Tag Archives: SMUHA

3 Cheers for SMUHA!

Recycled Viking by Lucille

It’s been a busy week for all classes this week as we prepared for SMUHA!  We all made torches and helmets ready for today’s procession and galley burning.  Over the past few weeks, we’ve been creating a piece of artwork to decorate the hall.  We used recycled cardboard and paper to create a picture with a 3D look as we layered up the card.  These looked great in the Boddam Hall!

More great examples…

We got our picture taken beside the school galley.

Some P4/5 pupils had their shields chosen to go on the school galley.  Congratulations too, to Sophia and Lauren who had shields displayed on the main galley as well.  (Sadly, no photos were managed.)

Today we celebrated along with Leah, our Jarl, and the P7 Squad.  A great day was had by all!  Only a few photos were taken but we hope they give you a feel for the afternoon!

Until 2025….

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Three cheers for SMUHA

What a really special day we’ve had!  An excellent procession and galley burning this morning and a noisy Jarl Squad visit in the afternoon.  It’s just a shame that the later celebrations have had to be postponed.  Here are some photos from today … including Mascot Max!  He’ll be returning to the Children’s Parliament with some amazing stories to tell!

Max with our galley
Lining up to welcome our Jarl Squad.
A* for costume effort!
Max’s first torch procession!
Watching the galley burn.

Max’s first SMUHA!
It was great to see this P4 Viking and his Dad!
A shield design from 2020!
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Preparing for SMUHA! 🤞

The two snow closure days have stopped us doing some of our planned activities for our Viking themed SMUHA week.  However, we managed to prepare torches and helmets on Monday and got our photo taken with our school galley today, before we burn it tomorrow.  🤞

There was a production line going for torch making!
The Draatsis with the galley that’s been waiting to be burned since 2020!
And a silly one!

Just in time for SMUHA, the Children’s Parliament mascot, Max, arrived in the post!  We have to show him around our school and community so it’s perfect timing to bring him along tomorrow!

Our Investigators with Max in the snow!
Alec made him his own helmet for tomorrow!

In the afternoon, we made Viking heads using clay.  The class practised on Monday using plasticine and explored how to add to the base to make it look 3D and used the different clay tools to add texture and detail.  This really helped them create Vikings with lots of character!

All engrossed and busy! 😌
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