Busy Week in Primary One

Primary One have worked very hard this week on their adding skills !  We have been learning how to write addition sums!  We are getting very good at counting on!

We also were busy learning the r, l and ai sounds! We played a super game of vowel house bingo and are getting good at writing our vowel house sounds.

On Thursday, we all dressed up in Pudsey outfits to raise money for Children in Need. We all looked super!

Well done Primary One!

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Article 26
You have the right to help from the government
if you are poor or in need.

Big Thank you for attending our RRS meeting!

Miss Rodford and the Champions would like to say a big thank you to all the parents/family that came to the RRS drop in information session!

The Champions did a great job at explaining more about children’s rights!

It is great to see such support from you all and together we move forward and gain our Level 2 RRS award!

If you missed the session a leaflet explaining more about the rights can be found on our useful site page.

Thank you again!

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Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.


Visit to the Lanthorn Woods

The nursery children this week had a great time  visiting the Lanthorn Woods where they hid some nuts for the squirrels. Although we were sure the squirrels were watching us so they could get some food. We will go back soon to see if they have left any traces.

The morning visit to the woods.

The afternoon visit to the woods.

Some children were even brave enough to put them beside the Bear Tree.

Rights Respecting Schools Parent Questionnaire


Rights Respecting Schools Parent Survey

As part of our journey towards gaining our Rights Respecting School Level 2 award, we would like to ask your opinion on the learning attitudes and behaviour of the children at Bankton Primary School. We would be really grateful if you could follow the link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire and answer the questions as honestly as you can. There will be a follow up questionnaire in a few months to measure the impact of RRS in our school.

To take the survey, please follow this link …


Many thanks, in advance.

Miss Rodford

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.

Come and find out more about the RRS award we are working towards!

A quick reminder about our drop in session about children’s rights and the  RRS award Bankton are currently working towards. You will also get to meet our RRS Champions, who will be helping Miss Rodford achieve the award.

It is on the 17th of November at 2.30! Please come along and find out more!

There will be tea and biscuits!

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.

P6/7 Visit Bibleworld

This post was written by Erin and Abbie in P6/7

  img_2988 On Friday we went to Bible world and we did a lot of fun things. There was an aeroplane section where we sat in aeroplane seats and there was a screen in front of us . We had to fill in the blank spaces by finding the answers from the short films we watched.


There was also a music section, library section and an old printing press where we had to twist the handles to press the ink onto the paper.

 img_2984      It was amazing!!! 

Superstars in P1/2

Another busy week in P1/2.  In literacy this week we learned some new sounds – z, ee and oo.  We worked on reading and writing these sounds and on forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  We are getting better at blending the sounds to read and make words and will continue to work on this next week.

We have been practising transferring our phonics skills to our writing work and have produced some super stories related to the story ‘Shark in the Park’.  We imagined that we were in the park with a telescope and wrote about what we could see.  We have been trying hard to include a capital letter, full stop and clear finger spaces and we managed lots of sounding out on our own this week.  Get ready to be impressed!

Last week the children learned the sound ‘g’.  To help us remember the sound all of the children designed their own pair of glasses and modelled them as they left school today.  Looking good P1/2!!

In maths we have been practising counting groups carefully so that we can work out how many there are all together.  We have also been trying very very hard to form our numbers correctly and the right way round.

We also took part in some outdoor maths where we collected and then recorded how many different coloured leaves we found in the playground.  We were able to lay out the leaves in a graph and talk about the most popular and least popular leaf colour.  We found that there were fewest red leaves and that the brown leaves were very popular!

In our topic work we have had some in-depth conversations about toys.  We sorted a basket of items under the headings toys and not toys and we disagreed politely over the iPad as some people thought it was a toy because you can play games on it, while others thought it was not a toy because you had to pay for apps and type in a password to use it.  Great ideas and discussion which we have recorded in our class floorbook.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who have already been working hard to help the children learn their lines for the nativity.  We were so impressed this afternoon to hear quite a few children say their words without any help!  Keep up the good work boys and girls and parents – please leave us some feedback!  We would love to hear what you think about our work!