Tag Archives: Playtimes

Mud Kitchen Progress!

What a surprise to come back to school to find that John has pieced together all the mud kitchen resources we sourced last term, many kindly donated by parents throughout the school and our staff members.  A HUGE thank you from P5/6!

We hope to begin playing with it next week, but first we are going to organise ourselves into friendship groups for playing, these will be swapped around so we get to play with different people.  We also want to decide on some rules and have time to organise the bits and pieces we’ll play with.

Because we want to quarantine the equipment between groups, another offer of a fish box or similar storage box would be great so we can split the equipment.

Finally, we have been drafting a letter to our Parent Council to see if they could help us purchase some waterproof suits that will help protect our clothing.

Here we are with the kitchen….so far!  John may have more plans for us!