Yesterday, Mrs Tait took advantage of the fine weather to take the children outside to work on science activities. They explored our nature garden and worked together to find examples of living and non living things. Back in the classroom, they sorted the examples they had found in different ways and recorded their findings. What a beautiful day to be outside, exploring and learning in our outdoor, school surroundings!
What a beautiful afternoon for our beach clean! It was a big task again this year and today, we just concentrated on picking up as much plastic as we could find. P1/2 worked hard and did a super job! Thank you to the parents who joined in too. Many hands make light work!
Today small groups have worked around different 2D shape stations. They were busy playing a shape game with Mrs Sutherland where they had to spot shapes in the environment. Some had to create and continue repeating patterns and in pairs, they worked on describing shapes for their partner to guess. The final station asked them to create 2D pictures and patterns on an iPad and count how many of each shape was used. Everyone enjoyed the Maths session today!
P1/2 were excited to prepare for advent by helping to create our Kindness Wreath. Each day, we read out a different act of kindness that it is hoped they will try to carry out at school. Please see your child’s diary for suggested acts of kindness that they could do at home during the weekends too! As well as our class wreath, each child received a note home asking them to contribute to our Food Bank on a given day. We are very grateful to you for supporting us with this.
The theme for National Poetry Day this year was, “Freedom”. In P1/2 we decided to look at the freedom we have to play and how fortunate we are to live where we do and have wonderful experiences right on our doorstep. This can clearly be seen in the beautiful photos sent in to help us with this! Thank you! The P1 children used their photo to complete the, “Freedom is…” sentence. P2 wrote acrostic poems to share their thoughts. The photos and poems are displayed in the dining area so please go and have a look when you are in for your parent appointments next week.
We also really enjoyed listening to the poem, “I Opened A Book” by Julia Donaldson and we have spoken about what the poem is trying to tell us about using our imaginations when we are reading. The class enjoyed sharing their favourite book with a talking partner and drew and wrote about where their imaginations take them.
What a super sports day! Primary 1/2 were so well behaved all day and waited very patiently for their turn to run. When it came to their events, everybody joined in and gave everything they had! I am so proud of all your achievements and Mrs Henderson would be too! Thank you to all those who came to support us throughout the day and cheer us on. We’ll all sleep tonight!
The end of term is fast approaching but we’re still busy working on our Maths. Some pupils had to work together to choose a starting number and write the following numbers in sequence. Then they had to work together to find the number that was half way between and mark it in a special way. That seemed to be the easy part! There was a lot of discussion and negotiations to be worked through first but we got there in the end.
The rest of the class were working out number problems and after being given a total to make, they had to find a partner who would help them make that total. They also had to choose the correct plus or minus sign to go with their sums.
I was called in at the end of P1/2’s Music lesson with Mrs Inkster today to listen to their beautiful singing and instrument playing. I was really impressed with how they were able to keep the beat! We had a few missing pupils today. We hope they are feeling better very soon!IMG_2072
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