September 2021

Carmondean Primary are delighted to announce we have achieved gold standard in the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

In March the children showcased the work we have been doing the last 3 years to ensure that Rights are embedded in the life of the school and help guide children and adults in the choices they make. The assessors had been so impressed with the children and their knowledge of Rights and how important they are.

In June we then heard the good news that we had achieved the Gold level award.

We had a grand unveiling of the banner on Monday 6th September 2021. It is next to the main entrance so everyone who visits can see what we have achieved!

We are very proud of this award!

Primary 5 18.06.21


Second last week in Primary Five completed!

This week in Writing, the class wrote their own end of year report! The children identified what they had done well, what they enjoyed and any improvements they were going to make in P6. It was very interesting reading what the children thought of their progress. Please find these sheets in with their teacher written end of year report that the children will bring home.

In Numeracy both classes are continuing to work on decimals. This week we looked at hundredths–how to write them, order them and their connection to tenths. We are pleased to report that the children completed these activities very well.

In Reading, the children are finishing off their non-fiction book on the Scottish Wars of Independence. We are very impressed with the detail contained in the books and there are some fantastic pictures and diagrams. The children will bring the finished books home next week for you to look at. We hope you are impressed as we are!

On Friday we were able to watch the P7 parade. The children had made flags and banners to wish the P7s good luck at High School. The children were very excited to see the P7s dancing and the music was very danceable!

The children had been working on a secret mission to thank Mr Shanks for all he has done for them and the school. P5 created a cloak with good luck messages on it which Mr Shanks was presented with when he visited the classroom. The children had also written acrostic poems listing all the things he does. We all agreed that it was a lot!

PE- Tuesday and ThursdayPlease remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Next week the children will be watching a pantomime, Alice in Wonderland, on Wednesday. If the children want to bring a snack to eat while watching this they can. We are all very excited to see this.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 5 21.5.21


It has been another busy week in Primary 5!

This week in writing the children were thinking about their Best Day. This generated a lot of lovely memories and we had great discussions about feelings connected to this. The children were using the success criteria for genre writing so were thinking about chronology, using time connecting words and phrases, writing in the past tense and including how things made them feel. A lot to think about! We were very impressed with the finished pieces of writing.

In health as a follow on to writing P5B discussed good and bad days we have had. There was lots of interesting discussion about this. P5A were ordering the life cycles of different animals and insects and discussing any similarities or differences between them. Next week we will be looking at key facts connected to our own birth. Eg weight, time etc.

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we continued to focus on the key events that led to the struggle for independence, and the classes were able to pull on all their knowledge they have learned from their topic lessons. The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic as they build up chapters each week.

In maths, both classes have continued to work incredibly hard on division strategies. Many of the children are now able to divide 3 digit numbers with ease. It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising! Both classes continued to learn about volume this week in maths. P5A had lots of fun making potions to practice measuring volume. Unicorn tears and toad snot were some of the ingredients! P5B were estimating the volume of real life objects.

In topic we have been learning all about William Wallace and how the battle of Stirling Bridge came about. The children have been ordering the events which took place and cheering a Scottish victory! Lots of discussion has taken place around tactics used and how this helped the Scottish win.

In PE we have been practicing the dance for the flash mob. This has been great fun and the children are already better than the teachers! Many of the children became teachers and were able to direct their peers on how to do the dance moves. We then did some relay racing to help practice some of our athletics skills.

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Homework next week- Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Health-create a birth fact file. This will be assigned on Teams.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 14.05.21


It has been an exciting week in Primary 5!

In Writing, the class have continued to work on the explanation genre. This week the children were re-drafting their ‘How to keep healthy’ explanation pieces from last week. They used the editing skills and strategies we have been learning to improve their piece of writing. The finished pieces were excellent and we are now all going to act on the advice given to have a healthy mind and body.

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we were focussing on the key events that led to the struggle for independence, and the classes were able to pull on all their knowledge they have learned from their topic lessons. The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic as they build up chapters each week.

In maths, both classes have been working incredibly hard on new division strategies. These are new skills to most learners but the children have made some excellent progress! It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising! Both classes were also learning about volume this week. They had lots of fun measuring out liquids and converting units of measure between millilitre and litre.

We have had lots of fun in topic this week making model Scottish and English soldiers from the 13th century. We had some great discussions around the difference between the two armies and how ill-equipped the Scots were in comparison to the wealthy English army, who had full protection from chainmail armour. The children chose whether to make a Scot or an Englishman and dressed their model in the appropriate clothing, armour and weaponry! There was some very inventive use of resources and we know have a fierce selection of soldiers in our classroom.

In PE, P5A were working on their throwing skills using the javelins. We had lots of fun learning the ‘rainbow’ technique for javelin throws which ensures we have the correct form and posture. The children were excellent at this and had lots of fun in pairs seeing who could throw the furthest distance. P5B were practicing using their whole body to run faster and change pace and direction quickly. The children made great progress with this so watch out for speedy runners at home.

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!


  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in spelling jotters. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class. There will also be a third homework task which will be connected to other areas of the curriculum this can usually be completed on Teams or on paper.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 5 30.04.21


We have had another busy week in Primary 5!

In PE, the children have been working on their running skills as part of an athletics block of lessons. We focussed on moving at different paces, quick stop and starts and transitioning between a slow and fast pace. We also looked at a good form and posture which makes running longer distances a lot easier. A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!

In Writing, the class wrote about the impacts of global warming on our planet. We discussed the impact humans were having on the natural world and animal kingdom before writing an explanation piece on how we can help the planet. It was fantastic to see the passion the children have for fighting climate change and hear the ideas how we can make a difference.

Both classes are really enjoying our topic the Scottish Wars of Independence. We have had some excellent discussions this week on the series of unfortunate events that led to the Succession Crisis that Scotland went through in the 13th century. We researched Margaret, the Maid of Norway, who unfortunately died of seasickness, and learned about the tricky decision of who was to be king or queen next!

In reading, we have continued with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic. This week we were focussing on life in a castle and learning about the different roles within the castle household. The lords and knights always had to be ready for battle and the ladies of the castle had a long list of chores to do every day! The girls in the class were annoyed the ladies missed out on the battles and wearing the fun armour!

In maths, the class were practising their maths strategies to calculate area and perimeter of 3D Shapes. The children have made lots of excellent progress with this, and it helps that they have a strong knowledge of their times tables! It is always good to keep practising though!

In Health, both classes were learning about differences between male and female and the idea that we can sometimes tell the difference between them by looking and sometimes not. The discussion generated a lot of questions and comments!

This week in French, the classes continued on ‘Le Corps’ and learning how to name and describe the different body parts! We are getting really confident with this and can now describe our facial features!


  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 5 23.04.21


It has been busy first week back after the holidays! We have enjoyed the lovely sunshine and made good use of the outdoors when we can!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!

In Writing, the class created a story board of the main events of their Easter holidays. The children shared all the different adventures they had over the break, from climbing the Pentland hills, cycle trips to the Kelpies and barbeques in the sunshine with their friends. The class then organised the main events of their days into four, six and eight sections using drawing and recount writing to share their experiences.

This week we have started our new topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence. We travelled back in time to 1290s to understand what life in Scotland was like; no running water, electricity or iPhones! The class learned of the mysterious death of Alexander III of Scotland and important this was for Scotland, and studied the timeline following his death that led to the Wars of Independence.

Our reading lessons this term will link in with this history topic as we are concentrating on the features of non-fiction texts. The children working towards are going to create their own non-fiction book using the information gathered in these reading lessons.

In Health and Wellbeing, the class played games connected with sharing their emotions and feelings. The children had an opportunity to share a time when they felt a particular emotion and ways they can cope with changing feelings.

The class were learning about body parts in French this week. We had lots of fun playing Simon Says and Guess Who, and we all got the French version of ‘Head, Shoulder’s, Knees and Toes’ stuck in our heads for the rest of the day!

Homework will be given this term. This will be a mixture of jotter work and assignments on Teams. Spelling and Numeracy will be given next week. For spelling the children will do Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences in their jotter. Numeracy will concentrate on times tables and number bonds.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 9.10.20


In Reading the children have been completing book reviews about the novel There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom. It has been interesting reading the children’s views about the novel and what happened to Bradley.

In Writing this week, the class were working on creative stories. It was lovely to hear all the wonderful ideas from the children; we have lots of learners with big imaginations! The children have also been learning more about adjectives and similes. We were very impressed with the words they were coming up with. Fabulous vocabulary from many.

Mrs Cuthbertson spoke to the children about Brass lessons. The whole class appear to want to learn to play! You will have now received information about how to sign up for Brass and/or Chanter lessons so hopefully we have some budding musicians in the class.

In Maths the children have been continuing to work on reading time in five minute intervals and introduced time duration.  This was challenging for many so any help you can give with this at home would be appreciated. Practice makes perfect!

Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a time/shape quiz and researching about bag pipes. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.

Parent Consultations were very different this year. We enjoyed meeting and speaking to you this week through skype and luckily there were not too many technical issues. It was also lovely to speak to many of you on the phone. Thank you for your continued support at this strange and challenging time.


  • The children are on holiday from Monday 12th October to Tuesday 20th We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 21st October.

Have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 2.10.20

Hello to everyone,

In Reading we have finished reading our novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’. The children have become very much invested in the life of Bradley and there were a few tears at the end with how much Bradley had changed. The children wrote fabulous letters to their best friends and we are hoping they will be able to deliver these to them.

In PE Tennis lessons with Mrs Ferguson the children are becoming very proficient with the tennis racquet. The balls are now heading the right direction! We do have a few budding Andy Murray’s and Johanna Konta’s!

In Art the children have created pictures of Bradley using the Pop Art technique. This involved using different thickness of lines, dots and primary colours. The finished pictures look fantastic.

Homework started this week on TEAMS. The children had a spelling activity, a symmetry quiz and were learning about Article 3 of their Rights. Some children were able to complete the activities online. Some children would prefer to complete them on paper. With this in mind we will be sending home a jotter for the children to complete their homework in if they wish. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team.

Miss Herd will be teaching Mrs Gilmour’s class on a Monday and Tuesday from now on. She visited us this week and got to meet the children.

We are looking forward to seeing and speaking with you next week through Skype during Parent Consultations. This is our first time using Skype so please be patient if we run in to difficulties. Fingers crossed for a smooth running of the evening.


  • Outdoor PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.


  • Parent Consultations Wednesday and Thursday

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 5 25.9.20


A short but busy week in Primary 5!

In writing the children continue to work on descriptive pieces. This week we were looking at ‘My Favourite Place’, and we had lots of lovely discussions about the different places where we feel most calm, happy or excited.  The children then wrote some wonderful pieces about their ‘Favourite Place’ using lots of interesting describing words.

In Reading the children are continuing to find out more about the characters in our novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’. This week has been all about birthday parties- who we would invite, creating invitations and deciding what present we would buy. The children were then able to use the internet to try and find the cost of the present they chose. Some were very surprised at how expensive things were!

With Mrs Ferguson in PE Tennis lessons are progressing well. Many are good at hitting the ball with the racquet and making it go in the right direction!

In Numeracy the children have been working with numbers up to 100 000. This has included rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000; estimating where numbers are on a line; writing numbers in words and using digits.

Homework will start next week and will be on TEAMS. Assignments will include activities connected to Literacy and Numeracy as well as other areas of the curriculum. All children have been issued with their Glow logins and passwords again so all should be able to access this homework. If there are any issues please contact us at school.


Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Thank you for your continued support.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir

Primary 5 18.09.2020

Hello everyone,

It has been a great week in Primary 5!

In Reading, we are hooked on our class novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom as we near the end! We are so interested in seeing the big changes in the main character Bradley as he changes from the class bully to everyone’s friend! We have taken part in lots of drama-related activities, including ‘hot seating’, where the children acted out the personality of our characters and others ask them questions. We have some budding actors in our class.

In writing the children have been working on descriptive pieces. We worked on a piece to describe our physical appearance, and challenged ourselves to include as many vivid describing words as possible to our work.  Many of the children managed this brilliantly!

The children have started Tennis, in their new block of lessons for PE with Mrs Ferguson. Most children have made some great progress, and could give Andy Murray a run for his money!

The children have been working hard in the French lessons and are continuing to develop their conversation skills. Tres bien!

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe and talking about our digital footprint. We talked all about the different websites and apps we use, and how much they have changed from last year.

In maths we have been exploring time and shape. In Time lessons we are currently reading time in 5 minute intervals. In our shape lessons, we have been reminding ourselves of all the 2-D Shapes we find in maths and the real-world! We discussed what maths vocabulary we can use to describe a shape, and even made up some Wanted posters with great descriptions of shapes that had committed unspeakable crimes!


Holiday- Monday and Tuesday

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely September Break, and we will see you next week!

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir

Primary 5 11.9.20

Hello everyone,

It has been another busy week for Primary 5.

In Reading, we have continued with our class novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom and we are all interested to see the big changes in the main character Bradley personality. We have been having great discussions about bullying, and how we can stop this from happening within our classroom and playground. We have made lots of bright coloured anti-bullying posters. Inspired by Bradley’s hatred of homework, the children had a lively debate about the good and bad points for getting homework.

In writing the children have continued with practicing their letter writing skills. This week they wrote a letter to Bradley telling him all about themselves. We came up with lots of fun and interesting facts to tell Bradley!

The children are continuing with hockey in their PE lessons and have made lots of progress. This week they played their first game, with both teams playing well and ending in a draw!

The children have been working hard in the French lessons, and have been enjoying acting out mini-conversations and drama scenes in French.

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe and talking about our digital footprint. We talked all about the different websites and apps we use, and how much they have changed from last year.

In maths we have been exploring time and symmetry. In Time lessons we are currently converting analogue to digital time and will be moving on to time durations next week. In symmetry lessons we have continued to use mirrors to find lines of symmetry in lots of different shapes. The children are really good at this and even have been finding symmetry in real-life objects too!


The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir



Primary 5

Hello everyone,

Primary 5 have been working hard this week.

In Reading the children are enjoying finding out what Bradley is up to in our novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. We have been finding information in the text about what the characters look like and then drawing them. The children then identified what the qualities of a good friend and have produced excellent posters to highlight these.

In writing the children were learning how to write a letter and set it out correctly. They wrote a letter from Carla to Bradley to persuade him to visit her. There were lots of good reasons about why Bradley should visit. We are continuing with the letter writing theme next week.

In PE lessons the children are learning hockey skills. This week they focused on passing the ball and dribbling. They are getting better at controlling the ball and not having to run after it so much!

We have started French lessons with the children. They have learned to introduce themselves and ask questions about others age and name. We have some talented French speakers already.

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe when using the internet and discussing the various sites they use. All children now have computer and Glow logins. It would be good if they could log in and leave a message in the playground channel on our TEAMS page.

In maths we have been exploring time and symmetry. In Time lessons we are currently working on converting analogue time to digital time. Some of the children are finding this quite challenging. In symmetry lessons we have been using mirrors to find the lines of symmetry in a variety of shapes.


The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 5

Hello to all,

Another busy week in Primary 5.

Our Interdisciplinary Topic for the beginning of term is connected to our novel- There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. We are reading and discussing it during Reading lessons and completing tasks related to it at other times. The children have been predicting what will happen next and improving their comprehension skills. Some are horrified at how badly behaved Bradley is! We have also created 2 life sized Bradley’s and will be using them to identify good and bad behaviour.

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

In Health we have been looking at the Wellbeing Indicators and how they relate to our life. The children are very good at naming the indicators in the correct order. Ask them if they can do it for you! They have also been discussing what a trusted adult is and identifying 5 who they can speak to.

In PE lessons the children are learning hockey skills. This week they focused on dribbling and controlling the ball with the stick. This is harder than it looks and many children found themselves chasing after their ball! Practice makes perfect though!


Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 5


In primary 5 this week some of us went to Lockerbie Manor and some stayed in school.

if you want to read about the Lockerbie Manor adventures please click on the Residential News tab above.

The children who stayed in school have been doing exciting activities as well. On Wednesday we looked at Coats of Arms and how they are created. The children are now designing their own Coat of Arms and putting on things that are specific to them. We will be continuing with this activity today where we will be painting them.

Mr Shanks brought the virtual reality equipment along and the children got to experience a range of adventures – we went underwater and saw the Great Barrier Reef, we visited the Mackie ice-cream factory, we travelled to Edinburgh castle, we zoomed up into space and we visited ancient Egypt. Tyler said-“It was really fun to see all the different places.”

In art with Ms Fox the children made monsters. Oliver said “It was very, very fun and cool”

Today the children are going to create Scottish and English soldiers to guard the P5 classroom. When the other children return hopefully they will not be frightened!

They will also have PE with Mrs Ferguson where they will be getting all the equipment out and have a fun obstacle course.

We would like to ask the Lockerbie Manor people some questions-

Are you all having fun?- Ammar

Did anyone scream when you were rock climbing?- Lina

Did everyone sleep ok?- Katie

What do you think has been the best activity? – Elle

What has the food been like? – Tyler

Did you get soaking wet and mucky?- Aaron

We are looking forward to you answering our questions. We will check in again tomorrow.

Hope you have fun

From Primary 5

Primary 5

It was lovely to meet you all at Parent Consultations this week. We thank you for your continued support to help us give the children a rewarding and stimulating learning experience.

We hope you were able to read the Recipes the children wrote about how to make a good friend. All were able to achieve the genre targets for writing instructions. They made a lovely job of re-drafting their writing and as a result produced excellent pieces of work. Hopefully some of these friendships become a reality.

We are hearing positive reports about how much the children (and parents!) are enjoying playing the games on Education City. The children can play any of the games on the site not just the ones in the homework/class section. If they find a game too hard they are able to play games in the level below to practice and reinforce their learning. Equally if they are finding games too easy the children can move up to the next level. We are definitely noticing a difference in the children’s recall of times tables facts so keep up the good work!

We continue to be impressed by the work the children are producing for their non-fiction book on The Scottish Wars of Independence. Each reading session we read the information together then the children summarise what they have learned in their own words. Many children are adding extra detail that they have researched in their own time. A great effort!

In PE P5G have started a block of Dance lessons and at the end they will perform their dance to a chosen audience. They will also choose costumes and props to complement their dance. We are seeing some interesting moves already! P5M will continue with their block of Futsal.

The children are on holiday Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February. Tuesday 18th is an in-service day for staff.



PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

Spelling homework- no homework due next week. Please practise words for the last few weeks

Numeracy homework- no homework due next week. Please practise all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.

Holiday – Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February


Have a great long weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our shared start/finish. Even though we experienced technical difficulties in the morning everyone seemed to enjoy playing the games when we were eventually able to access the Education City website. We hope you now have a better understanding of how games can help the children to learn. We would encourage you to keep playing these games with your child at home.

In writing the children created a recipe for a good friend/friendship. It was interesting to read all the different qualities the children thought were important. The recipes have been written and displayed on the wall. You will be able to read these when you are in school for Parent Consultations next week.

The children are continuing to research relevant information for their fact file on the Scottish Wars of Independence. We have been very impressed with the detail some children have included in their writing. They have also drawn and labelled pictures to highlight key information.

On Thursday 13th February PSA are holding a Valentines dress down day. Children can come wearing pink/red or dress to impress. Cost is 50p if they wish to take part.

Parent Consultations are next Tuesday (5-7.30pm) and Wednesday (4-6.30pm) Appointments can be booked online or contact the office if you are having difficulty doing this. We look forward to meeting you then.



PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday. Please practice all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.

Parents Consultations- Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February

Valentines Dress Down Day- Thursday 13th February

Holiday – Friday 14th February


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Another busy week in P5. The children have been working hard on different areas of the curriculum.

The children are building with excitement about going to Lockerbie Manor.  Hopefully you received your letter about Lockerbie Manor and the list of items the children need to take. If you are unable to bring any of these items please contact us at school and we will see if we can help. We hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday 6th February where you will be able to find out more information and ask questions. Children are not to attend this meeting.

In writing the children are continuing to learn how to write instruction. P5G wrote about how to play a game and P5M wrote about how to make a sandwich. Some of the instructions given were very interesting!

The children worked on a challenge this week about Life in the 13th century. Each group had to research information about Life in the country, life in a castle or life in a burgh. They worked hard and have created a poster showing key facts and pictures to illustrate what they have learned. You will be able to have a look at the posters during Parents evening.

In numeracy all children are using their times tables’ knowledge to complete multiplying or dividing tasks. Some children need to practice their times tables so they can recall facts quickly and accurately. We are encouraging them to use Education City for this. Next week we will be showing this website to you during our shared start/finish sessions on Wednesday 5th February. We hope you will be able to join us at one of the sessions to practice your recall of the times tables!



PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday. Please practice all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.

Lockerbie Manor information meeting – Thursday 6th February 6pm


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to everyone.

We have been busy practicing our song for the Scots afternoon. The children have been enthusiastically singing 500 miles. We think they sing it better than the Proclaimers!

All children recited their Scottish poem to the class. We were very impressed with the standard. It was obvious that many children had practiced at home and put a lot of effort in to it. Thank you for any help you were able to give your child with this. The winners from P5M were Erin and Rory. The winners from P5G were Tegan and Cayden. The winners will now say their poem in front of the whole school. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward.

The children seem to be enjoying out topic The Scottish Wars of Independence. They are currently working on a challenge to make a poster to explain what life was like in the 13th century. There is lots of researching, drawing and writing going on.

The children going to Lockerbie Manor should have brought home letters this week giving you information about what to pack. There will be a meeting on Thursday 6th February to give you more information about this residential.


PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday. Please practice all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello another busy week in P5.

In writing this term we will be initially concentrating on writing instructions. This week the children wrote notes to help them write instructions on how to use their wearable tech.  Next week they will write the actual instructions in sentences, using ‘bossy’ verbs and time conjunctions.

We started our topic The Scottish Wars of Independence. The children have shared what they already know and what they would like to find out about. They completed a challenging timeline which gave them an overview of key events.

In maths the children will be investigating 3D objects and their relationship with 2D shapes.  With Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir the children are learning how to measure angles using a protractor. They are also learning the names of the different types of angles.

All children have been given a fluency book to practice reading skills at home. Please ensure all children have this book in school with them every day.

The children have been working hard learning their Scottish poems. Some can already recite their poem without looking at the words. They are now working on adding expression and actions to enhance the poem.


PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday. Please practise all times tables over and above any other homework.

Learn Scottish poems. To be recited on Thursday


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello and welcome back to everyone. We hope you all had a restful holiday.

The children have been busy this week taking part in a STEM challenge. They investigated what STEM stood for (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and examples of where each one is used in our wider community.

The children then investigated wearable technology that is improving and changing our lives. Each group chose examples of wearable tech and created a poster to show how it helps people in everyday life. These were then presented to the class.

Next the children got to design their own wearable tech of the future. They came up with some exciting designs which we are hoping to enter in a competition where the winners see their technology made for real.

All children have chosen their Scottish poem and we would appreciate your support in helping them learn it at home. Children can then choose to put themselves forward to represent the class at the competition on Friday 24th January if they wish.

In Numeracy all children will be working on multiplication, division and fractions. The children must be able to recall times tables facts quickly and accurately. Please can you help your child to learn their times tables your support would be much appreciated.


PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday

Learn Scottish poems.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

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