Tag Archives: P.E.

Team Work

At several points during our day today, we’ve had to work well together as part of a team.  Our Class P.E. session saw us teamed up to play Ultimate Frisbee.  Our main focus during the game was to think about spreading ourselves out over the court, getting into good positions and calling to our team mates to pass.  We’ve been building up our “team playing” skills over the first few weeks and we’re getting better!

The afternoon saw us focus on what it means to be included or excluded and the feelings associated with this.  Some heartfelt stories were shared and while some of these were sad to hear, there were many more uplifting and humorous tales of inclusion, belonging and kindness being shown.  We also played a class team building game where every pupil was required to contribute in order for the task to succeed.  This led us on to thinking about what skills are needed during team tasks.  The children worked in cooperative groups to decide upon their “Diamond Nine” skills.  They demonstrated that they are developing good skills in this area!!