P2 – 20.04.20

Hi Primary 2,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday. The weather was nice most of the time and meant that we could get out and about. Miss Rafferty did lots of walking and running with her mum’s dog Storm, Miss Pringle took her dog Dave on some long walks and Mrs Oliver spent time outdoors with Aaron and celebrated her special birthday! All 3 of us ate lots of Easter eggs too! We would love to hear what you have been doing. Please put photos on your Learning Journal or comment below to let us know what you did over the fortnight.
If you click on your groups link below you will see learning grids for the next fortnight. Please do one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. You may choose to adapt these and we love to see your creative activity ideas!
Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am workout on YouTube. You can find his channel on YouTube – The Body Coach TV.
We are planning to learn about animals in hot and cold countries this term. Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras in with the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas. You can watch them at https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams – let us know what you see!
We hope you are all keeping well and are remembering to continue to wash your hands regularly. We look forward to seeing your photos on your Learning Journals.
Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 – 31.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope everyone is well today? A big thank you to those who posted photos on their online learning journals yesterday. It was so lovely to see what you have all been up to and the fabulous learning you have been doing. We reset all P2 parent passwords so please check your inbox. If you did not receive one just comment on this post and we will do our best to rectify that. Scroll down in this post to see some of the lovely photos!

As today is usually our reading day we have made up some comprehension activities for you to do at home. Please select your group below and post photos of your completed work on your journal. You can complete the questions in your jotter. Remember your title and date!

Buzz and Simba

Rex and Mufasa

Woody and Pumba

Newsround have a daily episode each day to keep you up to date with what is going on in the world. Go on to https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround to watch the current episode and let us know what you think. You could even practise your note writing and take some notes.

Miss Rafferty noticed lots of bears in windows when she was out her morning jog. Can you put a teddy bear in your window? If possible, go out a ‘bear hunt’ and count how many you can see around your neighbourhood!

Have a lovely day everyone and we look forward to seeing your photos on your online journals.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 – 27.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here today. We hope you all had a nice day yesterday despite the weather being a little miserable. Did any of you manage to take part in the round of applause for our fabulous NHS staff at 8pm last night? We both did and it was lovely to hear everyone coming together to celebrate our hard working NHS staff.

You should have a few activities left on your week 1 sheets to choose from. Thanks to those who have let us know what they have been doing. We love to hear from you all so please continue to comment regularly.

Fridays usually include a handwriting lesson so please ensure any writing you do today is neat, with letters formed correctly.

Blair Drummond Safari Park are doing a live session on their Facebook page at 12pm each day where one of the keepers will tell you all about an animal. You can post questions for them to answer too. We watched it yesterday and it was fabulous! Let us know if you manage to tune in.

David Walliams is also reading 30 minutes from one of his books at 11am each day. You can find this on https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/.

We have both been trying Joe Wickes each day – it is hard work but we both feel great afterwards. Miss Rafferty has also been out running each day. It is so important to try and keep our fitness levels up – what are you doing to keep yourself fit?

Remember today is a half day – we are sure you wont forget!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing about what activities you choose from your week 2 sheet next week.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – 24.03.20

Good morning everyone,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here. We hope you had a productive first day working from home. Again, look at your packs and choose another literacy, numeracy and learning across the curriculum activity. We would love to hear from you so please comment on this post and let us know what you have been doing.

Make sure you are listening to your parents/carers and helping out around the house. Parents/carers feel free to comment and let us know how well they are all doing!

Remember your Education City log ins, daily Joe Wicks workouts at 9am on YouTube, Glasgow Science Centre (you can find them on Facebook) are bringing a little bit of science into your home at 10am each day. Twinkl have also made a lot of resources free for you to use.

Today we would have been visiting the Tall Ship in Glasgow. Why not visit their website and draw a picture of you at the Tall Ship? You could also write a question you would’ve asked – remember your question marks!

Stay safe and remember to wash your hands!

Love Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

P2 – 23.03.20

Good Morning P2,

It is Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here. We hope you are all well today and everyone is fit and healthy.

You have your home learning packs and have your week 1 sheets for literacy/numeracy and learning across the curriculum. We suggest you choose 2 activities from the literacy/numeracy sheet and 1 from the learning across the curriculum sheet each day. You have your new jotters so why not start by decorating the front cover? If you can, upload photos to the comments so we can see your creative designs!

It is a dry day today so if you have a garden or outdoor space why not go outside for some fresh air? Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson each day at 9am – search for ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube. You all have your Education City log ins – there are lots of games, think-its and topic tools on there to keep you amused.

Make sure you are listening to your grown ups and keep washing your hands regularly.

Speak to you all soon,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – 16.03.20

This week we have been learning about alliteration and have had lots of fun making up silly names using alliteration! See if you can make up some new names at home using your parents names.

In maths we have progressed onto working out change within £1. We have been using hundred squares and number lines to help us with this. It would be useful to use real money at home to further help with coin recognition. You could make your own shop and buy/sell items to develop your learning!

Our sound this week was ‘ll’ and we have picked this up really well. Continue to practise your ‘ll’ words at home – can you think of creative ways to practise these?

Under the current climate we have put an even bigger emphasis on handwashing and the children have been fabulous at doing this on their own accord. We now have a sign for handwashing so children can leave the class with minimal disruption to wash their hands. Well done everyone.

On Tuesday we learnt the story of Judas’ betrayal and voiced our opinions on what we feel he should have done. There were some excellent ideas shared in our classes.

Primary 2 – 03.02.20

This week we have been revising our addition facts for 2, 5 and 10. We are gaining confidence in skip counting to work out the answer and have been using some songs to help us remember the order.

Within social studies we have begun to look at navigation in line with our Pirates theme. We have linked this with technologies and have been programming Beebot to go forward, backward, left and right to different points.

Our sound this week was o_e and we have been revising the different sound ‘o’ makes when we add the ‘magic e’ at the end of a word.

Within science we looked at the moon and developed our knowledge of why it appears to change shape. Every child has been issued with a moon diary and we encourage you to fill this out as often as you can to deepen this understanding.

We look forward to welcoming you to our parent/carer consultations next week. Please see the office if you do not have an appointment.

This week Miss Rafferty’s class have also welcomed Mrs Baxter, a PGDE student from Glasgow University. Mrs Baxter looks forward to taking some lessons and getting the know the children better.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Baxter

P2 – Week Beginning 25.11.19

This week we have been busy practising our Nativity and are improving hugely each day. Those children who have speaking parts have now been issued with their lines highlighted on the script. This is so you can practise when to come in. Please take on the role of the other characters so your children can hear what is said before their cue. You will have also recieved a green letter home with an order form for tickets – tickets are allocated on a first come first served basis so please get them quickly to avoid disappointment. If you do not have a green letter please see your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.

We also had a visit from Neil, a mountain rescuer, who told us all about his role in the community. He told us about what he has to do in an emergency and showed us what he keeps inside his backpack. We also got to go inside a real emergency tent! We have loved learning about the roles that the different emergency services have in our community and have the RNLI in to visit on the 16th December.

A gentle reminder than gym with Mrs Ferguson begins on Wednesdays. The class get rewarded with a certificate if they all wear their gym kit – this consists of black, navy shorts and a white t-shirt.

Thanks for your support.

Primary 2 – Week Beginning 16.09.19

We have enjoyed our short week in Primary 2 and have been very busy trying to fit everything in! The children enjoyed sharing their long weekend news with the class and it was lovely to hear about what everyone got up to.

This week we have been counting in 10s and the teachers were very impressed with the children’s ability to do this – well done. Please keep practising this at home too, particularly counting on in 10s from a given number e.g. 12, 22, 32…

We have also continued our work on phonemes and focused specifically on the ‘oy’ phoneme. This can be a tricky one and there was a little confusion so practise at home will be beneficial.

We are still enjoying our topic on life in the past and explored some household items from the past. The children looked closely at a Grandfather Clock and made their own version. We look forward to you seeing these on the wall at Parents’ Evening.

There are still several children coming to school on a Tuesday/Thursday without a gym kit. Please can you ensure shorts and t-shirt are provided on a Tuesday and an outdoor kit (joggers/shorts – weather dependent) are provided on a Thursday.

Thanks in advance,

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – Week Beginning 26.8.19

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2. We have been working hard to introduce play into Primary 2 and now have the classrooms set up as 3 stations – teach, practise and play. The children have been working in rotations around the stations and have done really well.

Thank you to all who came along to Meet the Teacher. It was lovely to see so many faces. We issued newsletters which informed you about our planned learning this term and our gym days. Your newsletter will be in your child’s bag if you were unable to attend.

We have been revising some of our phonemes this week and children should have brought home their reading book. We will hear reading regularly but encourage you to practise at home as much as you can.

We have also begun to explore life in the past as our topic. The children were shocked to hear that pupils used to get hit by the belt in school and are keen to find out more. We will be setting our classroom up as an olden day school for an afternoon next week!

Look out for our first homework of p2 which will be issued on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Pringle, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 – Week Beginning 20.05.19

What a busy week we have had! We all came back from the holiday Monday with lots of exciting stories and shared these during circle time.

Our Farming theme is now well underway and we have been exploring the different animals that live on a farm and making crafts for our role play areas. We have begun report writing and have been writing about the role of a farmer.

We are revisiting money and are looking at the value of coins up to £2 and will be moving onto ordering them into the correct order.


We have a judo taster session on Monday 27 May – children are not required to bring anything.

P1 0-P have their class assembly on Tuesday 28 May – adults to come to the fire door next to the new gym hall for 9.00am.

Primary 1 – week beginning 13.05.19

What a busy week we have had. We have been exploring road safety and have developed our knowledge on stop, look and listen. The children all showed an excellent ability to assess whether a road was safe to cross and were able to discuss the process.

We also had two visitors who showed us how to do CPR. They discussed, at a basic level, when CPR may be required and showed the children how to do it, using dummies, to the tune of ‘Baby Shark!’ They all did so well and we were impressed with their mature attitude and sensible questions.

As the weather heats up please ensure your child comes to school wearing sunscreen and with a sun hat. Unfortunately we are not able to apply sunscreen unless there is a medical reason so please ensure that this is applied before school.

Our P1 assemblies have begun and Mrs Steel and P1S did a fabulous presentation around fairytales. P1O-P are getting ready for their assembly on Tuesday 28 May and Miss Christy’s class will follow after. Look out for more information!

Primary 1 – week beginning 14.1.19

We have had a busy week in Primary 1 and are very excited by our new dinosaur theme. The responses to Professor Rex’s showed us that the children had a keen interest in finding out more about individual dinosaurs. This week we have been finding out about the Tyrannosaurus Rex and will include facts about him in our individual fact files.

Our dinosaur investigative area is now set up and the children are enjoying free play between all 3 classrooms, exploring the different dinosaur related activities that are on offer. We have been exploring the job of a paleontologist and used toothpicks to pick the chocolate chips from cookies! The children were concentrating so hard and were so focused in this activity.

Some children will have received a key ring with some key words on it for their reading. Please practise these regularly – these are words that may not be phonetic and need to be learnt by sight.

Primary 1 – week beginning 22.10.18

We hope you all had a lovely October holiday. It has been nice hearing about all your exciting adventures from the children.

Next week the Primary 7 children will begin to sell poppies for remembrance day. It is a minimum donation of 50p for each poppy, with £1 being preferable. Please ensure your child knows there is money in their bag.

We are changing the homework organisation slightly. It is a challenge to get all the homework marked and new homework issued within the same day therefore homework will be collected on a Tuesday and reissued on a Wednesday. This is on a fortnightly basis and you can find the due date on the top of the homework sheet. Please ensure your child brings their reading bag, reading book and blue reading log to school every day.

This week Miss Pringle and Miss Christy’s classes had a visit from Katie from the RSPB. She taught us all about different animals habitats and gave us some simple ideas to begin to create homes for small animals within our playground. We used the large field to hunt for different habitats and played games which encouraged us to think about the challenges small animals face to find food and shelter. This was a wonderful experience and Mrs Steel’s class are looking forward to their RSPB visit next Tuesday.


Primary 1 – week beginning 10 September 2018

We have had a busy week in Primary 1! We have learnt the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’ and are developing our understanding of words that have these sounds in them. We have been practising the correct formation of these sounds and have heard lots of stories about children practising them at home too – well done! Please refer to the sheet at the front of the yellow homework book for correct formation. It is very important to get it right at this early stage before habits are formed.

In maths we have been exploring numbers to 10, specifically focusing on 7 and 8. We have used our fingers, ten frames and rekenreks to develop a secure understanding of each number. Some of us are even able to split the number into two sets.

We have begun our consultative planning and the children’s interest has led us onto healthy and unhealthy foods, our likes and dislikes and exploring where clean water comes from. We look forward to doing a tasting session next week! We have been using our clas floorbooks to note down ideas and the teachers use these to identify gaps in our learning and take these interests forward.



Thank you to those who returned the homework sheet regarding the blog. An overwhelming amount of parents/carers have requested a hard copy and therefore we have decided to provide a hard copy for all, as well as posting the homework on the blog fortnightly.


  • Please ensure your child’s Reading book and blue log come into school daily. We have purchased new reading bags for the children and these will be gifted at our open event (see below)
  • Our open afternoon is on Thursday 27 September at 2.15pm and our open morning is on Friday 28 September at 9.00am. You are only asked to attend one session as both are the same. We are doing it on two separate occasions to try and account for working patterns.
  • We will be beginning to change into our gym kit for gym. Please ensure your child brings their kit on a Monday.

Nursery Snow Day ⛄️

Good morning,

Please see below for some tasks that you may wish to complete during the snow day. Please upload any photos to your child’s learning journal and we will use the iPads to discuss their activities during group time.

1. We have been exploring castles in Nursery. Can you make your own Castle using snow? It could include a moat!

2. Make a snowman family – compare sizes using the words ‘smallest’, ‘largest’, ‘tallest’ and ‘shortest’.

3. Using a ruler or measuring tape measure how deep the snow is in your garden/outdoors.

4. Draw a detailed picture of what you can see from your window. Encourage children to add detail to these drawings.

5. Go sledging, allowing your child to pull the sledge (even when empty) is a good way of developing their strength and coordination.

6. Make footprints in the snow and compare the different sizes.

7. Share your child’s online learning journal with them and discuss what they were doing in each picture/video.

8. Enjoy one of your child’s big bedtime read books and make a note letting us know their thoughts (we will share these with their P5 reading buddies)

9. Go a walk together and discuss what you see (birds – how many? Icicles, footprints, animal footprints)

10.  Encourage your child to write their name in the snow.

11. Make some bird food. A simple recipe can be found at: https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-kids/games-and-activities/activities/make-a-speedy-bird-cake/

12. Investigate the melting snow. How long does it take to melt? What makes it melt faster?

13. Have fun! We look forward to sharing your photos with you all on our return to Nursery.

Nursery’s Bug Hotel

Last week our morning and afternoon children explored how to make a bug hotel and discussed it’s purpose.  The children discussed the type and size of materials we could use to create our hotel.  They searched the nursery and our garden for suitable materials and found pine cones, twigs and sticks, plant pots, leaves and ceramics to design the hotel.  They used scissors to cut plant pots to create lots of nooks and crannies for the bugs.  The children are very eager to explore what kinds of bugs we might find and hope to be able to welcome our first mini guests to the hotel in the very near future!


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