All posts by Mrs Stevenson

p4b spelling words

star stars starry starting starring stargazer
grass grasses grassier grassland grasslands grasshopper
dismiss dismisses dismissing dismissed dismissal dismissals
sense senses sensible sensitive sensational sensitivity
intense intensely intensive intensify intensified intensifying
circle circles circled circling circular circular
lace laces lacing laced lacework lacewing
face faces facing faceless facings facelessness
science sciences scientist scientists scientific scientifically

P4 bake off

A huge well done to everyone who entered the Great Kingsland Bake Off! The entries were amazing and it was very difficult to choose winners. Thankfully, we had some help from Louise and the wonderful bakers at Forsyths.

Our prize winners were:

P4a – 1st Rosie, 2nd Jackson, 3rd Matthew and Alistair

P4b – 1st Allan, 2nd Rory, 3rd Beth and Lola

long I spelling

light lights flight lighthouse lightning enlightening
sight sights sighted sighting unsightly sightseeing
high higher highest Highland Highlands highway
kind kinder unkind kindest kindness unkindness
mind minds mindful reminded reminder mindfulness
find finds finding finder findings viewfinder
sign signs signed signing signpost signature

spelling long I sound

shine shines shined shiny shining sunshine
like likes likable likely unlikable unlikely
smile smiles smiling smiled smiley unsmiling
white whiter whiten whiteness whitened whitening
write writes writer writing writers unwritten
try tries tried retry trying triceratops
rely relies relied relying reliable unreliable
cry cries crying cried crier outcry