French Pen Pals

During the October holidays Miss. Scanlan spent some time working in a French school in Cannes. At the start of the term, two teachers from this school returned to Scotland and Shetland to see how our schools differ to theirs.

One of the teachers, Yann Gueyffier, came into our class to share some information with us too. The pupils from P5/6 have agreed to become pen pals with the pupils in Yann’s class – we sent some information about ourselves back with Yann when he was leaving Shetland.

Yesterday, some of the pupils received video messages from their pen pals. There was much excitement in the classroom and we were all really impressed with their English. We will need to practice our French speaking before we are confident enough to send a video reply.

We will hope to send some seasonal messages through to the school before the end of term and are really hoping that we can continue to build our use of French through this activity.

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