Goodbye and Good Luck

Today has been an emotional rollercoaster as we said  goodbye to a long standing member of staff,  Mrs Malcolm and all our P7 pupils.

The P7 pupils have been wonderful ambassadors for the school. They have grown into lovely young people who are a credit to themselves and the school.

A slideshow of their time at Bell’s Brae was shown during assembly today. Here you can see all the memories they have made while at Bell’s Brae.



Instrumental Concert

Yesterday afternoon our pupils in P6 and P7, who receive instrumental instruction in school, entertained their parents/carers and family members to a superb afternoon of music.   Thank you to all parents/carers for their kind donations which totalled £130.16!

The pupils are all extremely talented and their commitment and dedication to their instrumental instruction is obvious.

Big thanks to the instrumental instructors for the commitment and patience with all the pupils.

We hope you enjoy watching their performances.



Chinese Family Night

It was wonderful to see some of the P5 pupils and their parents/carers and family members  at the Chinese Family Night last night.

Three workshops were provided to give everyone the opportunity to try mask painting, calligraphy and using chopsticks.

Everyone was then entertained with a martial arts display, some Mandarin songs and a traditional Chinese dance.  It was lovely  to see how much the children have learned from their Mandarin lessons and how much enjoyment they have had.

Special thanks to Mrs Ying Zhang who has worked with the pupils in P5, P6 and P7. She is returning to China in July and we wish her all the very best.


P7 transition mornings

Both P7 classes have spent a morning up at the AHS this week. They all participated in cooperative learning activities with pupils from other Primary schools and they were supported by Secondary 2 AHS pupils. They had the chance to explore the building, meet new people and try out the lunches at the AHS. We have had super feedback from the pupils. 

P2 – There’s a sunflower in my supper

Pupils in P2 entertained parents/carers and family members this afternoon with their performance of ‘There’s a sunflower in my supper’.

Their colourful, well rehearsed, fun and engaging performance was enjoyed by all.  Through it they evidenced how hard they had worked, the knowledge they had gained and their many skills and abilities. They were certainly successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.  They should all be really proud of themselves.

P2n Assembly

This term P2n have been learning all about growing things.  Today they shared their learning with P1-4 at assembly.  They were certainly confident individuals as they all spoke  clearly to their peers.

We were all able to see and hear how much they have enjoyed their learning this term.  We saw their skills in listening and talking, reading, writing, singing, drawing, creating, singing and presenting.   They have carried out experiments and enjoyed being scientists.

Watch for yourself: