zoo | zoos | zoom | zoomed | zooming | zookeeper |
lazy | lazily | lazier | laziest | laziness | lazybones |
fizz | fizzes | fizzy | fizzed | fizzier | fizzing |
was | wasn’t | waste | wasted | washing | washable |
phase | phases | phased | phasing | multiphase | interphase |
cards | postcards | discards | flashcards | scorecards | placards |
easy | easily | easier | easiest | uneasy | uneasiness |
realise | realises | realised | realising | realisation | realisations |
Sound maps
We enjoyed working in our table groups to produce these sound maps. We had to use our bodies and voices to create different noises for each scene and then performed in front of the class.
p4b spelling
ring | rings | ringer | ringed | ringing | earrings |
bang | bangs | banging | banged | bangle | bangers |
sing | sings | singing | singer | singsong | singular |
rung | rungs | strung | sprung | wrung | overstrung |
sink | sinks | sinking | sinkhole | sinkable | unsinkable |
thank | thanks | thanking | thanked | thankfully | thanksgiving |
link | links | linking | clink | linked | hyperlink |
chunk | chunks | chunky | chunking | chunkier | chunkiest |
Growing cress
We have been looking at what plants need to grow and have discovered that cress needs sunlight. Our plants have all started to lean towards the window to get as much sun as possible.
P4b spelling
stem | stems | stemmed | stemming | system | systematically |
farm | farms | farmer | farmed | farming | farmhouse |
thumb | thumbs | thumbed | thumbing | thumbnail | thumbprint |
crumb | crumbs | crumble | crumbling | crumbliest | crumblier |
numb | number | numbers | numbered | numbing | numbness |
limb | limbs | limbo | climbs | climbing | climbed |
hammer | hammers | hammered | hammering | jackhammer | sledgehammer |
shimmer | shimmers | shimmered | shimmery | shimmered | shimmering |
summer | summers | summertime | summerhouse | summersault | summersaulting |
This week in P4a
This week we are monitoring and recording the growth of the cress seeds we planted last week.
Today we looked at the life cycle of a plant as well as discussing the germination process. We then worked a little bit of magic and initiated the germination process ourselves. We filled a plant pot with compost, popped in a sweet pea seed, covered it over gently with more compost, gave it a little water and put it in a warm place. We will be keeping a close eye on our seeds and looking out for signs of growth over the coming weeks. Keep an eye out for some photo’s to follow. When we have nice, healthy, established plants, each child can bring their sweet pea plant home.
This week our spellings are:
bang sing rung sink thank link chunk |
banger singer rungs sinker thankful linking chunks
bangles Singapore sprung unsinkable thanklessly interlinked chunkier
In maths we have been looking at the symbols for: greater than > less than < and equal to = and using these symbols to make some equations correct.
We will be moving on to looking at what function machines are and how they affect a given number. e.g. If my function machine multiplies everything I put into it by four, what numbers will I get if I put 6, 3, 9 and 8 into it?
Here’s a fun code cracking worksheet you could try: 01b – Function Machines – What is the secret code (Worksheet)
P4a spelling and some web links
P4a spelling lists for this week are:
farm thumb crumb numb limb hammer shimmer summer |
farmer thumbs crumble numbers limbs hammering shimmers summertime |
farming thumbnail crumbling numbing climbing sledgehammer shimmering summersault |
We have also been thinking about the need to look after our pets and what some of our roles and responsibilities might be. Here are a couple of additional websites you could use at home:
CBBC have a game called Furry Friends that promotes taking care of your pets.
There are a variety of videos from Howcast on Youtube that go into more detail on specific pet care. Here is one about Guinea Pig care.
Parts of a plant
We are learning about what plants need to grow and started off by looking at the different parts of a flowering plant. We have made some lovely labelled diagrams which explain the role of the four main parts – the roots, stem, leaves and flower.
Charlotte did a great job with hers!
Block 4 week 2
It was so lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces last week. Everyone looked refreshed and ready to learn after the Easter break.
We have a busy few weeks ahead of us and if anyone is keen to follow up on anything or do a bit extra at home here is a little bit more information.
This week P4a’s root word spellings for this week are:
Your child will have a personalised list on their iPad. Please feel free to practise these at home.
In science we are looking at plants. So far we have looked at naming the various parts of plants and flowers. We have been learning about different types of pollination; wind and insect pollination as well as self pollination and cross pollination. We’ve been ‘busy bees’ distributing pollen around the various flowers in our garden. (P4 you can tell your families how that worked) and we will continue to look at: Fertilisation and dispersal, What plants need, Plant adaptation and the life cycle of a plant.
We have been revising our times tables over the last couple of weeks and the children are doing really well – they beat me 10-1 in beat the teacher today!!!!
For the next couple of weeks we will be looking at missing number sums using all 4 number operations. Some examples:
23 + __ = 51
__ – 12 = 10
6 X __ = 18
42 __ 7 = 6
The children all have their Sumdog logins and should be able to access a wide range of maths (and literacy) activities from home.
Our pet monster stories are coming on beautifully and we can’t wait to share these with you.
Next week we are moving on to exposition writing and we are looking at an email that has been sent from a class of children to the local council.
We have been learning to use a thesaurus and we have been finding exciting synonyms for some standard everyday words. (e.g. nice)
In reading we have been exploring the difference between fact and opinion.
Our health and wellbeing focus is: Expect the unexpected and you should have all received an email with a flyer explaining all about this topic.
We are looking forward to a lovely final term in P4 and we will keep you updated over the coming weeks.
p4b spelling
cow | cows | cowboy | cowpox | coward | cowardly |
crowd | crowds | crowded | crowding | crowdedness | overcrowded |
frown | frowns | frowned | frowning | frowner | frowningly |
brown | browns | browned | brownie | brownies | browner |
house | houses | greenhouse | household | housekeeper | housewife |
round | rounds | around | rounders | rounding | roundabout |
count | counter | counted | counting | county | countryside |
shout | shouts | shouted | shouting | shouter | shouters |