All posts by Mrs Stevenson

p4b spelling

car cars scar cartoon cardboard carnivore
star stars starting started starring starvation
door doors doormat doorbell doorstop doorknob
floor floors floored flooring floorboard floorboards
fur furs further furry furniture furthermore
hurt hurts hurting hurtled hurtful hurtfully
stir stirs stirred stirrer stirring stirringly
firm firms firmly firmer firmest infirmary

p4b spelling

right rights bright fright frighten frightened
rush brush rushes crush rushing rusher
write writer writes writing written handwriting
wrong wrongs wrongly wrongful wrongfully wrongfulness
wrap wraps unwrap wrapped wrapper wrapping
marry marries married marrying remarry marriage
arrest arrests arresting arrested arrester rearrested

P4b spelling

zoo zoos zoom zoomed zooming zookeeper
lazy lazily lazier laziest laziness lazybones
fizz fizzes fizzy fizzed fizzier fizzing
was wasn’t waste wasted washing washable
phase phases phased phasing multiphase interphase
cards postcards discards flashcards scorecards placards
easy easily easier easiest uneasy uneasiness
realise realises realised realising realisation realisations

Sound maps

We enjoyed working in our table groups to produce these sound maps. We had to use our bodies and voices to create different noises for each scene and then performed in front of the class.

p4b spelling

ring rings ringer ringed ringing earrings
bang bangs banging banged bangle bangers
sing sings singing singer singsong singular
rung rungs strung sprung wrung overstrung
sink sinks sinking sinkhole sinkable unsinkable
thank thanks thanking thanked thankfully thanksgiving
link links linking clink linked hyperlink
chunk chunks chunky chunking chunkier chunkiest

P4b spelling

stem stems stemmed stemming system systematically
farm farms farmer farmed farming farmhouse
thumb thumbs thumbed thumbing thumbnail thumbprint
crumb crumbs crumble crumbling crumbliest crumblier
numb number numbers numbered numbing numbness
limb limbs limbo climbs climbing climbed
hammer hammers hammered hammering jackhammer sledgehammer
shimmer shimmers shimmered shimmery shimmered shimmering
summer summers summertime summerhouse summersault summersaulting

Parts of a plant

We are learning about what plants need to grow and started off by looking at the different parts of a flowering plant.  We have made some lovely labelled diagrams which explain the role of the four main parts – the roots, stem, leaves and flower.

Charlotte did a great job with hers!

p4b spelling

cow cows cowboy cowpox coward cowardly
crowd crowds crowded crowding crowdedness overcrowded
frown frowns frowned frowning frowner frowningly
brown browns browned brownie brownies browner
house houses greenhouse household housekeeper housewife
round rounds around rounders rounding roundabout
count counter counted counting county countryside
shout shouts shouted shouting shouter shouters

meet my monster

We have had great fun this week creating our own story books all about monsters. We have each made a pet monster, given it a name and started writing about what happens when the monster follows us to school one day. Surprisingly, things don’t go very well! We will hopefully share some of our finished stories soon.