Mid Week Catch Up!

Gabriel is enjoying working on drawing his Viking ship. “It is quite tricky to do,” he said. We had to follow instructions carefully. This week Armand has been learning to multiply a two digit number by a single digit. He thought that it was quite tricky and so did Ailsa and Xander. We are working on getting better at these. Emma P enjoyed reading for information to find out about Viking boats. Gerald the dog quite liked that too!!!! (Eric’s pet dog mascot!) We have been doing a writing assessment this week and Jade enjoyed it!! We are working hard to improve our writing by adding in more openers and connectives- tricky stuff but we are doing a good job. Alfie enjoyed his handwriting and we are all getting much neater with the presentation of our work. Mrs Balfour is impressed! Nearly everybody has started on their points homework. We are looking forward to having parents in some time in March to see all our our hard work on the Vikings.

P3: Cody’s Patience Was Tested This Week!

p3 making roman armour 034The whole class were put into pairs to work together making their Roman Armour out of paper.  In order to do this they had to use lots of different skills such as problem solving, cutting, measuring and sticking as well listening and talking which is a challenge to such a ‘quiet’ class!!


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Everyone produced super diary entries about ‘A Day in the Life of a Roman Slave’ especially Liam who nearly wore out his gym shoes as Mrs Sinclair kept sending him back  to up-level his diary entry.

Samantha liked doing the Roman Mosaic with Mrs Ferguson.  Mrs Sinclair looks forward to seeing these mosaics displayed around the school.

The Roman Mystery Helmet Solved!  –  Cody finally got her answer!

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Our helmet was loaned to us from a museum for our Roman Topic.


Other News & Requests

Paint Challenge

Can you paint from one side to the other using only two primary colours and white without repetition? I couldn’t!

The whole class enjoyed doing this challenge especially Isabel who worked very hard on her mixing skills to try and achieve this challenge. Please read this post next week to find out how she got on.

In maths we are learning our times tables.  Please spend a few minutes each day asking your child 2x & 3x table questions.


P5 Dress Down Friday!


On Friday we all dressed down in colours from the Kenya flag. As Euan is soon departing on his trip to Kenya to volunteer to help paint some classrooms in a school we put our hands in our pockets and raised a whopping £200. Such an amazing effort from everyone involved.

We look forward to hearing all of Euan’s stories upon his return.

Good luck Euan

From Miss Dunne and P5


P2/3’s weekly review  

In maths, some of us have been working on our addition and subtraction – including learning some other words which mean the same as add or subtract.  Meanwhile, some others have been learning times tables –  trying to learn to say our 2, 5, and 10 times tables.

Erin enjoyed the textbook exercise using her 10 times tables, while Carlos enjoyed learning more about his addition and subtraction, particularly the vocabulary used for add and subtract.


In Literacy, the Primary 3s were looking more at adjectives and trying to use them to create good descriptions.   Some of us have written stories about an alien.  We have also been thinking about our needs, what do we need to survive.

We also spent some time thinking about Miss Barr and we enjoyed making cards to send to her at this time, because we miss her so much and are hoping she makes it back to Bankton soon!


Learning Fact for Mrs Stewart:-

  • ‘subtract’ and ‘find the difference’ are both ways to say take away,
  • ‘total’ and ‘altogether’ are words used to tell you to add

Last week…

Alfie enjoyed taking part in gymnastics in PE this week. The girls and boys from Miss Henderson’s maths class have enjoyed learning about the 6x tables! We have had fun learning about how to measure with a ruler in maths. Katie enjoyed writing about her Viking travels! We made some blop pictures in French this week as well. Mitchell had fun making the Chinese dragons and hearing a song in Chinese. We have made some fantastic Viking jewellery at the start of the week – it got very messy! We also enjoyed our taster session of handball on Tuesday! Gabriel has enjoyed improving his handwriting this week.

Structured Play

Over the past few weeks, P1a have been working hard in the structured play area and have enjoyed dressing up in the role play area and using their imaginations with the small world castle.  Children also enjoyed using Jack’s magic beans at the maths table – counting, ordering and making shapes.

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P1 have been working hard this week to learn the number stories of 6.  To help us do this we were using skittles.  The children took turns to roll the bowling ball to see how many skittles they could knock over.  We then wrote down how many skittles were standing and how many had been knocked down to help us work out all the number stories of 6.  Luckily the children were much better at this than Mrs Lloyd and are becoming faster with their recall of thenumber stories for 6.  Josh was a bit worried that Mrs Stewart might drop in and see us having too much fun!!

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P3/4’s week at a glance

Two people from our class got through to the Scottish poetry competition final in school. Adam and Chloe B did a fantastic job reciting ‘The Coming of the Wee Malkies’. Adam was overall winner! Everyone in the class did a terrific job learning their poems and added lots of expression and actions.

We are busy learning about Vikings and enjoyed being Viking raiders in drama.

P3/4 also drew some lovely Viking Long Boats.dec-jan 15 030