Tag Archives: Team Building

Week One!

It’s been lovely to see all our pupils back this week!  The Draatsi class have been kept busy.

Last year’s P5s helped our new pupils to get to know both of their teachers by introducing them to one of their favourite games on the laptop, Blooket.  It was fast and furious fun!

They have also been looking carefully at their reflections and have drawn amazing self-portraits.  These will be displayed beside a Bio Poem they have been creating to help us get to know them better too.

They have been introduced to our class topic, Rainforests and Biodiversity and have listened to the blurb on our class novel.  The title yet has to be revealed but it’s a good one!

Time was spent thinking about our school rules – Ready, Respectful and Safe and the class worked on T Charts to help them record what this would look like and sound like in our class.

The good weather meant that we could spend time outside playing team building games together so we can get to know each other better and begin to work well, collectively, as a class.

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Team Building Fun

As part of our Health and Wellbeing lesson this week, we went outside to try a game that needed us all to work together to make the task work!  We had to pass around the ball, without letting it touch the ground or our hands.  It also had to touch everyone’s legs, no jumping over!  After a few tries, we quickly realised that we had to alter how we sat together and how we passed it on.  Our best time was 21 seconds!  I wonder if it will ever be beaten?
P.S.   Welcome back to Scarlett!

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