Where has another week gone? We had so much fun this week it flew past.

We have had a daily visitor who first appeared during a rhyme lesson so we now call him pleasant the pheasant.


In science we explored the sense of touch. Investigating sense of touch with and without barriers, and then creating in pairs our own texture boards.

We have continued to engage with reading groups, exploring sequencing events of the story. In numeracy we continued addition and subtraction and completed length in measure.

What’s that smell?

This week we have been focusing on our sense of smell. Mrs Scott delivered a bag to our door and we were so excited because we thought it was a delivery of food! We had to use our nose to smell the lid of the container and try to guess what was inside.

We were very good and got some of them right first time. For example cinammon and perfume. Others were not so easy – like garlic and hand sanitiser.

We looked at rhyming words for hen, nap, nut and lid this week in Rhyme and Analogy. We are really very good at recognising the sound pattern and what the words look like.

This week we had to vote whether to make a class dragon or a dragon house with our shoe boxes. The votes were very close but, the dragon house won. So, we have made a start on the dragon houses this week and we had great fun with the paints.

In Writing we thought hard about what Flicker the dragon looks like in our novel. Then we drew it, labelled it and followed our structure for writing a description. The fun bit was writing the evaluation and we are very good at that.

We have been learning about how to be more resilient when things get choppy on the river of life. We made boats and chose some things to take with us that help us to be more resilient. We were so happy to see them displayed in our room.

We have also been thinking about our 3 school rules. Can you remember them?

A busy week

This week we started to create our shoe box dragon in line with our novel study, The boy who grew dragons.


We explored our sense of hearing, learning about the ear and how sound-waves are transmitted to information in the brain.  We also explored some basic British Sign Language to understand communication of the deaf.

There was lots of fun to be had measuring with various tools and exploring standard and non standard units of measure.

Eye eye!

In Primary 2 we have done quite a mixture of learning this week.

We moved on to learning about parts of the ear in Science but, we have to do some more exploring of the ear next week.


We still had some Art work to do with the eye. So, we used 2 different types of media for this. First of all we thought about what we can see with our eyes and we made this picture with coloured pencils and black fine line with felt pen.

Next we made an eye collage with material. We thought this looked like an easy activitiy but, we had to do lots of problem solving and we had to work hard to make our cutting neat and accurate. It was fun using the tiny material scissors to cut through the fabric.

We had fun comparing and contrasting our two styles of eye Art.

We also made our Christmas card designs even though it is still September! We really enjoyed listening to  the Christmas music as we designed them.

In practical Maths we measured objects with straws and small cubes. It was fun being active in our learning and using different things to measure with.

Our teacher modelled some writing for us this week and our focus was on a best friend. We had already made a labelled plan and this helped us when we wrote on the lined paper. Although we find writing challenging we are so proud of ourselves when we read it over at the end and look at the lovely handwriting we have too.

We are going to add the last line to our writing on Monday. Then it will be fun to share our writing with our friends.

We have been becoming more creative in our play this week and we have been using our imaginations to add some props to the dragon models and making our own maps for the cars.


We did a whole class vote for Recycling rep and we are looking forward to getting started in our new roles of responsibility.

Yet another busy working week for Primary 2. Well done everyone!

Busy week in p2

We have had a very busy week in p2.

We have explored designing our own gardens in art and with loose parts in relation to our novel study.






We explored subtraction through games, e.g., snakes and ladders in reverse and using playing cards.





We explored our sense of smell this week in science. Scents we like and don’t like, as well as trying to guess the scent.

We have also been learning about rhyming words, practising our handwriting of focused letters and reading.

This week was our first assembly which the children really enjoyed. They explored resilience and preparation skills of climbers in the olympics and how they can relate to when we are facing challenges.

Well done P2. Have a lovely weekend 🙂

A fun learning week in P2 !

We have been working very hard this week. Our new book for

Rhyme and Analogy is,” Scat, cat!” and our focus for rhyming patterns are :  at  in   ed  and og. We have been trying very hard to read along with the story, find the rhyming words on the page then think of others we know.


Can you find these rhyming patterns in books you read or signs you see at home?

We have been thinking about being good friends for HWB and also how we can be kind and caring towards others. We made friendship bracelets. Our first attempt with wool was a little tricky so, we tried an easier version with paper the next day. We were pleased with both designs.

For our senses work this week we explored smelling and it was fun smelling the different smells in the jars. Some of our guesses were quite close but, the onion salt had us puzzled – we thought it was crisps. That one had a strong smell and made our noses twitch!

In our play we have been having a great time exploring sight and making funny glasses. We have enjoyed being very creative in our designs. Maybe we have some opticians in the making!

We were so excited to discover what was in the box Mrs Little had dropped off. It was a box of dragons and dinosaurs and we had so much fun playing with them. Maybe next week we will get very creative with them in our play.

For our writing this week we spent a lot of time exploring describing words, looking very closely at the character of Tomas in our class novel and then drawing what we thought he looked like. We found the coloured picture on the cover gave us the most clues about what Tomas looks like.

We have been measuring with cubes today and we have started to have a guess   (  estimate)  measurements. Some of us have found it hard to understand that our guess can be quite different from the actual measurement.

Can you find anything at home that you think measures 15 cubes?

Thank you to everyone who has brought in a shoe box. A big thank you to Miss Muir who has been collecting boxes for all 3 classes!


Next week we might find out what we are going to do with the shoe boxes!



What did we learn this week?

Another busy week for P2/3.

We made paper chain dragons and it feels like we are in China in our classroom!

We observed, touched and smelled real dragon fruit. Then we did observational drawings and colour studies of the dragon fruits. We were amazed by them. They looked like they were from Outer Space. inside the runny juice looked like beetroot juice!


The fun part was tasting the dragon fruit and getting it all over our faces. It looked really funny when we looked at each other. We looked like clowns!


We also made a graph of our eye colours.


The school garden

Hello Primary 2!

We were very pleased over the summer to see all of the seeds growing that we sowed in Primary 1.

Earlier this week we harvested the courgettes and passed them to Mrs Clyde in the kitchen. Mrs Clyde and her team cooked them for us today and we ate them with the chicken tikka at lunchtime. They were delicious!

Mrs McGilp and Mrs Collins