All posts by gw19sinclairpaula@glow

Ability Shetland E-PAtS April 2022

Ability Shetland Flyer E-PAtS April 2022

Are you a family caregiver for a child who has a learning disability, global developmental delay, is Autistic or on the ASD Pathway, aged 0-5 years?

If so, you might be interested in attending

Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS)

 E-PAtS is an 8 session group that provides sensitive support and information for families in the early years. All groups are delivered by a trained family caregiver and professional and cover:

Accessing services and supports

Emotional wellbeing and resilience for caregivers

Supporting sleep for children

Supporting communication

Supporting skills development

Positive approaches to behaviours that challenge

In E-PAtS you are always the EXPERT on your child. You will have the opportunity to work alongside other families to build on ways to support yourselves, your child and family.  You will never be judged or told what to do.

Starting Monday 25th April 2022 – 10am-12.30pm

If you would like to find out more about how you can take part please contact AbilityShetland to request further information:

Shetland Parasport Festival

Shetland Parasport Festival – Welcome Pack

In partnership with Scottish Disability Sport, I am delighted to announce that Shetland will be holding our first Parasport Festival in Shetland on Saturday the 26th of March at Clickimin from 10am-3pm.

Parasport Festivals are held across the country and aim at providing children and young people with a physical, visual or hearing impairments with the opportunity to try a range of new and exciting sports. It will be delivered by some of the best clubs and coaches available in Scotland. The sports on offer include; athletics, badminton, boccia, kayaking, rugby, swimming and much more.

The event is aimed at children and young people between the ages of 10 and 18 years old.

There will be no charge to the event.


Free online Parent course from the National Autistic Society –

Free online Parent course from the National Autistic Society –

Early Bird, Early Bird Plus and Teen Life.

Parents have to not have had previous training in these courses, have an autistic child or teen and be able to commit to 6x 2 hour sessions on line.

This is a fantastic opportunity for parents.,7P5UL,K75L10,VDKZ6,1





Early Learning and Childcare Registration Week 2022

Early Learning and Childcare Registration Week Poster 2022

ELC Shetland Guidance 2022-23

If your three or four year old has accessed up to 1140 of funded
entitlement the previous year, you do not need to register them
again and your previous weekly pattern will remain unless you
request to change by e-mailing or complete
the change of pattern form which will be emailed to you from your
setting during registration week

Family Fund

Family Fund Grants  


Family Fund – a charity that provides grants to families raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person – is calling for more families in Scotland to apply for a grant before February 2022.

Thanks to funding from the Scottish Government, we have grants available for essential items such as clothing, computer equipment, family breaks, domestic appliances or sensory toys and play equipment.

To find out more about Family Fund, what grant items are available, and who is eligible to apply, visit: