Primary 3 20.11.20

Hello Everyone,

We were excited this week to meet the ladies from the museum virtually. They were very impressed with our ‘museum’ we have set up in our classroom and we await in anticipation for their museum objects to be brought to us. We learned lots of new things, and even found out about the Ancient Egyptian shoes! They were weaved from palm leaves and did not look very comfortable.

We completed lots of projects concerned with our Ancient Egypt topic too. We painted our clay cartouches, finished and painted our Egyptian masks and created a collage of ourselves made into a pharaoh. We even learned about 4 of the most famous pharaohs and created posters to share what we have learned.

Primary three have been working so hard on their joined handwriting too. Lots of us are managing to do this in a speedier manner and much more confidently and I have been bowled over by the standard produced!

This coming week will be the last week we have PE on a Monday and a Thursday. As of week beginning 30th November, PE will occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will remind you of this next week and this will be written in the children’s homework diaries.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 3 30.10.20

What a spook-tacular day Primary 3 have had today. We have been blown away with the costumes and effort everyone went to, to make This year’s Halloween a success with all that is going on.

We had some Halloween themed potion making in Maths, learning about volume and measure using a variety on scales. We successfully created a variety of potions, following specific instructions.

This week, we investigated the process of building the pyramids. We wondered how they managed to lift and move the huge stones into place, and shared our thoughts. We then put some of their methods into practice to see for ourselves. We managed to lift a table with 4 ropes, and a heavy basket using rolling tubes. We needed 12 people to shift the table by pulling the ropes outwards.

We have started looking at the genre of persuasion in Writing. Our first look at this was in the form of a collaborative letter to Miss Millar, persuading her to allow us to have museum items in our classroom. Our 3D pyramid within the class is beginning to take shape.

Newsletters were handed out this week detailing our curricular focus in a variety of areas. We hope this was useful and we will continue to keep you updated on any changes via the blog.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend and enjoy all the fun that’s to be had with Halloween. Stay safe, and take care.

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 23.10.20

We hope you all had a lovely rest during the October holidays. It is great to see everyone back at school and raring to go this term. We have lots of exciting things planned.

Our Ancient Egypt topic has well and truly started this week. We came back to school with a letter from the museum explaining that because of current restrictions, they would not be able to visit us to show us Egyptian artifacts. Because of this, they are going to meet us virtually and then deliver the objects to us to be quarantined and then displayed in our class.

We accepted a challenge to turn part of our class into a museum to display the artifacts, so this week, the challenge began. We now have a part built pyramid and are excited to finish it.

We learned about the job of an archaeologist today and Miss Dig and Professor W came to lead us on an archaeological dig. There were traps, obstacles and rivers to cross. Armed with our brushes, we brushed away sand to reveal Egyptian artifacts. It was very exciting!

The children thoroughly enjoyed it. This is what they had to say, “I liked going outside to dig.” “I like finding the stuff because it was very interesting and tremendous to look at.” “I liked writing my story about the dig and I also like finding the treasures and displaying them.” “I liked finding the treasure and I liked writing the stories too.” “I like to put my imagination into everything, the dig and the story.”

This Monday, homework will be handed out again. From this date, there will always be two weeks to complete the homework tasks. Homework will be added to the blog for your reference.

There will be a newsletter to follow this week as well, so please keep an eye out for this to inform you of what we plan to do this term.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson


Primary 3 25.9.20

Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday!

For a short week, it has been a busy one. Primary 3 have been working so hard on our mini Health topic. We discussed all of our buddies jobs in our community and even mapped out our community and all of the ways it helps people. We then created models of our dream communities from craft materials and even learned how to fold paper to make it 3D. Our dream communities involved lots of ways of keeping active with arenas, kick boxing studios, horse riding, roller blading ramps, play parks and pools. We talked about and made our dream housing to ensure we are safe, healthy and nurtured.

We created imaginative collaborative stories about our buddies and their work in the community. We took turns to write one sentence each and the stories twisted and changed depending on what that person’s idea was at the time of writing. They turned out very well and are up on display!

We used our ICT skills to type them up and then used ‘Audacity’ to record our stories by reading our parts of the story aloud.

Next week, on Monday, homework folders will be sent home. Homework will take the same format as last year, minus the share-it jotters. The homework activities will be put on a sheet and into the children’s folder. There will be no share-it jotter, however should you wish to hand tasks in, they can be written on the back of the sheet. Primary 3 will be given a little more responsibility every Monday, in writing up our little homework diary to remind us of our tasks.

We would appreciate it if the folders can be in the children’s bags each day at school in order for them to access their reading books. We use these in our lessons and Primary 3 reading work will be based on their reading books that week. Usually the reading books are completed over 2 weeks with some exceptions. If your child is the exception, further instruction will be given in their yellow homework diaries.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 11.9.20

What a finale to our Fantastic Mr Fox novel,  with a viewing of the film adaptation. We filled our whiteboards with notes about the similarities and differences between this and the book, and were surprised with the ending of the film.

We are looking forward to one last challenge next week.

We have been so impressed with P3 and their improvement in skipping. We had a demonstration of our talents and skills this week and next door’s class was our audience. We are sad to be leaving it behind and beginning our new focus on football, but we’re certain we will have just as much fun!

We have been learning about Harvest and how different religions celebrate this time of year. We have had a look at church celebrations, community celebrations and Jewish celebrations. This week we built a Sukkah for the Jewish celebration of Sukkot. Ask the children to tell you a little about this.

As we prepare to restart homework, could you please check whether your child has any P2 reading books or resources that can be handed back into school at your earliest convenience.

Also, could we remind you to sign and return the class charter and achievement letters if you have not already done so? Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith



Primary 3 4.9.20

Primary 3 have been ‘wow-ing’ us with their skipping skills. They have been using French ropes, a long rope and ankle skipping equipment. We have all been so impressed with the improvement we have seen and experienced and look forward to next week where we can demonstrate our skills in front of the rest of the class. Here are a few pictures of us in action!

  • We have also been given our computer log in details and have been very excited to try out using 3D paint and typing on Word documents. We have been exploring the toolbars and how we can manipulate text. Next week we will attempt to include a picture in our document and then hopefully produce a piece of work done fully on the computers.

Our Health and Well-being topic of Fantastic Mr. Fox is getting very intriguing. We have learned of Mr. Fox’s plan to keep his family safe and well-fed and can’t wait to find out what happens next. Some of us have been reading it at home and know, but we are not giving away the ending!

We aim to watch the Fantastic Mr. Fox film next week, please let us know if you do not wish your child to participate in this lesson and alternative arrangements can be made.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith


Primary 3 28.8.20

We are now firmly set in our new routines within Primary 3, with today marking our second whole week back in school with the new rules.

There are lots of changes between Primary 3 and Primary 2 and so far, the children seem to be enjoying it. When they were asked what is the best part of P3 so far, they said they have been enjoying music, art and the P3 reading. They reported that the worst part of P3 is not being able to hug people.

Our topic is well under way, looking at the health and well-being indicators and curriculum through the study of Fantastic Mr. Fox. The children read a script with expression, and have been learning about real foxes and how they stay safe, healthy and nurture their young. We have been discussing adjectives, and had a go of using a thesaurus to up-level our words.

We created our own questions to gather information within the class using a frequency table. We then turned our information into our own bar graphs. We had fun doing this and our graphs look super.

The weather this week has been touch and go with the rain, however we did manage to get out for PE and the children’s skipping skills are improving every time! We are now trying some tricks and next week will be looking at French skipping and ankle skipping as well.

Thank you for supporting us with the new rules. The children have been coming to school prepared and ready for the day ahead. Thank you also for returning the rules agreement letter and the achievement letter. Can we take this opportunity to remind parents if you have not already, please return these at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for you continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 3 Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning Primary 3!

What are you planning to do for your Free Time Friday today?

Hopefully by now you have managed to complete most of the Sports Day activities and you have done, or are almost ready, to submit your points! Mrs Ferguson will let us know the House winner early next week. As Grace reminded us though, everyone is a winner and it’s the taking part that counts, so we hope you all had a fantastic time and enjoyed yourselves.

Mental Maths

Your topic challenge for today is to design your own futuristic robot. What might robots look like years from now? Here is your chance to create the future for yourselves! Critical Skills Challenge Build a robot

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Take care,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Primary 3 18th June 2020

How did we all like the Great Science Share yesterday? There was lots of amazing things to learn and even more impressive was all of the children from all over the country and the work and questions they have put into exploring Science over the last few months. If you submitted a question or work, or even applied for your badges, let us know about it!

It was lovely, again to speak with so many of you yesterday. We really do look forward to hearing from you and it is the best part of the week!

Remember to continue your Sports Day activities! We will be watching as the points come rolling in for the teams. It is lovely seeing the whole school working on the same thing across all of the classes. Let us know what you think of it all and don’t forget to send in pics. Mrs Ferguson, as well as the staff would love to see you all taking part.

Reading: For today’s reading we would like you to pick 1 book from the books you added to your reading passport. We would then like you try create your own dictionary based off of the interesting, descriptive or difficult words that you find in your story as you read. You can create your own dictionary however you want, you can do it on paper, on a computer, on a tablet, and it’s entirely up to you! Make sure to make it bright and colourful and make sure that you leave space to keep adding to it as you read other books. It should be something to be added to whenever you read books and find words that you would like to add to your dictionary. Try to make sure you get a front cover and a few words added and remember dictionaries are in alphabetical order!

Numeracy/ Maths: Your maths for today is to continue to work on the revision work we have looked at all week. If you have completed all of the revision work so far make sure to look at Education City for any tasks you might not have done as well as completing work from our Learning Grid. There will also be some revision  Number Talks today, please do not worry about doing all these at once, there is no time limit for completing them.

Number Talks:


8 + 4 + 18                             30 – 24                  2 x 15                     9 ÷ 3

18 + 4 + 18                           30 – 19                  3 x 15                     15 ÷ 3

28 + 5 + 27                           30 – 15                  6 x 5                       24 ÷ 3

24+ 3 + 48                            30 – 12                  6 x 15                     33 ÷ 3


48 + 4 + 48                           750 – 709             3 x 15                     42 ÷ 6

48 + 49 + 3                           750 – 599             10 x 15                  54 ÷ 6

98 + 97 + 5                           750 – 449             13 x 10                  72 ÷ 6

99 + 98 + 97 + 5                  750 – 324             13 x 5                     96 ÷ 6

13 x 15

Challenge Sums

493 + 879                             423 – 157               135 x 6                  72 ÷ 3

Keep up the good work Primary 3,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Primary 3 Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning and Super Science Share day to you all!

Today is very exciting. If you have been following the Great Science Share and taking part in our weekly Science themes, the day has come to celebrate all things Science!

Why not complete this form to be in with the chance of earning your very own FREE enamel Super Scientist pin badge by sharing the science that has fascinated you! Scientist+form+GSS+with+links

Once you have filled it in with information about your favourite science question and experiment, upload it here: Great Science Share

Here are all of the activities happening all day today along with times, but please visit the page to access links and further information. These are screen grabs and are not very clear.











Thank you everyone! Don’t forget to share anything you do with us connected with Science, especially today. Let us know what you thought!

Writing: For today’s writing we are going to revise letter writing from the first term. Remember when we wrote letters to Mrs Thunder, and to the chairs when they quit on us? That was persuasive writing but today we are looking at writing letters. Think about the author of one of your books from your reading passport. We’d like you to write a letter to the author thanking them for writing their story so you are able to read it. You should talk about why you like that book, what are some of the characters you like and why and what you like about the story and think of a question you’d like to ask your author. Here is a template to help you, feel free to use it or write your own.

Author Letter

Maths: Here is a selection of work that will help you to revise some of the maths we have worked on this year. There is time, money, shape, fractions and measure. We do not expect you to complete these today or even this week. There are 10 sheets all together and please work through them at your own pace in your own time.

Maths Revision

Number Talks – Remember there are instruction videos on how to do the challenge sums being posted in Teams and we also understand that we have done less division than multiplication so there is no expectation for all these sums to be completed, as long as you complete the sums you are comfortable with.

15 ÷ 5                                    100 ÷ 4

25 ÷ 5                                    64 ÷ 4

40 ÷ 5                                    164 ÷ 4

65 ÷ 5                                    228 ÷ 4

Challenge Sum

336 ÷ 7

Remember…stay sporty! Let’s keep these points coming in!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Primary 3 Tuesday 16th June 2020

How are you all today Primary 3?

I hope you managed to get some sports day activities completed yesterday? If not, don’t worry, you have all week! The important thing to remember is to save all of your scores and submit them altogether on the online form.

Today for Maths, we thought it would be a good idea to go over mixed sums. You will find multiplication, division, addition and subtraction in the worksheets below. Choose your challenge and see how you get on. Please refer to the original instruction videos if you get stuck.

Mild Addition and Subtraction

Spicy Addition and Subtraction

Hot Addition and Subtraction

Mild Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Spicy Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Hot Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Please find the phonics Stories in the Teams files for practise with sounds.

Reading: For reading today we want you to choose one of the books from your reading passport from yesterday. Pick 1 character from that book for our study for today. It doesn’t have to be your favourite character it can be any character as long as you find them interesting. Draw your character in the middle of a sheet of paper and then you are going to write as many descriptive words around your character as possible. We are looking for you to describe what the character is like not what they look like. Are they brave, are they loyal, honest, funny etc. Fill up your page with descriptive words. Then we would like you to write a short paragraph telling us why you chose this character and why they are important to the story/ interesting in the story. Here is Mr Woodward’s picture and description to give you some ideas (please don’t judge the drawing too harshly, Mr Woodward can’t draw feet or hands well!):

Number Talks

15 ÷ 3                       40 ÷ 4

30 ÷ 3                      24 ÷ 4

21 ÷ 3                       64 ÷ 4

51 ÷ 3                       128 ÷ 4

Challenge Sum

342 ÷ 6

Well done Primary three. We can’t wait to see who the winning house is for Sports Day! Keep up the good work!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 3 Monday 15th June 2020

Monday 15th June

Good morning boys and girls!

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for our final two weeks of the term. This year, our last two weeks of P3 are looking very different to normal, however, we have some very exciting things coming up.

Mrs Ferguson has been busy planning a virtual Sports Day with the P7s and some of the Sports Committee from the Upper School. I have had a look at what is involved and it is very exciting indeed. A message of support has been given to you all to cheer the house teams along too! Let us know what you thought of it once you watch it!

There are a few activities for you to complete. It is up to you whether you complete these all in one day, a few a day or just one a day this week. The important thing is that you keep track of your scores and at the end of all of the activities, you submit your scores into the form provided. Mrs Ferguson will then count everyone’s scores altogether and announce the winning house, exciting stuff!  Mr Woodward and I will be taking part for our teams too! Let’s go Waverley, let’s go! J

Please see the blog for more information.

Rights Respecting Schools

This week our RRS Article is all about discrimination. Article 2 is in the News right now, so could make for some interesting discussion. Some activities you may wish to try are:

  • Article 2 uses some words you might not know very well. Look up discrimination, ethnicity, race and gender to find out what they mean. Try to explain Article 2 to somebody at home now that you know the meaning of these words.

  • Being happy and proud about who we are as people is important. If you have read the book ‘The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink’, children at William Tyndale School made the story into a video. Try to get all your family and friends to tell you the best things they like about being themselves and the best things about you.
  • Imagine that you are treated differently and not allowed to go to school, have friends and play because of the colour of your hair. … How would this feel? What would you say and do? Discuss this with the grown ups at home
  • Look at these images above. They show Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Create a poster showing these images with a written caption explaining what each word means and why Article 2: Non-Discrimination is important.

Please remember to forward on all work you do with these articles to help build evidence for the reaccreditation of our Gold award. Thank you.


Spelling Words Week Beginning 15th June 2020

This will be our last formal week of giving spelling words. Remember to go over your common words too.

Problem Solving

Tom’s Dad sowed some tomato seed in February. He gave Tom one of the tomato plants in a pot.

At the beginning of May, Tom put his tomato plant outside. On the same day he sowed a bean in another pot.

Ten days later the bean plant was just 1 cm (centimetre) above the soil surface. Tom measured his tomato plant which was already 38 cm tall.

Each evening Tom measured his two plants.

On the evening of the next day the little bean plant had grown another 2 cm so it was 3 cm high. Each day it continued to grow double the amount it had grown the day before.

The tomato plant grew at a steady 5 cm a day.

After how many days were the two plants the same height when Tom measured them in the evening? How high were they?

Reading: For today’s reading we would like you to begin a reading passport. This is a record of some books that you have read. It does not have to be school books so if you have read all 7 Harry Potter books then you can put down each of the books and write a little bit about them. We need the name of the book, the author and a little bit about what happens in the book as well as what you think about the book. If you can on the map, fill in where the book takes place or where it was written.

Reading Passport

Number Talks:

10 ÷ 2                       18 ÷ 6

6 ÷ 2                        6 ÷ 6

16 ÷ 2                       24 ÷ 6

22 ÷ 2                      48 ÷ 6

Challenge Sum

224 ÷ 7

There will be an instructional video explaining doing the division in Class Materials->Numeracy->Instructional Videos->Number Talks.

Well done everyone for all of your hard work this term. We are so close to the end of P3 now and could not be more proud of how well you are doing. Thank you again to the parent’s for all of your support.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 3 Friday 5th June 2020

Happy Friday everyone, we hope you have some lovely plans for the weekend.

Today’s Mental Maths:


As always, answers will be posted later in the day.

This week’s topic challenge is all about robotics and comparing two iconic robots:

Critical Skills Challenge Robot

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 3 Thursday 4th June 2020

How are we all this morning? I hope we are all doing well, it was so lovely to hear from you all yesterday in our class chats!

Your work for today is as follows:

Why not log on to Teams, and in the Class Materials File have a go at Mrs Fox’s Art lessons. There are two videos for you to follow in there. She has explained how to draw 3D shapes, and then how to shade them to they pop out from the paper. Here is the sheet to go along with the videos.                    3D Shapes Sheet 1 and 2

Eventually, this practice will allow us to draw a 3D robot made from different 3D shapes! This lesson is to follow. I can’t wait to see the finished pictures!

Reading – Sentence Level Task

Can you find the meaning of these words in your book? Once you have written down the meaning, try using the word in a new sentence of your own. Remember your core writing targets: 

Core Targets for all Writing
  • Write sentences with capital letters and full stops.
  • Spell most common and CVC words correctly.
  • Join sentences with a variety of conjunctions.
  • Handwriting should be linked.

Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast

  1. Plain (p.5)
  2. Ought (p.7)
  3. Creeper (p.9)
  4. Slung (p.10)
  5. Gaggle (p.13)
  6. Widow (p.26)
  7. Wind (p.30)
  8. Scamper (p.32)

Red – Jungle Shorts

  1. Anorak (p.3)
  2. Lend (p.5)
  3. Slammed (p.13)
  4. Piled (p.14)
  5. Enormous (p.15)
  6. Struggled (p.16)

Blue – Battle With the Beast

  1. Micro (p.2)
  2. Villain (p.2)
  3. Defeat (p.2)
  4. Release (p.3)
  5. Mighty (p.8)
  6. Rogue (p.9)

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

  1. Crowds (p.6)
  2. Blithering (p.8)
  3. Collar (p.11)
  4. Continued (p.12)
  5. Tangled (p.15)
  6. Delicious (p.17)

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

  1. Shrank (p.2)
  2. Pile (p.2)
  3. Blasted (p.2)
  4. Micro (p.3)
  5. Kitted (p.3)
  6. Swerved (p.5)

Please also remember if you run out of things to complete, you have your activities on your learning grid for all other areas of the curriculum as well as Education City and extra Maths and Literacy activities.

For today’s Numeracy we are looking at number patterns. Like last week with our letter patterns, number patterns are all about finding out what the sequence is and finishing it off – e.g. 1, 3, 5, _(7)_, _(9)_.  Try and have a go at all of them!


  1. 0, 2, 4, ___, ___, ___ .
  2. 12, 15, ___, ___, 24, ___.
  3. 54, 48, 42, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 10, ___, 20, ___, 30, ___.
  5. ___, 20, 16, ___, ___.


  1. 11, 22, ___, 44, ___, ___ .
  2. 125, 150, ___, ___, 225, ___.
  3. 63, 56, 49, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 10, ___, 40, ___, 70, ___.
  5. 13, 25, 49, ___, ___.


  1. 18, ___, 36, 45, ___, ___ .
  2. 1,250, 1,750, ___, ___, 3,250, ___.
  3. 84, 72, 60, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 1, ___, 1.6, ___, 2.1, ___.
  5. 2, 11, 38,___, ___, ___.

Number Talks:

2 x 100                    6 x 22

2 x 15                      10 x 22

4 x 5                        16 x 22

4 x 10

4 x 115

Challenge Sum

963 x 58

Well done everyone, keep up the good work.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 3 Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Bonjour tout le monde, ca va? J’espère que tout va bien! Remember we have our class chats this morning at 10am, we are looking forward to hearing from you all!

Have you all visited the Great Science Share website yet? They are hosting a groove along that you can get involved in:

As well as this, they set science themes for investigating each week.

This week’s theme is UN World Environment Day. You can ask questions which will be answered by experts and share your learning along the way to be shown in their online showcase.


Writing Task Watch the clip about a boy and his robot who go off in search of energy packs for the robot. Can you make a written account of the story, using lots of description. What do they see, where do they go and what happens? Your story should show a clear beginning, middle and end and show this in paragraphs. Perhaps you can try to add speech to let us know what you think would have been said between the Robot and the little boy.

Please share your stories with us when they are done and remember your core targets:

Core Targets for all Writing
  • Write sentences with capital letters and full stops.
  • Spell most common and CVC words correctly.
  • Join sentences with a variety of conjunctions.
  • Handwriting should be linked.

Maths: We are reading scales today! Not musical scales, but weighing scales. I know a lot of you have been busy in the kitchen and so we are going to mix cookery and maths. Make sure to always wash your hands before handling food! If you have kitchen scales at home, take some items you want to weigh and tell us what they are and what the weight was using the scales:

What Does It Weigh

If you don’t have kitchen scales, or if you do and you fancy playing a weighing game, inputting weight in either kilograms or grams:

Number Talks:

2 x 45                      4 x 22

5 x 100                    6 x 11

5 x 40                      3 x 22

5 x 5

5 x 245

Challenge Sum

235 x 74

Well done everyone!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 3 Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning everyone. How are we all doing with our learning tasks? Did anyone manage to solve the Maths problem yesterday? It was such amazing weather though, so hopefully you all were outside enjoying that too!

Today Mrs Ferguson has a PE challenge for you all below to practise your throwing and your aim.

Over arm target throw

Can you please remember to log your activity on the Get Set Tokyo web page to win you or our school some sports equipment and prizes!

Numeracy Division Sums (with no remainders)

Should you wish to try the ‘Hot’ challenge, please see the Teams files for instructional videos on how we write out division sums.

Mild Dividing by 2 and 3

Spicy Dividing by 4 and 5

Hot Dividing by 3 and 4 Beyond the 3 and 4 times tables stations. (Please see the instructional video to show an introduction to written division if you wish to choose a challenge.)


Please see Teams files for Phonics stories for this week’s words.


True or false. Please read the statements below to check whether they are true or false. If the statement is false, write out the correct statement in a full sentence. If it is true, write ‘true’ and write down the page number you found the true statement on. Make up 3 of your own when you are finished.

Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast

  1. Ze lived in the African plains.
  2. Ze was clever, but not very brave.
  3. His father gave him advice to pick up and keep anything he found on his journey.
  4. Ze told the widow he was travelling in search of his fortune.
  5. Ze was terribly scared of the huge and horrible beast in the barn.
  6. Ze took the whole chest of golden coins home with him.
  7. The monkey stole the coin bag from the milkman.
  8. The monkey kept the coins safe up in her tree.

Red – Jungle Shorts

  1. Lenny was at the front of the line because he was getting help with his stuck zip.
  2. Mr Cox told the class the letter wasn’t very exciting.
  3. Lenny begged his Mum for a real football strip.
  4. They had pancakes for tea with jam and pineapples.
  5. The market was 2 streets away from where Lenny lived.
  6. He saw a man who wore a wide straw hat and jungle shorts at the market.

Blue – Battle With the Beast

  1. Arkon was standing in front of a glistening blue lake full of electricity.
  2. The Pool of Power is a mighty energy source.
  3. Every 500 years the Pool of Power needs to be recharged.
  4. The map was on the island in the centre of the Pool of Power.
  5. They all pressed buttons on their backs to fly.
  6. When Nok touched the rock, a rainbow filled the sky.

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

  1. Winnie hated flying on her broomstick and looking at the streets below. She had a fear of heights.
  2. The streets were empty and Winnie and Wilbur had to stay at home.
  3. Winnie thought it would be easy to stay at home all the time.
  4. Wilbur liked to lick his paws and wash his face.
  5. Wilbur loved the new collar Winnie made him.
  6. Winnie sang a song as she washed her hands.

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

  1. Planet Senton is the closest planet to Exis.
  2. Planet Senton was a lovely clean planet.
  3. The Junk Cruncher looked like an ugly fish.
  4. Its job was to swim around in Space looking for water.
  5. Inside the Junk Cruncher it was like a palace.
  6. There were lots of other fish inside sorting out the rubbish.

Number Talks:

2 x 124                    35 x 10

6 x 100                    35 x 2

6 x 20                      35 x 20

6 x 4                        35 x 24

6 x 124

Challenge Sum

362 x 54

Have a great day and let us know how you get on with the learning tasks for today.

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith.

Primary 3 Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning everyone. How are we all? We hope you had a lovely weekend. Who can tell us the date today in French? Do you remember how to say ‘first’? and also, we are into a new month. Who knows ‘June’ en francais?

This week’s Rights Respecting Schools Article is Article 19: Protection from violence, abuse and neglect.

Some activities you may wish to try are:

  • Article 19 means that no child should be hurt, hit or treated badly. Find out about the punishments for children in schools in Victorian times. Imagine you lived then and wanted to end physical punishment in school. Write a letter to Queen Victoria explaining why you think things should change.
  • Draw or list some of the people whose job it is to help you stay safe and protected.
  • Think about the feelings we have when we know  we are  safe and cared for. Write a poem or song to describe how this feels. Use good metaphors and similes to describe the emotions.
  • What do you know about being safe online? Have a conversation about this with the adults you live with. Talk about safe settings on your router and on all devices in the house. Ask your family to look at this Safer Internet website and let you watch some of the videos in the resources section.

Please remember to share these with us so we can build evidence for our reaccreditation.

Problem Solving for today:

Once you have been successful, why not try to draw it again, this time with 4 circles on the bottom row and fitting the numbers 1-10 into the circles in the same way. Is it possible?

Reading: Please read the first half of your new book by visiting

Yellow / Level 11- The Huge and Horrible Beast

Red – Jungle Shorts

Blue – Battle with the Beast

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher


Spelling Words Week Beginning 1st June 2020

Number Talks:

2 x 125                    25 x 10

4 x 25                      25 x 4

6 x 100                    14 x 10

6 x 20                      14 x 5

6 x 125                    25 x 14

Challenge Sum

652 x 43

Just a reminder that the new home learning grid for other areas of the curriculum can also be accessed on the blog. Here is a link to it if you missed it last week.Learning Grid May – June

Thank you for your continued hard work and effort.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Primary 3 Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning happy campers! How did we all sleep last night? I am sure you all slept better than you would have, had we actually been staying over at Lowport as per the original residential, but I also know you would have been exhausted after yesterday’s activities following the new alternate Lowport ‘camp’ experience anyway!

Did anyone have a disco in their house? We would love to hear about it if you did!

Remember to strip your bed today and tidy your room. There will be a room inspection so everything should be back in its rightful place!

Today would have been a lovely sunny day and a trip to Beecraigs Country Park to do some activities with the ranger. Why don’t you try to:

  • Make a home for a woodland creature of your choice. Try to make it from natural materials and test it to see whether you have made it waterproof.
  • Play some natural naughts and crosses and ask someone to play it with you. Make it out of natural materials.
  • Go a nature walk. Note down any signs of animals you see along the way. Look for tracks, holes and clues that show they are around.
  • We wouldn’t do this at Beecraigs, but how about having a little campfire with your family. Tell stories and toast marshmallows (If you have any).

Work for today should you wish to be staying at school:

Mental Maths – try to time yourself to see if you can beat your score:







Answers will be posted later in the day.

Topic Challenge: This week we are looking at cars and all things motoring! your challenge is to create a timeline of cars from the first car ever to the first car in space and everything in between! Obviously it is a huge topic so only choose a few cars to include in your timeline unless you want to try and get them all in! The Challenge will also be in the Topic folders in Teams.

Critical Skills Challenge Motor Cars

Well done everyone for taking part in an exhausting few days at camp! Remember to share your experiences and we will speak to you again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Primary 3 Thursday 21st May

Bonjour! Aujourd’hui, c’est Jeudi vingt et un Mai,

Today would have been our first day doing our P3 residential!

Because of this, we thought it would be fun to have a look at some of the places we would have been, as well as some of the activities we would have done over the next 2 days.

If you were set to be on the residential, today we would have been paying a visit to Linlithgow Palace, St Michael’s Parish Church and the Linlithgow Canal Centre, all of which are full of interesting facts and history. A tourist video and Pdf of information are included below.

Linlithgow Palace  investigating-linlithgow-palace

In the original overnight residential, you would have had to carry your bags and cases up to your rooms, so why not carry your suitcases up and down your stairs a few times. Also, in the original overnight residential, you had a bed to make – next time your bedding is washed, put your own covers back on for practice!

We also would have had a play in the park and fed the ducks, so have a play in your back garden if you have one, or go on a walk with your family. As we walked around the lock, we would have completed a ‘treasure hunt’, so why not make up a treasure hunt for someone in your family. Or even better, get someone in your family to make one up for you!

At night time today, we would have had a talent show and disco. Why not get dressed up in your party clothes, put the music on, turn the lights down and have a house disco. Break it up with some entertainment and show your family some of your best talents!

Remember to go to bed early – you are exhausted with having had such an exciting day. No talking after lights out and you sleep soundly until about 7am! (This is not how it usually goes! :))

If you are skipping the residential, here’s some school work instead:

Why not check out this web page from the Scottish Opera. I know so many of you are natural born performers and you love to sing, dance and perform. This company are putting together a virtual opera and they are teaching you the songs, dances and acting parts as the weeks go along. The final performance will take place from people’s homes all over the country. If you want to take part in this too, you can. If not, you can just enjoy learning the songs, and storyline of this opera.

Word Boost answers:

Cat’s Ahoy – Miss Smith’s Class:

Verbs: clamp If you clamp something you hold it tightly in place, steer When you steer something you make it go the way you want it to go, quiver If something quivers it shakes with small movements, abandon if you abandon something you leave it behind forever.

Adjectives: silent No sound is made at all, solemn If someone is solemn they are very serious and not happy or funny.

Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary – Mr Woodward’s Class:

Nouns: directions Instructions that tell you where to go or what to do, souvenir something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday, place or event.

Verbs: drift To move slowly without trying, glisten If something glistens it usually shines because it is wet or oily.

Adjectives: rickety Something weak and shaky and likely to fall apart, glum You are a bit sad or disappointed.


Rewrite these sentences changing the underlined word to a different adjective. These tasks will also be posted in Teams.

Don’t Press the Buttons

  1. “I know what we can do!” said Nok.
  2. It was a huge room on the bottom deck of the ship.
  3. Max spotted a strange machine.
  4. Max was scanned by rays of bright light.
  5. “Cool! said Ant.

The Empty Palace

  1. In front of them was a magnificent building with tall glass windows.
  2. He ran towards a door at the front of the building.
  3. It was very quiet.
  4. He picked up a thin, metal object that was on one of the thrones.
  5. Suddenly there was a loud.

The Sands of Akwa

  1. He breathed in the warm, salty air.
  2. They looked around but the beach was empty.
  3. Silently, four strange creatures stepped out from behind the rocks.
  4. They were tall, with spotted skin and eyes the colour of the sea.
  5. Just then a huge shadow was cast over the beach.

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

  1. She tucked Tom into an eggshell cradle and she was happy.
  2. If you’ll stop spoiling those currants you can see how I make a nice pudding for your father’s dinner.
  3. That water was hot.
  4. “Bless us all!” she said. The pudding’s alive! Help!”
  5. That somebody was a hungry tinker passing by.

Stinky Street

  1. He loved living on Stanley Street. Everyone was friendly.
  2. His house was warm and friendly and it had just been painted, worse luck.
  3. “So am I,” Franklin grumbled.
  4. “Something smells horrible and I don’t know what it is,” she said.
  5. “Ugh, what’s that disgusting smell?” he asked.

Numeracy: In today’s Numeracy we will be looking at subtracting using chimney sums. There will be an instructional video posted to Teams to show you how to do them if you are unsure, please ask if you can’t get the video via Teams.


Subtraction Mild


Subtraction Hot


Subtraction Spicy

Number Talks

3 x 26                      4 x 25

6 x 26                      6 x 25

9 x 26                      6 x 325

Challenge Sum

693 x 42

Great work everyone! Remember, these activities will be here for you and are going nowhere so just do what you can!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

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