Down Syndrome Awareness Day

Dunrossness Primary School was decorated with odd socks this week ready for Down Syndrome Awareness Day!  Many pairs of odd socks, odd shoes and even bare feet were seen today!

We prepared a card and poem for one of our classmates to let her know how lucky we are to have her in our class.  We also learned to sign, ‘If classmates were flowers, we’d pick you!’

We watched a PowerPoint about Down Syndrome and did some activities that helped us realise we are more the same than different.

Finding classmates with the same interests as us.

We learned a lot of facts about Down Syndrome and many thoughtful questions were asked too.  Some we need to find out about but that’s what makes days like these so interesting for us all!  We all learn together!

We watched the song below and talked about its importance.  We decided that it shows just how many jobs a young adult with Down Syndrome can do and that everyone needs to be given a chance in all aspects of life.  We thought that this video can also link to life in school.  If one person is seen to be inclusive, that soon rubs off on all the others watching.

We’ve had a super day!
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Interfaith Scotland Visit

We had a great visit from Frances from Interfaith Scotland.  She brought two friends to tell us more about their faith.

Haikal told us about his Muslim faith and showed us pictures from his pilgrimage to Mecca where he and his family prayed around the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest shine in the Grand Mosque.

He showed us his prayer mat which keeps him clean while kneeling and sitting.  The top of the mat must point towards Mecca.  They used to use a compass to find the correct direction but it’s easier now with phones to tell you.

Some girls tried on a Muslim headscarf, a hijab.

Dhammara told us about the 5 Principles of Buddhism and told us about the meditation he does.

Some boys tried on the Islamic skullcaps and there was one Jewish cap.  They would be held on by clips.

Finally, we listened to the meditation bowl that signals when meditation can start and stop.

We really enjoyed answering and asking questions.  This is the perfect introduction for our RME work next term!

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3 Cheers for SMUHA!

Recycled Viking by Lucille

It’s been a busy week for all classes this week as we prepared for SMUHA!  We all made torches and helmets ready for today’s procession and galley burning.  Over the past few weeks, we’ve been creating a piece of artwork to decorate the hall.  We used recycled cardboard and paper to create a picture with a 3D look as we layered up the card.  These looked great in the Boddam Hall!

More great examples…

We got our picture taken beside the school galley.

Some P4/5 pupils had their shields chosen to go on the school galley.  Congratulations too, to Sophia and Lauren who had shields displayed on the main galley as well.  (Sadly, no photos were managed.)

Today we celebrated along with Leah, our Jarl, and the P7 Squad.  A great day was had by all!  Only a few photos were taken but we hope they give you a feel for the afternoon!

Until 2025….

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