Tag Archives: Cooperation

31 Playful Minutes

We are on our second week of our 31 Playful Minutes journey in P4/5.  It’s certainly a much looked forward to part of the week.  Please ask your children to explain to you why we are doing this each week, and why it is for31 minutes!

We plan to stick with our chosen ‘play’ choices for at least another week before deciding if we’d like to try one of the activities some of the others have been choosing or picking a different interest.

Below are some of the things we’ve enjoyed so far….

Always a hit!  Staff like to join in too!

A lovely, quiet area for building a Minecraft world.

Role play in the grocery shop.  They had some
tricky customers this week!

Crafts….from clay to stuffed pigs and paper bag people!

Following our own topical interests and presenting our findings however we choose.

Farms, trucks and tractors!  We even had a friend stop by who couldn’t resist a play!

We have already seen wonderful examples of sharing and cooperating together during these sessions.  Sometimes compromising can be hard at times but a playful environment is a wonderful way to work through these challenges.

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Last Day Of Term

What a busy two weeks we’ve had … but it’s been great! The planned activities have really helped the children settle and reconnect. Today, we finally were able to present our learning about life cycles. We started this piece of work during our biodiversity topic and were due to share our work when we started term 3. Sadly, this had to wait! The children worked in groups or individually, to research the life cycle of a living thing. They then had to display this information in an eye catching way. They worked very hard on this project, with great team work and cooperation. Although it was started a long time ago, I know they’d be keen for you to see their work!  Happy Easter and we look forward to seeing you all again in the new term!

The Fairy Wasp’s life cycle only lasts for a few days! Eveline shared so much information about this tiny insect.
She did a great job sharing her findings!
Fiona and Conor’s oak tree display was very eye catching and made good use of resources from outside too!
They told us that a fully grown oak tree can be 45m tall and as wide too!
This display was about the panda. It was simple but very effective!
Kayla and Roma had some difficult words to read and explain about the early stages of life for the panda. Well done!
This bright display was all about the flamingo.
Isla and Kathryn worked well as a team. Did you know a baby flamingo’s feathers are grey at the start of life?
Esther and Aiden worked on the life cycle of a cheetah. We heard how hard life can be for an adult cheetah so its life span is usually quite short.
Esther presented this on her own today and coped brilliantly.
Hannah and George found out about the pine tree. There are 126 species of pine tree with more being discovered all the time.
Here she is showing off her display.
Ethan’s was about the salmon. He wrote about 6 different stages in the cycle!
Leighton, Anders and Magnus found out about the life cycle of an eel. We realised there were a lot of similarities to the life cycle of a salmon.
Here they are presenting to the class. We liked how they made it look like the eel was emerging from the stones!
This display is about the life of an alligator. Did you know a baby alligator has a special egg tooth to help it escape from inside the egg?
This group did well to present their findings first!
Freya and Fearne confidently told us about their seahorse findings.
A newborn seahorse can be as small as 2mm in size! Ava helped this group when she was here too.