Primary 7


We have been on an emotional roller coaster this week during our Wonder reading sessions. In the first section of the book we listened to the voice of August, the second section is told through August’s big sister Via. It opens with the words, “Far above the world, planet earth is blue”. We wonder is anyone knows were these words come from?

‘ I will put in my box…’ Using Kit Wright’s poem , The Magic Box as a stimulus , we composed our own poems and then made magic boxes to represent our writing . We think it is going to make a rather lovely display in our classroom.

Within numeracy we have been revisiting addition strategies and have been applying them to word problems.

We have completed our tennis block in PE and are now focusing on running, we were finally blessed with sunshine for our Thursday session this week!


HOLIDAY  – Monday and Tuesday !

PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

We hope everyone has a lovely September weekend .

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris


Primary 5 18.09.2020

Hello everyone,

It has been a great week in Primary 5!

In Reading, we are hooked on our class novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom as we near the end! We are so interested in seeing the big changes in the main character Bradley as he changes from the class bully to everyone’s friend! We have taken part in lots of drama-related activities, including ‘hot seating’, where the children acted out the personality of our characters and others ask them questions. We have some budding actors in our class.

In writing the children have been working on descriptive pieces. We worked on a piece to describe our physical appearance, and challenged ourselves to include as many vivid describing words as possible to our work.  Many of the children managed this brilliantly!

The children have started Tennis, in their new block of lessons for PE with Mrs Ferguson. Most children have made some great progress, and could give Andy Murray a run for his money!

The children have been working hard in the French lessons and are continuing to develop their conversation skills. Tres bien!

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe and talking about our digital footprint. We talked all about the different websites and apps we use, and how much they have changed from last year.

In maths we have been exploring time and shape. In Time lessons we are currently reading time in 5 minute intervals. In our shape lessons, we have been reminding ourselves of all the 2-D Shapes we find in maths and the real-world! We discussed what maths vocabulary we can use to describe a shape, and even made up some Wanted posters with great descriptions of shapes that had committed unspeakable crimes!


Holiday- Monday and Tuesday

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely September Break, and we will see you next week!

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 17.9.20

Hello everyone

It has been another busy and fun filled week in Primary 4! Our topic is in full swing and this week we explored perseverance through the story of Zootropolis. The children were able to discuss times in their own lives that they had shown perseverance and how it made them feel once they achieved something that had been a real challenge. We listened to the song “Try Everything” and discussed the importance of trying new things even though they might be scary! Also in topic we learned about the importance of being “Bucket Fillers” through watching this video – Bucket fillers
Ask your child what it means to be a bucket filler or a bucket dipper! Then we made our own 3D origami buckets and decorated them. The children then wrote kind notes for each other and left them in each other’s buckets to read. There was a real buzz about the classrooms as the children learned the real joy of being kind and being treated with kindness. Well done P4!

In PE we finished our block of football by playing some mini tournament games. The children showed great sportsmanship and improving skills. Well done to all of our men and women of each match and to every member of Primary 4 for trying their best. Tomorrow we will begin to work on skipping in PE! This may be a challenge at first but we are sure that the perseverance and resilience that the children are learning about in topic will help them to achieve great results and improve their skills 🙂

This week we entered Primary 7’s litter competition! They have noticed that there has been a lot of extra rubbish in the playground recently so they are setting up a new campaign to encourage everyone to put their litter in the bin. The competition involved designing a monster that could be the mascot for this campaign. We were very impressed by Primary 4’s inventiveness and imagination!

Reminders –
Please ensure your child has a full bottle of water with them each day. This can be refilled throughout the day.
PE kit is required on Mondays and Fridays. Please note that all PE lessons are outdoors and that the weather is very changeable right now!
Monday and Tuesday next week (21st and 22nd) are school holidays in West Lothian so the children should not return to school until Wednesday 23rd September.

Have a lovely long weekend when it comes!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2 1 update 14.9.20

We had another fantastic and very busy week in Primary 2/1 last week.

In primary 1 we have now learned the letters s,a,t,i and this week we’ll be learning n and p.  Please help your child by asking them to think of things which start with these letters or say words beginning with these sounds and ask them to identify the first letter.  They should be saying the sound that the letter says rather than the name of the letter. For example ‘ah’ rather than ‘ay’ for ‘a’.   In numeracy we were consolidating our understanding of the numbers 1-5 which involved practising writing the numbers and making them in lots of ways with blocks, 10 frames and rekenreks.

In primary 2 we have been focussing on the sound ‘ch’ and spelling words which include ‘ch’. This week we are working on the ‘th’ sound. It would be great if you could ask your child to tell you words they know with these sounds in them or say words to them and ask them if they include a ‘th’, ‘ch’ or ‘sh’ (which they have also learned).  In numeracy we are consolidating our understanding of the numbers to 20 and beyond, learning to write them and make them using 10 frames and rekenreks.  At home, it would be great if you could help your child by counting forwards and backwards to 20 and beyond with them.

In music we’ve been having great fun with Mr Shanks who has been teaching us how to keep a steady beat using instruments.

The children asked for our house play corner to be turned into a supermarket and so it is now a supermarket with a cafe!  The children love pretending to shop and to serve each other their meals in the cafe.

Homework:  We will give home reading books on Monday 28th September and will use the blog to communicate homework tasks from that week too.

PE: Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. The children have all been wearing PE kit on those days so thank you very much.

We are really looking forward to an exciting week in P2/1. Please remember that next Monday and Tuesday are holidays.

Thanks again for all your support.

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.


Primary 1

What another fantastic week in Primary 1! We learned how to read, write and recognise the sounds ‘s’ and ‘I’ and explored this through our Jolly Phonics programme. We had the opportunity to think of words and animals that begin with the letter sounds and practised our ‘i’ on our igloos.  We were introduced to more characters in our ORT reading books and looked at the picture clues in our book to help us comprehend the text. During writing we learned to write about a time we felt excited and used our picture plan to help us with our writing. We are now beginning to use some of the sounds we have learned so far in our writing. We have also been learning the common words; I, in and it.

In maths we were consolidating the numbers 1-5 and practised forming them correctly and making sets of these numbers. We loved using playdough in the class to make these numbers too!

In health we focused on being responsible and included. We explored this through circle time and we even made our own paper chains! We created a class ‘kindness’ box and made pictures of kind things that we are going to do this week. We will keep this going in our classroom every day to encourage kindness across Primary 1!

Thank you for all of your continued support at home,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 Update 14.9.20

Hello Everyone,

We had another busy week in Primary 2 last week and have been continuing our Superhero topic chosen by the children. They particularly enjoyed carrying out an investigation to find out the best material to create a Super hero cape! In Writing, the children used some super adjectives to describe the view a Superhero would see from the sky. After the September break we will link out Superhero topic to ‘real life’ heroes in our People Who Help Us topic.

As part of Health and Wellbeing, we had great fun meeting our SHANARRI characters who will help us learn about the 8 well-being indicators- Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. The children loved Safe Stella the Superhero Rabbit, Health Henry the Apple, Achieving Andrew, Nurturing Nora, Active Amiir, Respected Rhya, Responsible Robbie and Included Isobel!

This week in Numeracy we will focus on counting sets and representing numbers in different ways e.g. using tens frames, in numbers, in words, building towers etc. In Writing, the children will write an acrostic poem using their ideas from our Superhero topic. Children are continuing to read in class and homework and reading books will be issued from week beginning 28th September.

Reminders: Outdoor PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please send children to school in PE kit . Please send children to school with a water bottle each day.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Mrs Harris and Miss Rafferty


Primary 3 11.9.20

What a finale to our Fantastic Mr Fox novel,  with a viewing of the film adaptation. We filled our whiteboards with notes about the similarities and differences between this and the book, and were surprised with the ending of the film.

We are looking forward to one last challenge next week.

We have been so impressed with P3 and their improvement in skipping. We had a demonstration of our talents and skills this week and next door’s class was our audience. We are sad to be leaving it behind and beginning our new focus on football, but we’re certain we will have just as much fun!

We have been learning about Harvest and how different religions celebrate this time of year. We have had a look at church celebrations, community celebrations and Jewish celebrations. This week we built a Sukkah for the Jewish celebration of Sukkot. Ask the children to tell you a little about this.

As we prepare to restart homework, could you please check whether your child has any P2 reading books or resources that can be handed back into school at your earliest convenience.

Also, could we remind you to sign and return the class charter and achievement letters if you have not already done so? Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith



Primary 7

“Your deeds are your monuments”

( Wonder by R.J.Palacio)

Mr Browne’s percept this week created some interesting discussing in class. We thought August summed it up very well, “The things we do are the most important things of all…That’s why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone. “

We created some thought provoking wonder displays this week . We have a question for you …what do you wonder about?

We journeyed to Asia this week to begin our topic on Japan. We now have origami cranes decorating our classrooms, a symbol of peace inspired by the life of Sadako Sasaki . Please ask your P7 to tell you her story, it’s very memorable.

Our pupils composed imaginative poems this week , filled with unusual descriptions and opposite circumstances . Please ask your P7 what they add to their Magic Box .



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays

On Mondays and Thursdays, pupils should come to school in suitable outdoor PE kit wearing their school jumper or cardigan . This should be the school jumper or cardigan that they normally wear  to school . It does not need to have the school LOGO on it , it should be the cardigan or jumper they wear on non PE days .

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris

Primary 5 11.9.20

Hello everyone,

It has been another busy week for Primary 5.

In Reading, we have continued with our class novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom and we are all interested to see the big changes in the main character Bradley personality. We have been having great discussions about bullying, and how we can stop this from happening within our classroom and playground. We have made lots of bright coloured anti-bullying posters. Inspired by Bradley’s hatred of homework, the children had a lively debate about the good and bad points for getting homework.

In writing the children have continued with practicing their letter writing skills. This week they wrote a letter to Bradley telling him all about themselves. We came up with lots of fun and interesting facts to tell Bradley!

The children are continuing with hockey in their PE lessons and have made lots of progress. This week they played their first game, with both teams playing well and ending in a draw!

The children have been working hard in the French lessons, and have been enjoying acting out mini-conversations and drama scenes in French.

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe and talking about our digital footprint. We talked all about the different websites and apps we use, and how much they have changed from last year.

In maths we have been exploring time and symmetry. In Time lessons we are currently converting analogue to digital time and will be moving on to time durations next week. In symmetry lessons we have continued to use mirrors to find lines of symmetry in lots of different shapes. The children are really good at this and even have been finding symmetry in real-life objects too!


The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir



Primary 4 10.920

Hello everyone

We’ve had a very fun and busy week in Primary 4. We started to learn through our new topic this week. It is all about Resilience and persevering even when things get tough. We are exploring this topic through the Disney films – Moana, Inside Out and Zootropolis. This week we learned about Moana’s struggles to convince Maui to help her to achieve her goals. She tried and tried and tried and even when she was faced with big challenges she never gave up. As a result we decided to set ourselves goals for the month. We will try to achieve this goal before the October holidays and we will feedback on our progress every week. Please ask your child what their goal is! 🙂 These will be displayed on our walls so that we can all celebrate our own and each other’s achievements.

In PE we have been learning the skills of football for a few weeks now. We have worked on passing, dribbling and shooting. Next week we will play some tournament style football games. We’re looking forward to seeing the children show off their skills!

In writing we have been working on imaginative writing. The children have been using story starters as inspiration for some fantastic tales of adventure, magic and mystery! Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed by the children’s stories so far. They have been focused on writing detailed descriptions of settings and characters as well as remember our core targets of including full stops and capital letters and spelling all common words correctly. Well done Primary 4! In the next few weeks we will be moving onto personal writing.

Thank you for your support with reminding the children to come dressed in their PE kit on a Monday and a Friday. We are so pleased with how prepared the children are on these days. Well done Primary 4!

Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 8.9.20

Good Morning.
The Primary 1 children are continuing to do well in school. We are impressed by how quickly they have settled into school life and picked up our routines, well done! We are not giving out formal homework just now but appreciate that many parents would like to support their children at home with the work we do in class. Therefore we will be posting a few ideas of activities you can do at home on the blog each week. If you would like to share your child’s work with us you can post a photo of it on the learning journals. We will be issuing letters about how to access the learning journals in the coming days.
This week in phonics we are learning the sounds ‘s’ and ‘i’. The children are learning to write these letters neatly and to think of words with these sounds at the start. At home you could try going on a ‘sound hunt’ around your house or garden looking for objects with these sounds at the start (stick, scissors, insect etc). We will also be starting ‘reading lessons’ this week. At the moment we are reading wordless books focusing on the characters in the story and using the pictures to describe what is happening. We will not be sending any books home and so if you would like to practise these skills at home why don’t you find a book in your house for your child to talk through. Look for the front cover, the title of the book and discuss the characters, the setting and what is happening in each picture.
In maths we are working on numbers 0-5, how to form them correctly, order them and count out amounts. At home you can play All 3 sections; counting, matching and ordering will be good learning opportunities for the Primary 1s. Please also practise writing these numbers neatly. Number 2 and 5 are particularly difficult for children.
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child can come to school dressed for PE these days, however, we ask that they wear a school jumper on top of their clothes.
Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school each day.
It is really helpful if you name all your child’s clothing so that lost items can be returned.
Thank you for all your support
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 2 /1 7th September 2020

It’s the start of another exciting and busy week in Primary 2/1.

In numeracy, P1 will continue to work on the numbers to 10, focusing particularly on writing the numbers 1-5. 2 and 5 are always very tricky so it would be great if you can also help your child at home with this. P2 are continuing to work with the numbers to 20 and beyond. We are getting familiar with how to make them, write them, recognise them and count backwards and forwards.

In reading, P1 will be starting with wordless books where we will talk about the detail in the pictures and relating the stories to our real life experiences.  P2 will be working on using the sounds we know to help us read unfamiliar words and we will be developing our sequencing skills by putting the parts of the stories in the correct order.

We will be reading ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ in class this week and discussing what we have learned from the story about being kind and inclusive. We also use the story as inspiration for art activities.

Thanks for all your support so far this year. The children have settled in really well and have created a fun, happy and welcoming environment in the classroom.

Please remember to send in a filled water bottle every day and gym kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should wear their gym kits (suitable for outdoors) on these days.

As always, if there is anything you would like to discuss, please telephone the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 2 7.920

Primary 2 had a super week last week. We learned about the Artist Picasso. We looked closely at his paintings and style of painting. We discussed how the pictures made us feel and to see if they could see anything in the paintings, because his style is very abstract. Our current topic is Superhero’s and we have learned that they sometimes wear masks to hide their identity. When Picasso painted faces, they often looked like they were wearing masks. The children drew and coloured their own faces with an abstract style. They look fantastic and are going to be displayed in our corridor for the other boys and girls to see! Super work Primary 2!!

We have been continuing to do reading in class and reading aloud in small groups. Primary 2 have been practising sounding out the letters and then blending them together to say the word. They are also following the story and contributing to our group discussions about the text.

We have been sequencing and ordering our numbers within 50, with the help of number lines and 100 squares. We will continue to work on our numbers up to 100.

In science we are working our way through our senses. So far we have learned about our sense of sight and hearing. This week we will be learning about our sense of smell. We have come to realise that superheros rely quite a lot on their senses to save others and to be successful!

P.E is on a Wednesday and Thursday. Well done to all the boys and girls for wearing their kits to school.

We have also provided every child with a resource pack that will stay in school. These will be used when completing jobs/tasks in class.


Miss Rafferty, Mrs Harris & Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 4.9.20

Primary 3 have been ‘wow-ing’ us with their skipping skills. They have been using French ropes, a long rope and ankle skipping equipment. We have all been so impressed with the improvement we have seen and experienced and look forward to next week where we can demonstrate our skills in front of the rest of the class. Here are a few pictures of us in action!

  • We have also been given our computer log in details and have been very excited to try out using 3D paint and typing on Word documents. We have been exploring the toolbars and how we can manipulate text. Next week we will attempt to include a picture in our document and then hopefully produce a piece of work done fully on the computers.

Our Health and Well-being topic of Fantastic Mr. Fox is getting very intriguing. We have learned of Mr. Fox’s plan to keep his family safe and well-fed and can’t wait to find out what happens next. Some of us have been reading it at home and know, but we are not giving away the ending!

We aim to watch the Fantastic Mr. Fox film next week, please let us know if you do not wish your child to participate in this lesson and alternative arrangements can be made.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith


Primary 1 04.09.20

What another lovely week we’ve had in Primary 1. We’ve been continuing to focus on our emotions this week and we’ve been looking at our SHANARRI wellbeing indicators (safe, healthy, active, achieving, nurtured, respected, responsible and included). The children have enjoyed explaining their feelings during circle time activities and through drama experiences this week. They were also asked to create a picture plan of a time they felt sad and were encouraged to use some of the sounds they know in their writing. We started our North Lanarkshire Jolly Phonics programme this week and have been looking at the sounds ‘a’ and ‘t’. The children played games and were encouraged to read, write and think of words that begin with each sound. The children were introduced to the Oxford Reading Tree characters Kipper and Mum and will continue to explore this next week. In maths we have continued to work on counting from 0-20. We have been playing lots of counting games on the smart board in school and the children also learned how to form the numbers 2,3,4 and 5 correctly. This was explored by rainbow writing, painting, writing numbers on the whiteboard and in our new jotters. The children have been trying so hard with this. Well done everyone!

A reminder that we do outdoor PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school dressed for taking part in physical activity in the playground these days. It is also helpful to send a named water bottle in case your child get thirsty.
Thank you for all your support, please contact the office if we can be of any assistance.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 5

Hello everyone,

Primary 5 have been working hard this week.

In Reading the children are enjoying finding out what Bradley is up to in our novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. We have been finding information in the text about what the characters look like and then drawing them. The children then identified what the qualities of a good friend and have produced excellent posters to highlight these.

In writing the children were learning how to write a letter and set it out correctly. They wrote a letter from Carla to Bradley to persuade him to visit her. There were lots of good reasons about why Bradley should visit. We are continuing with the letter writing theme next week.

In PE lessons the children are learning hockey skills. This week they focused on passing the ball and dribbling. They are getting better at controlling the ball and not having to run after it so much!

We have started French lessons with the children. They have learned to introduce themselves and ask questions about others age and name. We have some talented French speakers already.

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe when using the internet and discussing the various sites they use. All children now have computer and Glow logins. It would be good if they could log in and leave a message in the playground channel on our TEAMS page.

In maths we have been exploring time and symmetry. In Time lessons we are currently working on converting analogue time to digital time. Some of the children are finding this quite challenging. In symmetry lessons we have been using mirrors to find the lines of symmetry in a variety of shapes.


The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 7

“When given the choice between being right or being kind , choose kind . ”

( Wonder by R.J.Palacio)

We created some thought provoking Wonder displays this week. We have a question for you …what do you wonder about?  Ask your primary 7 about their act of kindness they are planning to do at home.

We journeyed to Asia this week to begin our topic on Japan and have created some beautiful figures bedecked in Kimonos. We used images  inspired from Japanese landscapes to create our designs .  We have discussed what we would like to learn about this fascinating country over the next few weeks.

Within numeracy we are continuing with rounding and estimating. If shopping with your P7 this week, please ask them to estimate your total!  Please remember to play our multiplication games at home.



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays / Thursdays

Pupils should wear their outdoor PE kit to school with their school cardigan or sweatshirt . We had a rather rainy PE session this week , please supply a rain proof outer layer .

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris

Primary 4 4.9.20

It has been a very busy week in Primary 4 with so much hard work and effort on display. The pupils have been continuing to explore the SHANARRI indicators this week. We have also been looking at feelings and strategies to help us when we aren’t quite feeling ourselves. The pupils have found some great ways to help themselves and each other and it has reinforced what a kind and caring year group we have! Next week we will start our topic all about resilience and achieving our goals and we’ll be starting with Moana as well as looking at some Polynesian artwork in the style of John Pule.

We have continued to look at division and multiplication and have seen the pupils become more and more confident challenging themselves and tackling harder problems. Pupils have been using their own strategies to try and learn their tables and answer problems and we will continue to develop their knowledge of times tables in a range of ways. In maths we have developed further our skills in measuring and have looked at how to convert from metres to centimetres and what would be the best way of measuring specific objects.

Pupils have been so engaged and have been very much pushing themselves in writing and we have seen so much creativity and enthusiasm in their stories and they have written some very interesting adventures. We have seen pupils exploring space, jungles, the sea and even had a few writing about falling through the sky. The stories have been dramatic, descriptive and we are impressed with the variety of writing on display!

Please remember that PE takes place outdoors on Monday and Friday so ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather that day. Pupils come to school in the PE kit and will stay in their kit for the day. Please note that the children should also bring a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled upon request throughout the day.

Thank you for all your continued hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 31.8.20

Primary 2 have settled very well back in to school. They have been working hard recognising numbers up to 30 and beyond. We have also been naming 2D shapes and creating shape monsters. Some have even been displayed on the wall!

We have be doing some reading aloud in class in small groups and discussing character features and personalities. The children have also been writing about themselves and wrote a short story about a superhero.

In science we are learning about our senses. Last week we put our eyes to the test and this week we are investigating our hearing. We have also been having lots of discussions about our feelings. Every day the children share their feelings by placing their name on our feelings chart. We have also been talking about SHANARRI and what it means to them.

Primary 2 have been fantastic at playing in their area and washing their hands! Let’s keep it up!

Primary 2 have P.E on a Wednesday and Thursday so please send your children to school with their P.E kit on. Please make sure the children come to school with a water bottle and names written on clothes/jumpers. Thank you.

We hope you have a super week!

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver


Primary 3 28.8.20

We are now firmly set in our new routines within Primary 3, with today marking our second whole week back in school with the new rules.

There are lots of changes between Primary 3 and Primary 2 and so far, the children seem to be enjoying it. When they were asked what is the best part of P3 so far, they said they have been enjoying music, art and the P3 reading. They reported that the worst part of P3 is not being able to hug people.

Our topic is well under way, looking at the health and well-being indicators and curriculum through the study of Fantastic Mr. Fox. The children read a script with expression, and have been learning about real foxes and how they stay safe, healthy and nurture their young. We have been discussing adjectives, and had a go of using a thesaurus to up-level our words.

We created our own questions to gather information within the class using a frequency table. We then turned our information into our own bar graphs. We had fun doing this and our graphs look super.

The weather this week has been touch and go with the rain, however we did manage to get out for PE and the children’s skipping skills are improving every time! We are now trying some tricks and next week will be looking at French skipping and ankle skipping as well.

Thank you for supporting us with the new rules. The children have been coming to school prepared and ready for the day ahead. Thank you also for returning the rules agreement letter and the achievement letter. Can we take this opportunity to remind parents if you have not already, please return these at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for you continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

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