All posts by Miss Finlayson

What did we enjoy learning this week?

Primary 2 learned about Science in Art and we had so much fun doing it.

We learned that when something is coloured in with oil pastel and then liquid touches it there is no mixing – the wax in the oil pastel is resistant to the liquid! ( Wax Resistance).

We were amazed to try this out again and again and find that the wash of paint never mixed with our oil pastels.

We are also learning how to join up some letters in handwriting. The challenge is to try to write words with these joins in them now……….

It has also been fun filling in our Weather diaries this week as the weather has changed so much throughout the day and this has given us a lot to talk and think about. It has really made us think about the dangers of weather and how we need to prepare for different types of weather in our everyday lives.


Being a good audience

Primary 2 have been learning about what it takes to be a good audience member. We have listened carefully to other people performing their poems and songs. We especially enjoyed listening to children who were learning to play musical instruments.


The pipers were very good at playing the whole school into the hall for Scottish Afternoon. It made some of us feel good, excited and proud.


Congratulations to all the poetry winners and musical performers. We had a fantastic afternoon !

Scots poems

Primary 2 have been working very hard in class this week and they have been learning 2 Scots poems.

They have tried to work out what the Scots words mean.

Everybody will choose one of the poems to learn and add actions to it.

Creative calendars

Primary 2 would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



We have been thinking ahead to 2019 when we designed our night and day calendars. They are all so colourful and each one is different. We have enjoyed looking at each others lovely art work.

Buzzy Bees

We made Funnybones themed pictures to go under the Beebot mats then we had to try to avoid bumping into them  when we programmed the Beebots. This was helping us to develop our mapping skills. P2B added pictures to the Beebot covers then shared their work with P2A. Then we all worked together and enjoyed trying to avoid bumping into objects as we travelled around the maps.


Sew easy


Primary 2 have been learning how to sew.


We have made these amazing collages with Mrs Finnie and we had to learn how to be very patient when the thread kept coming out of the needle.


We transferred the skills we had learned in this Art lesson when we made our Christmas crafts for the Fair.  We made pretty Christmas tree decorations and we sewed all around the edges of the trees.






This week we have been busy drawing maps in Primary 2.

We have drawn a map of our journey to and from school ( real ).

We also drew an imaginary map about Mr.  Grinling’s home. We added a key of symbols to this map to make it easier for other people to read.

We have been on an imaginary aeroplane trip around Peebles using Drone footage. This was really exciting. We spotted the bridges, the River Tweed and our school.