On Monday we began our busy week of Viking activities in preperation for SMUHA on Friday. We made Viking pictures with Mrs Leslie, learned some traditional dance with Maria Leask, made torches, shields and helmets in our classroom. What a busy couple of days it has been! Keep checking our page to see what else P1/2 get up to this week!

P2 Peer Assessment

Each week, when we do our handwriting lessons, we ask all the children to look carefully at their work and decide how well they felt they achieved what was being asked of them.  This week, P2 worked together to check over the work completed by one of their peers.  This made them work with great care from the outset!  They looked at it together and spoke about what was good about the piece and picked out their best effort!  They then picked out a few letters that could be improved and, most importantly, said why and how this could be better.  They were very complimentary of each other and yet could identify sensible ways to improve! Good work P2.

Alien Invasion in P1/2!

We made aliens today for our soft start activity. Later on we described them to a friend to see if they could draw the aliens without seeing them first. They only had our descriptions to go by! It was quite tricky but everyone did so well!

Starting the Day

This morning, we started the day by adding watercolour paint on to our wax resist, night time sky.  Our pictures will accompany writing we’ll do based on the story, “The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark.” Everybody thoroughly enjoyed seeing the magical stars appear through the paint.  Somebody even said, “I wish we could start everyday like this!”  We look forward to experimenting with more colours as we finish our owl painting.

Show and Tell

On Tuesday, we had our last group of children sharing something they were proud of.

Yet again, P1/2 have shared a wide variety of things they are proud of and it was really interesting listening to all of the questions our audience had to ask them afterwards.

Scott showed us a model of Titanic that he made with his Dad. He said it was very tricky to make and paint.

Rohan told us that he has been learning how to play chess with his Papa. The class were very interested in how to play the game and Rohan did well to explain the aim of the game and all of the things you can do.

Kirsty told us how proud she was of her Granny’s knitting. She brought in photos of the different items made and we were treated to seeing them in real life too!

Scarlett showed us a little container she got recently which had chocolate inside!

Ella brought in a rosette and cup that she won at a horse riding completion. She loves the “running race” the best!

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