Tag Archives: Probability

Fun with Probability

We had an introduction to basic work on probability for something a little bit different this week, as we head towards the end of term.  Work in this area also takes in work on Fractions and Information Handling which we are looking at in class just now so the game ‘Blocko’ fitted in well!

Each pair were given a board with sections marked 2 -12 and 12 cubes.  They were asked to arrange the cubes in any way they liked.

Some chose their favourite numbers.
Some placed them randomly.
Some placed one on each number with one extra placed randomly.

They were then told the rules of the game and were given the chance to rearrange their cubes once they had been given the full instructions!  When two dice were rolled, the total of the two numbers would be shouted out and if they had a cube on that number, they could remove it.  The winners would be the first to remove ALL cubes and shout, “BLOCKO!”

Some were happy with their choices and chose to leave them as they were.  Others began to think about our introduction to probability and began to realise that some totals are more likely to be rolled than others, given the number of combinations that can make them.

Random placement but changed as the photo below shows.
This pair thought there would be more likelihood that the totals 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 would be thrown.

We had a couple of competitive games with everyone keen to be the first to remove all their cubes!

For our second run through, we recorded the results we got and displayed them in a Frequency Chart.  We discussed what this tells us about the probability of rolling certain totals and we talked about what surprised us.  We did not expect 3 to be rolled so often given that there is only one way to make it!

Blocko Frequency Chart

It was a fun Maths time! 🎲

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