Our Health and Well-being work this term has centred around the safe use of medicines. This led us to find out about basic first aid techniques that should be carried out when minor injuries happen. Discussions naturally developed into what would happen if….? We decided to invite Andrew Best, a First Aid Responder, to talk to our class and to demonstrate what would happen in more serious situations.

We then had the opportunity to practise putting our partners in the recovery position.
Andrew and Jack then showed us what to do if the person wasn’t breathing. He talked us through making a 999 call and emphasised the importance of getting help quickly. We’ll talk more about this next week.
He talked us through giving CPR on adult bodies, children and babies. We all got to experience what this felt like using his dummies. We were surprised at how hard and deep you had to press down!
Andrew showed us how to use a defibrillator and we talked about where to find the nearest one to our school.
We would like to say a big thank you to Andrew and Jack. Everyone has hopefully learned some life long skills today and, who knows, maybe a spark of interest for some future careers has been lit!