All posts by Mrs Stevenson

Coal mining

We enjoyed being coal miners today and didn’t realise how tasty coal was!

We each had a chocolate chip cookie which represented a piece of the Earth and drew a habitat which grew on top of our piece of Earth. We then used a tooth pick to ‘mine’ the ‘coal’ out of our cookie.

We compared the Earth before and after mining and tried to put it back to how it was before we dug all the coal out – but it was impossible!

We decided the only way to tidy up was to eat the mess we had created!

short e spelling

bread breads breading breadstick breadwinner breadcrumbs
spread spreads spreading spreader spreadable spreadable
health healthy unhealthy healthier healthiest healthcare
breath breaths breathe breathing breathless breathes
earth earths earthly earthlings earthquake earthquakes
dread dreads dreaded dreading dreadful dreadlocks
thread threads threaded threading rethreaded threadbare
leisure leisurely leisurely leisurewear leisurewear leisurewear

Sign language

The main character in our class novel, Max, is deaf and we have been thinking about how people can communicate if they can’t hear. Our challenge this week is to learn how to sign our name using sign language. Why don’t you have a go?

sound of the day – mmmmmm

Seren came up to visit us today with some amazing ice cream and explained how she picked a winner. She told us that after looking through all of our ideas she got it down to a short list of 3 and then picked the one she wanted to make. The winner was Allan!

Allan’s ice cream was Chocolate Raspberry Delight.

It took 2 days to make the ice cream as all the ingredients had to be mixed together and cooked before they were frozen.

Seren then delivered our tubs of ice cream and we got to taste the finished result. It was DELICIOUS! Thank you Seren!

short e spelling

ten tens tennis tender tension detention
enjoy enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoyment enjoyable
peck pecks pecked pecker pecking woodpeckers
well wells unwell swelling wellbeing wellingtons
under thunder underpants underwear understanding underneath
bend bendy bending unbending mindbender unbendable
shed sheds shedding wished woodshed extinguished
mess messy messing messed message messenger

short a spelling

back backing backchat backstab backwards backstabber
chat chats chatter chatted chatting chatterbox
trap trapper trapped trapping trapdoor mousetrap
stamp stamps stamped stamping stampede stampedes
park parks parking parked parker parkland
path paths pathway footpath psychopath sympathetic
gang gangs ganged ganging gangster gangplank

Ice cream creations

We had great fun last week designing and drawing some different flavours of ice cream for art. They looked so tasty that Mrs Stevenson got in touch with Seren at Flower of Milk and she has offered to choose one flavour and make it into ice cream that we can then all taste. Super exciting!!

We have each created one flavour which we had to name, draw and describe and Seren will pick a winner.