on.

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 2 25.6.20

Morning Primary 2!

So it’s Thursday and we only have a day and a half left before the summer holidays! How are you all getting on with the beach themed activities? We are still getting some super posts from boys and girls on Learning Journals, so thank you for that.

Summer Holiday Plans

What plans do you have for your summer holiday? Why don’t you let us know by writing it down or drawing a picture for us. It might be spending time in the garden, visiting friends and family, helping with home improvements, going on road trips or visiting places that are beginning to open again!

Enjoy your Thursday Primary 2!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 – Farming SWAY

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you’ve been enjoying taking part in some of the home learning activities this week. Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of home learning before the summer holidays? We just wanted to say a huge big well done to all of the children in primary 1 for working so hard at home and sharing all of their excellent work with us. We have been so delighted to see how much you have all achieved and we are very proud of each and every one of you. We also wanted to thank all of the parents for the support you have given us over the last 12 weeks and we appreciate all you have done to support your child’s learning at home.

We would also like to share the SWAY we created for our farming topic this term. We have included lots of pictures and ideas from the children across primary 1 and have showcased lots of their hard work over the last few weeks. This is an excellent way to celebrate all of their achievements and show you their learning journey with this topic. We hope you enjoy! You can find a link to our SWAY below:


Thanks again for all of your efforts,

Primary 1 teachers

Proud Cliparts, Stock Vector And Royalty Free Proud Illustrations


Primary 3 25 6 20

Hello Primary 3, we hope you are all feeling great and raring to go for the summer. You have nearly made it and we hope that you are super excited for the end of term!

To mark the end of term, let us know how you are doing with your celebration plans and share with us what you plan to do. Today, how about coming up with a short play list of 5 of your favourite songs that make you smile. You can play these on Friday during your celebration, whilst having your healthy party food you planned out yesterday.

For your final reading task we thought that since there are so many keen readers we could start a Teams book club! We will set up a section on Teams where you can make recommendations to each other, create artwork of your favourite books or characters, you can chat about books you like, ask people about books they like. Hopefully we will have a large list of books that will keep you all going all through the summer!

As another Summer art activity, why not try this dream catcher to catch all of your hope and dreams over the Summer. You could make it from a paper plate, or an old CD.







Paper plate / CD

Wool / string



Bits and bobs for decoration

You could even practice the skills Mrs Fox taught you and try some weaving on it or you could leave it plain. Here’s a tutorial if you decide to try some weaving.

If you are looking for more Maths practice, how about trying this code breaker using all 4 operations, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. The answers are all summer themed words!

Summer Code Breaker

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 24.06.20

Hello everybody,

We hope you are well and are enjoying the last week of school before the summer holidays. Are you having fun with the virtual Disney trip activities on this week’s grids? What is your favourite activity that you have done so far?

Our focus for today’s blog is our Rights Respecting Schools Award. We are exploring Article 30. This article is all about minority or indigenous groups, culture, language and religion. In other words, every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family no matter where they live. Have a little look at the activities below and you could try to complete one of them over the next few days.

  • Can you find out how to say ‘Hello, how are you?’ in 3 different languages.
  • Do you know any traditional dances? Research these safely online with an adult and practise the steps.
  • Find 10 characters from your favourite books. Do they come from a range of cultures or are they all just like you?
  • Culture means traditions that groups follow like food, dances, song and clothes. Draw or write about what is important in your culture. Then think of someone who comes from a different culture and share safely with them what is important about culture for each of you.
  • Watch ‘If the World were a Village of 100 People’ to find out about people around the world.
  • Keep a food and drink diary for the week. What cultures do your food and drink come from? Which are your favourites?

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. Thank you for everything you are doing at home. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Miss Christy

P3 24 6 20

Good morning Primary 3, it’s Wednesday already! This week is flying by and it’ll be Friday before you know it! I hope to see lots of you on our Class Chat today at 10am to hear all your stories and to find out what you are going to get up to over the summer. Miss Smith’s class chat at 10 has a theme this week – Word Wednesday! Tune in to play a word game!

For today’s writing task we are thinking of a creative summer story. If any of you have seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang you will know that the family take a trip to the beach, fall asleep and when they wake up their real adventure begins. We’d like you to do the same. Write a story about you and some friends or family on a trip to the beach. How would you enjoy yourselves on the beach, what does you beach look like, where is your beach? And then you fall asleep after much enjoyment. When you wake up your adventure begins, and it can literally be anything you like. Something happens when you awaken on the beach. What happens, do you travel anywhere, what problems do you encounter that you have to overcome? Let your imaginations run as wild as you can, be as creative as you can. You have completely free reign after you wake up on the beach, we are so excited to see what wild and wonderful stories you can come up with!

Today’s summer art involves using straws to create a different paint effect!

Create a lovely summer meadow using the following instructions:

Straw Art – Creating Summer Meadows.

Materials – Straw





You may want to begin by putting a ‘wash’ of green on your paper. This will give you the base colour for your meadow, then you can begin to add the flower colours on top. Place a big watery blob of paint at the centre of where you want your flower to start. Use your straw to blow your paint in different directions to create lots of lines coming from the first blob. Use different colours to make the flowers interesting and Summery. Here is a real wild flower meadow to give you some ideas of colours.






For your ‘End of Term Celebration Challenge,’ why not use your knowledge of healthy eating and plan to prepare a healthy snack for your party goers! Will you have to weigh out ingredients? Do you have enough ingredients? Will you have to use your health and hygiene knowledge? Or remember safety instructions using things around the kitchen? Remember to plan out quantities so that you have enough for everyone. Let us know what delicious food you are planning to prepare for Friday!

Also, to keep your Maths ticking along, here is a summer worksheet, today the focus is money!

Summer Money

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – Tuesday 23.6.20

Hello Primary 2,

How are you all today?

The weather has been a bit better this week – we wonder if any of you have been meeting up outside at a distance? Some of you will not have seen each other since school closed – do you have any messages for your friends in P2? We wondered if you might like to write them on a piece of paper and hold them up for a photo. We can then share them on the blog for your friends to see. If you wish to do this – post them to your Learner’s Journal by the end of tomorrow (Wednesday) and we will make sure they are included. Please don’t put your name on your message – we can only include your photo without your name.

In the last week of term we would normally have a bit of a clear out of our classroom. Do you have somewhere you think needs a tidy in the house -maybe your bedroom? We know that the adults in your house would be super proud if you tidy up somewhere you have been playing – maybe you could take a before and after photo to show us!  You could even put one of our tidy up songs on !

Hope you have a good day Primary 2. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 23 6 20

Happy Tuesday Primary 3, we hope you have been enjoying the beginning of your week and you had fun starting to think about the summer and what you’d like to get up to over the holidays!

For today’s reading activity we are thinking about where you could read. You have thought about what you could read over the summer but we thought it would be fun to encourage you to think about the where. We also thought it would be fun to mix reading and den building, which we’re sure you’re all masters at! Why not spend today planning a reading den which could be a sanctuary for you to spend time in reading your favourite books? And if you have time and if you are allowed you could actually build it!

If you are still up for planning an end of term celebration that your family can join you in on Friday, today’s challenge task is to create a banner with your celebration title on it! You could do one big long banner, and practise your bubble writing, or even make your banner like little triangle bunting flags! It is up to you – be as creative as you like! Send us some snaps if you manage to make one – we would love to see!

Here are some Summer Maths activities for you. See if you can remember our work on clocks and time! Summer Time

Why not try another little Summer Art activity. It may just be enough to bring the sunshine back, and today it is all about Mr Woodward’s favourite thing… Ice Cream!

Materials: Anything you can find in the house to print with and make interesting patterns from their textures.



A4 Paper cut in half into a long thin strip

Begin with a long, thin piece of paper.  Find objects around the house or junk that can be cut into circles and painted on.

Paint onto your cut shapes with different colours. Press them into your paper to print and create your ice cream balls.

Can you find something you can print on to make the ‘criss cross’ of a cone? How about a tangerine net? Or perhaps some polystyrene you can score into? Or thick cardboard?

Can you think of the flavours represented by the colours of ice cream you have used?

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 23.6.20

Good morning Primary 1
How are you all? Can you believe that it’s the last Tuesday you’ll ever have as a Primary 1? This week you will be getting a letter telling you who your new teacher will be and about what your school week should look like. Therefore, we thought this would be a good opportunity for you to talk to the adults at home about what you are looking forward to in Primary 2, what you are nervous about and how you think Primary 2 will be different from Primary 1.
Listen to the PowerPoint below which talks about how school will be different due to COVID19 and then talk through the discussion points below.

transition to p2

Questions to discuss:
– What differences do you expect to see in the Primary 2 classroom?
– Where do you think you will hang up your coat?
– Where will you come into school as a Primary 2?
– What would you like to learn in Primary 2?
– What are you most excited about in Primary 2?
– What are you most nervous about in Primary 2?
– Who are you excited to play and learn with again?

Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun, Miss Cunningham and Mrs Steel

Primary 2 – 22 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

Did you all have a nice weekend? We can’t quite believe it is the last week of term. Hopefully our beach theme will make the last week a little bit more fun! Your photos have been fabulous so far and we have enjoyed seeing how creative you have all been. Please continue to upload photos in this last week if you can.

We have attached the Week 2 Beach themed Learning Grid and any resources you will need. We hope you enjoy taking part!

As we approach the end of Primary 2 we were wondering what your favourite memory of Primary 2 was. It was possibly your class assembly, or maybe when the fire service came to visit? Remember when we went outside to see the fire engine? You might have enjoyed our Pirate topic and learning the Pirate songs and dances. Or maybe it was learning dances from the past like the jive?! We would love to hear what your favourite memory was. You could draw a picture of this memory and write a few sentences.

Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Rafferty

P2 – week beginning 22.06.20

P2 Beach Craft Ideas

And the winners of Sports Day (at home) 2020 are………….

Good morning everyone.  First of all I wanted to to say the biggest thank you to everyone who took part in our sports day at home this year.  I loved seeing  photos and videos of you taking part as well as  reading some lovely comments about how much fun you were having. Weren’t we lucky with the weather despite the forecast!  Then on Friday  I  was absolutely over the moon seeing the huge number of  results that had been submitted.

Now onto the information you want to hear.   Drum roll please……………………



are the winners of Sports Day (at home)  2020

2nd place  Raeburn

3rd place Deer Park

4th place Waverley

Thank you for your efforts and well done to everyone taking part.  You are all winners to me. 

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 – Home Learning 22.06.20

Good morning Primary 1

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and spent time relaxing, playing, having fun and spending time with your family. Can you believe it’s the last week of term before the summer holidays? Where has all of the time gone?

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 who took part in the sports day activities! We loved to see all of you working hard, having fun and improving your fitness on the learning journals. It was a huge success!

This week we have created some fun activities for you to complete during this last week before the holidays. There are two home learning grids with fun activities for you to do across the curriculum and some resources to help you with this. Please find the IDL grids below:

IDL grid 2 (1)

IDL Week 10

The reading task and Mickey’s snack menu for the maths activity can also be found below:

maths sheet

reading task

We hope you all have fun completing these tasks this week! We will continue to update the blog every day this week with further information.

We hope you enjoy your last week of home learning!

We are so proud of what you have all achieved this year. You are all stars.

Library of proud pictures svg free png files ▻▻▻ Clipart Art 2019

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 3 22 6 20

Good morning Primary 3 and welcome to your last week as Primary 3s! We hope you have all had spectacular weekends and you are ready to make the most of your week before the summer holidays. Please make sure that you are enjoying yourselves and you take advantage of any great weather we have. Remember if we were in school there would be lots of outdoor learning taking place in the sun!

Because it is the last week of school, we have some fun tasks for you to do!

This week, we will have a week-long celebration challenge, where each day you can complete a task, if you want to, so that by Friday, you can host a big end of term, end of P3 celebration.

Your first task for our celebration is to think of a title for your celebration. Alliterative titles are always catchy – see if you can use the same letters at the beginning of your words in your title, eg. P3’s Perfect Party.

A fun Art idea for today is to make your very own Sunburst painting. Let’s see if we can encourage the sun back for the rest of this week using as many colours as you can so it is lovely and bright!






Draw a small circle in the middle of the paper. From the outside edge of the circle, use a rule to help you draw straight lines to the edge of the paper. Try to ensure your lines are the same distance apart all the way round the circle.

Paint each section in a bright colour. You can use the same colour twice, just ensure the same colour is not used in 2 sections side by side.

You could even use this as a decoration for your end of term celebration on Friday?

For your reading today we would like you to take some time to plan your summer reading. We know we have lots of keen readers and so we would love to see what books you are excited to read in the summer holidays. It would be lovely to see a display of your summer reads and you could even tick them off when you’ve read them!

For the final week, our Rights Respecting Schools Article is about minority culture, language and religion.

Some activities you may wish to do are:

  • Can you find out how to say ‘”Hello, how are you?”’ in 5 different languages. Share with friends and see how many you can get as a group.
  • Culture means traditions that groups follow like food, dances, song and clothes. Draw or write about what is important in your culture. Then think of someone who comes from a different culture and share safely with them what is important about culture for each of you. This could be someone you know or you could pick a country or indigenous group and write to a child of that country or group.
  • Watch ‘If the World were a Village of 100 People’ to find out about people around the world.
  • What does it mean to be from a minority or indigenous group? Find out what the words mean and then think about which minority groups there are in the UK. Why do you think Article 30 is important and how does it link to last week’s work on Article 2?

Here’s a little fun Maths activity using your multiplication facts and division facts. One is both Mild and Spicy – if you choose mild – just complete the sums for the times tables you are comfortable with. This should be; 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x.

Hot Summer Multiplication and Division

Mild and Spicy Summer multiplication and Division

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Numeracy and Mathematics Learning Together Sessions

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been running ‘Learning Together’ sessions on Numeracy and Mathematics concepts to help with parents and children learning at home.  If you have missed these sessions and are interested in seeing what they are about, each session has been posted to the Forum’s YouTube channel, which is here:

Why not check it out?

Final chance for Sports Day points

Today is your last chance to win sports day points for your house.  If you have already completed the activities please remember to click on this form to submit the results.

The weather was perfect yesterday for sports day and it was great to see the results and photos rolling in.  Here are a few more photos of Carmondean Pupils having great fun on sports day.

Good luck everyone and may the best team win!

Mrs Ferguson


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