Today during Maths time, we have been exploring length. We have been measuring to show “longer than” and “shorter than”.
Today during Maths time, we have been exploring length. We have been measuring to show “longer than” and “shorter than”.
A big well done to Alexander who has been busy at home drawing around his body and adding in all the important parts he has been learning about in school! Not only did he write out the words in English, he also wrote them in Polish too! We are delighted Alexander brought this in to share with us. 😊
The theme for National Poetry Day this year was, “Freedom”. In P1/2 we decided to look at the freedom we have to play and how fortunate we are to live where we do and have wonderful experiences right on our doorstep. This can clearly be seen in the beautiful photos sent in to help us with this! Thank you! The P1 children used their photo to complete the, “Freedom is…” sentence. P2 wrote acrostic poems to share their thoughts. The photos and poems are displayed in the dining area so please go and have a look when you are in for your parent appointments next week.
We also really enjoyed listening to the poem, “I Opened A Book” by Julia Donaldson and we have spoken about what the poem is trying to tell us about using our imaginations when we are reading. The class enjoyed sharing their favourite book with a talking partner and drew and wrote about where their imaginations take them.
Source: I Opened A Book | Poetry | Scottish Poetry Library
This week, we have listened to the very popular Stick Man story by Julia Donaldson. We have sequenced parts of the story and have used it to help us revise some of our sounds. P2 have enjoyed making small books with pictures and writing. We have also been using parts of the story to help us with our number work. Today, we looked at the family tree picture in detail and started to draw our own black pen pictures. Sadly, it was too wet for us to look for our own stick men in the garden! Maybe tomorrow!
We love to hear how you are getting on with your learning out with the school too. We were delighted to be sent these photos of Georgia enjoying doing her capacity homework outside in the fresh air. Keep up the good work Georgia!
Primary 2 have been enjoying their quiet afternoons but are looking forward to helping P1 settle into full days next week. P2 have been reading in groups and working together on alphabet tasks. They’ve been really keen to start their spelling tests and dictation work … just like P2 last year and have been learning how we need to set this out in our jotters. They have worked together on practical capacity work in Maths and have been developing their estimation skills. Topic work has been centred around lessons on Our Body and we’ve been keeping our bodies fit in class PE.
Each morning, P1/2 start with a gentle activity to settle us in. Sometimes we focus on general motor skills, sometimes it’s a task to develop writing skills and sometimes activities that promote listening and attention. Today, we worked on fine motor skills to decorate our names by dabbing paint with cotton buds. We talked about our “Doing Hand”, “Helping Hand” and gave our “Sleeping Fingers” a soft pillow to hold on to! This aims to encourage a good pencil grip.
This week, everybody has worked on their cutting skills. Our hard work has been made into beautiful pictures that will be displayed outside our class. Scissor cutting takes a surprising amount of skill, patience and perseverance!
We are delighted to share our first class photo of the new Primary 1/2 class for this session! We are sure we are going to have a super year of fun and learning together.
This will be the last post of session 2016/17! We’ve all had a super year together. I look forward to having some of the P1 pupils back after the summer and I know they will help me settle the new P1 pupils in. Today has been a fun day at school…made all the better by some good news from Mrs Henderson!! We enjoyed a visit from Granny Smith who came in to play in the Teachers V Pupils netball match. Not sure she was much of an asset but it made us laugh!! Thank you for all the kind cards, messages and gifts I received today…very much appreciated. Thank you for your support and happy holidays everybody! See you on Wednesday 16th August!!